Page name: Halloween High [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-04 03:02:32
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 11
D20: 12
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Halloween High

Plot: Yea I took the basic thing from from the halloween town disney movies to make this. Pretty much its based on a school very much like Xavier's school for mutants cept this school is for mutants, creatures, monsters, whatever you want and yes even humans can tend this school. Yea i know this may seem pointless but this has a point!
Mainly the point is the town you live in or its called in the movie Halloween Town is under the threat of being taken over by evil forces and its residents forced into slavery for the dark lord. its up to the characters to band together and try and stop this force. now you can be either good or evil and yes your character may switch sides whenever

The school is funded by Lyra's father not outside sources! so stop assuming that!

Rules:[ya always need em]
1. You can be whatever you want
2. You can be whomever you want
3. No character is all powerful
4. Any sex is to under-detailed or put in here ----> Dirty Secrets of the halls
5. Please use this to fill out ur character info:

Student or Teacer:
Powers [if any]:
Affiliation [good or evil]:
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]:
[pic is optional]
6. be as many people as you want just dont get em confused
7. invite people dammit
8. you can get fired or kicked out of this school duh but you can get rehired or re-enrolled


More rules as i see fit


Name: Lyra Svendora
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Student or Teacer: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Mutant but is really a witch her friends and family always said she was a mutant so she believed them
Powers [if any]: she has healing abilities, she can read minds, phase through objects, she can also raise the dead and work with dark or light magic, spells and spellbooks and she can make and use potions
Affiliation [good or evil]: Good but does have a tiny evil streak in her
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]: her father built and funds the high school, also she used to go to a witch/wizard school with Sirius and the others but there she kept mainly to herself she was taken out of the school by her father when halloween high was built and open

Name: Gackt Camui
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Student or Teacher: Teacher
Grade: graduated
Race: vampire
Powers: vampire powers, seductive voice, mind reading
Affiliation: evil
History: he was recently turned into a vampire he's still tryin to get used to it

Username: [wolvie]
Name: Sirius Black :D (just to switch things up :D)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Student or Teacher: None he's graduated but not a teacher
Grade: graduated
Race: claims to be a mutant but is really an epic wizard of epicness
Powers [if any]: he can turn into a dog at will
Affiliation: Good
Other Info: He can transform from human to dog at will he's been in prison for years for a crime he didn't commit, he was accussed and convicted of murder and has lived the last 15 years in prison but recently escaped and now he lives outside of halloweentown high, eating rats and trying to find the man responsible for sending him to prison
<img:> human and dog form

Name: Remus Lupin
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi sexual
Student or Teacer: Teacher
Grade: a teacher so clearly graduated
Race: werewolf
Powers: he's a werewolf so werewolfish powers
Affiliation: Good duh :D
Other info: he's one of the schools defensive teachers trying to teach the kids how to better control and defend themselves. Due to what he is remus tends to get depressed very easily possilby more info coming later :)
<img:> <--Remus is the non pink wolf xD

[Slytheirn Snitch Seeker]
Name: Leion Flamel
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bi
Student or Teacher: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Wizard
Powers [if any]: He can cast spells, and his learning to control the elements, and can make potions.
Affiliation [good or evil]: He's new and just got here, so not sure
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]: His family has been knowen for there magic for years, his grate grate grate grandfather was born with out any magic and they gave him up. His family with magic soon died after, and every one thought his family was ead for years till he was born with the ablity to do magic. He's been studding with humans till now.

Username: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Jerimiah KAzinoth
AGe: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Student or Teacher: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Werewolf
Powers: Ummm SEe race
Affliation: Good
Other info: Jerimiah is one of Lyra's best friends, though he's quite brash at times...she's the one who keeps his temper in check. thing he keeps secret from the fact he's in love with her, or rather has a crush on her.

[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Abigail Lila
Student or Teacher: Student
Powers [if any]:She has a control over spiders...And also can change her size between 2" and 5'3".
Affiliation [good or evil]:Good.... Mostly
Other info: Her mother was a pixie (she was 2" tall) and her father was a fairy. How she came to be is really a mystery, it's just assumed that her father was able to shrink, or her mother grow... No one really knows. She showed up on her aunts doorstep after being born. Her aunt, a fairy, had always wanted kids, but never could have any, so she took Abigail in and raised her as her own. Abi is very spunky and fun, changing sizes at every turn because she hasn't quite gotten the hang of her power yet.

Username (or number or email):


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2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles "great thing about bein a vampire i can use this seductive power to get myself out of it"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara popped out from nowhere and poked Max in the side. "Boo!"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, "That'd be useful" he says then heads for the bathrooms

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods following after him "it can be"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles then points his wand at one of the toilets, making it explode

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back and chuckles

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius makes all of the toilets explode then hears the principal comin, "Uh-oh"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt hops up on a sink "here give me your hand we can sneak out the window"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, taking Gackt's hand

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles helping him out of the window then starts to climb out of the window

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius looks around, "hurry"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt finally manages to climbs out the window landing on his ass "ow my butt" he chuckles "damn my shortness"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius chuckles, "Wow that was smooth"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles and sticks his tongue out "bite me"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes his head, "No thank you"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max and james jumped with a yelp and looked at Akara. "HEY!" they both said

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt stuck his tongue out

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius shifts to his dog form and starts chasing his tail for the hell of it

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles at him

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: [Kait??? I replyed back XD]

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius stretches then sniffs around and frowns

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt tilts his head "you ok?"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: [XD Sorry, virus remember? So did this one get restarted or just continued? ]

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, "just got a weird scent"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: [Restarted.]

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [restarted :D]

Gackt "what kind?"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: [Mkay then, Max does our old deal still stand?]

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: [Ummmmmm what was the old deal XD]

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: [dead? :D]

Sirius shrugs, "Not sure I've never smealt it before"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: [Lol a long time ago you were begging me to hurry up and join this and I said "ok but only if you'll be my best friend" XD]

Akara hugged Max. "Damn, you've gotten tall since the last time I saw you"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: [XD oks]

Max rolled his eyes, "I know right, and your jelous cause you used to be taller." He hugged her back

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "maybe we should check it out? or ignore it?"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius debates, "ignore it"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara smiled, "I decided I should at least catch one year at an actual school instead of homeschool. So here I am."Guess I'll tell him the truth later...

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "works for me"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her, "Lier."

James, "Ummm hello Akara nice too see you. I'm just going to go in stead of being the thrid wheel." He waved and walked away

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius nods and yawns a little

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "go on to bed fool"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara blushed. "Nu uh. Total truth."

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Is not spill." He leaned on the stair rail

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara sighed "I'll tell you later, Max. We're in school..."

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Do I have to?"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "Your point tell me or I ummmmm wount talk to you for a week or show you around."

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "arent you tired?"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara looked at him "Max, if I tell you, you'll freak out and make a scene."

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "Will not so tell."

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, "I am but still"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "but still what?"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara looked down. "The real reason I'm coming here is that my parents died, Max."

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and blinked he hugged her

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara hugged him tightly, blinking back tears

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max rubbed her back, "It;s ok."

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara sniffed and sighed "Shouldn't we be getting to class or something?"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "I dont know I just woke up, and its after lunach." :D

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara rolled her eyes "Typical Max. So do you wanna just skip the rest of the day? Take a walk or something?"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "Sure what ever."

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara smiled a bit, "Well, you're the one who knows his way around here, you lead the way"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I know my way from me room to the lunch room, libary and art room. Not sure if I know any where else." He chukled

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara rolled her eyes, "Lets just go to your room then,"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and walked up the stiars

2010-03-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [hmmmmm]

2010-03-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra read in her room

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius yawns, "Still don't want to go to bed"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "yea but your ass is sleepy now go" he chuckles "dont make me put you over my shoulder and make you"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Akara walked beside Max

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max whisled as he walked

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara smiled and walked with him

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: When they came to a door Max opened it and walked in, "My room."

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara followed him in.

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max sat at his desk chair

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara sat on Max's bed and looked at him

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius tilts his head a little then shrugs, shifting back to normal, "K I'm going I'm going" he says and heads for bed

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles and heads to his own room

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walked out her room and went for a walk around the school

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius lays down and yawns

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walks more

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra hummed as she walked to the courtyard

Gackt sits up to look through his teaching plans

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra sang softly as she walked

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra sat in the courtyard and opened a book

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walked out to the courtyard and saw Lyra.

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled as she read her book

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walked down the steps and walked around the courtyard.

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius curls up, falling into a light sleep

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra looked up momentarily then back to her book

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra hummed as she walked

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra looked at her watch "huh i should get back to my room"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra hummed as she walked

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra stretched "but i really dont want to"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra jumped over a rock.

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra looked over at Andra

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius falls into a light troubled sleep

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra back over the rock again.

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt gets up and walks outside.

Lyra tilts her head

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra ketp jumping over the rock again and again

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "havin fun?"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Just bored."she said as she jumps over the rock.

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nods "i see"

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes slightly and accidently forces Lyra to change into a puppy dog

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra o.o -,- "Im a puppy"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra looked at Lyra,"Puppy!"she giggles

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled at Akara

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara smiled back and blushed

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra turns herself back to normal "better"

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Why the blushing?"

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara blushed more "I dunno,"

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and rolled his eyes

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Awww no puppy."

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara smiled

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Keep blushing your almost to a tomatow shade." He joked

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra chuckled "yea but im not a puppy"

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara laughed. "Well you're blushing too,"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Shame." she jumped over the rock again.

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I always have red checks you know that."

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara rolled her eyes and threw Max's pillow at him

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max caught the pellow and smiled at her

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara chuckled

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "SO how you like school so far???"

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara shrugged "This is my first day"

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and nodded

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara, "How about you, how do you like it here?"

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: MAx shugged, "I like it and its better that you and James are here."

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara smiled "I'm glad you like it,"

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra stuck her tongue out

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra giggles

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "im a better not puppy"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Depends on who you ask."she giggles

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra sticks her tongue out

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra giggles

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "so whatcha doin out here?"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra shrugged,"Cause I am bored."

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nods "I see ok then"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Yep."she jumped over the rock again.

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "fun rock?"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"It's something to do."

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nods "this is true"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra nodded,"So why you out here?" she jumped over the rock again.

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "reading its quiet out here"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Tis true."

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nods "though its nearing curfew"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"We have a curfew?" she laughes.

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "yes we do its to ensure students are inside by a certain time not following the rules can result in being expelled"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Sweet."

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius sighs, sitting up after a few minutes of sleep

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "You want to be expelled?"

Gackt sat quietly in his room "ugh i cant sleep"

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius gets up, rubbing his eyes sleepily then heads outside for some fresh air, hoping it'll help him sleep

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Anything to get me out this place."

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "ugh" he gets up and heads outside

Lyra shrugs

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius sighs, looking around for a sec before pulling out an old cigarette pack and lighting one with a sigh of relief

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt decides to head off for a walk lighting up a cig as he walks.

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius leans on a railing, smoking and looking around sleepily

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: James walked out side

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles then decides to go bug random people he hops up next to sirius "hey there"

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara looked at Max, "You didn't look so surprised when I told you about my parents,"

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "was i suppose to be? my father is dean of the school nothin much surprises me"

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius jumps, acidently dropping the cig on his chest then wincing and brushing it away, "Don't do that"

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "sorry" he offers one of his cigs "want one?"

2010-03-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra shrugged as she jumped over a rock.

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nods and goes back to her book

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged.

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara chewed her lip

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I dont know why I wasnt."

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius looks at it, not accepting it yet, "Why're you offering me one your a teacher" he says raising a brow

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara got up and hugged Max

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs "you're old enough to smoke and god the teachers here are so stuck up"

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max hugged her back

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara smiled "I missed you Max,"

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Missed you too."

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius nods then takes the cig, "Thanks" he says and starts looking for his lighter

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods lighting it for him "there ya go"

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara hugged him tightly "I'm so sorry, I tried to keep in touch.."

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "Its ok."

[Dude I want a teacher like Gackt]

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara let go and sat back on the bed

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [we all do XD]

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled at her

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles a little, "Thanks" he says and yawns before taking a drag on the cig

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled back "havin trouble sleepin?"

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara smiled back

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max yawned

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius, "ALways do" he says, flicking some ashes away

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara, "Tired?"

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Yeah."

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara, "Go to sleep,"

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "why?"

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius shrugs, "I'm not sure but it's misserable"

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: MAx, "Your on me bed >.<"

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "i could probably give ya a good night's rest"

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius looks at him, "How? and no I'm not interested in anything sexual if that's what your trying to hint at"

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara chuckled and yawned "That didn't stop you when we were kids. I'm too lazy to go to my own dorm."

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and got up and layed down

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt -,- "why does everyone assume i wanna fuck if i want that i'll go to someone more willing gah and its just an old vampire trick thats all"

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara hid under the covers. "see, like I'm not even here"

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "Lazy."

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius shrugs a little, "What kind of trick would that be?"

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara giggled and popped her head back out, resting it on half of Max's pillow.

2010-03-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "its not an old trick just try some warm milk or soothing ocean sounds cd" he shrugs like he's even my type >.<

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max layed by her and yanwed

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara yawned and closed her eyes

2010-03-02 [WASHACKED]: Max fell to sleep

2010-03-02 [Silverline]: Akara fell asleep and snuggled against Max in her sleep

2010-03-02 [wolvie]: Sirius shrugs, "Tried both didn't do shit"

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