Hey this is Poppy Hale's last moments alive & after she dies & when she is a ghost.
Myself [
Tis gone but never gone] & Max [
WASHACKED] where like >.< at ep cause it wasn't working so we RPG on yahoo/msn. So I copyed what we wrote, so you could see Poppy Hales Last moments alive, after she died and when she is a ghost.
Just so you know who is who.
Tis gone but never gone] is earthgirl1290
WASHACKED] is Maximus
Max walked in and saw Poppy, "Umm whats from dinner."
Poppy looked at Max,"Snakebite
." she poured the food in a big bowl.
Max ninfed the bowl a bit, "It smells good, whats in it?"
Poppy,"Snakes blood,noodles and different kind of veg."
Max's face pailed a bit, "Snake blood?"
Poppy nodded,"Yep. It's very good."
Max nodded and snifed the air again thinking, god I only drank blood once and that was wired.
Armond walked in,"What's for dinner." he sat at the table.
Poppy,"Snakebite,my lord." she didn't look at him.
Max sat down across from Armond
Poppy seved them they're food,"Would anyone like something to drink?"
Armond nodded,"AB neg, cold,aged 25."
Max, "Umm just water,."
Poppy nodded and she got Max his water, then she went to the blood room.
Max took a drink of his water
earthgirl1290: Poppy came back with a wine glass filled with blood and she set it on the tabled next to Armond.
earthgirl1290: Armond took a sip of his drink.
Maximus: Max sinfed his food and took a bite
earthgirl1290: Armond looked at Poppy,"I want to see you in my office later."
earthgirl1290: Poppy's face harden,"Yes,my lord." he voice with lifeless.
Maximus: Max looked at Poppy than to Armond swallowed with a rasied eyebrow
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded,"Leave us." he snapped at her.
earthgirl1290: Poppy froze for a second and then she nodded and left the room.
Maximus: Max looked back down at his food and took a nother bite
earthgirl1290: Armond started to eat.
earthgirl1290: Poppy went to her room and wrote in her diary.
Maximus: Max ate more
earthgirl1290: Armond took a sip of his drink and ate more.
Maximus: Max ate more and took a drink of water
earthgirl1290: Armond ate more.
Maximus: Max fished his food and took a nother drink
earthgirl1290: Armond finshed his food.
Maximus: Max s
Maximus: Max smiled a bit
earthgirl1290: Armond took a sip of his drink.
Maximus: Max fished his water
earthgirl1290: Armond swirled the blood in the glass a bit.
Maximus: Max glanced down at the table thinking, Wow this is wired and a bit acward
earthgirl1290: Armond took a sip of his drink.
Maximus: Max bit his lip and relised his fangs weren't out even with the smell of blood from Armond's drink, Must have been the snake blood. He thoght
earthgirl1290: Armond took another sip and he looked at Max with raised eyebrow,"Something wrong, son?"
Maximus: Max looked at him, "No just thinking, my mind wanders at times."
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded.
Maximus: Max nodded and glanced back down at the table
earthgirl1290: Armond finshed his drink and he called Poppy mental to get her to come back to the kitchen.
Maximus: Max looked at Armond wondering what he thoght of Max
earthgirl1290: Poppy was back in a flash,"Was everything okay,my lords?"
Maximus: Max looked atPoppy and nodded
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded.
earthgirl1290: Poppy cleared the table and got pudding for them.
Maximus: Max asked, "Whats for pudding?"
earthgirl1290: Poppy put his pudding in front of him and Armond,"Choco blood cake,my lord."
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded. My fav, he thought.
Maximus: Max rasied an eyebrow, "Choco what?"
earthgirl1290: Poppy looked at Max,"Choco blood cake." her eyes where shining with laughter.
earthgirl1290: Armond frowned at them.
Maximus: Max glared at her seeing she thoght it was funny
earthgirl1290: Poppy shugged a bit,"I'll leave you now,call when you need me." she left before she started to laugh.
earthgirl1290: Armond raised an eyebrow at Max.
Maximus: Max saw Armond looking at him and he frowned with a shrug, "I did grow up with human's blood was never on the plate or well or glass."
earthgirl1290: Armond frowned just a bit and then he started to eat.
Maximus: Max stared to eat his own as he looked down
earthgirl1290: Poppy got to her room and laughed a bit. WOW! I laughed....for the first time in.......years, she thought.
earthgirl1290: Armond ate more.
Maximus: Max ate his more and yelped a bit cutting his lip with his fangs
earthgirl1290: Armond looked at him,"What's wrong son?"
Maximus: Max, "I just cut my lip." He looked down at his food more
earthgirl1290: Armond smiled,"On your fangs?"
Maximus: Max blushed and nodded
earthgirl1290: Armond chuckled a bit,"Don't worry, I did that the first time Poppy made this cake."
Maximus: Max smiled and nodded lokking at him, "you did?"
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded,"The blood in this cake is blood of a Charmer. Sweet blood but not as sweet as demon blood."
Maximus: Max nodded, "Oh, I see." He chukled a bit
earthgirl1290: Armond chuckled a little,"Sadly Charmer blood slows the healing in our bodies. So after pudding, go to Poppy and drink a bit of her blood , so you can get the Charmer blood out of you."
Maximus: Max nodded again, "OK, da.. umm Armond." He looked down at the table again
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded,"You may call me dad or farther if you wish, son.
earthgirl1290: "
Maximus: Max smiled and nodded as he took another bite than asked changing the subject, "So why does it slow the healing in our bodies?"
earthgirl1290: Armond shugged,"Well the blood of a Charmer is sweet, as you now know, but there red blood cells slow down our healing. As a Night one we heal though our blood, and as you know we heal very fast, so a Charmer's blood would not be good cause what if we got attck right now and we got hurt, we wouldn't be able to heal ourselves fast enough to kill the person that attcked."
Maximus: Max nodded and took a nother bite with a smile, "But it's too good."
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded,"Yes, it is. Wait until you try demon blood, now that is sweet and what a rush you get off it." he took a bite of the cake.
Maximus: Max nodded, "What does Demon blood do to us but the rush?" He took a nother bit looking at Armond
earthgirl1290: Armond,"Well demon blood gives us more strenght, makes us heal faster and depends on what level you drink from you may even get more powerful. The rush of demon blood is like....the only way I can think of it as would be a orgasm." he took another bite.
Maximus: Max looked at him a bit shocked, "Hey I'm only 13, you could have left that part out." He couldn't held but chukle
earthgirl1290: Armond shugged as he chuckled,"But the rush depends on what level your drinking from."
Maximus: Max chukled and rolled his eyes, "Just don't gove me the talk." He took another bite
earthgirl1290: Armond sighed and he took another bite.
Maximus: Max took another bit and cut his lip again
earthgirl1290: Armond,"I'll get Poppy to make her DB ice cream."
Maximus: Max rasied an eyebrow and sawllowed, "What's that made of?"
earthgirl1290: Armond,"It's demon blood ice cream, but I'll get her to use only level 1 or 2 demom blood. Casue I don't want you all high." he chuckled.
Maximus: Max chukled and nodded smiling
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded as he finshed his cake.
Maximus: Max findhed his own
earthgirl1290: Armond called Poppy mentally to get to the kitchen.
earthgirl1290: Poppy was there in a flash,"So did you two like the cake?" she said as she took away the plates.
Maximus: Max nodded licking his lips
earthgirl1290: Poppy nodded and put the plates in the sink.
earthgirl1290: Armond,"Poppy go to the blood room and get me a pint of O neg, cold, age 18. Now." he snapped at her.
Maximus: Max looked at Poppy than to Armond, "So the age changes the tase, as well as the type?"
earthgirl1290: Poppy left the room and she went to the blood room.
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded,"Yes, it dose."
Maximus: Max nodded and thoght, He must think I'm stupid for so many questions bet Jace knew thi before he was seven."
earthgirl1290: Poppy came back with Armond's blood and she plate it on the table.
earthgirl1290: Armond took the blood and got up,"Son, you know what to do because you have Charmer blood in you." he left the room.
Maximus: Max sighed and looked at the blood
earthgirl1290: Poppy sat next to Max,"So how did dinner go?" she bumped him playful.
earthgirl1290: (Sorry I was meant to be playfuly)
Maximus: Max looked at her and pushed her off her chair, "That's for laughing."
(OK ^^)
earthgirl1290: Poppy fell to the ground and she looked at him,"Sorry, Maximus."
earthgirl1290: (^^)
Maximus: Max chukled and held out a hand to her to help her up, "Whats with the sudden mood change for you?'
earthgirl1290: Poppy took his hand and got back on the chair,"What do you mean?"
Maximus: Max, "I mean you where looking at me scared earlier and now you well not."
earthgirl1290: Poppy looked at him,"You mean when you where having dinner with your farther?"
Maximus: Max. " no before I mean like this morning and stuff or yesterday. Even when I was sick you looked at me frightend."
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"Cause you where nice to me." she looked down and blushed a bit.
Maximus: Max nodded and looked at the blood on the table and sighed thinking, Better get used to it.
earthgirl1290: Poppy got up and grab a wet cloth and cleaned the table.
Maximus: Max drank the blood getting up from the tabel
earthgirl1290: Poppy looked at him,"You need really blood Maximus, not fake."
Maximus: Max raised an eyebrow as he drank a bit of blood, "What?"
earthgirl1290: Poppy shugged,"That is just artificial blood and we don't bite humans."
Maximus: Max nodded, "Oh, I see." He looked at the blood, "Whell why don't you bite them?" He took another drink
earthgirl1290: Poppy shugged,"It's the Night one law. Cause if we went around biting humans all the time, the humans would start to know, that we exist."
Maximus: Max nodded, "Is this why it tase funny, well I don't know what humantase like but this tase funny for some reason."
earthgirl1290: Poppy nodded,"Yeah, it dose tase werid. It's cause it's not real blood. Have you ever bit anyone? Like as in drink there blood?"
Maximus: Max shook his head, "No I only found out what I was about a few hours before I first came."
earthgirl1290: Poppy blinked,"Oh...I see."
Maximus: Max nodded, "Yeah, so what a mouth than I've been here..."
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"You need to feed and I mean real blood not fake." she looked at him,"Neck ot wrist?"
Maximus: Max rasied an eyebrow, "What?"
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed,"You need real blood, so neck or wrist? Cause your drinking from me."
Maximus: Max shook his head, "None."
earthgirl1290: Poppy walked to him,"Maximus you need real blood. Your farther won't let you hunt a human, he'd only tell you to drink from me. So neck or wrist?"
Maximus: Max shook his head backing up, "None, I don't want to."
earthgirl1290: Poppy bit her wrist and held it out to him,"Take it, you really need it."
Maximus: Max shook his head more felling his fang, "No Poppy." He backed up more
earthgirl1290: Poppy took a step forward,"Just take it."
Maximus: Max shook his head more, "Poppy no!" He snapped
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed,"Why? You've had snake and Charmer blood, but you won't have mine. Why?" she still had her wrist held out to him.
Maximus: Max shook his head and back handed her, "I said no!" He growled
earthgirl1290: Poppy fell to the ground and she looked at him,"I'm only trying to help you."
Maximus: (Wate I so have a twist for this part ^^)
earthgirl1290: (Tell)
Maximus: (Well she kees pushing him and he keeps getting madder till he shifts to a wolf for the first time and she freacks out or something.)
earthgirl1290: (Nice XD)
Maximus: (Yep ^^)
Maximus: Max growled, "I dont want it!"
earthgirl1290: Poppy frowned and she licked her wrist as she looks at him,"You sure?"
Maximus: Max nodded shaking and said throgh clenched teeth, "Yes."
earthgirl1290: Poppy licked her lips,"But it so good though, sure you don't want a sip?"
Maximus: Max shook more and nodded backing aginst the wall he cleched his fights so his nails dug in his hands cutting them, "Yes, so shut up"
earthgirl1290: Poppy got up and she bit her wrist again and she lowly licked it as she looked him in the eyes.
Maximus: Max growled more, "Poppy stop it!"
(XD oh and to add to the twist she didnt know he was a half breed XD reanomd and poped in my head)
earthgirl1290: Poppy shugged,"But I tase so good." she licked her wrist again but more slowly
Maximus: Max growed and pushed her away as she steped closer, "Stay the bloody hell away!"
earthgirl1290: Poppy stubbled back and then she looked at him and she bit her wrist again and licked it.
Maximus: Max growled more and bit his lip he jumped at her shifting to a rust brown wolf.
earthgirl1290: Poppy fell to the ground and she looked up and saw a huge brown wolf on top of her,"M-Maxmimus?"
Maximus: Max growled at her and snaped at her neck
earthgirl1290: Poppy's face pale and she fainted not before saying,"I didn't know..."
Maximus: Max growled not knowing what he was doing or being ablue to controll himself he bit her wrost growling
earthgirl1290: Poppy still not awake.
Maximus: (XD Ummm whats going to happen he's kinda in bloodlust what ever sate)
earthgirl1290: (Ummm...not sure .....oh wait ! Armond could come in?)
Maximus: (XD OK^^)
Max grolwed more bitting her upper arm
earthgirl1290: Armond heard growling from the kitchen and went to find out what was going on.
earthgirl1290: Poppy woke up and she looked at Max,"Drink."
Maximus: Max growled more and snapped at her neck he moved his paw so a cut was down her other arm he didnt bit from
earthgirl1290: Poppy didn't cried out when he hurt her. She just looked him in the eyes as she sang the lallbye she sang to him either.
earthgirl1290: Armond was almost at the kitchen.
Maximus: Max growled more not calming down as he bit her neck
earthgirl1290: Poppy did not cried out she just ketp looking at him,"Drink." she said it was not even a whisper.
Maximus: Max licked the blood from his muzzle
earthgirl1290: Poppy watched him but her vision started to blur,"I'm...sorry...Maximus..." she said it was not even a whisper.
earthgirl1290: Armond walked in the kitchen and saw Max over Poppy,"Kill her."
Maximus: Max growled more and bit her neck again
earthgirl1290: Poppy didn't make a sound she just let him kill her...or drink from her.
earthgirl1290: Armond,"Now, son."
Maximus: (should he kill her)
earthgirl1290: (Idk)
Maximus: (That helps XD)
earthgirl1290: (It's ur twist, it's up to u)
earthgirl1290: (I know)
Maximus: (Ummmm I didn't think he whould kill her but it makes it a better twist....)
earthgirl1290: (It would make a great twist, but how about he almost kills her...until she says something to make him stop and shifter back into human form and he nurses her back to heath or something?)
Maximus: (You know I think I'm going to kill her V,V Poor Poppy)
earthgirl1290: (I konw)
Maximus: (You dont mind he does its your chater
earthgirl1290: (It's fine, I'll make a wiki for all the dead SB WAR characters that have died)
Maximus: (XD nice)
Maximus: Max grolwed more and toor out her throght
earthgirl1290: Poppy looked at him in the eyes and she sent to his mind, Thanks for being nice to me, Maximus.
Maximus: Max growled still not able to control himself as he killed her
earthgirl1290: Poppy keeps looking at him in the eyes. She sent to his mind, I love you Maximus.
earthgirl1290: (Sorry I just had to make her say it)
Maximus: (Dang you >.<)
Max whimpered a bit but licked the blood off her slightly wagging his tail
Maximus: (Armonds watching right?)
earthgirl1290: (Sorry and yes.)
earthgirl1290: Poppy smiles at him, a bright smile.
Maximus: (Wate how is she smiling if he killed her allready?)
earthgirl1290: (I forgot to make her smiled when she said she loved him)
Maximus: (Oh I see^^)
Max fished licking the blood off the and he shook his head than looked at Armond whimpering slightly
earthgirl1290: Armond,"Well done son."
Maximus: Max looked at Armond and wagged his tail moving away from Poppy
earthgirl1290: Armond looked at Poppy with a sad frown.
Maximus: Max glanced at Poppy and frownd as he sat next to Armond
earthgirl1290: Armond looked at Max,"She loved you, you know that right?"
Maximus: Max frowned and looked down with a slight nod thinking, Now I do but I couldn't stop.
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded,"Did you love her?"
Maximus: Max shook his head slightly
earthgirl1290: Armond nodded,"Good then, you shouldn't feel guitly or upset, son."
Maximus: Max nodded laying across Armond's feet a bit scared
earthgirl1290: Armond looked down at him,"You'll change back soon and I'll get you a new gift too." he left the room.
Maximus: Max frowned and watched Armond leave. Max whimpered and hid his muzzle under his paw thinkg, Dad dont I'm scared daddy.... He looked at Armmond as he left
earthgirl1290: Armond went to Zoe's room,"Zoe, I have a job for you."
earthgirl1290: Zoe looked at Armond,"Yes,my lord."
Maximus: Max frowned more and whimpered closing his eyes thinking, Why wount he come back, why. He whmpiered more shaking
earthgirl1290: Zoe nodded when Armond left and she went to kitchen and saw a wolf,"Hey." she smiled as she knelt by Max.
Maximus: Max opened his eyes and looked at her. He growled and snaped his teeth at her
earthgirl1290: Zoe frowned,"I'm your new gift."
Maximus: Max growled deeper at her thinking, God I want to be alone and I don't want a person as a gift I want my dad back in here!
earthgirl1290: Zoe shugged and she petted him soothingly,"I know you want your farther but you got me, sorry."
Maximus: Max bit her hand lightly and growled more
earthgirl1290: Zoe shugged and ketped petting him,"I'm trying to help you."
Maximus: Max growled and got up pushing the kitchen door open with his muzzle than walked out
earthgirl1290: Zoe sighed and she saw Poppy and she went to her and held her and cryed. She was my friend, she thought.
Maximus: Max shook his fur and walked up the stiars frowning
earthgirl1290: Zoe rock Poppy as she cryed. Why?....Why did she have to die?,she thought.
Maximus: Max frowned more as he looked at Armond's office door. He put it mussle on it and pushed the door trying to open it as he thoght, I don't care if he beats me for this or anything.
earthgirl1290: Armond was in Poppy's room.
Maximus: Max frowned seeing Armond wasn't in there he whimpered and walked back out fallowing Armonds sent to Poppy's room he stoped out side the door that was opened a bit and watched Armond
earthgirl1290: Armond closed his eyes as a single tear ran down his face and he whispered,"Poppy, I'm sorry..."
Maximus: Max frowned thinking, What did I do to dad I cause nothing but troble every where
earthgirl1290: Armond sat on her bed with a sigh and he cryed a bit.
earthgirl1290: (Yes I know, Armond crying.....tis not a good thing)
Maximus: Max shook and walked away he went to him room and changed back. He sighed and bit his lip shaking, "Oh god dad I made him cry... and I killed her I killed her." He frowned and grabed a bag shoving cloths in it as he cryed and wrote a not to Armond as he climed out the window quitely and started walking away from the house thinking, I did nothing but hurt my only father I'm a monster. He wiped his
Maximus: eyes and started running away from the house
Maximus: (Nope never good)
earthgirl1290: Zoe ran after him,"Maximus wait!" she held Poppy's diary in her hand.
Maximus: Max herd her but ran faster as he started to cry again
earthgirl1290: Zoe faster and she stopped in front of him,"I saw what you did to Poppy and I told her that you would kill her. So she asked me to give you this, it's her diary, she wanted you to have it." she held it out to him.
Maximus: Max pushed her, "Get away from me and I don't want it." He wiped his eyes and moved away from her as he started to run again
earthgirl1290: Zoe growled and ran after him and she stoped in front of him again,"Please just take it, Poppy really wanted you to have it." she handed it to him,"I won't tell your dad that your gone." she ran away leaving him with Poppy's diary in his hands.
Maximus: Max shooked and looked at the Diary he sighed and shoved it in his bag thinking, to late I left him a note I want him to know I'm gone. He sighed and wiped his eyes as he started to walk, "Why can't I be normal...."
earthgirl1290: Zoe went back to the kitchen and sat next to Poppy and she looked at her,"I did it, Poppy. I gave him your diary. I just hope he reads it."
Maximus: Max keept walking as he entered the woods and started crying again
earthgirl1290: Armond cryed as he layed on Poppy's bed.
Maximus: Max for a few hours till he triped over a branch and frowned as he just sat there and started crying
earthgirl1290: Everyone in the DSB base was upset about Poppy's death.
earthgirl1290: (I'm crying over Poppy's death, God! I'm so sad)
Maximus: (XD wow sorry)
earthgirl1290: (it's okay)
Maximus: Max pulled his knees up to his chest and sat under a tree and cryed more, "I can't do anything right I'm a bloody worthless piece of junck!"
earthgirl1290: (Is he going to Niol or what?)
Maximus: (No he thinks he's going to end up hurting any one he manly just ran away not wating to hurt his dad)
earthgirl1290: (I see)
Maximus: (Yep sad kid)
earthgirl1290: (Yep. Oh and I'm so putting Poppy's last moment's when she was alive and then what happened after her death on the death of sb war character's.)
Maximus: (Oh OK ^^)
earthgirl1290: (^^.... and also the last enrty in her diary too.)
Maximus: Max frowned and leaned his head back, "Wonder what dad's doing or if he even nos I'm gone." He shook his head, "No he shouldn't I I was only there a mouth."
Maximus: (Cool)
earthgirl1290: (Yep)
earthgirl1290: Armond was still in Poppy's room as he was looking for her diary.
Maximus: Max frowned and hit his head on the tree making it bleed a bit as he started to cry again, "Why should he care if I leave or not"
earthgirl1290: Armond found her diary under her pillow and he opened it only to read the words.' I hate you Armond Turrner and burn in hell, from Poppy Hale.'
Maximus: Max cryed in his arms shaking
earthgirl1290: (Hey I got a good twist)
Maximus: (What is it?)
earthgirl1290: (I was think that Poppy comes back as a ghost and she follows Max around and he can heard her too.)
Maximus: (Wired......)
earthgirl1290: (I know, but I'm a werid person, who comes up with evil/werid twist)
Maximus: (XD yeah he could think he's going crazy)
earthgirl1290: (That's wot I was thinking)
Maximus: (OK ^^)
earthgirl1290: (^^)
Maximus: Max cryed more
earthgirl1290: Poppy followed Max and she sighed and knelt in front of him,"Why are you crying,Maximus?"
Maximus: Max frowned and looked around not seeing Poppy but hearing her
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"Sorry, give me a sec and then you can see, okay?"
Maximus: Max frowned and cover his ears and closed his eyes, "Shut up!"
earthgirl1290: Poppy frowned and she made herself visable to him and she touched his face,"Maximus?"
earthgirl1290: (Oh and Poppy dosen't look dead)
earthgirl1290: (She looks alive)
Maximus: Max shook, "No, Poppy's dead, I killed her." He keept his eyes closed and hands over his ears
Maximus: (OK ^^)
earthgirl1290: (^^)
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed,"I knew you would be like this and this is why I didn't tell you.....when I was alive and all."
Maximus: Max shook more shaking his head, "No it's not real it's not real. Dad please come and make it stop, im sorry daddy just make it stop."
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed,"Maximus this is real and your daddy ordered you to kill me, so really this is his fault not yours." She let him feel her hand on his face.
Maximus: Max shook more, "Daddy
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed and she hugged him and she let him feel the hugged. Poppy shhhed him.
Maximus: Max shook more and pushed her away not opening his eyes, "Dad... please make it stop I'm sorry \i hurt her. I'm sorry dad please dad I'm begging you."
(How did Armond act to the note in her other dariy)
earthgirl1290: (Idk...yet..)
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed,"Maximus, please open your eyes." she touched his eyelids.
Maximus: (Nice XD)
earthgirl1290: D)
Maximus: Max shook more shaking his head and started crying in between sobs he said, "Dad."
Maximus: (XD and he didnt notice Max was gone yet)
earthgirl1290: Poppy shook her head,"Maximus, I'm a ghost and I can't cross to the other side until I help you get over this guit you have over my death, your mom's and to also help you with Armond."
earthgirl1290: (Not yet)
Maximus: Max shook more, "Dad....."
(XD Armond is very focused on himself...... so did he love her?)
earthgirl1290: (He kinda loved her.....and he she was the reason that Armond left Mina alone latey)
Maximus: (Oh I see)
earthgirl1290: Poppy slaped Max,"Pull yourself together!" she snapped.
Maximus: Max blicked in his arm and frowned, "SHUT THE HELL UP!"
earthgirl1290: Poppy shugged,"Why should I? You can not hurt me, cause I'm a ghost cause I don't have a body."
Maximus: Max frowned more and shook his head, "Well go away!"
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"Not gonna happen,Maximus."
Maximus: Max frowned, "I don't care I don't want you here go away" He hid his face in his arm more
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed,"Tough, I'm not going anywhere."
Maximus: Max frowned, "Why not?" He snapped
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"I told you. I can't get to the other side, heaven or hell, until I help you."
Maximus: Max, "I can work out my own problems." He sighed and thoght, I'll run like always it helps.
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"Not without me."
Maximus: Max frowned, "Yes I can I always have it's always been me and it will stay that way."
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"Well now you got me,Maximus."
Maximus: Max shook his head, "No your dead and I killed you, it;s still me so go."
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed,"Yes, I'm dead only cause I let you kill me."
Maximus: Max shook more, "Please go, its me and I want it to stay that way it's better for every one."
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"Why is it better?"
Maximus: Max, "I wount be ablue to hurt any one if Im alone, I wount hurt the people I care about who could care less about me."
earthgirl1290: Poppy nodded,"I understand but Maximus you can't hurt me cause I'm ghost."
Maximus: Max shook more, "Go away, it makes it harder when you do leave."
earthgirl1290: Poppy frowned,"I thought you didn't care about me? Not even as a frined?"
Maximus: Max frowned, "Its easyer for me, because I know you will go they always go and I'll be alone again and and and its harder when you leave."
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"I really think your not getting this I'm with you to help you thing. Cause I'm with you for life,Maximus, cause your always going to need help, so I'll be their to give it."
Maximus: Max shook his head, "Go away Poppy, I don't want help with my mom or my dad or with what I feel."
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed,"Listen Maximus, I'm going to be there for you , your whole life, ever single day, right by your side. Right up until the end."
Maximus: Max face pailed, "I dont want you there I want to be alone, I know how to be alone."
earthgirl1290: Poppy touched his face and she smiled brightly at him,"I don't need to be with you every minute of every day, silly. If you need me just call out my name and I'll be there in a flash."
Maximus: Max frowned and uncovered his face and looked at her, "I want my dad Poppy."
earthgirl1290: Poppy smiled at him and she nodded,"I'll get him for you, Maximus. But I first I need to tell you something."
Maximus: Max shook his head, "No dont get him Poppy. He doesnt want me."
earthgirl1290: Poppy frowned,"Then what do you want,Maximus?"
Maximus: Max, "For him to want me."
earthgirl1290: Poppy sighed and she hugged him,"Armond Turrner has only ever wanted two things in this world, to wins this war and the Lady Mina Lapen. I'm so sorry Maximus."
Maximus: Max shook his head and looked down he got up puling away from her and started walking again quitely
earthgirl1290: Poppy followed him,"Hey don't you want to know what I was going to tell you?"
Maximus: Max, shrugged
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"Remember when I smiled at you just before I died? Well did you know that was the first time I ever smiled in my life. I just wanted to know, was it a good smile or a bad one?"
Maximus: Max mummbled, "good."
earthgirl1290: Poppy smiled at him,"Really?"
Maximus: Max nodded a bit
earthgirl1290: Poppy hugged him,"Thanks." she let go of him.
Maximus: Max nodded and keept walking
earthgirl1290: Poppy walked with him,"So where we going?"
Maximus: Max, "I don't know where I'm going I usally just leave till the cops pick me up or I find somewhere..."
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"I know somewhere you can go. It' a place I wanted to go to since like forever."
Maximus: Max, "Where Poppy." He looked up at the sky thinking, I want dad to come throgh the trees behind me and bring me home thats where I want to be... home.
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"Your unlce Niol's house, you know the LSB base." she smiled.
Maximus: Max, "No." He snapped
earthgirl1290: Armond growled in rage after reading Poppy's note.
earthgirl1290: Poppy frowned,"Why not?"
Maximus: Max, "Beacuse one thats in the city the other way and two I dont want to."
earthgirl1290: Poppy frowned,"Tough your going."
Maximus: Max, "No I'm not I don't want anything to happen to my brohters family and dad will be mad."
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"Well did you know that Armond disowned Jace and Luna as his children cause they didn't do what he wanted?"
Maximus: Max nodded, "I was told and I don't want that I aleast want to think of him as a dad it's..." He stoped and wiped his eyes
earthgirl1290: Poppy stopped next to him and seh touched his face,"I do understand Maximus."
Maximus: Max sighed and sat down on the grownd, "You think he noticed I'm gone?"
earthgirl1290: Poppy bit her lip and she didn't look at him.
Maximus: Max frowned, "See you don't think he has and I've been gone for hours."
earthgirl1290: Poppy sat next to him and she put her arm around him,"That's not what I was think."
Maximus: Max looked at her and wiped his eyes, "What do you think?"
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"I was think of the last time Armond raped me. He said something that shocked me to no end. Want to know what it was?"
Maximus: Max shrugged
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"He said he thinks he loves me. I was so shocked that I told him I didn't love him and never will. So I think he is too pissed at my letter in my fake diary to notice."
Maximus: Max shrugged again and looked down, "Whould it have mattered...."
earthgirl1290: Poppy,"It would have mattered,Maximus, I bet my ghost self he would be seaching the DSB base for you right now."
earthgirl1290: Armond was looking for Max.
Maximus: Max shrugged, "I left a note for him."
earthgirl1290: Poppy nodded,"I know that cause I saw you write it." she bumped him playfuly,"Anyways how about we head to the LSB base and say hey to Niol and your brother and sister,huh?"
Maximus: Max shook his head, "No."
(Elfpacks up^^)
earthgirl1290: (Yay)

R.I.P. (Hope you can get to the other side, heaven or hell.)
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