Page name: Nenet's Castle Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-07-29 09:35:32
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This bed, but with black net curtains.

She did all of the graffiti herself, as well as the window coverings



Nenet's room is interesting. It's dark and mysterious, but also seems to exude the fun sexual cat side of her. Her bed hangs in the middle of the room, with black net curtains, soft black sheets, a cushy and plush white down feather comforter with plush faux fur pillows. The rug lays in front of a black fireplace with a couple more pillows leaning against the wall. The chaise lounge sits in the bay window, which has windows along the wall and the 'roof' of the bay window so she can bask in the sun or moon light when she wants. Red curtains block the sun and chaise lounge from the rest of the room, like a little hiding place for her. A stereo hidden inside of her massive closet is connected to hidden speakers in her room, almost constantly playing soft, sultry music that she can dance around naked to...


Castle Resistance

Female Quarters

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2011-08-19 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nenet led the wolf into her room, tossing her clothes in the general direction of a corner, turning on the low lights that pleased her eyes more then the bright ones most used. She ran her tail under Strider's muzzle before hopping onto her bed, making it swing a little.

2011-08-20 [Yudan333]: He looked to the hanging bed and looked at how it was hanging. His eyes looked to her then as she lay on the bed being mostly naked and licked his maw in light hunger for her. He lowers his ears looking about the room, "Lovely walls..." He stepped up and kneeled before the bedding and licked her ankle.

2011-08-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nenet shivered a little and looked down at him, smiling a little "Thank you...I had a lot of fun doing it.." She looked around the room a little,"I was thinking about redoing them though.."

2011-08-20 [Yudan333]: He gripped her legs pulling her to the edge and flicked his tongue over her wet cunt, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I like them as they are." He ran his tongue up and down her delicate slit.

2011-08-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nenet gasped softly and arched her back a little, the shuddered a little and smirked. "Oh? And for that reason I can't?" She teased a little.

2011-08-20 [Yudan333]: He grins and licked along her slid slipping his tongue into her just barely tasting her wet juices, "Hmm... I like them as they are.."

2011-08-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nenet moaned softly and shivered, "Oh?....Mmm, I guess I can leave them, for a little..."She said, closing her eyes and running her fingers through his fur.

2011-08-20 [Yudan333]: He felt her nails run through his fur and pushed his muzzle to her clit blowing out to tickle it as he shoved his tongue deeper into her, "Hmm you taste so good..."

2011-08-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nenet let out a shaky breath,"Taste as long as you like..." She purred.

2011-08-20 [Yudan333]: He smirked and delved his tongue in and out licking her insides flicking his tongue up to hit her sensitive g-spot. He blew her clit as he growled making his tongue vibrate.

2011-08-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nenet moaned deeply in her throat as she continued to run her fingers threw his fur with one hand, and she rubbed her nipples with the other.

2011-08-23 [Yudan333]: He smirked and then looked up to her stopping just to see her eyes of need, "Hmm desire more my little kitten." He watched her as he soothed his padded paws over her hips. his large frame kneeling at the end of the floating bed. He nuzzled her wet entry licking it slowly, "Hmm I don't want to stop eating you." He pushed his tongue as deep as he could and was able to stroke her womb entry. He growled as his hair began to stand on end his sheath pulled back revealing a firm red veined penis and a knot from pleasing his newest victim of love.

2012-04-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Out of the rping funk finally, going around finding places I haven't rped in :D If I miss any, let me know]

Nenet raised her hips, and moaned again, "Mmm, you can have me whenever you would like to. I am yours to give pleasure to, and take pleasure from at your command." She whispered. Powerful words coming from her, as she had always been very careful to make it clear that she could come and go with her lovers as she pleased. Was it love? No, not so early on in this 'relationship', but even she had never had this kind of energy and calm all at the same time before. By now, with most lovers, she would have been bored and move on. With this one, she had a feeling that would take a while. Maybe it was the danger that kept her so interested, he could kill her with one easy nip to the right artery, and she would be powerless against him.

2012-05-01 [Yudan333]: He smirked and licked along her tender lips from being pleased so much in such a short period. Slowly his licks ceased and he stood then gazed into her eyes with his large gold ones. He licked her lips then gently kissed her as he rubbed her shoulders with thick muscular pawed pads, "Nenet you are a fascinating woman." He licked along her neck as his claws lightly dug in but didn't make hr bleed.

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nenet almost whimpered when he stopped, frowning a little. She let it pass though when he spoke, looking at him with shinning amber eyes. "I try... But tell me, how am I interesting to you?"

2012-05-06 [Yudan333]: "Everything about you screams out to me... Makes my inner beast go crazy. I just want to rip you apart and eat you inside out; in a sexual way of course." He brushed hair from her face and gazed into her eyes, "God I love you so much..." He licked her neck and then kissed her lips. His jaws could easily break her but he was yet so gentle. Love... was it really? Or was it just lust. He hadn't had a pack in sometime. But he knew the difference. He held her and cuddled her and stayed at her side. If it was lust he would have done her for 16 hours then left. He gave her time to recoop then pleased her more. He smiled knowing it just may be.

2012-05-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nenet had to absorb what he'd said, she wasn't used to the thought of love. She'd never experienced it herself, so she wasn't exactly sure how it felt.

2012-05-06 [Yudan333]: He saw her face and looked to her feeling her nature seemingly change. He gently moved beside her and tilted her chin up and kissed her lips as his eyes locked on her, "Hey, you don't have to return them. You do what you feel is right. I know love is perhaps to harsh a word. But I do enjoy you and like you." He licked her neck. He knew he could seduce her but he wanted to show her the affection.

2012-05-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nenet looked to him, kissing him lightly. "I just don't know what love is, or what it feels like." She admitted softly.

2012-05-07 [Yudan333]: He smiled and licked her nose gently, "Oh Nenet don't worry about it. It's all about what you feel is right." He nuzzled her neck then laid beside her and held her in his strong arms as his fur warmed her bare body, "It's just something you feel and you will see in time if you allow me."

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