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Kingdom Hearts (PS2) [Logged in view]
2011-09-16 18:03:49
# of watchers: 2
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9.0 out of 10
Is Kingdom Hearts an unlikely success, or is it actually the biggest sure thing in this generation of videogames? After all, while the concept is one that raises a few eyebrows at first glance -- a Square-styled fantasy adventure starring almost nothing but Disney cartoon characters? -- the potential of the idea starts to show through. And Square has indeed realized vast amounts of that potential, using the wealth of characters available here and applying industry-leadi
ng production values to create an amazing entertainment.
To be sure, this is a game that succeeds in spite of its flaws. It succeeds in spite of some of the biggest flaws that a game has ever succeeded in spite of. It has a 3D camera that has to be seen to be believed, and a difficulty level tilted well beyond what players are probably expecting from what has been pegged as a "kid's game." There are times when even dedicated gamers and RPG fans will grow quite painfully frustrated, and that's even before getting to the really nasty bits.
But what a wealth of character this game has! Designs new and are brought to life by brilliant 3D modeling and animation, creating perhaps the most effective rendition of a cartoon world on a console, and while there's plenty of lighthearted humor in evidence, the subject matter is often pitched at quite a serious level. Both halves of the unlikely pair have contributed the best they have to offer, and the result is something that will hopefully take hold enough for it to receive the audience it deserves.
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Indeed, I found this entire game quite impressive. For something with a goofball camera like this to nevertheless remain a compelling action-RPG requires some substantial assets in other areas.
Kingdom Hearts assuredly has those assets. It's hard to properly express the coolness of this game's setting and presentation to someone who hasn't dove right into it. Donald Duck gets flattened by Yuffie the ninja slamming the door as Squall and Sora bash Heartless out of second-story windows -- thoroughly unlikely, yes, but doesn't it sound cool? Well, perhaps not to some, but if so, they're not geeky enough to be reading this, and are hence advised to go find some other website.
The game as a whole shows some loose ends hanging here and there, things like that Gummi Ship that just don't seem to justify their existence properly. Given the size of this project, though, the number of disparate elements needing to be crammed together, and the huge variety of cooks stirring the soup from both the Square and Disney sides, it's amazing that this has a single end sewn up tight, never mind that it turned into such an engaging adventure. If you like Square, or if you like Disney, or if you'd just like to check out an impressive action-RPG, Kingdom Hearts should be at the top of your list this fall.

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