# of watchers: 9
Fans: 0
| D20: 4 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Number of voters: 11
* a) Yeah, totally. They're fun ^_^
Number of votes: 2 (18%) Voters: [Riice.--], [Monster Master]
* b) Maybe, though I probably won't vote anyway...
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* c) I made a new one just for you guys! Go vote! :D Don't believe Yumey >_> It all lies LIES I TELL THEE!!
Number of votes: 1 (9%) Voters: [Yume Fuyuhoshi]
* d) Yesh! I need my poll fixes >_< Don't make me go through the list, there's about 10,000 I haven't done yet and I need to pace myself!
Number of votes: 4 (36%) Voters: [kittykittykitty], [Atayemi], [The vast expanse of deletion.], [Kaos101]
* e) Uhmm... why? >_>; What's this wiki for again?
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* f) We could be out solving world hunger or downloading porn and all you can think about is polls? Sheesh
Number of votes: 3 (27%) Voters: [zoloftzantac], [Stephen], [Zab]
* g) Polls suck :P *suck suck suck*
Number of votes: 1 (9%) Voters: [~*Astarte*~]
* h) Wow, this poll is so lame *rolls eyes*
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
Number of voters: 10
* a) <---- o_0"
Number of votes: 10 (100%) Voters: [zoloftzantac], [~*Astarte*~], [Monster Master], [Kaos101], [(*|_Buster_|*)], [Yume Fuyuhoshi], [Azuri], [Stephen], [kittykittykitty], [Zab]
2006-08-21 [Riice.--]: It is. It doesnt agree with me either. *shakes head* Made me feel ill. >_>
2006-08-21 [kittykittykitty]: Awww *hugs and gives you tomato sauce*
2006-08-22 [Riice.--]: Yoy! *puts Tomato Sauce on Pasta and gives it back* Thankoo very mooch! ^___^
2006-08-22 [kittykittykitty]: Yoooy..? :D *starts eating the yummy tomato goop*
2006-08-28 [Riice.--]: Haha. I don't like Tomatoes when they are being just Tomatoes. I like them ad Tomato Sauce.. etc. But I don't like Tomato Juice. *wretcheS*
2006-08-30 [kittykittykitty]: But... tomatoooooo <3 They are ace ^_^ Well what else could they be to make you like them? I thought I saw a tomato masquerading as a fork once, but it may well have been a fork >_>
2006-09-01 [Atayemi]: :O I like cherry tomatoes..Oo
2006-09-01 [kittykittykitty]: I loooooove cherry tomatoes :0
2006-09-02 [Riice.--]: I don't! Phlergh. D=
2006-09-04 [Atayemi]: w00tness for cherry tomatoes! :D
:O Leanne Cassidy! They are t3h bomb! >:D
2006-09-06 [kittykittykitty]: Teh boOOOOOMMMMMMM
2006-09-07 [Atayemi]: Yeshhhh! :D
2006-09-08 [kittykittykitty]: XD *licks Atay's ankle*
2006-09-08 [Atayemi]: Eeeewww! XD
2006-09-08 [kittykittykitty]: Nuuuuhh. It tastes quite nice actually :3
2006-09-09 [kittykittykitty]: Neeeeew pooooll. On the page :0
2006-09-09 [zoloftzantac]: wow, that was the sweetest little "poll hole" I have ever "clicked" yum!!
2006-09-09 [kittykittykitty]: Yesh!! :D *glompers* XD No saying odd things about my poll hole J ._.
2006-09-09 [kittykittykitty]: Grape tomatoes? :0 How does that work? o.O Like cherry tomatoes but look more grapey :D
Aww [~*Astarte*~] you don't have a poll? Make something ^_^ Before I accuse you of sucking my poll hole XD
2006-09-09 [(*|_Buster_|*)]: i have a poll... i think. (^__^)
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