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1.) [
RabidSphinx] - Abortion stops a beating heart...
2.) [
Lioness123] - God bless all the little children…all the precious little lambs who are coming home to Him.
3.) [
Prowler Wolf]
4.) [
5.) [
kofan] radical pro-lifer, gone on the March For Life several times.
6.) [
metallickittycat] abortion is wrong, but if the mother is raped she should have the choice to have an abortion or not, or if it is a danger to the mother. anything else is a simple "No" if you didn't want the child, you shouldn't have conceived the child. its as simple as that.
7.) [
FireGypsy] If you don’t want the child...for God's sake don’t frickin’ kill it! Give it up for adoption.
8.) [
Dint]"Saying there are too many children in the world is like saying there are too many flowers." ~Mother Teresa~
9.) [
10.) [
Irishpixie] Abortion is murder there is no other way to put it...
11.) [
Tesa] Pro-Choice is having the choice to kill your unborn child. Pro-Choice is Pro-Death.
12.) [
Fire Child] if you could only watch how is an abortion…in your head it will never born the thought
13.) [
Brittany Rose] Why are people so cruel?
14.) [
Are you in?] Respect Life
15.) [
16.) [
~*~Nikita loves Mikey~*~] ~That’s so sad, omg I don't see how ppl can do that, *tears*
17.) [
Allen Barrec]
18.) [
19.) [
~Dark Bunny~]
20.) [
insanitysetin] I don't see how people could just throw away a life like that. :(
21.) [
Blood sex and booze]
22.) [
;;Melodrama Junkie]they have no right...
23.) [
MangledKitty]Its so sad :(
24.) [
25.) [
chicl3tt] Hearing about abortion and how people do it so many times...it makes me wanna cry.
26.) [
shadowed spirit]
27.) [
28.) [
Ellyn] There is nothing alright about taking an innocent life. People think that these beings aren't people; aren't real; don't have rights. But guess what? They are living, breathing organisms, simply trying to take refuge from this frightening world in their mother's womb, and to be ripped out, stolen away from their sanctuary, never having a chance to make the world a better (or worse) place. Infants are not capable of harm, the sweetest and most innocent children in the world. If you aren't ready for the responsibility that is a wonderful human to love and look up to you, don't have sex.
29.) [
Sacrificialgoat] What she said ^^
30.) [
Bad Stone] innocent souls shouldn't be killed because someone else made a mistake, born or unborn that is a PERSON. Has anyone ever stopped to think of that baby's current or future, friends, family, husband/wife? It's distgusting, and should only be used if the woman is in medical danger.
31.) [
Synthetic Ecstasy] *sighs* It's just wrong. Those babies don't ask to be born. The adults just need to be more careful or at least put the child up for adoption.*winc
es* Not kill an innocent human being...
32.) [Frosty French Fry]
33.) [Morfeaohtarawen] lover of the innocents, this is murder and we need to tell people that.
34.) [cobwebb] Let the Baby live :'(
35.) [Clieve_Moris] Life is a gift..
36.) [battle_droid] Abortion is MURDER!
37.) [Ril]
38.) [~*Sophia] this is horrible....the death of infants this young....something needs to be done.
39.) [I wanna go where nobody knows my name]
40.) [Idril Ancalime]
41.) [blackroseashes]
42.) [Roosey]
43.) [This House is Deleted] it's sad really
44.) [Banana_Rae] i wish they couldn't do that to babies.
45.) [No Longer Used x] that's so tight what they do the babies, then again it's other peoples choice, i believe it in sum cases but def not in others!
47.) [~Neo Angel~] They say in ultrasound that when the baby is being aborted you can see it trying to swim away. Thats why I am against abortion as well. Life is a major gift after all.
48.) [xILY] It's not my choice but I myself don't believe it's right
49.) [Lateralus] No hay nada malo con la vida papa
50.) [Morning Rose]
51.) [Magatama] I Hate Abortion It's Just Murder With A Less Evil Name!!
52.) [::HOLLY WOOD::] abortion is evil.babies are a gift from god. not a punishment. you wouldnt be here if you were aborted. so let the other little babies have a life of their own.
53.) [Queen Of Dragons] abortion is a mistake. no matter what happens no matter waht reasons a baby died.
54.) [gtfhnhu]
55.) [GunHaver] *Sheds a tear for every baby killed by
56.) [tears of blood] abortion should be illegal
57.) [*fallen angel*]..for a long time i believed that abortion was a right for women but after seeing the pictures and hearing the stories i believe that it is an unholy and evil act that should not be allowed...i believe that women who are with child should have to have that baby and give it up for adoption if she choses...only in difficult situations would i believe abortion was the only way in the case of rape...and even then it wouldnt be right...millions of people lose children from accidents and miscarriages...why should some women ba allowed to take there own childs life when so many try to give life...
58.) [slinkster16] what gives someone the right to take someone's life away? Who made it legal to kill an unborn baby and illegal to kill a 5 month old? Either way you are killing an innocent child, one that God has blessed you with to protect, not destroy, but somehow people how found a way to glorify the murder of their own children by claiming to "protect womens rights" what about the baby? what about there rights?
59.) [~When It All Falls Apart~] how could anybody even think about doing something so horrible??
60.) [Bunneh!]
61.) [Sassy Sarah] ***I just had my little girl, Shyanne, August 28th, 2005. I see no good reason to killing an unborn child. I love my little girl more then anything.***
62.) [female_lover] aboritions should not b happenin... it is soo wrong...
63.) [Music of the Night] they put their life in ur hands and the take it away from them...makes me wanna cry...
64.) [-ringlet chick-] Don't say you didn't know it was going to happen, because you know it. You were careless.
65.) [I_am_me]
66.) [Hazard]
67.) [hot_thing07]
68.) [The Witch's Cat]an unborn child has as much right to live as anyone...
69) [homeskizzle]
70.) [Voodoo Child]Everybody and everthing deserves to live
71.) [Elise*] it's makes me so sad to think about how sombody could do such a thing!
72.) [~*Dawn_yell*~] i don't know how anybody could have an abortion
73.) It not the babys problum that you had sex when you shouldn't have now is it!!!
74.) [toxic tears]
75.) [blueplayboytiger]The baby has rights to its own body even if it isn't born yet.
76.) [SilentScream]
77.) [It takes a disaster to learn a lesson]thats not the way out
78.) [Mister Creazil] Babies have the same reason to live as we do.
79.) [dirty-boy]
80.) [{{Brittney}}] Abortion is totally wrong!
81.) [Suicidal Moon]How can anyone be so cruel?! I mean so yeah teenagers get pregnant after all it is there fault they can't keep thier pants on.
82.) [x.Nemi.x]
83.) [cobalt_cyntex] Abortion is murder.
84.) [+_Cherry Lifesaver_+]Abortion is murder! How can anyone be so cruel?! I mean so yeah teenagers get pregnant after all it is there fault they can't keep thier pants on. So true
85.) [Kiley_828] i had a cousin who was almost an abortion, i'm glad the mother changed her mind.
86.) [Iuppiter, rex deorum] Since when is it the babies fault that it was concieved?
87.) [Monica2]
88.) [xXxAngelxXx]
89.) [Blinded Seraphim]: Murder is illegal, abortion is not...how the fuck does that work?
90.) [punk this, bitch] It's still murder of an innocent baby or babies!
91.) [okiamcrazy]
92.) [Coyote_Cody] don't kill people:it's illegal
93.) [LATERR.]
94.) [Bulimic+Rainbows]
95.) [Weirdo.Phreak.] So wrong...
96.) [Full Clip]fucked up...
97.) [Osborn#67] i have seen an abrtion first hand, its a horrible shit
98.) [Knights Queen]
99.) [nothing to no one]
100.) [Bee-anchor ♥] Omg so bad.
101.) [internal_suicide]depreesesd
102.) [x shez x] if ya didnt want a baby ya should use protection or dont do anything in the first place. after all these children didnt ask to be concieved or brought into the world so y ruin wat chance they do have of living
103.) [I Love You -But You Piss Me Off-] It's legalized murder... Since when was murder not a crime?!
104.) [Kiss Me Deadly]
105.) [*Suicidal Cupcake*]an unborn baby has a much right to life as you and i do
106.) [BexxiBoop] omg i cried when i saw this! its so wrong
107. [Ice Princess 777]
108. [Master Of Duct Tape] Its wrong and it needs to be stopped
109. [bjhgvy] -If it weren't for abortion, I would have an older brother or sister... :'( :'(
110. [~The Abnormal Pirate~] THIS IS WRONG!!!~! GOSHI HATE THESE PPL...*the ppl who get abortions that is not the pro life ppl...love u guys...hrnt*
111. [X. נυѕт αиσтнєя *gυяℓ*] how can ppl kill something so small and helpless?
112. [yoyo895] stop abortion!
115. [Monster Master]
116. [Kiss the Dark]
117. [Roxy {catalyst}] Its not right to kill an innocent child!!!
118. [Warheart] A Woman's Choice, eh? Since when was murder ever the right choice?
119. [My Sky's The Limit] wow....everyone has pretty much said what i have wanted to say....abortion is wrong, and if they end up getting pregnet, they should live with their gift, not kill it.
120. [RazMaTaz]
121. [shardae le fae] Plenty of women would love the life that women want to throw away!
123. [goldie] Women that can have children throw that chance away, while there is women out there you cannot even have a child.
124. [SDEfSEfaerg dgr] Life starts at conception.
125. [Boomnesss] children are gifts....if your stupid anough to have sex outside of marriage then you should take the responsibility of your actions. Each child is unique and beautiful and has the right to live. Why punish an innocent child for your mistakes?
126.[♥Eli-Annai♥] WHEN DOES A CHILD BECOME A HUMAN? it is not at it's first breath, and it is not when it is wanted (if you say this, then you are saying that an orphan is not a human also) IT IS AT CONCEPTION! Take some time and look at the photos of a baby in the womb of it's mother. It looks just like a baby, in the earlier it may look not exactly like us, but when a human is 3m it doesn't have all the parts it will when it is done growing, it is still a human though.
127. [KillChasityDead]
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