Anyways, lets get down to business! First of all, let me introduce myself.
I'm Deg.
Here, have a picture.
Alright, that's not actually me. This is me!
See? I'm already used to wearing things on my head. Like chickens. Chickens = crowns? I'm gonna go ahead and say yes. Because I'm good at math and that definitely seems accurate and because chickens are tasty, also like crowns.
Here's another flattering picture of myself, because I know you want to have it blown up and hung over your bed at night.
So, what makes me think I'm qualified? Nothing. I read [Morgoth]'s application and pretty much puked in rage and jealousy.
However, if I were to win, I'd do this face to all of you, all of the time.
More Qualifications
Words I like: Fizzbitch, silly, biffed
Words I don't like: Luncheon, meats, yolk, über
A sentence I would enjoy: Did you see the way that silly fizzbitch just biffed it?
A sentence I wouldn't enjoy: Let's go have some über yolk-y luncheon meats.
Yeah, aaaaaand...that's it. That's muh two cents.
Take the cents. TAKE THEM.