9.1 out of 10
The game follows the story of Michael LeRoi, a failed-out English major who, in the year 1991, find himself working as a taxi driver in Chicago -- far away from his family in New Orleans. One day while on the job, one of LeRoi's passengers is murdered in a gang-style killing, leaving $20,000 behind in the back of the taxi-cab. With dreams of escaping the city and returning home on the mind, LeRoi decides to take the cash.
This decision, of course, leads to a whole series of unfortunate events -- a downward spiral that ultimately sees LeRoi's parents and younger brother murdered by the crime syndicate of which he stole the money from. But his family's demise is only the beginning of LeRoi's problems. In order to protect himself from the same uncaring group that slaughtered his family, the soon-to-be-doo
med character enlists the help of a voodoo priest -- another unlucky mistake. LeRoi eventually becomes a slave (and more precisely an assassin) to the priest, unable to control his actions or fully remember his past.
One fateful evening, though, LeRoi is kidnapped by an opposing voodoo priestess -- Mamma Nettie -- who forcibly implants the Mask of Shadows into his chest. With the powerful voodoo artifact glowing from within him, LeRoi is made to serve Mamma Nettie in unquestioning obedience. The Mask of Shadows grants LeRoi the power to shift to Shadow Man, a being who can travel to a world beyond the living called Deadside. Here he is the taker of souls, the bringer of death... a demi-god of sorts.
After waking from a terrible, prophetic nightmare, Nettie orders LeRoi -- Shadow Man -- to save the world from coming apocalypse. This is where the adventure that is Acclaim's Shadow Man begins.
The Facts
•Third-person action adventure.
•Impressive 3D game engine displays huge worlds without need for fogging.
•Promised 60+ hours of gameplay.
•Rated Mature due to violence, gore, profanity, implied sexual situations and psychological scares.
•More than 40 minutes of cut-scenes and hours of in-game speech.
•Two giant worlds -- Liveside and Deadside -- and tens of complex sub-areas.
•Completely non-linear gameplay.
•4MB Expansion Pak compatible for high-resolution mode.
•Rumble and Memory Pak support.
[INFO PROVIDED BY IGN64.COM or wherever you got it from xD]
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Internet Reviews:
This game not only made me want to see the as yet unmade movie, but I totally got into the comic book line as well. It's rare that a videogame sparks interest in a film and comic book, but Shadow Man's got it where it counts. Well executed game elements drawn from a fantastic storyline. Maybe it's idea of an extremely adult game on the N64 that's turning me on, but Shadow Man fills more than one void in the console's library. A nice smooth Hi Rez game with some of the biggest environments you've seen since some of the outdoor levels of Goldeneye. And it's also a dark third person shoot-em-up that could be described as an older, disillusioned uncle to the upcoming Jet Force Gemini. Bright and cheery this game is not, but it doesn't need the sun behind it to cast a big shadow on the N64.
IGN64.COM user

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