# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: yay wendy!!!
2006-04-25 [Wendy]: Thank you, ladies! *blows you strawberry-fla
2006-04-25 [Lust]: Hmm
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: yay!! *catches one and eats* i love strawberries!! lol
2006-04-25 [Lust]: New news.
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: news? what changed?
2006-04-25 [Lust]: [Blinded Seraphim] Is second in comand in the Elfpack mafia. He will be in training to be the new Don if needed!
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: ah, gotcha, but there'll be no need of that!!
2006-04-25 [Wendy]: Hmmmm...I'm getting confused about the forum pages. They aren't set up like regular wikis. It's so much easier to see stuff instead of clicking it. Can I put the link in my house? What IS the link?
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: lol, you do *name of wiki ] with out the spaces and stars
2006-04-25 [Wendy]: Oooo! Entertainer? I can do stand-up comedy, act, and sing IRL. I've been professionally trained in all areas since I was tiny. I am still training.
2006-04-25 [Lust]: Here
2006-04-25 [Lust]: <IMG:http:
2006-04-25 [Lust]: [The Elfpack Mafia@wiki]
2006-04-25 [Lust]: There. Coppy and paste those into your house
2006-04-25 [Lust]: And see.. Forum guide for info on the fourms. They are much diffrent
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: yeah, i bet that helps more huh? lol
2006-04-25 [Wendy]: Thank you!
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: rawr!! so what's new pplz??
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: i doodling
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: sounds fun!!
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: usually is.
2006-04-25 [Wendy]: I feel kinda depressed that I can't visit Michael, my fiance, in Texas. I also can't get ahold of him right now...
2006-04-25 [Lust]: I can fly
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: i'm sorry wendy!! i'd go check on him for yas if i could!!
2006-04-25 [Wendy]: *smiles really big* An entertainer has to act like nothing bad is happening unless it is part of the show, though!
2006-04-25 [Lust]: O.O
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: hun, no one's askin you to hide it, you can worry all you want,...we're here for yas, that's what makes us a family!!
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: yo!! boss lady!! i got a new assassin!!
2006-04-25 [Lust]: Who? And its Lynney! Seash.. Umm. And anyone seen [Fion Faolan]?
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: it's [silverdagger] and ok, i'm sorry lynney!! and no, not lately,...
2006-04-25 [Lust]: Sure. If he is active.. Seems no one is... *sigh* Kick your assassins in the ass and get them active! Hmm..
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: i am 2 lazy to be active online O_O
2006-04-25 [Lust]: Oh shut up. Your active. And sometimes I wanna swat at you
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: *swats at nick* he's pretty active,...so can i have him?
2006-04-25 [Wendy]: I miss Foin Faolan...It's been forever since we've spoken!
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: *rubs swatted area*... always with the pain O_O
2006-04-25 [Lust]: Go ahead and have fun with him. Do a share for me as well. And I miss him as well. Its been 80 days...
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: oooh!! *ties nick to chair and grabs whip and handcuffs*
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: O_O....this is.... differet ....
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: i dont like the chair thing,...*cons
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: O_o....that could be....bad...
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: plz lynney?? plz plz plz?!?!?!?!
2006-04-25 [Lust]: Sure have fun
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: uh o O_O
2006-04-25 [Lust]: yes?
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: yay!! *goes to create office of own*
2006-04-25 [Lust]: okay?
2006-04-25 [Lust]: Mafia News
2006-04-26 [Wendy]: LOL! Cute! *buys a mini fridge, fills it with chocolate milk, places it in office*
2006-04-26 [Wendy]: I shouldn't be a barmaid. I don't know drinks. i know entertainment. Lemme entertain you!
2006-04-26 [Wendy]: I have jokes of every kind! I can sing! I can dance sexy! I can tell sad stories! Weird stories! Etc.! I've had formal training! View my profile for more info!
2006-04-26 [Wendy]: *makes chocolate milkshakes for everyone*
2006-04-26 [Deepest_Distance]: woooot
2006-04-26 [Wendy]: Yay! Enjoy, peoples! *passes out the chocolate milkshakes, complete with whipped cream and a cherry on top*
2006-04-26 [Deepest_Distance]: o o o o YAY!!!!1
2006-04-26 [Lust]: O.O
2006-04-26 [Deepest_Distance]: *raises eyebrow*
2006-04-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: i aint that great withdrinks either, i can tell ya some of them though...
2006-04-26 [Lust]: ??
2006-04-26 [W!ld KAT]: *hugs wendy* thanks hunni!
2006-04-26 [Deadly Pacifist]: see this is how you make drinks...you pick randomly then mix... DA TA new drink :D
2006-04-26 [W!ld KAT]: lol, yay!! that's how i did it!!
2006-04-26 [Deadly Pacifist]: lol thas wut my brother and his friends would do in bars in germany... intresting stories
2006-04-26 [W!ld KAT]: lol, i bet!
2006-04-26 [Deadly Pacifist]: ...i like milk *drinks milk*
2006-04-26 [W!ld KAT]: yay!!
2006-04-27 [Wendy]: OMG! Yay! I got into Entertainment! I shall do my best to Entertain you all!
2006-04-27 [Lust]: =)
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: *does carlton dance*... i think... wheat thins rule
2006-04-27 [angelicdeath]: hello sir don i spoke with babygirl09 and i heard u need an assassian i may be of ur services *grins*
2006-04-27 [DRACE]: well looks like your getting the whole kit and coboodle in here
2006-04-27 [soo_almighty]: ooooH!!! i want to join!!!
2006-04-27 [Lust]: O.o... If you want to join talk to me and stop flooding the wiki!!! *glares*
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: i want to not be working... i dont get wut i want though
2006-04-27 [Lust]: err.. masterbate?
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: O_O no....work... :P
2006-04-27 [Lust]: Ohhh =P
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: shyeah...im on my lunch break...i dont wanna go back GHEY
2006-04-27 [Lust]: Aww! No work!
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: ....i dont have work 2morrow....but 2day.... work.. at least its not realy gay like drywall or concrete
2006-04-27 [Lust]: Moneh!
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: well yeah....money is good... i get paid 2day *dances*...and i got my subs installed yesterday *dances*...but yes i must be getting back to work... yall have fun PEACE
2006-04-27 [Lust]: Buh bys!
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: POS!!! YAAAY...new cd yaaay new movie :P
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: i'm getting so many new assassin requests!!!
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: sweet
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: i know right? i think i gotta add em tho,...i dont think lynn's here right now,...
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: it is possible that she is not.... i need to find my pencil
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: well, go look for it, i'll be waitin in my office for yas, kk? ;)
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: LOL ok... :P
2006-04-27 [Lust]: o.o
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: hi lynney!! i have about three new assassins!!
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: AHHH *runs and hides*
2006-04-27 [Lust]: I see we have 2.. Who are they all? *watches him*
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: *stares from hiding spot*
2006-04-27 [Lust]: *stairs back*
2006-04-27 [Deepest_Distance]: hey ummm just a thought but wondered if i cud create a website for the assassins part of the mafia :O
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: *looks back and forth between them* are you guys ok?
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: *gasps and throws rocks at stuff*
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: *tackles nick* please dont throw things, it's not nice!!
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: *tackled*...bu
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: *looks at trees, glares, they burst into flames* there, that better?
2006-04-27 [Lust]: If you create it for one part you have to do it for it all or it would just simply be unfair.
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: ..YEAH :D
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: huh?
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: wut?
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: i dont know!!
2006-04-27 [Lust]: Answere to :23:24:36 Dark_angel_06: hey ummm just a thought but wondered if i cud create a website for the assassins part of the mafia :O
2006-04-27 [W!ld KAT]: oh, ok, i'm not usre what she's talkin bout a wiki or a actual website,...but i'll tell her!!
2006-04-27 [Deadly Pacifist]: yeah that
2006-04-28 [Wendy]: Newbie or forgot the word "wiki'? Either way...WELCOME!
2006-04-28 [W!ld KAT]: go ahead and tell her lynn, i'm sure she'll understand,...
2006-04-28 [Lust]: Tell what?
2006-04-28 [W!ld KAT]: tell dark angel not to make it
2006-04-28 [Lust]: Not to make what?
2006-04-28 [W!ld KAT]: that assassin website
2006-04-28 [Lust]: Okay? No? I'm lost
2006-04-28 [W!ld KAT]: eh,...nvm,,...
2006-04-28 [Lust]: So am I!
2006-04-29 [Chelle]: hi
2006-04-29 [Lust]: Welcome!
2006-04-29 [Chelle]: thnx...so wow not many people talking in here
2006-04-29 [B-Raz]: EVERYONE I IS BACK!!!!!!!! kinda lol
2006-04-29 [Lust]: *hugs*
2006-04-29 [W!ld KAT]: ahhh!! *tackles b* just like old times, huh hunni?
2006-04-29 [B-Raz]: lol YAY I was hugged by two of my favrite people :D *huggums you both back*
2006-04-29 [Lust]: *hiss* You already have your boy toys!
2006-04-29 [B-Raz]: what?
2006-04-29 [W!ld KAT]: he was always mine!!
2006-04-29 [B-Raz]: ok i'm confused lol
2006-04-29 [W!ld KAT]: you're mine aren't you b?
2006-04-29 [B-Raz]: well I mean is the don mad at you cause of this?
2006-04-29 [Lust]: ... *glares..* Mine.
2006-04-29 [B-Raz]: who me? lol
2006-04-29 [Lust]: Yes.
2006-04-29 [B-Raz]: oh no people are gonna fight over me
2006-04-29 [Lust]: Chh
2006-04-29 [B-Raz]: chh?
2006-04-29 [Lust]: Its a sound
2006-04-29 [B-Raz]: I know lol I ment why you say it?
2006-04-29 [Lust]: Never mind
2006-04-29 [DRACE]: ...
2006-04-29 [Lust]: ?
2006-04-29 [Malve]: MWAHAHHAAHAHA *sneaks in*
2006-04-29 [Lust]: *watches her* Uh huh
2006-04-29 [Malve]: *busted* eum..... hmmm *grins*
2006-04-29 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Haven't come here in a while... *sits down and watches [Malve] and the Don*
2006-04-29 [Lust]: *tackles*
2006-04-29 [Malve]: *leans against a wall with my head slightly bent down and my hat covering half of my face, hummin on a melody* hm..hm hm hm...
2006-04-29 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol Why hello! ^.^
2006-04-29 [Lust]: O.o
2006-04-30 [B-Raz]: *walks into the room* hiya everyone
2006-04-30 [Eyes of the Reaper]: 'Ello.
2006-04-30 [Lust]: *pokes all*
2006-04-30 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *ish poked*
2006-04-30 [Lust]: Buh ha ha!
2006-04-30 [B-Raz]: AHHHHHH i've been poked
2006-04-30 [Lust]: Yes, you have!
2006-04-30 [B-Raz]: *risks getting shot and pokes the don*
2006-04-30 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *watches* o.o
2006-04-30 [Lust]: *blinks* O.o.. *growls*
2006-04-30 [B-Raz]: uh oh I think i'm in trouble now
2006-04-30 [Lust]: *Tackles you down and farts on you* hmp.
2006-04-30 [B-Raz]: oof
2006-04-30 [Lust]: Buh ha ha
2006-04-30 [B-Raz]: that wasn't nice
2006-04-30 [Malve]: *smirks*
2006-04-30 [W!ld KAT]: hallo!!
2006-04-30 [Lust]: It was nice! Seash! Ello!
2006-04-30 [W!ld KAT]: hallo!
2006-04-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *tackles the sanna and lynney*
2006-04-30 [Lust]: *falls back* Ouch... Pay back for the kick eh?
2006-04-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *nods* yup!
2006-04-30 [Lust]: Gerrr!! *bites*
2006-04-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *screams like a little girl and bites back*
2006-04-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: now children, do i have to seprate you...WITH A CHAINSAW!
2006-04-30 [Lust]: *Bites harder*
2006-04-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: you do know im the lawyer here...
2006-04-30 [Lust]: *stops biting* So...? I can get an assassin to force you do do what I want? And I'll send my spy's on you! BUH HA HA! (j/k of course)
2006-04-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: sure lynney, sure...
2006-04-30 [Lust]: Heyy! Gerr! *Chews on you more*
2006-04-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *bites* stop!
2006-04-30 [Wendy]: *the chinchilla squad gives everyone some chocolate milk*
2006-04-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yay!!!
2006-05-01 [Chelle]: hey every1
2006-05-01 [Wendy]: The chinchillas say that chocolate is better to chew on. They have special chinchilla chocolate that they can eat so that they don't get sick. *the chinchillas set up a table of fudge monkeys, monkey-shaped fudge*
2006-05-01 [Lust]: O.o.. *sits on him* Ger
2006-05-01 [W!ld KAT]: *takes a fudge monkey and hugs wendy* you know just what i need after washing cars all day,...
2006-05-01 [Malve]: *picks up a deck of cards, sits down on the floor and starts making a card house*
2006-05-01 [Lust]: *keeps blowing on it*
2006-05-01 [Malve]: :O
2006-05-01 [Lust]: *looks innocent*
2006-05-01 [Malve]: *face slowly begins to turn into a slight of red*.. hmph *takes a deep breath and builds another house*
2006-05-01 [Lust]: *giggles and blows*
2006-05-01 [Blinded Seraphim]: that wasnt nice boss :P
2006-05-01 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *Transmutes a rock into a long barreled revolver* =D it tis awesum!
2006-05-01 [Malve]: hey guys I made a "mafia" picture of myself and put it up in my house XD I got me hat and me cards aswell mwahaha
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