# of watchers: 8
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2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Let the male stay...he seems to be sorry about what he did, look at him."
The male looked around at the bodies with a frown.
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "He doesnt care" said a voice. Rudoc stepped into the garden blades ready " no 'god' cares for mortals"
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: Ryane shrugged "fine...then your coming with me..."
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "Very well" Raven said
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "If you say so." the male said lifting up one of the bodies, it was a mere child...
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven "fine"
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Dóiteáin smiled and kissed his lips softly.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: Rayen walked him out of the castle, keeping an eye on him
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Ved frowned and looked to Arya. "I do'nt trust them..."
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Raven no attempt to escape as Rayne lead him out of the castle.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Dóiteáin gasped. "Luna!" he'd shout.
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "please trust me ive done nothing to hurt you and i brought you something he'll want back" he pointed at the girl
Kraven fell back his eyes wide as he landed on his ass "fuck..."
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Dóiteáin frowned.
Ved looked to Arya. "I do'nt agree with involving an innocent child..."
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "i wont hurt her but if you dont fight a little dirty you'll never get to where you want"
Kraven shook his head "im going to go check on jade"
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Did you ask michelle if she wanted to disappear with you? Cause if not, that's just...rude, inconsiderate, and controlling a character taht does not belong to you]
"Ahuh...and involving a child is being nothing more than a monster..." he'd say walking off. "If this is how rebels act, I'll take my leave back to the imperial castle."
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "fine then fail at life if you're not willing to go after whatever you want no matter what it takes"
Kraven walked in and up to Jade's room "jade?" he frowned.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Dolt followed and blinked. "Where's Jade?"
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven "I dont...know...
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Dolt frowned and frantically ran around the castle, searching for her.
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven stepped into her room looking around he picked up her teddy bear.
Kira sighed "fine i'll take her back...will that earn your trust?" he frowned looking down "im sorry..."
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Ved stopped. "I wouldn't trust you around any child." he snapped.
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira frowned "will you take her back then please?" he fiddled with a leaf.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "not my job." ved snarled.
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira sighed "im just trying to do whats right no need to be mean to me"
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [figured as much you wouldn't answer.]
"Then you shouldn't of involved a child."
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "i didnt know..." he frowned rubbing his arm "I know the lay about of the kingdom i can get you blueprints"
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [guys take this to a pm please lets not ruin angel's rp with arguing]
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [*blinks* ]
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna looked over at Dolt."I'm standing right here, no need to shout, Dolt."she sighed a little.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Dolt frowned. "Sorry...I thought he took you away."
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna shook her head."No. I'm still here. Now if you will all excuse me. I'm going to go and fix my harp." She walked over to her somewhat crushed harp, she started to push the huge rock off it.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The male stepped up to her. "I apologize, please...allow me to fix it."
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna looked at the male."No, thank you. I will fix it." She wasn't foned of this male person. She just blasted the rock off and she teleported her harp and herself to her room.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The male frowned and looked around muttering some ancient language, in a dragonic tone.
Dolt rushed off to Luna's room after hearing it.
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna locked, spelled her bedroom so that no one could get in. She layed her harp on the floor with a sigh."What a mess." She muttered as she shook her head. She got her tool kit and she started to 'try' to fix her harp without magic.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Dolt knocked on the door.
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Rudoc looked up from his silent vigil as he heard footsteps. His hand slide casually towards his belt and axe but relaxed once he saw it was Eve.
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yes who is it?"Luna asked as she works on her harp.
Eve smiled softly."Rudoc where you going to run me threw with your sword?" She teased him.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: dolt sighed. "You're theo nly one I can ask this Luna...please let me in.."
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna sighed a little and flicked her wrist and her doors unlocked and de-spelled themselves."Fi
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Dolt opened the door and stepped in. "Remember when we were kids...you were reading that book on ancient creatures?"
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "No you arent a threat" he answered dead pan "Why are you up here so early? you dont usually visit the spell room for another 2 hours"
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yeah, why?"Luna said as she flicked her wrist and the doors closed.
Eve shrugged."I was bored. I had nothing to do. So I thought I would come visit Luna."
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "He was speaking an ancient language...one I've never heard before." he'd frown.
The male kept muttering the same twelve words over and over.
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "I believe she is in her room. Doit walked by earlier though" Rudoc said
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I know."Luna said as she said as she works on her harp."It sounded like Dragon Lords language."
"Oh then I'll see her later."Eve said.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "A...aren't they extinct?"
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Rudoc nodded crossing his arms "Im sure some of the guards will be happy to see your free"
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Meant to be."Luna said.
Eve chuckled."I'm sure they will be."
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Rudoc was tapping his axe blade gently with his finger.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Sh..sh..shoul
The male fixed the kingdom up and sighed looking at the cleared area.
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Of course. Dragon Lords are meant to be dangours because of the beasts they control. But each Dragon Lord is different, you have good ones and bad ones. So it depends on if this man is good or bad. If he bad then we should worry but if he turns out to be good then he could be of great use to kraven and his army."Luna said.
Eve smiled."Right well I'm going to say hi to the guards."Eve winked and she walked away to the guard's room to have some 'fun'.
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Rudoc shook his head 'ill be sure to make sure you arent disturbed" he called to her retreating back.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The male entered the kingdom, strolling down the halls as his claws glided gently along the walls, without scraping them.
Doit nodded and walked up to her, kissing her cheek. "Thanks sis." he'd smile, stepping back to give her a respectable space bubble.
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Eve was having her 'fun' with the guards.
Luna shrugged.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit frowned and stepped up examining the harp. "Can it be fixed?"
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Rudoc stayed where he was closing his eyes and seeing his past. He did it to pass the time though he remained fully concise of the world around him.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The male looked around, quite curious about the world today.
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "In time it will be."Luna said.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: Rayne made it back to the camp with raven
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Raven looked around the camp "Interesting, I would have great difficulty sneaking in here"
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: Rayne glanced at him but didn't respond
Arya ran up to them, stopping when she saw Raven "..."
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "I am here as a prisoner" Raven said simply
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: Ranye frowned "take him...and keep an eye on him..."
Arya nodded and frowned a bit
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "Keep two, much better" Raven chuckled
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: Rayne just walked off to her tent
Arya glanced to raven
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "You may want to check me for weapons" he said.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow "your admiting to having weapons then?"
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "yes" Raven nodded.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Ved blinked.
He smiled. "Anything I can do to help?"
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: she narrowed her eyes "well hand them over..."
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Raven began pulling daggers and throwing knives from his shirt, boots, gaunlets, pants and even his mask.
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "No, thank you."Luna said.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit smiled at her. "You know I love you right? You're the sister I always wanted."
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: she took them "follow me..."
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Ved blinked. "Is it safe?"
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Raven nodded and did as he was ordered
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yes, I know."Luna said.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit smiled. "You can see the future...what do you see...about that male?"
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: Arya led him wo a tent where she handed his weapons off to a guard, the looked at him "what's your name?"
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "Raven" he said inclining his head.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Ved blinked. "Am...um, am I a prisoner?"
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna looked at Doit."I just can't look into the future. When I am meant to see something I will."
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "He worries me...what do your feelings tell you?"
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "To wait and see what happens."
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: [Who is ved talking to?]
Arya nodded "I am Arya...follow me..." she led him to some tents
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Raven followed closely keeping his hand in front of him.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit nodded and looked around. "You've got new things."
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yes I have."Luna said as she works on her harp.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Does it weird you out? Me and Kraven?"
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Ved asked you]
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Of course not."Luna said.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I do want a child of my own though. Don't' get me wrong, I love Jade with all my heart." he'd smile. "And Kraven means the world to me."
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira took Jade back maybe he was wrong in his thoughts he didnt go in just left her at the gate with the guards to be taken back to her parents he turned and ran quickly.
Jade sniffled.
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna nodded."I know."
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and kissed her cheek once more. "I'll see you later." he said as he stepped out, the guard handing Jade to him. "Oh hello sweetheart." he'd smile, kissing her cheek.
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade clung to Doit sniffling.
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna flicked her wrist spelling her door to make sure no one comes in. She sat back on the floor and looked at her harp. She muttered a spell and fixed it.
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled. "What's wrong dear?"
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade "a scary man took me"
2011-02-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Who?" he chuckled, thinking she was just scared.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: She looked to Ved "no...your free now...you can do what you want..." she stopped infront of a tent "raven...you'l
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "Yes ma'am" Raven said looking around.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow at him, as a guard walked over to stand by the tent
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "Just inspecting my accommodations
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "you are free to roam the camp...but you'll be followed by either myself or a guard until Rayne says otherwise...."
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "Very well, I understand"
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "good..."
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Raven sat down and crossed hsi lands
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna left the castle, she had gone around healing who ever needed healing then she rode away from the castle and went for a ride on her horse. She needed to have a little break. She rode slowly threw the forest while singing. (The song http://www.you
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Issac looked up from his bed roll as he heard singing. He was deep in the forest, so found it strange someone was there.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: Arya sighed, then looked to the guard "I'll be back soon...stay and watch him"
The guard nodded, she had a mask on, and was about the same height as Arya
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna looked at the trees and bushes in the forest while riding as she sings.
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Raven watched Arya leave still sitting on the ground.
Issac spied on Luna as she rode hiding his presence with his mind blocking power.
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna stopped her horse and she picked an apple."Mmmmm..
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: The guard looked at him "what did you do?"
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Issac stepped out behind her "One such as yourself should not wonder around a forest so carefree"
"I tried to kill Luna Dragomir"
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna looked at Issac."How so?" She raised an blonde eyebrow at him.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: "Really? What did she do to you?" She rose a brow
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "Well i am here, I could quiet easily hold you hostage to draw out Kraven"
"nothing, I was hired"
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna laughed softly."Thats funny."
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: "I see..." she crossed her arms "mind if I sit?"
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "How is it funny?" Issac asked.
"Your the guard, you dont have to ask my permission for anything" raven pointed out.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: "I was being polite..." she sat next to him
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "That you would attack a defenless woman since you are a man of honor."Luna said getting off her horse.
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: "you are hardly defenseless" Issac said nodding to her sais.
"odd that oen would be polite to a prisoner"
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna looked at her sais then she looked at Issac."True." She nodded.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: She rose a brow at him "you aren't really a prisoner, you are just not trusted...Rayn
2011-02-20 [Strawboy]: Issac smiled "So for you, yes, foolish of yo uto be here out alone"
Raven nodded "An odd woman"
2011-02-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I needed time on my own or as I like to call it 'Luna time'. This is the first time in two years I've been able to have 'Luna time'." Luna said as she patted her horse, not looking at Issac.
2011-02-20 [Sonya Blue]: She shrugged "she was a slave herself you know..."
2011-02-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade frowned "ki...kira..."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "I suppose its rare, especially for a slave, to have some alone time" Issac said leaning against a tree.
Raven nodded "I guessed as much, but not many slaves would go back to the place where they were enslaved"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He blinked.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade "He took me...there were this weird people..." she sniffled
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He frowned and went to find Kraven.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven was assembling some people to go look for Jade.
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit stepped up behind him. "I don't want Kira here again..."
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven jumped turning to face him relief filling his facial expression as he saw Jade "why?" he asked confused
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Jade, would you like to tell mommy why?"
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Jade sniffled "he took me away"
Kraven frowned "wh...wh....wh
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I don't want that bastard in this kingdom again."
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven nodded "yes dear now what of that male we know nothing about?"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Mkay gonna pause this, do'nt wanna leave angel too far behind!]
"Luna said...he's a dragonlord..."
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven frowned "So can he be trusted?"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Only time will tell, but she said he'd make a great edition to your army..."
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: Leena shrugged "Rayne feels like she should help I guess..."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: Raven nodded "Why I believe she is an odd woman. Most slaves woudl simply be happy to be free"
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: "She's happy to help...any way she can..."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Why do you follow her?" Raven asked
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: "Because...she peomised to help me and my sister..."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "I see, so you arent doing this because you believe her to be right?"
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: "It is right...slaver
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "I see, so a slave is free to save themselves or to join your cause"
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: "No, thos who don't wish to join are taken away from here to the neiboring kingdom where they are free to live the remainder of their lives in peace."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Honorable of you, but dangerous" Raven said looking at Leena.
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: She shrugged "yes, but its woth it if lives can be saved..."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Sometimes lives need to be lost to achieve your goal though"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Ved watched them.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven "I dont know how do i know i can trust him"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Only time will tell, sweetheart.'
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled a little "how much time?"
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: she sighed "well too many have died already, no more need to..."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "If you intend ot free the kingdom from slavery then you will lose many more lives, it is inevitable" Raven said.
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I dunno?"
The male had vanished, and appeared inside the camp.
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: "I know...as does Rayne...in times of war lives will be lost...the demons are taking lives as we speak...Arya had three children and a husband who lost their lives when our village was attacked...the demons know of us and have even attacked here before...
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: THe male looked around the small camp.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "So, the demons are attacking while we are busy killing each other"
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven "well go find him maybe we can talk"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "No dear...he kidnapped our daughter!"
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven "i meant the other guy the dragon lord or whatever his name is dear i dont plan on talking to kira"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Should of said so, silly."
2011-02-21 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "yes, and Kraven is blind to it, Rayne won't go speak to him because of what he tried to do to her, she says if she sees his face again she'll kill him...and he won't see any of us unless it means our heads are on the chopping block..."
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Quite a predicament you have placed yourselves in" Raven said thinking.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled "i thought we were talking about the dragon lord just before that though"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The male walked up to them, keeping silent.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled "Im so confused"
Jade yawned
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit smiled and cradled Jade.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled "someone is sleepy"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Mhm." he'd say.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled taking Jade "i'll get her to bed"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Doit didn't let him have her. "Nu, we both take her." he'd smile, kissing his lips.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven kissed back "fine" he smiled "and oh before i forget your room will be ready for when my father comes to visit i hate it when he comes"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He frowned. "When is he coming?" doit asked.
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven "tomorrow some time in the evening" he sighed "I know it sucks while he's here"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE smirked. "Then...we have our time tonight."
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven giggled nodding "then i'll make it up to you ten fold when he leaves in a week"
2011-02-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna nodded."I know it's rare for a slave like myself to gat some time alone from people that want things or want to use me."Luna sighed a little and she took another bite of her apple.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Im surprised you could sneak out so easily"
2011-02-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Eh I'm just gifted like that."Luna shrugged.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "I see' issac said walking up to her "how are your legs?"
2011-02-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I healed them, so there fine."Luna said.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: I apologize, I should have stopped the rock"
2011-02-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "It's alright. I've had worst injuries than that."
2011-02-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kraven smiled helping Doit get Jade into bed
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: Issac nodded quietly observing her.
2011-02-21 [Strawboy]: "Your a brave woman" issac said.
2011-02-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna looked at him."How so?"
2011-02-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [we should pause this for Angel ^^]
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