Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Margret Lestrange
Special Info.: The daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, her father is unknown.She's best at charms and dueling, potions is her worst.
Personality: Unlike her mother, she is kind and sweet, and typically very quite. She gets into fist fights now and then when people push her to her limit.
Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name: Skye Rose Black
Age:11, 1st year
Special Info: The daughter of Sirius and Blair Black. She's hyper, but knows when to calm down. She's also a daddy's girl, always has been

She's smaller then your average first year, just like her mom had been]
Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Alistair Kane Black
Age:14, 4th year
Special Info: The son of Sirius and Blair, also has a twin. He's a total prankster, just like his father was. He's a good kid though...
Age:45, looks around 23
Gender:Male, for the most part (explanation below)
Special Info: Raphael is named for his father, the Arch Angel Raphael. His father is distinctly male, as all Arch Angels are... However, his 'mother' is a lower angel, and able to either take the male or female form-and can change as the situation requires. Raphael is a lower angel, and therefor has this ability, but he was born male, and therefore it's a more natural form to take. If he ever feels the need to, he can change to a female form. He does this rarely though, as it can be very painful.

You may be asking why an Angel is so far from Heaven, and why he's teaching at a school of magic. He left Heaven, not because he doesn't believe in it, but because he was given a choice between his human love, and his Angelic status. He chose love, and while still an Angel, he's no longer recognized by other Angels as one of their own. He took the Care of Magical Creatures job at Hogwarts when it was offered.
Name: Hazel Aspen Riversong
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Special Info.: Hazel's parents moved to America when they were in their late teens. Her parents owned several magic supply shops in America, and they had a large family. There was a wizard, much like Voldemort that rose to power quickly and quietly when Hazel was five. Her family ended up being tricked into being supporters, and when the wizard's true colors were shown, they had no choice but to split up their family. Hazel, being the youngest and sort of the odd one out, was sent to her eccentric grandparents in London. She lived in Diagon Alley her whole life, but was sent to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She really wanted to go to Hogwarts, but her grandmother had gone to Beauxbatons and was determined her grand daughter go also. When Voldemort came back, her grandmother took her out of school and they fled to South Africa. She came back, found their old place in shambles and she rebuilt it, reopening it in memory of her grandparents who passed away at the same time while they lived in Africa. She was always a hopeless romantic and it shows in her shop