# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: THe hot popcorn is made my the same company thatmakes cheetos XD
2006-04-18 [Lust]: I need food..
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: NO>.. FUNYUNS...wait
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD LMAO!
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: my head hurts...
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: ...take some medicine...tha
2006-04-18 [Lust]: Drugs!
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: VICATIN.... sucks
2006-04-18 [Lust]: o.o
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: How would you know? EH?!?! XD joking
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: apparently cause he took it dumass!
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: ITS A JOKE DINGLE BERRY!!!
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: LOL i hit my thumb a few times with a hammer... and my mom had some vicatin...didn
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: i would imagine it would too well. (bill engvall) a half a vicadin and a bahama mama, makes for a bitchin day! XD
2006-04-18 [Lust]: Children!
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: LOL...true..bu
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: maybe it was old...
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: shouldnt of been that old...
2006-04-18 [Lust]: o.O
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: eh, i dunno, maybe your too big a stoner to have noticed XD (please dont hit me O.O)
2006-04-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: LOL i have never smoked anything...and rarely drink :P... and im a pacifist so dont worry about hitting you
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD GET STUCK! *nails anton right in the jaw and runs* LMFAO!!
2006-04-18 [Lust]: Bubbles...
2006-04-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: ow! you peckerhead!
2006-04-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD LMAO!!
2006-04-19 [Deadly Pacifist]: *sits down*... strange
2006-04-19 [Lust]: I'm ignored. I'm gone
2006-04-19 [Deadly Pacifist]: ...you said bubles...it was not ignroed... it was merely... bubbles O_O
2006-04-19 [Lust]: ...
2006-04-19 [Deadly Pacifist]: dot dot dot
2006-04-19 [Lust]: I can fly
2006-04-19 [Deadly Pacifist]: i cant :(
2006-04-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: i cant fly but people say i could use my farts as jet fuel XD
2006-04-19 [Deadly Pacifist]: O_O...that deadly huh?
2006-04-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: ive ripped some pretty gnarly ones...but this one kid i knew took the cake, he cleared out an entire classroom! i swear to good it was so fkin nasty that the class had to go out into the hall!
2006-04-19 [Lust]: WEEEEEEEEEEE!
2006-04-19 [Deadly Pacifist]: O_O....why the weee?
2006-04-19 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD LMFAO!
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: AHHHHH!!!! I'M LOST!!!! YALL TALK ALOT!!
2006-04-19 [Lust]: o.O
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: rawr!!
2006-04-19 [Lust]: Ahhh!!??
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: grrr,...
2006-04-19 [Lust]: *tackles* ROAR!!!
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: *ish tackled* *licks your face*
2006-04-19 [Lust]: ^-^ Me having a bad day..
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: aww, i'm sorry *rapes* feel better?
2006-04-19 [Lust]: A lil..
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: well,...*hires best stripper in town*
2006-04-19 [Lust]: Err..
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: you dont have to use him, i'm sure someone else would
2006-04-19 [Lust]: We'll see?
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: ok!
2006-04-19 [Lust]: Kay
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: rawr
2006-04-19 [Lust]: Soo.. Anywho
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: yup
2006-04-19 [Lust]: nope
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: maybe?
2006-04-19 [Lust]: Oi!
2006-04-19 [W!ld KAT]: rawr!!
2006-04-21 [Crozzy]: I wanna watch the stripper
2006-04-21 [Lust]: Wisdom teath removed.. Hurts... So much
2006-04-21 [Crozzy]: I know! Owie!!
2006-04-21 [Lust]: And they ahd complications.
2006-04-21 [W!ld KAT]: ow, i'm sorry hunni
2006-04-22 [Lust]: I'm still alive!
2006-04-22 [W!ld KAT]: i know, but it hurts like hell!
2006-04-22 [Lust]: Does it ever! I keep having times when I cry.. I never cry!
2006-04-22 [W!ld KAT]: i know hun, well, night all!
2006-04-22 [Lust]: Wet dreams =)
2006-04-23 [Lust]: Lmao, everyone! [Voice of the Voiceless] and me are gonna have an virtual baby! =P
2006-04-23 [Love like Winter.]: Wow!!! Congrats!
2006-04-23 [Love like Winter.]: *I bagsy Godmother!*
2006-04-23 [Voice of the Voiceless]: O_o we are?
2006-04-23 [Lust]: We have a godmother! Yes we are... O.o... HELLO!! seash..
2006-04-23 [Voice of the Voiceless]: O_e
2006-04-23 [Love like Winter.]: Ok... *runs off to the corner and cries*
2006-04-23 [Lust]: Why are you crying?
2006-04-23 [Love like Winter.]: Cause I'm *sob* not God mother... *sniffle*
2006-04-23 [Voice of the Voiceless]: ok?
2006-04-23 [Love like Winter.]: you people suck *strops out of the room*
2006-04-23 [Lust]: I'm lost.. *snuggles up to [Voice of the Voiceless]* we need names!
2006-04-23 [Voice of the Voiceless]: I suck? ...I would've been lost with you
2006-04-23 [Lust]: Ohh and riot girl i was telling [Voice of the Voiceless] that we have one named [Love like Winter.]
2006-04-23 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *is being snuggled* Um what about Ed jr.? XD
2006-04-23 [Love like Winter.]: Wow *ish honored and comes back all happy*
2006-04-23 [Lust]: Ed.. what about him? ^-^ Heh sorry that was a bit comfusing! I'll try to be more clear next time =P
2006-04-23 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Carry on my wayward son
2006-04-23 [Lust]: I'm lost.. Huh?
2006-04-23 [DRACE]: hello, hows u people...? - this is a weird wiki, but congrats ^___^
2006-04-23 [Lust]: How is it weird? Would you like to join by any chance?
2006-04-23 [DRACE]: i would, but proberly wouldn't be welcome ~_~
2006-04-23 [Lust]: You are.. if you dont say what you said to me EVER again.
2006-04-23 [Lust]: So what position would you like to be?
2006-04-23 [DRACE]: huh, who be u? o.O
2006-04-23 [Lust]: I'm the Don.
2006-04-23 [DRACE]: hmmm, sorry Lyn
2006-04-23 [Lust]: For?
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: hey can i join ?
2006-04-23 [Lust]: What position would you like to take on?
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: weapon expert (side arms )
2006-04-23 [Lust]: [Blinded Seraphim] if you ever read this he is going under you...!
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: who is going under me
2006-04-23 [Lust]: No one.
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: so am i in ?
2006-04-23 [Lust]: Yes
2006-04-23 [Lust]: Anyone is if they behave
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: woot *dances* i will :)
2006-04-23 [Lust]: =)
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: :):):)
2006-04-23 [Lust]: So anywho.
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: yeah ?
2006-04-23 [Lust]: uh huh..
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: hehe this is aweosme :D
2006-04-23 [Lust]: uh huh
2006-04-23 [Soft as Bone]: what do you mean by behave? btw: hello don [Lust]. it's nice to meet you.
2006-04-23 [Lust]: Uh.. I have always been the Don.
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: *raises eyebrow*
2006-04-23 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD tard
2006-04-23 [Soft as Bone]: ok, i'm sorry, i haven't been here is a while and i'm just blonde right now. pardon the intrusion
2006-04-23 [Lust]: *blinks*.. Umm.. Maybe changing my name wasnt a smart idea... Er...
2006-04-23 [Soft as Bone]: no, it's just me, don't worry...i feel really dumb, i'm sorry
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: *looks around silently*
2006-04-23 [Lust]: Its fine...
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: indeed *nods*
2006-04-23 [Lust]: *also nods*
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: hehe
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: *sits down looks around* hmm might go cook
2006-04-23 [Crozzy]: Food....Yum.
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: anyone want any ?
2006-04-23 [Crozzy]: Yes, what did you make?
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: wel pizza ,waffles, more pizza and fries
2006-04-23 [Crozzy]: mmm Pizza
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: heheh *hands crozzy some pizza *
2006-04-23 [Lust]: pizza waffles.. Interesting
2006-04-23 [Deepest_Distance]: hehe indeed :)
2006-04-24 [Deadly Pacifist]: i like cheese
2006-04-24 [W!ld KAT]: i like french fries and gravy,....
2006-04-24 [Deadly Pacifist]: O_O....french fries and ranch...or french fries and a-1
2006-04-24 [W!ld KAT]: no,....french fries and gravy hunni
2006-04-24 [Lust]: o.O
2006-04-24 [Deadly Pacifist]: O_O i dont like gravy
2006-04-24 [W!ld KAT]: fine then,.....pean
2006-04-24 [Lust]: eww
2006-04-24 [Deadly Pacifist]: O_O...im gonna agree with serpent
2006-04-24 [W!ld KAT]: :O omg your kidding!!
2006-04-24 [Deadly Pacifist]: ....no.
2006-04-24 [W!ld KAT]: crazy pplz,...*shake
2006-04-24 [Deadly Pacifist]: OOOO OOO>..people....go to my house and choklits...and say whose artwork is better O_O
2006-04-24 [W!ld KAT]: yesh, please!!
2006-04-24 [Lust]: Anywho
2006-04-24 [DRACE]: i am sorry Lyn
2006-04-24 [Lust]: Stop being sorry! And everyone in the mafia. There are rumers flying around, if you wish to believe them, make my day. But you cant 'steal' some ones boyfriend. He has to come to you.
2006-04-24 [W!ld KAT]: i luff my lynney!!
2006-04-24 [Lust]: I luffs you as well
2006-04-24 [Ultiem]: oy oy oy...i luf senpai lynn
2006-04-24 [Lust]: huh
2006-04-24 [Ultiem]: dont ask what senpai is but ah <3 for ye anyway
2006-04-24 [Ultiem]: << Hunter Ultiem?
2006-04-25 [Lust]: K K! =P <3
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: doomy doom! O_O
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: i like milk
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: yay milk! lol
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: YAAAY...its tasty :D
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: especially chocolate. mmmmmm...chocl
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: and starwberry YUMMY...and all milk...it all rules...i love cows
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: (ron white)cow flatulence in the ozone, the clearing of land for the raising of cattle...what are you doing to help the environment? "im eatin the cow!"
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: LOL ron white is the awesome... tatersalad :P...o forgemaster...
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: i dunno, where do i go to compare?
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: just tell me or choklit...or say it here...then she will se eventually :p
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: i like your reaper better, it looks a little more detailed
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: YAAAY thanxs :D... she has to make me a banner if i win MUHAHHA i alrdy had to make her one O_O...
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: lol i hope you win then
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: SHYEAH thanxs then i will have a banner for me YAAY...i just hope she dont hav elike 3 votes for hers she hasnt told me O_O
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: me no know
2006-04-25 [Lust]: So. We should talk about mafia stuff for once...
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: okay...i finally sent my photo to jino for the photo album
2006-04-25 [Lust]: yay
2006-04-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: brb, i need to eat dinner
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: im just a messly pacifist assassin O_O
2006-04-25 [Lust]: k o.O
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: you're my next in charge buddy-boy,....
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: no.... seriously
2006-04-25 [Lust]: ... How did that get out so fast
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: YAAAY pacifist assassin sidekick :D
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: yeap, you're the second in coommand me compadre,....
2006-04-25 [Lust]: I'm secpnd in comand?
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: no, [Deadly Pacifist] is my next in command,....
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: i do believe she was talkin 2 me
2006-04-25 [Lust]: Ohh I was lost
2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: its ok lynney, *pats her head* it's ok,...
2006-04-25 [Lust]: *lays down*
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: *climbs tree*....i like em :D
2006-04-25 [Wendy]: I would love to apply for Bar Maid. I look pretty damn good in a maid costume and I have a sweet smile and a curvaceously hour-glass figure.
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: hello wendy
2006-04-25 [Lust]: =)
2006-04-25 [Deadly Pacifist]: welcome to the family wendy.
Number of comments: 6244
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