# of watchers: 12
| D20: 10 |
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Friendly: | 0 |
2007-07-24 [Elf_Person]: "i need to go" stands up; Keto looks at Nikki
2007-07-24 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Looks at Ketro and raises a brow* Why..?
2007-07-24 [Elf_Person]: "i am not permitted to see you until a further date" walks away
2007-07-24 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs and follows him* Says who?
2007-07-24 [Elf_Person]: "your mother" continues walking
2007-07-24 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grabs his arm grinning* Oh yeah you must be having a laugh..Serious
2007-07-24 [Elf_Person]: looks at her straight in the eyes"im serious luv" looks at the ground"you know what that grin does to me. it almost makes me want to disobey your mother's orders"
2007-07-24 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *walks down the street*
2007-07-24 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Ohh..Right...W
2007-07-24 [Elf_Person]: walks after her griping her arm lightly pulling her into him"im not kidding around, Bara was there and you can go talk to your mother" kisses her then walks away
2007-07-24 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Blushes very slightly and nods* Mmkayy...Well.
2007-07-24 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *turns around and smiles* hey
2007-07-24 [Elf_Person]: "ill be back Grace"
2007-07-24 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ~Mmkay Ketro..~ *Laughs and grins at her* Hey you..
2007-07-24 [Elf_Person]: sighs running off twords the woods looking for Keto and Nikki
2007-07-24 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smiles* what you doing beside running into me
2007-07-24 [Elf_Person]: Ketro spots Keto and Nikki"NIKKI!!!
2007-07-24 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Wakes up almost falling off the branch she was laid across* What do you want? *sits up and scratches her head sleepily* (GracE) Uhhh..I was turning around *laughs*
2007-07-24 [Elf_Person]: "I dont care what you say imm going to see your daughter and theres not a damn thing you can do about it"
2007-07-24 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smiles* i see
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: ((it always stops))
2007-07-25 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Sorry xD)) (Nikki) *Laughs* Whatever you say Hothead...(Grace) *Laughs* And you were just..Right there..So..any
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: ((it ok))(Bara) well i didn't know you was behind me
2007-07-25 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Am chav bashing)) *grins* I guessed..
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: ((ok)) yeah
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: ((hello??))
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: ((Hey))
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: ((hi!))
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: ((RP?))
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: ((sure you start))
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: ((why me?))
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: ((i always start))
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: ((no you don't))(Akio) *walks into rose room*
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: ((yeah i do *sticks out my tounge*)) (rose) *looks up* hey daddy
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: ((=P))(Akio) *smile* hey little rose
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: (rose) *jumps up and runs over and hugs him*
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: (Akio) *smiles and hugs*
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: (rose) *smiles* i missed you
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: (Akio) i missed you to sweetie
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: (rose) yay!
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: (Akio)*smiles and holds*
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: (rose) *giggles*
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: (Akio)*smiles and looks down at her*
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: (rose) *looks back* yess?
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: (Akio) nothing sweetie
2007-07-25 [Empty~Soul]: (rose) otay
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: (Akio) *smiles*
2007-07-25 [shadows of life]: (Rin) *sit on a roof and start to make ice balls*
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: ((yo))
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Yo.))
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: ((whats up))
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((ceillllling ^^))
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: ((ha ha very funny))
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ Okayokay its the floor really))
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: ((lol))
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: (HIlo)
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ so..))
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: ((sooo..RP?))
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((^^ Sure))
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: Keto looked at the now awake Nikki"told you luv"
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ash) *walks down the street*
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Mm..Oh wellll..(Grace) *Laughs and turns away from Bara and sees ash* Hah..Funny how I always see him..*Turns back again*
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: laughs and sits beside her
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Smiles* So..your brother didn't like you too much then..?
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "not at all" sighs "so much for brotherly love"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Supresses a laugh* Why??
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) see who
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Grace) *Turns and smiles at Ella* I don't know what he's called ..*smirks* But that kid over there *turns and points*
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "i dont know" laughs
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles slightly* Oh well..Suppose it doesn't matter now huh..
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "not really" puts an arm around her
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *leans over looking at ash* oh (ash) *looks over to them before quickly looking away*
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: You enjoy doing that huh? *Grins* (grace) *Laughs* Ohh..I feel oh so popular now..
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *laughs* you should
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: laughs"i enjoy talking to you"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Smirks* That isn't what I meant.. (Grace) *Laughs* I probably scare him anyways..*Smil
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) who would be scared of you
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "i know what you meant" pulls himself closer to her
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (grace) *Grins* Him? (Nikki) *Laughs* Oh really?
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "really" smiles at her
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) nah i dont think so your too nice
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grins* Good.. (Grace) But i'm a vampire..Hah..
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella)soooo
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: smiles at her"have a good sleep"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Smirks and nods* Yep. Like a log.. (Grace) He's a human..I was the first vampire he knew of..And he met me soaked in blood..xD I can't imagine I seemed that kind then..
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: smiles"i love it when you smirk"
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *shrugs* he'll get over it
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Laughs a little and forces her face blank* That's not fairrr.. (Grace) *ChuckleS* I suppose so..
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "how is it not fair luv"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Because it makes me wanna stop smirking..*Lau
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: his smile fades into a blank face
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) so want to go do something?
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Looks at him, a questioning look on her face* What? (Grace) *Smiles slightly* Sure!
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "hmmm nothing" looks down
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *nudges him lightly* Beep. Wrong answer, please try again..
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *gets up* great
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: smiles alittle"its nothing luv"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs* Uhhh..What type of place you wanna go to? (Nikki) You..Are a bad liar *Smiles*
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *shrugs*
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: laughs "its nothing i promise" smiles at her
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Smirks..If you say so..*Looks down at the ground* (Grace) Uhhhh...What do you like doing?
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: smilres putting an arm around her
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) pretty much anything...oh how about swimming!
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *grins* My smirk cheered you up huh? (grace) *Smiles slyly* Sure.
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "maybe, maybe not my luv"
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) where's the nearest place?
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Uhhh..There's a lake nearby? (Nikki) there you go with that "My" again..*Smirks
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) that sounds great
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *smiles and jumps up starting to walk* We can take a minor detour through the forest or something..
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *smiles* lead the way
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: laughs smiling at her"you know you like the sound of it"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) Mmm..in your dreams maybe..*Chuckl
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *walks next to her*
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: smirks"hopfuly not only in my dreams"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Laughs* Yeahyeah.. As if. (Grace) So..You like water then..?
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) i LOVE water *laughs*
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "what your not interested in me luv" looks at her
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Smiles* I didn't actually mean it like that.. (Grace) *Grins* Oh good..
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) what about you
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: smiles"simple question luv"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Shrugs* No comment *Grins* (Grace) Definately..It
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *smiles* me too my mom always said i was like water
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: laughs wrapping hs arms around her
2007-07-26 [shadows of life]: ((hey))
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: (hi)
2007-07-26 [shadows of life]: ((what going on?))
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: (Nikki) *Smirks* hmm.. (Grace) Nicee..*Laughs
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: smiles at her"so you dont mind"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *shrugs* Maybe..Maybe not..I might just be too nice to say anything *laughs*
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: "i know you if theres somthing you dont like your tell em"
2007-07-26 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Mmm..Whatever you say Keto.. ((I'ma go wash my hair. Mmk.))
2007-07-26 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *walks out of her house*
2007-07-26 [Elf_Person]: looks at her blankly(ooooooook)
2007-07-26 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *start walking down the street*
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *laughs* yeah
2007-07-26 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *she see Ella and waves*
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *sees bara and smiles waving back*
2007-07-26 [shadows of life]: (Bara)hey Ella
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) hey
2007-07-26 [shadows of life]: (Bara) what you up to
2007-07-26 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) going swimming want to come
2007-07-26 [shadows of life]: (Bara) sure sound fun
2007-07-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles slightly as she turms to wait for them* You coming or not? (Nikki) What?
2007-07-27 [shadows of life]: (don't know what going on)
2007-07-27 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) comming *laughs skipping up next to grace*
2007-07-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Bara? *Smiles*
2007-07-27 [Elf_Person]: "nuthing luv" sighs
2007-07-27 [shadows of life]: (bara) sure *smiles and walks over to them*
2007-07-27 [shadows of life]: ((hello))
2007-07-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Hey..brb))
2007-07-27 [shadows of life]: ((...))
2007-07-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Back)) *Grace laughs and turns starting to walk again* Keep up this time...
2007-07-27 [shadows of life]: ((wb))(Bara) *smiles as he walk with Grace*
2007-07-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Thanks..)) So..How are you?
2007-07-27 [shadows of life]: ((welcome..))(Bara) I'm good and you?
2007-07-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Pretty good..*Smiles* Even if I keep randomly disappearing
2007-07-27 [shadows of life]: (Bara) that good
2007-07-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I supppose *Grins and walks into the forest*
2007-07-27 [shadows of life]: (Bara) yeah *follows her*
2007-07-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Smiles slightly and keeps walking* So..You like swimming?
2007-07-27 [Elf_Person]: Keto looks at Nikki
2007-07-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Oops! xD Sorry i didnt see it..)) (Nikki) *tilts her head a little* Seriously..tel
2007-07-28 [shadows of life]: (Bara) yeah
2007-07-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Good..Because you're gonna get soaked...*Laug
2007-07-28 [shadows of life]: (Bara) really now?
2007-07-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Ohhh yes. *grins*
2007-07-28 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: (ella) *laughs walking next to grace*
2007-07-28 [shadows of life]: (bara)*smiles* well then a plant could alway use some water
2007-07-28 [Elf_Person]: "its nothing luv" smiles at her
2007-07-28 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smiles and looks over at ella*
2007-07-28 [shadows of life]: ((anyone))
2007-07-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ((Im hereee..)) (Nikki) *smiles slightly* Okayy... (Grace) *Laughs* I guess that's a good point Bara...
2007-07-28 [shadows of life]: (Bara) yeah so where the lake or something
2007-07-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Like..somewher
2007-07-28 [shadows of life]: (Bara) *smirks and start walking off*
2007-07-29 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Laughs and runs up next to her* Eager?
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: (Bara)*smirks and looks over at her*
2007-07-29 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Grins* Eager beaver...((Night))
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: ((...))(Bara)maybe
2007-07-29 [Elf_Person]: smiles at her "i love you"
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: ((hello?))
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: ((*echo* hello?))
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: ((didn't know there was a echo here))
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: ((*sticks out my tounge* heh))
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: ((heh rp?))
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: ((sure..you start?))
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: ((ok))(Tora)*walks up to his sister room and knocks*
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: (lilly) yes?
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: (Tora) can i come in
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: (lilly) yeah little brother
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: (Tora) *opens the door and walks in and sit on the bed*
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: (lilly) *looks at him* whats on your mind
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: (Tora) not much just what to see you
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: (lilly) *laughs alittle* you see me all the time hun we live in the same house
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: (Tora) Well not all the time sis
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: (lilly) true
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: (lilly) *smiles ad messes up his hair*
2007-07-29 [shadows of life]: (Tora) hey *he fixes his hair*
2007-07-29 [Empty~Soul]: (lilly) *laughs* (diamond) *comes in* hey lil bro *messes up his hair*
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