9.8 out of 10
Three years ago Rare released the 3D first-person shooter GoldenEye 007 to software starved Nintendo 64 owners and a classic was born. Based on the James Bond movie of the same name, and employing all sorts of realistic spy weapons and gadgetry, not to mention a brilliant multiplayer mode, the game immediately took to the top of the sales charts and its popularity hasn't really slowed down since.
Now as we approach the final stage of Nintendo 64's five-year life cycle, the England based developer has returned once more with a sequel to GoldenEye in everything but Bond license. Perfect Dark features more weapons, more levels, more multiplayer arenas, bot challenges, cooperative missions, counter-operat
ive missions, more cheats, better AI, more in-game options, and a single-player storyline that won't let you put the controller down. GoldenEye has been with us for a long time, but it's time for Nintendo 64 owners to retire the shooter and make room for the new king -- because Perfect Dark is all that and one big bag of chips too.
•Running on an enhanced version of the GoldenEye engine
•Play as beautiful agent Joanna Dark
•Epic storyline that unfolds with intense cinematic realism through in-game cut-scenes
•Guide Joanna through 17 single-player levels (plus four bonus) including a futuristic Chicago, an alien crash site, the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, Area 51, and Air Force One, to name a few.
•Compete with up to four players on a number of specially designed levels in the multiplayer mode
•Program computer-controller "Simulants" (bots) as additional multiplayer opponents for a total of 12 combatants
•Advanced AI over GoldenEye -- enemies are smarter, and will actually identify you as friend or foe depending on the situation
•Four different level difficulties -- Agent, Special Agent, Perfect Agent, plus one bonus, all with different objectives.
•Combat Simulator -- create your own customized multiplayer battles; choose everything from number of bots to skill level, arenas, weapons, skins, and more
•Extensive training level with shooting range
•Four-player support -- different deathmatch scenarios like King of the Hill, Capture the Case, Hacker Central and more
•16 multiplayer arenas including three classics from GoldenEye
•40+ weapons including the GoldenEye classics
•Tons of in-game options from 'fast movement' to 'no radar' and 'player highlight'
•Character ranking system -- full statistic tracking, etc.
•Cartridge back-up and the ability to save to Controller Pak too
•Optional high-resolution mode, 16x9 widescreen, letterbox, and full Dolby Surround Sound support
•Rumble Pak support
•Eight different controller setups -- four regular and four double
•4MB Expansion Pak Required for the single-player missions and full access to the multiplayer mode
Elfpack User Reviews:
Thats the best word I can think of to describe this game it's incredible, challenging, amazing graphics and sound, very addictive. I can't get over how much I love this game my friend recomended it highly so I bought it used and I must say I can't believe I had never heard of it before it is by far the best shooting game for the 64 and it will keep you coming back for more I've probably played it at least 19 hours so far which is impressive considering I really don't play video games all that often. All I can say is if you own a 64 you need to buy this game
my rating is 10 out of 10 perfect
[feel free to submit you're reviews here ^^]
Internet Reviews:
There are a lot of games that ride the hype train only to disappoint upon arrival, but Perfect Dark isn't one of them. Rare's intelligent 3D shooter features amazing graphics, loads of in-game options, a cooperative mode, a counter-operative mode, extensive bot setups, and a the most well-rounded multiplayer mode ever to grace Nintendo 64. All of these great features combined work to distance this game from all other console first-person shooters out there. In fact, my biggest and only gripe with the game is its sometimes sluggish framerate, which even I, an admitted fluidity junkie, have no problem overlooking as the experience is otherwise so much fun.
GoldenEye has remained unbeatable as the best home-console first-person shooter for three years now. It's only right that the game that finally dethrones the classic comes from the same team that made Bond a hit to begin with. Hats off to Rare for delaying the product long enough to 'Perfect' it. And sorry, I couldn't resist.
Bottom line: If you don't own Perfect Dark, you don't deserve to own a Nintendo 64 either.

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