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SB wolf pack
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What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)-
Sexual choice-
Side( LSB or DSB)-
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ep name-[
Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Armond Turrner
Age-606 but looks 31
What kind of SB-Vampire (Night one)^^
Powers-Super strong and fast. Can make black lighting. Telaporting,mi
nd control, shape shifting, to drain the power off anyone with just a touch. Mind reading, killing with a thoght, moving things with your mind.
Weapon-Black lighting sword and bolts. Fangs and fighting skills.
Sexual choice-Straight
History- Armond was born in 1400.Armond Turrner was turned to a vampire in 1431 by Remus Marksin, part of the royal black blood lines of the vampires. He had five children and a wife before that, and he resented what had happened to him. He got is vampire lover Rosaine pregant but she handed over Max to hin but Armond knew he couldn't keep Max so he sent him to live with James and Hope. But Armond has ketp a close eye on him because he just lives down the road from Max.

Ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Hope Richman
Age- 44
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Human
Powers- None
Weapon- Fighting skills and she has a dagger in her belt.
Sexual choice- Guys
Side( LSB or DSB)- None
History- She is married to James and they took in Maximus when he was just born. They have protected him for a very long time.
Picture ( If ya want)-

Ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Lilly Turrner
Age- 591
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Vampire
Powers- Super strong and fast. Can make black lighting. Telaporting,mind control, shape shifting, to drain the power off anyone with just a touch. Mind reading
Weapon- Her powers, fangs and fighting skills.
Sexual choice- Guys
Side( LSB or DSB)- None
History- Lilly is the eldest daughter of Armond Turrner from his human life. Lilly was born in 1419 on the night of a blood moon, she grew up with her three brothers and younger sister. When Armond 'died' Lilly had to help out more with the family by marring a young man called Edward but he was a vampire and turned her on her 17th birthday that was two days after there honeymoon. She learned how to be a vampire but she could never see her family again but she sent them money to make sure they where fed properly. When her husband, Edward died in the burning times in 1645 she left England to travel the world has been doing so until 50 years ago when she found out that her brother, Rubin was a slayer and he was hunting her.
Picture ( If ya want)-

Ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Rubin Turrner
Age- 585
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Slayer
Powers- Magic
Weapon- Powers, gun, sword and long bow
Sexual choice- Girls
Side( LSB or DSB)- Hunter
History- Rubin is the eldest son of Armond Turrner and the brother to Lilly and Maximus. Rubin had to be the man of the house when Armond 'died' in 1431, he got a job with the church and that is where he found out about the SB world. He was 16 years old when he heard that is sister, Lilly had married a vampire and was to become one herself. So he took a vow to hunt down every last vampire in the world and kill them...even his sister and father. He found out about his father 5 years after his 21st birthday and that is when he started to hunt Armond and Lilly.
Picture ( If ya want)-

Ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Lady Wilhelmina De La Cruz Lapen
Age- 19, 550
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Demon
Powers- Read and control the minds of SB & humans, fire balls, can teleport, can kill with a dark thought. Fire and other stuff.
Weapon- powers and fighting skills
Sexual choice- Bi
History- She is apart of a very old demons family. SHe has done and seen alot.
Picture ( If ya want)-

Ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Emilia Cooper
Age- 13
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)- Werewolf
Powers- Shifts into a wolf
Weapon- Fangs, claws and cutenss
Sexual choice- Guys
History- She was left in the wood by her perants and she was raised by a women called Bliss until a year ago when Bliss died of old age, so Emilia was left to look after herself. She is in a pack but she dosen't like them because they are too much like wolves not like humans.
Picture ( If ya want)-
human form
wolf form
[Up dating :D]
Ep name- [WASHACKED]
Character name- Maximus Turrner
Age- looks 13
What kind of SB- Born Vampire, but thinks he's human.
Powers- Mind reading, killing with a thoght, moving things with your mind, and mind reading.
Sexual choice- Straight
Side(LSB or DSB)- None, but he wants to be on DSB with his dad
History- He's the first born vampire in, 20,000 years. His father is Armond Turrner, and mother is Roasie Silverfang, both vampires..... more to come
Picture ( If ya want)-

He had black hair like his mother, but that he looks just like Armond. But he's also small for his age and looks like he's a 8 or younger year old, he's a runt XD
Ep name- [WASHACKED]
Character name- James Richman
Age- 45
What kind of SB- Human
Powers- None
Weapon- He carries a gun in his belt.
Sexual choice- female.
History- Comeing after I think of some
Picture ( If ya want)-

Ep name-[Legendary]
Character name-Heatra Kasshu
What kind of SB (Please put in the LSB code as well)-O.o
Weapon-2x Colt .45 Semi Auto
Sexual choice-straight
Picture ( If ya want)-
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