8.8 out of 10
Once again, the immortals (and mortals) of the series are fighting to save the Earth from total destruction. This time around though, it's from the hands of the previously defeated and banished elder God, Shinnok, who has escaped from the prisons of the Netherealms and is looking to exact some sort of revenge. Raiden, being the well-meaning God of thunder that he is, assembles a cast of the planet's greatest warriors in a fight to the death. Let's face it, Mortal Kombat never has and probably never will win any points for its deep, immersive storyline. On the other hand, as long as Midway keeps figuring out ways to pit groups of blood-thirsty fighters together, well, does it really matter? The game's story is told via real-time 3D cut-scenes, exactly like those seen in Star Fox and Goldeneye.
INFO PROVIDED BY IGN64.COM or wherever you got it from xD]
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Internet Reviews:
Highly recommended purchase, especially considering the title's low price-tag of only $49. With beautiful graphics, tight control and excellent sound, the only thing keeping Mortal Kombat 4 from a perfect score is its aged fighting system. The closest thing to a perfect arcade port we've seen in a long, long while. Hats off to Eurocom for the job. Best Nintendo 64 fighter so far
from Peer Schneider
After two mediocre Mortal Kombat games on the system, the alliance between Eurocom and Midway pays off and finally delivers a quality entry into the series. While I'm not as enthusiastic about MK4 as Matt, I have to agree: This game kicks butt. The graphics are beautiful, the sound is solid, there are tons of characters, weapons and secrets -- and the speed and ferocity of the two-player mode makes this game an excellent buy. On the downside, the stiff animation and aging MK fighting engine keep this game from standing up there with the Tekkens, Street and Virtual Fighters. Still, probably the most fun two people can have without actually breaking anything. Reserve your copy now.

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