Page name: SPARTANISHNESMESH! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-16 00:58:32
Last author: wolvie
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 2
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D20: 11
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Wolvie informs BigT66 that she must leave soon :(
BigT66 cries and holds Wolvie so she cant go
Wolvie is now back but noone else is here so she cries
BigT66 is back now but nobody is here either so he cries
Wolvie tells BigT66 not cry for she is here
BigT66 smiles and huggles Wolvie
Wolvie says EEKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!1 then huggles BigT66
BigT66 smiles and then keeps huggling Wolvie
Wolvie smiles two and keeps huggling BigT66 whilst listening to Aerosmith on her mighty IPod
BigT66 smiles and sings along to Aerosmith
Wolvie smiles and also sings
BigT66 dances with Wolvie as we sing
Wolvie giggles and dances with BigT66 whilst still singing
BigT66 puts his arms around Wolvies waist whilst dancing
Wolvie growls a little at BigT66
BigT66 moves arms away and says sorry
Wolvie says its ok
BigT66 smiles and continues dancing and singing
Wolvie smiles and also keeps singing and dancing
BigT66 puts a dollar in Wolvies pocket and says thanx for the dance
Wolvie smiles and uses the dollar to buy a dr pepper
BigT66 sees the dr pepper and asks for some
Wolvie gets a cup and gives BigT66 some of the dr pepper
BigT66 drinks dr pepper and thanx Wolvie
Wolvie nods and drains her dr pepper
BigT66 finishes dr pepper and burps then excuses himself
Wolvie drinks her dr pepper slowly so as to savour every second of its goodness
BigT66 smiles and goes to the store and buys lots of dr pepper
Wolvie bows before BigT66's greatness
BigT66 splits all the dr pepper between us
BigT66 gives WOlvie a bottle of dr pepper and keeps the rest
Wolvie accepts the dr pepper gratefully
Wolvie is confuzed
BigT66 apologizes for putting the conversation bit in the wrong spot
Wolvie laughs and says its ok
BigT66 admits he ish stupid
Wolvie tells BigT66 that he ish not stupid he ish special
BigT66 says yay!! he ish special!
Wolvie smiles
BigT66 looks around and asks when the short bus will be arriving
Wolvie shrugs and says to let her know
BigT66 smiles and says ok
Wolvie cries when she sees that BigT66 has logged out and left her all alone
BigT66 logs in,hugs Wolvie,and lets her know that he will bea t the fire station all day and will talk to her when he can...he also wants her to know that he luffers her
Wolvie says ok and wishes BigT66 luck
BigT66 is home for supper and says hi to WOlvie
Wolvie hugs BigT66 and says hi back
BigT66 hugs Wolvie back and says he missed her
Wolvie smiles and says she missed him two
BigT66 smiles and kisses Wolvies forehead and asks if she had a good\ day
Wolvie smiles back and says that she did and asks if he did
BigT66 smiles and says yes but it was a tiring day...and its not over yet
Wolvie says sorry then cries when BigT66 leaves again
BigT66 comes back and sneaks up behind Wolvie and huggles her from behind
Wolvie informs BigT66 that she and rogurt are currently watching the dark knight and we couldnt remember the website for a long time and needed his help but he was no where to be found (rogurt claims he is a looser, wolvie says i agree (not really))
BigT66 hopes that Wolvie and rogurt have fun watching the dark knight and he shall now go cry cuz rogurt thinks he ish a loser

bob the freaking builder

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