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<title>The cool, sexy and goofy wiki: Seasons change in D. Iosofov Str.</title>
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Seasons Change. ..DOT. ..
<p>Ah, the magnificent balcony! Have I not seen miracles happen from up here. ..DOT. ..*taps the parapet*. I have seen beautiful morning light pass through the new spring colour of the trees, I've seen the winter rays penetrate the little river running slowly and calmly before my block. ..DOT. ..<p>Now I come here to reveal the secrets of this little,but full of wonders neighbourhood, that has seen everything from weird painted busses to horses riders, relaxing next to a clear fountain. ..DOT. ..<p> So without further words, let me introduce you to my street. ..DOT. ..<p>D. Iosifov Str.- The street of changes
<a href="stuff/springg.jpg" target="_blank">
</a><p>The only photo I have from the spring. ..DOT. ..Pity, the spring here is like a magic;)<p><br>
<p><a href="stuff/bussy.jpg" target="_blank">
</a> <a href="stuff/busss.jpg" target="_blank">
</a> <a href="stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsUserMy%20DocumentsMy%20PicturesPhotosFolder%20competitionBest%20neighbourhoodresizedDSC01580.JPG" target="_blank">
You probably wonder what theis bus is doing here when this is a wiki showing a neighbourhood? The answer:evry year the graduating high-school students come to my pretty street (with huge free parking;) ) to park their luxurious cars . ..DOT. ..or buses in this case. ..DOT. ..*raises eyebrow* This perticular bus was noticed last year, when the Art Seniour decided won't use cars for transportation<wbr>, but one oh-so-artistic<wbr>-and-sexy bus :D<p>How is that connected to the summer? All this madness happens in May and June, so i like to call it "The summer Affair" ;) <br>
<a href="stuff/tqtur.jpg" target="_blank">
</a> <a href="stuff/gora.jpg" target="_blank">
</a><p>You probably noticed the fantastic forests around my street? Well, what you don't see is that they are a huge wild park. ..DOT. ..These two photos are taken in this park- look. ..DOT. ..I even have my own theatre;) They were taken this summer so it's only natural that they be put in the "summer" section;)<p><a href="stuff/koli4ki.jpg" target="_blank">
</a> <a href="stuff/summer.jpg" target="_blank">
</a><p>These are random summer photos, showing the skies above my balcony and another event that takes place in the summer. The little train thingy that you see,takes you into a magnifisent part that stars from my streets and continues 3-4 kilometers in the woods around the town. This place is called Bachinovo and it's where everyone goes to rest and to breathe fresh air;)<p><br>
<p><a href="stuff/blaaaa.jpg" target="_blank">
</a> <a href="stuff/wiggy.jpg" target="_blank">
<p>Ah, the dying season. ..DOT. ..It all becomes so beautiful with brown, yellow and red leafs everywhere, but you can't help noticing the death of everything around you. ..DOT. ..It shall all die: no, it won't die, it shall only sleep until the summer. Sleep and dream of the new generation of flowers and colours so dearly awaited during the spring. ..DOT. ..<p>
<a href="stuff/zima.jpg" target="_blank">
</a> <a href="stuff/zima2.jpg" target="_blank">
<p>We reached this dead but amazing season- the winter. ..DOT. .. if you have heard Vivaldi's winter, you'd know what my thoughts of this season are. I love it, it's so cold but in the same time elegant and astonishing-li<wbr>ke a woman whom you love but she's too arrogant to see you. ..DOT. ..<br>
<a href="stuff/mist.jpg" target="_blank">
</a> <a href="stuff/misty.jpg" target="_blank">
</a><p>These two are taken this January. ..DOT. ..very very strange time- the mist was so thick that you couldn't see a thing in 3 meter before you. This isn't a typical weather condition here, so that's why i have photographed it;) <p>
I shall end this wiki with a great "thank you" to everyone who saw it:) Make love, not war, take photos and enjoy your lives. And. ..DOT. ..If possible. ..DOT. ..Don<wbr>'t quarrel too much with your neighbours;)<p><a href="stuff/yourstruly.jpg" target="_blank">
Yours Truly, [<a href="member.html?membernr=24943">Avrora_Black</a>]<p>MWAH!
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