SB Alternate Past Characters
Character Format.
Ep name-
Character name-
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)-
Sexual choice-
Picture ( If ya want)-
Ep name- [
Character name- Maximus Turrner
Age- 4...... but looks very very small for his age
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Half breed
Powers- All of Armonds
Weapon- Too young
Sexual choice- Too young
History- He grew up with his mother being beaten. Not much but that.
Picture ( If ya want)-
Character name- Lord Niol Turrner
Age- 14
What kind of SB- Vampire (Night one)
Powers- Can telaport, and control people by touching them
Weapon- sword
Sexual choice- He's gay ^^ but doesnt know it yet
History- He's the younger brother of Armond
Picture ( If ya want)-
ep name- [
Charater name- Remus Turrner.
Age- 1753 but looks about 30.
Race- Vampire.
Sexual like- Female.
Powers- Super speed, strenght, and can conroll dead spirts to do what he wants. ^^
Weapons- He uses his power of fisght with his staff.
History- He's the father of Armond and Niol Turrner and hates every one but his second wife Alyla Turrner.
Character name- Roasie Silverfang
Age- 14
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Werewolf
Powers- Hypnotism.... more may come
Weapon- Her powers and daggers
Sexual choice- Male
Side( LSB or DSB)- None
History- She's apart of the royal werewolf family, she was given to Armond as a gift. She had gotten pregnat with Maximus when she was 14 and had him than too, she died giving birth to him
Picture ( If ya want)-
Ep name- [
Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Lord Armond Turrner
Age- 15
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Vampire
Powers- Super strong and fast. Can make black lighting. Telaporting,mi
nd control, shape shifting, to drain the power off anyone with just a touch. Mind reading, killing with a thoght, moving things with your mind.
Weapon- Black lighting sword and bolts. Fangs and fighting skills.
Sexual choice- Girls
History- He is the son of Remus and Azura Turrner. He has a baby sister Elina, a twin borther Aro and a younger brother Niol.
Picture ( If ya want)- Armond is the one with Grayish blond hair

Ep name- [Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Aro Turrner
Age- 15
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Vampire
Powers- Super strong and fast. Can make black lighting. Telaporting,mind control, shape shifting, to drain the power off anyone with just a touch. Mind reading, killing with a thoght, moving things with your mind.
Weapon- Black lighting sword and bolts. Fangs and fighting skills.
Sexual choice- Girls
History- He is the son of Remus and Azura Turrner. He has a baby sister Elina, a twin borther Armond and a younger brother Niol.
Picture ( If ya want)- Aro is the one with blond hair

Ep name- [Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Elina Turrner
Age- 13
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Vampire
Powers- Super strong and fast. Can make black lighting. Telaporting,mind control, shape shifting, to drain the power off anyone with just a touch. Mind reading, killing with a thoght, moving things with your mind.
Weapon- Black lighting sword and bolts. Fangs and fighting skills.
Sexual choice- Guys
History- She is the only daughter of Remus and Azura Turner. She has three other brothers Armond, Aro and Niol.
Picture ( If ya want)-

ep name- [Cerulean Sins]
Charater name- Alyla Turrner
Age- 850 years old but she looks 29.
Race- Vampire (Night one)
Sexual like- Guys
Power- Super speed, strenght, mind control and mind reading.
Weapons- Fangs and any kind of weapons.
History- She is the second wife of Remus Turrner and she is the step mother of Niol, Armond, Aro and Elina. She is the only one that Remus is nice too, it cause they love each other.