How to report a member to the Guards

In the member's house, you will see a button right above the member name that says:
'report member'

Click on the button and a new page appears.

Select the type of report you are making and write down your complaint.

When you are done you press 'Send a report to the Guards'.
Image Reports
Please read through the
Uploading Art Rules to see what kind of images are allowed here, and report those that are not.
Here's what makes the reports a little easier for us to handle:

A good report contains as much information about the image as possible.

There's no need to give us the image in the <img: tag -- a simple link to the image is enough.

If an image owner specifically requests for an image not to be used, please provide a link to this request if possible.

If you see an image that belongs to you, try messaging the member first and ask them (politely!) to remove it. If they do not, report it.

Please remember that Elfpack does
not remove random images from the internet, unless the copyright holder requests it not to be used.
Message Harassment Reports
If you feel harassed by certain members on Elfpack, please feel free to report them to the
Guards. However please note the following while making a report:
Include the messagenumber(s) by writing: [number@]. (You can find the messagenumber at the top of the message, it will say "Letter number: xxx")
That way we know which message you are referring to.
Who started it
Do not report a member for calling you names if
you started that first. It is extremely childish to call the authorities because you could no longer handle an insult war that you started. In such a case, you will be the one who gets in trouble.
Real life problems
Please do not contact us about
real life problems that you have with certain members here. For example if some friend from real life and you decide to stop being friends, do not expect us to solve your problems.
If you and another member are arguing and then start insulting one another, don't expect the
Guards to get involved. There's a difference between an argument and harassment. In these cases, the Guards will either disregard the report or punish
both of you, depending on the severity.
Harassment outside of Elfpack
Please do not contact us about harassment outside of Elfpack, such as MSN or email. We are in no way associated with any outside of Elfpack locations, and as such we cannot do moderation on what happens there. Contact the moderators of the offsite location you're being harassed on.
Keeping your email hidden may help prevent getting unwanted emails or adds to your MSN.
Reporting for someone else
Please do not make reports on behalf of someone else. We want the harassed member to report, not some protective older brother or boyfriend to do it. Similarly, do not use a clone house (another account that you have here on EP) to make a report on someone because you do not wish that member to know who reported them. Your identity will never be given out to the reported member, you have all reasons to feel safe. (
Note: Harassment reports are obvious who they come from and we have to reveal your identity there. If after that you get a 'You reported me, you bitch!' message, we'll ban the offender.)
False reports
Do not make false reports. You are just wasting the
Guards' time by this and you will be warned and possibly banned if you continue to do so.
It is a good idea to
block someone who keeps sending you annoying messages. For more information on blocking a member, read the
block page.
Chain messages
If you received
Chain messages, read the instructions about what to do then on given page.
Wiki Reports
Report a member if they have been harassing you in wikis, either on the wiki itself, or in the comments. Please include the name of the wiki page in your report. If a member has been messing up wiki pages intentionally, please include the version number of the page.
If harassment was in comments, and you are concerned that the offending comments will be deleted from the wiki, you can take a screenshot of the comments and include that in the report. Please provide the url to the image, not the image in a img: tag.
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