# of watchers: 8
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2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "You fought me, you sheilded and entire city, and you rode out into these woods where anyone could attack you"
2011-02-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yes most people would call me foolish, never brave."Luna said.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "they are two sides to the same coin"
2011-02-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna shrugged."I know."
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Leena nodded "yes...exactly
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "You are an intresting woman" Raven said, "not many would sit near me and speak to me, let alone one who is my guard"
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: She shrugged "maybe I just find you interesting...
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: Raven stared at her bewildered "You are very odd" he said looking away.
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: she chuckled a bit and looked down at her hands
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "You havent given me your name" Raven said.
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Leena looked back at him "Leena." She smiled at him
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Raven" he said simply.
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "its good to meet you..."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "under such circumstances?
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: "Well I do wish the circumstances were better..."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: Raven smiled "well i doubt we would have talked under 'normal' circumstances. "
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow "and why is that?"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Ved blinked. "Guys...we're um...not alone." he said motioning toward the male.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: Raven smiled "I dont usually talk to women" he said looking up at them ale.
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Lenna glanced to the man "Rayne will handle it" she pointed towards Rayne, then looked back at Raven "why?"
Rayne had already been alerted and was making her way to the man
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The male looked to her.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Well I am an assassin. I prefer to stay in the shadows, not socialize"
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow "I se..."
Rayne walked up to him "who the hell are you?"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: THe male canted his head to the side. "It seems it's not just the kingdom that's rude."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "I would have especially avoided you. You seem the type to be inquisitive and shrewd."
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Rayne ros a brow "you came into the camp, scaring the hell out of some people...I'm only be cautious."
"What do you mean by 'shrewd'?"
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: Rave smiled "You have the same eyes as people who hunt me or sniff people liek me out" he chuckled 'An assassin hunter"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He frowned. "No need to be rude." he'd half smile, gingerly, yet still cautiously extending his hand toward her. "TSlánaithe."
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head "no...as far as I know I never did anything like that...though memorys of my past are lost to me...I'm sure Arya would have told me..."
Rayne nodded a bit and shook his hand "Rayne..."
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smirked and looked her up and down. "Forgive me, it's been a very very long time since I've seen such beauty."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: Raven smiled "I didnt mean to imply you were, you just have similar eyes. Eyes that see past lies and trickery"
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: she rose a brow at him "...right...we
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: leena smiled a bit "oh I don't know about that..."
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Curious...." TSlánaithe answered.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Alright lets test my theory" Raven moved so he was sitting in front of her "Look into my eyes and ill tel lyou something and seee if you can tell if its a lie or truth"
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Leena nodded and looked in his eyes
Rayne nodded a bit
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: Raven stared back and said suddenly "I find you beautiful"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [LIES! j/kding XD]
"Show me around?" TSlánaithe asked.
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Leena blushed lightly "..."
Rayne shook her head "first you need to tell me more about you..."
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: TSlánaithe sat down and motioned for her to do the same. "Please, sit."
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven sat in his library reading.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Truth or lie" Raven asked
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit stood behind him placing his hand on his shoulder. "I rember this place." he'd whisper in his ear.
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Leena blushed a little more "truth?"
Rayne sat
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Correct, though you should be careful, emotions, exspecially strong one will cloud you judgement"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "My name you know...my age...stretche
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven looked up smiling "yes its a library hard to forget"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and kissed his lips tenderly. "duh....but...
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Rayne rose a brow "yeah"
Leena smiled a bit "I'll keep that in mind"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Unfortunately
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "GOod" Raven smiled back.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven kissed back "i remember here im not sure what led up to it but we both admitted our feelings here for each other" he chuckled softly
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: "How..."
Leena smiled more "So what made you become an assasin?"
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "It was rather that or remain a slave"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I'm....not human."
Doit smiled.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled back "i think we were arguing about something stupid"
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Rayne frowned "I knew that...how did you desrtoy the mountian?"
Leena nodded a bit "I see..."
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I was inside of it...sleeping, it didn't used to be...closed."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "So perhaps I do have something in common with you"
2011-02-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna shrugged."I know that they are two sides of the same coin. but many like Doit or Kraven would say I was being careless and foolish in coming out here on my own with out my body guard."
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: "I was captured by slavers once, but escaped before I was made a slave..."
Rayne nodded "I see..."
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: "And they would be right" Issac said stepping forward till his face was an inch away from Lunas "I could quiet eaily hold you to draw out Kraven"
'You were lucky then. I was sold into it by my parents before I could even remember their faces"
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna raised an eyebrow at him."And what makes you think that Kraven would come and save me when I am nothing but a slave?"
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: "I think you under estimate your importance to him." Issac said "And even if im wrong, Kravens lover seems attached to you, an he would bring Kraven out if you didnt"
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "My importance to Kraven are my visions nothing more nothing less. And Doit is not attached to me, he just talks to me that is all."
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: "well we will see" Issac said moving quickly chopping the back of her neck with his forearm knocking Luna out.
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna was knocked unconscious, her body fell to the side.
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: Issac caught her gently and lay her down as he tied her hands behind her back and her ankles together releavign her of her weapons. He cut a small strip from her dress and tied it to the saddle of her horse smacking its rear. The horse darted off, hopefully, towards the castle. Issac lifted lUna up and carried her back to his camp, a small cave he had located.
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna's horse rode back to the castle because thats where he thought was safe.
Luna was still unconscious.
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: Issac spelled the cave entrance and layed luna on the bed roll carefully. He moved over to the fire and sat in front of it.
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna woke up some time later, she groaned a little. She tryed to sit up but she couldn't which made her a little worried.
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: "Dont worry your stil in one piece" Issac said noticing Luna stir.
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna turned her head to Issac."You kiddnapped me."
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: "Correct" Issac said, he had his back to luna sitting near the fire.
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Your plan will not work."Luna said strongly.
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: "If it doesnt then it doesnt. I lose nothing" Issac shrugged
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Everyone has something to lose."Luna said softly.
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: "For me its a few days" Issac said "If nothing comes of it then you will be returned without harm. Or i could just let you go, run away from slavery"
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "If I run then I will be hunted down or used by another kingdom."Luna said.
2011-02-22 [Strawboy]: "The resistance would protect you" Issac said standing up turning around with a knife in hand.
2011-02-22 [Sonya Blue]: Lenna frowned "I'm so sorry..."
2011-02-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "No they wouldn't. They would use me for my visions...just like everyone else."Luna said.
2011-02-23 [Strawboy]: "I understand why they did it, apparently i was their 5th child. Money would be scarce." Raven shurgged.
"I dont think the resistance functions liek that" he said leaning down and cuttign the bonds on Luna's hands.
2011-02-23 [Sonya Blue]: "Its not an excuse..." she frowned
2011-02-23 [Strawboy]: "Let all your children and yourselves starve or sell one child into slavery and be able to survive. Not a nice choise, but a choice"
2011-02-23 [Sonya Blue]: "Its the cowards way out..."
2011-02-23 [Strawboy]: "I dont blame them" Raven shrugged "Everyone needs to survive any way they can"
2011-02-23 [Sonya Blue]: She looked back to her hands and shrugged "that's your choice I guess..."
2011-02-23 [Strawboy]: "I owuld never do it, but i can understand how they chose it" Raven shrugged.
2011-02-23 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at him "that's good to know..." she smiled a bit
2011-02-23 [Strawboy]: Raven looked at her a little confused "Why?"
2011-02-23 [Sonya Blue]: "That you would never do that yourself...I mean send your child off to be a slave..."
2011-02-23 [Strawboy]: "No i would never subject a child to what i went throuhg"
2011-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I wouldn't it put it pass them."Luna said.
2011-02-23 [Sonya Blue]: She looked towards the middle of camp, people were starting to gather there "looks like its time to eat..." she looked to him "are you hungry?"
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: "Everyone uses someone else" Issac shrugged
Raven nodded "I am" he admited, his stomach lettign otu an audible growl as he finished the sentence.
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded and stood "alright...fol
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Raven stood up "Sure you dont want to bind my hands?"
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven looked in the mirror as he brushed his hair he had a lot going on in his mind his father, the slaves, his people, he had no idea how to balance them all he had hoped his father would die soon so that he'd be able to run the kingdom the way he had hoped.
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: "I told you that you had free run of the camp, you'd just always be watched...besi
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Raven nodded and followed looking aroudn the camp mapping its layout in his mind. He also looked over the men and women of the camp, sizing them up and identifying who was a threat and who wasnt if a fight broke out.
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: She took a plate from the woman and handed it to him, then took one for herself
Arya was close by, watching. She already had a plate in her lap.
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Raven nodded to the woman "Thank you" he looked at Leena as well "And thank you"
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: The woman nodded to him
Leena smiled "your welcome..." she walked back to where they were sitting and sat down
Arya stayed where she was and ate, the slave child she had rescued had wandered over to her and sat next to her with her plate
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Raven followed Leena and sat down with her, though he suddenly seemed a little nervous.
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: She looked over at him "are you okay?"
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: "Ill have to pull off my mask" he said more to himself then leena.
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: she rose a brow "so?"
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Raven frowned and sighed. He pulled off his mask revealing most of hsi right cheek was gone, leaving the teeth and gums exposed.
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: She blinked, looking a bit shocked, then curious "how'd that happen?"
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Raven turned so she couldnt see it "My 7th job, I was cocky and got caught by some guards" he shrugged "I remeber they did that but not much else"
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: She frowned a bit "I'm sorry that happened to you..."
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: "Not as sorry as I was" Raven said softly as he ate, tilting his head to the left a little.
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: she watched him for a moment, then looked down to her food and started eating quietly
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Raven ate quickly. As soon as he was done he puleld his mask back up "O apologize, you musnt have much of an appetite after that"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sighed at her. "Maybe you can tell me what's been going on in the world?" he'd ask Rayne.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven got up putting his riding boots on he walked out to the stable putting a saddle on his horse
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit was in his new room, hating it a lot..
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade giggled running to Doit's room "hi daddy"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He chuckled and lifted her up onto his knee, kissing her forehead. "Hey there, ready to meet grandpa?"
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade shook her head "no mommy left went to the stable"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Awh." he'd frown.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade "grandpa scares me"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I know, I know, but you can't call mommy mommy when he's here, he doesn't know."
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade nodded "so i call mommy daddy? then what do i call you?"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "No no, you call me daddy, you call him uncle kraven."
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade nodded "k daddy" she smiled
Kraven got onto his horse "god this will be the longest week ever"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded and bounced her on his knee.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade giggled madly
Kraven rode off on his horse not really with any particular destination in mind
2011-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna nodded."Yes people do use other people. I'm just one of those people that dislikes being used."
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and continued to bounce her on his knee.
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: "Then become strong enough that you cant be used" Issac said sittign down.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade giggled clapping her hands
2011-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna shook her head."You don't understand."
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smied and stood up. "Wanna go see Auntie Luna?"
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: "Then enlighten me" Issac said lookign at her.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade smiled nodding
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled softly and went to go find Luna.
2011-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna didn't know what it was about this Issac that wanted to make her bare her soul to him."I am bound. If I run away from Kraven or even step outside of the Kingdom then I shall die. If my virgintly I'll lose my powers but I'll also be sentends to my death. So anyway you look at it I will die if I rebel."She said looking into his eyes.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade smiled back giggling.
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Issac thought about that, he couldnt fathom it, himself always having been free. For some reason he wanted to help this woman, despite the fact it would help him in any way. "But.." he said trying to phrase the question right "...your powers, do you liek having them?"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit cotinued to look for Luna.
2011-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna shook her head."I hate them. They are the reason my family and a whole village where burnt. They are the reason I am trapped in this living hell."
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade "where is she?"
Kraven rode into the woods getting off of his horse
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I do'nt know dear."
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: "This bond...if you lost your powers, would it disperse. From the soudns of it it could only latch onto the current woman you are, but after laying with someone and losing your powers, you could actually be a different person and confuse the bond"
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: [Luna isntin the castle, she is with Issac in a cave in the woods]
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [oh.]
2011-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: "The bond is a blood bond. I'm in this for life."Luna said.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade frowned
Kraven started on a walk yea he knew it wasnt the brightest idea going off on his own alone.
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Issac frowned "Try readin my mind, or seeing my future" he said having an idea.
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I hope she's okay, and she knows the rules, she's not allowed to leave this kingdom."
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade nodded "but mommy can? that doesnt seem fair"
2011-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I can't just see the future just like that."She snapped her fingers."When I'm meant to see something I will."
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: "can you read my mind then?"
2011-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I don't reading minds. I don't just read like one thought I would read everything from the moment you where born to this moment right now."
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "It's for her protection sweetheart." he'd smile, kissing her cheek. "I wouldnt want Luna to get hurt."
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Issac frowned "I see, then this will be harder for me to explain" he said "Have you had visions that seem interupted? they arent consistent or seem to jump from one view to anotheri n a single vision?"
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade "but what about mommy's protection?"
Kraven cursed lightly as he slipped down a small hill falling on his ass
2011-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: "No. When I have a vision I see it from a birds eye view or sometimes it's like am that person. Like lets say I had a vison about you, it would be like I was seeing everything that was happening but through your eyes. But at the same time I would be feeling everything you are feeling, I would get every wound you would get. If you died in the vison I would die."
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Mommy can protect himself." h'ed smile.
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Issac nodded "You wouldnt have had any visions of me" he said gently holding her cheeks "Because of this" he leaned his forehead agaisnt hers and allowed her to see his power. Everyone in the world was connected by invisible auras. Even trees, grass and animals shared these bonds. However Issac stood alone, a single lone star in a see of flowing light. No one coudl bond to him thus no one could snece him, read hsi mind or control it nor see visions of him.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade smiled "alright then"
Kraven "and these clothes were new" he stood up dusting himself off
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sighed and walked around, looking for Luna.
2011-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna's eyes widened when she saw his powers."Lucky you." She whispered.
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Issac puleld away "Not really. It cuts me off from all bonds. It is likely I will never have children or a wife as those bonds are nessacary to have that feeling of 'connection' to your lover"
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade frowned "I want mommy"
Kraven grumbled "my poor clothes"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Let's go find him.' he'd smile, searching for Kraven.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade smiled "k"
Kraven had decided to skip out on his hike and headed home he walked in heading straight to his room.
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit was waiting outside his room.
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled "hey you two"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smirked. "My my, mommy is dirty."
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled "hush the stupid hill pushed me"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Sure....or was it the fact you're...shoes are untied?"
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled "they werent untied my stupid heel tripped me up"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Oh?"
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled "i took a trail off the beaten path is all"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Well do'nt, and by the eway....Luna isn't in the kingdom..."
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven frowned "where is she?"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "No clue...she knows she'll die if she leaves....so it makes me wonder...was she kidnapped, if I could venture a guess, it was the man who tried to kill you earlier."
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: [crap. I should make a character htat can interact with....wait could I play Kravens father?]
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [oh god....thats' too scary, but sure?]
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [yea sure if you want to ^^ i dont mind ^^]
Kraven nodded "I hope she's ok but she could just be on a walk and i have to hurry up and get changed father should be here soon"
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: [i should wait for Angels approval first, so ill make another character till then]
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I understand." he'd say kissing his lips, but I've been over half the kingdom, she's not in here at all...she knows she's not supposed to leave the castle, period."
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [tay ^^]
Kraven kissed back sighing "i cant keep her locked up like a caged bird they never sing a happy tune and its not fair"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I: know dear...but it's the law, you can't unwrite what your father wrote, not while he's here....it's..
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven nodded "i know cant wait for the bastard to have a heart attack already" he sighed "I shouldnt have said that thats not nice he's still my dad"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit rolled his eyes. "I've thought several times about kiling him."
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven frowned "im sure he has a heart somewhere"
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Behind the block of ice?"
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: Leena was still eating "its find Raven, in my life I have seen far worse..." she smiled a bit.
2011-02-24 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He placed a hand on Rayne's shoulder. "Everything okay?"
2011-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled "Its more like a black hole"
2011-02-24 [Sonya Blue]: Rayne nodded "yes..perfectl
2011-02-24 [Strawboy]: Raven nodded "Im sorry then" Raven said setting the empty plate down.
2011-02-25 [Strawboy]: Raven lay back on the ground with a sigh and stretched out.
2011-02-25 [Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow "if your tired why not go inside your tent and sleep?"
2011-02-25 [Strawboy]: "Im not tired, just a little stiff" Raven said.
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