Page name: Rare Pokemon [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-16 20:39:52
Last author: Paz
Owner: Paz
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These Pokemon are rare pokemon. There are different levels of rarity and so they are different to get. DO NOT TAKE THESE GIFS!! They are use here only unless I allow you to do so. Do not take these either without getting one. Win these in tournaments or random attack. Choosen by a randomizer, thus the numbers.

Hard To Get:

1. Absol:

2. Clefairy:

3. Dratini:

4. Eevee:

5. Mr. Mime:


7. Smeargle:

8. Unknown:


1. Beldum:

2. Castform:

3. Anorith:

4. Chimecho:

5. Milotic:

6. Porygon:

7. Sudowoodo:

8. Larvitar:

9. Farfetch'd

10. Lileep:

Super Rare:

1. Aerodactyl:

2. Omynite:

3. Kabuto:

4. Ditto:

Ultra Rare:

1. Entei:

2. Moltres:

3. Articuno:

4. Raikou:

5. Suicune:

6. Zapdos:

Mega Rare:

1. Ho-Oh

2. Groudon:

3. Kyogre:

4. Latias:

5. Latios:

6. Lugia:

7. RegIce:

8. RegRock:

9. RegSteel:

Max. Rare:

1. Jirachi:

2. Deoxys:

3. Mew:

4. Mewtwo:

5. Rayquaza:

6. Celebi:

Baby Pokemon (rarity varies):

1. Cleffa:

2. Elekid:

3. Magby:

4. Pichu:

5. Togepi:

6. Munchlax:
(No Image)

7. Manyula:
(no image)

8. Manene:

9. Usohachi:

Message me if you think a pokemon should be added to this list.

<------ Pokemon Trainer Dome

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