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[~SwEeT n CrAzY16~]: yeah can you guys believe what heidi did to jordon? That was so retarded.. umm since he seemed like the perfect boyfriend.... shes not even that pretty he could do so much better anyways..lol..
[Jen-Bunny]: i think heidi is a pretty girl. Most importantly she's a good friend to lauren, so it's not always about looks. Ppl need to get over that.
[~SwEeT n CrAzY16~]: well she is a good friend but duh .looks arnt everything..st
[Jen-Bunny]: no actually SHE could do better.
[~SwEeT n CrAzY16~]: wow... why to stick up for her because shes a girl.. umm even tho he said he loved her more then anything and that he would do anything to be with her... if she doesnt want a boyfriend that loves her then yeah i guess she could do better... but then again shes a slut cuz all she cared about was goin to clubs and meetin a bunch of guys lol...humm i dont know about everyone else but i sure would wanna guy like jordan that would get me a puppy for christmas to make me cry and shit/.. humm
[Jen-Bunny]: jordan was full of shit..i had a bf like him.
[Goodbye Fuckers!]: When I saw that he gave her the puppy for Christmas I almost cried it was so sweet(lame I kno..)And then when she made him cry I almost cried again....I dont think she should have broken up with him..I thought he was a really good guy
[~SwEeT n CrAzY16~]: yeah i almost cried to when he gave her the puppy it was so sweet.so yeah i dont think she should have broken up with him either.. he seems like a really good guy.. i mean if she dont want him ill take him anyday.. you know...yeah i think your full of shit *endlessly* kindof funny how negative you are... calm down if ya wanna be right then we will all agree with you...
[Jen-Bunny]: i was calm actually, that's the funny part. I'm just saying i agree with her, he should treat his gf like a princess, my ex was the same way like jordan, sure there's sweet moments n all, but those shouldn't always be moments, it should be an ongoing thing. He cant just curse her out when he feels like it. Besides i dont have to have someone agree with me, they can take what i said or leave it. Either way, i said what i had to say. *shrugs*
[Jen-Bunny]: and if you have to call someone names, it kinda shows insecurities about oneself. >.>
[Jen-Bunny]: but ANYHOO, did anyone get Season 2: Laguna Beach?
[~SwEeT n CrAzY16~]: i dont remember callin you any names???
[Jen-Bunny]: lol well you did, but whatever, i'm over it.
[~SwEeT n CrAzY16~]: tellin you that your full of shit isnt callin you a name.. its stating a fact......okay you know what...... no one really can say shit.. we really dont know how jordan was and we dont know any of those people...SO WHO CARES!!!!!its not gonna affect my life who jordan gets dumped by... so okay hes ass hole whatever i dont care
[Jen-Bunny]: good girl, you've learned to move on....so anyways, i'm assuming no one else has season 2 dvd.
[Goodbye Fuckers!]: I have 1 and 2
[Jen-Bunny]: i only have 2,becuase 1 was kinda i dunno....but i might get it.
[Jen-Bunny]: thats what i was thinking too. I dont watch the 3rd one..it's not the same.Although i've caught the old cast on there rarely.
[devil_gurl69]: lol i've been watchin it and its like fake....or they try to hard.
[Jen-Bunny]: lol exactly.
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