Adam in the VIP lounge at the Tweeter center last night (06-23-06) for the Nine Inch Nails concert, which mind you was the sickest free concert ive ever been to! (read my diary)
Some random shots of the Nine Inch Nails concert. We had awesome seats! But my phone sucks and took some mad shitty pictures!
Sum more footage! Trent Reznor is sooo sexxxy!
Condom balloon!! As we walked in the arena there were people handing out condoms, this is what the kids did with them! They had about 50 of these going.
They had some sick graphics!
This actual moment looked soooo sick! But the picture makes it look horrible! It was all dark and during the heavy parts the red screen would light up and then fade away again and you could see Trent's silouhette against the red.
Such a sick concert!
These are pictures from the New England Summer Nationals
An old Ford
Chuckie and Tiffany!!
This car sounded so badass!
This car must be fast and it had a sick paint job, but you cant see it because it is faint airbrushing.
Butnouts Burnouts Burnouts!
An airbrushing of Marilyn Monroe
An old Hurst doing a BURNOUT!!! Now you know why im [FireGypsy] =)
This guy made his own intake! So cool!
SICK airbrushing! It has a bunch of the marvel comics characters on it
So cool!
Golf cart doing a wheelie!
Bikers getting ready to do tricks
These guys are nutz
ATV Burnout!
Only the sickest car ever made by man! The 1969 Camaro!
And another one!! *faints*
This was A belair, but the owner made it look like an old Mercury. Pretty cool.
This is the powerhouse to that car, the sickest looking straight 6 ive ever seen lol!
Just some random pictures!
My new laptop that i got from my dad for graduation. I get to steal intranet from unsuspecting people with wireless intranet! So cool!
This is my Bearded Dragon Thor! I thought he looked badass so i took a picture of his at this angle.
This is my snake Knots. Can you see why i named him Knots?
Knots is a Ball Python and i love him!!!
Itsa snake bracelet!
Adam! And all his sexiness!
Me just screwing around!
Adam driving his Impala.
Adam again =)
Adam's 1964 Impala SS
I like this one. Adam leaning on his masterpiece!
Adam holding his 3rd place trophy that he won with his car!!
Our buddy Dennis crushing a box with his fatass! Why on earth would he think that it would hold him up!
Dennis =) Yes that is a positions poster in the background of Adam and I's messy room! (Go ahead, count how many weve done, you know you want to)
Momma's Puggy Jake!
Beanie with her tongue sticking out! Her tongue is almost always hanging out of her mouth!
Uhhh... Its a tomoto plant?
Hehe how ironic that I would put my mom after the last picture!
My mom, trying to be cool like me!
My little sister.
My brother.
Adam's Dad, this was taken right after he shaved his beard off. Mind you Adam had never seen his dad without it, he looked soooooo weird!
Adam in the dark! We were camping.
A 1964 Impala SS Convertable Adam and I saw in a parking lot!