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SB War; Anne Rice Version Characters [Logged in view]
2011-06-05 21:20:52
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SB War; Anne Rice Version Characters
SB War; Anne Rice Version
Your harters can go here. There are some on
SB WAR-Characters but some will be on her or moved on here cause we had to make changes.
Ep name-
Character name-
Sexual choice-
Picture ( If ya want)-
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Name: Maximus Aromd Turrner
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Sexual liking: Female.
Race: Half Vampire Half Demon
Powers- Super strong and fast. Can make black lighting. Telaporting,mi
nd control, shape shifting, to drain the power off anyone with just a touch. Mind reading, killing with a thoght, moving things with your mind. [copied from last might change]
Weapon- His powers and fighting skills
History: He's the only son of Armond Turrner, his mother was Mina. His mother had left his father before he found out she was pregnant. After she had the baby Arond's father and her memory was blocked so she doesn't remember even having him. His father Remus had taken him to an orfanage he grew up at. Remus took him because if Armond had a ,ale child he had to than pass on the head of the family to his son. He's really good at school and art but he hides it because thats what all the nerdy kids like and where he grew up he leaned that doesn't matter it only matters if you can hold your ground or not.
Pic: coming ^^
Character name- James Richardson
Age- 660
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- vampire
Powers- Mind control and reading
Weapon-Fangs and fighting skills
Sexual choice- female
History- He’s been with Armond since he was turned his maker had tossed him out and Armond had taken him in and tight him about vampires. If Armond had a best friend that was a guy it whould be James.
Picture ( If ya want)-

Ep name- [Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Lord Armond Turrner
Age- 608
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Vampire
Powers- Super strong and fast. Can make black lighting. Telaporting,mind control, shape shifting, to drain the power off anyone with just a touch. Mind reading, killing with a thoght, moving things with your mind.
Weapon- Black lighting sword and bolts. Fangs and fighting skills.
Sexual choice- Girls
History- Lord Armond Turrner is the leader of the DSB's for 100 years, he has set out to control all humans and SB's of the world.
Picture ( If ya want)- His hair is really silver

Ep name- [Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Lady Wilhelmina De La Cruz Lapen (but she gets called Mina)
Race- Demon(level 12)
Powers- control the minds of SB & humans, fire balls, can teleport, can kill with a dark thought. Fire and other stuff.
Weapon-Whip that is wrapped around her waist, a dagger that is strapped to her thigh, sword that is strapped to her back and finally sai which are strapped to her lower back.
Sexual choice- Male
History- Mina comes from a very old powerful family of Demons. She fell in love with a vampire Lord called Armond Turrner but she left him because he was to cruel and heartless. A month after she left she found out that she was preagant....then she gave birth but she doesn't remember her son or even being preagant with him. She ran back to her best friend Niol, Armond's brother and she lives with him.
Picture ( If ya want)-

Ep name- [Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Poppy Hale
Age- 11
What kind of SB- Vampire
Powers- Mind control, reading and healing powers
Weapon- Fangs and fighting skills
Sexual choice- Guys
History- Her parent worked for Armond until they where killed by the dark fae. Then she was taken by Armond because her father had saved Armond's life more than once, so Armond see it as a favor to Poppy's dead parents that he looks after her. She also has OCD and cleans and cleans until she passes out.
Picture ( If ya want)-

Ep name- [Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Luna Kelly Turrner
Age- 150
What kind of SB- Vampire
Powers- Mind control, reading, black fire, teleporting, Molecular Immobilization and Molecular Combustion
Weapon- Her powers, fighting skills and fangs
Sexual choice- Bi
History- She is the daughter of Armond Turrner and Kelly Smith. She is the twin sister of Jace (who is viewed as weak in Armond's eyes) and the older sister of Maximus. Luna is a party animal but she also editor of a SB fashion magazine. She supports her father out of fear because she is scared that he might hurt or kill her. She's just trouble in Armond's eyes.
Picture ( If ya want)-

Ep name- [Cerulean Sins]
Charater name- Alyla Sterling Turrner
Age- 850 years old but she looks 29.
Race- Vampire (Night one)
Sexual like- Guys
Power- Super speed, strenght, mind control and mind reading.
Weapons- Fangs and any kind of weapons.
History- She is the second wife of Remus Turrner and she is the step mother of Niol, Armond, Aro(who is dead) and Elina(who is dead). She is the only one that Remus is nice too, it cause they love each other.

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