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Red Light District Characters: Hentai Pics [Logged in view]
2012-04-12 11:59:48
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
| D20: 18 |
Adult Content: Do Not Look if: a.] u are under 18 or b.] not comfortable with looking at such things.
Sexual Orientation:
Reason for coming/being in Travis:
Other Info:
pic is optional if you want one]
Username: [
Name: Emerald
Age: 20
Gender: female
Race: Nekro/Fox - Furry
Sexual Orientation: Bi.
Reason for coming/being in Travis: She's unsure at the moment the town just sorta drew her there
Bio: She's a Furry and not alot of people in the other towns she's lived in really accepted her but at least in Travis of what she's heard they'll accept her with open arms among other things.
Other Info: she's tryin her hand at bein a hooker but so far is failing she's hopin to find someone to help her figure it out she also wears a special necklace to hide her furry form

<---true form

<---human form
Name: Vin
Age: 49
Gender: male
Race: human
Sexual Orientation: bi
Reason for coming/being in Travis: he was bored
Bio: he came to travis maybe looking for love maybe not he's not sure yet he's just really bored
Other Info: expert gunshot
Name: Lestat Alucard Von Wolfstein
Age: unknown but he's one of the oldest vampires/werew
Gender: Male
Race: Hybrid of a Vampire and Werewolf
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Reason for coming/being in Travis: he was the founder of Travis
Bio: He had created Travis thousands of years ago originally as his own personal harem or brothel. After a few years he found that he could make a good profit off of letting the town put up strip clubs and what not. He is the only one of his kind. A hybrid. He exudes sex. Anyone and everyone would be in his bed if they wanted but he was particular about who he took as a lover. He usually 2 or 3 lovers none human he found they “broke” too easy on him he leaned more towards werewolves they were stronger and tended to last longer which he loved very much.
Other Info: he is part werewolf part vampire
<---vamp form
<---wolf form
<---mmmm Sexy XD lestat is the one whom you cant see his face :D
Username: [Away forever, bye]
Name: Annabelle Cooper
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Reason for coming/being in Travis: To have a good time & to be a singer
Bio: Annabelle grew up in a small town just outside Travis and is a well known singer. She came to Travis to make a name for herself in the music bussisness.
Other Info: She hates to be called Annabelle, she makes everyone call her Anna.

Username: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Saris O’Riley
Age: 19
Gender: male
Race: Werewolf
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Reason for coming/being in Travis: Getting away from my damned parents.
Bio: I’d rather not…I hate my parents.
Other Info: Welp…he’s looking for a hooker…his parents treated him like a child, and he figured well…he stole money from them, why not get a hooker? After a long exceiting perfect night with Emerald, he decided to become a hooker too.
His face....
His body...
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