# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: or how about riot erin :O
2006-02-15 [Love like Winter.]: I... I... dunno anymore!! I didn't even know I was working for the rivial mafia *sobs*.
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: Thats a damn shame..
2006-02-15 [Love like Winter.]: I must have been brain-washed *slumps into a corner, in a confussed mess*
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: brain washing is cheating... thas bad... 2 points deducted
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: wow..im so lost...lol....
2006-02-15 [Love like Winter.]: *grabs the back of [the_puetzj]'s head and slams it into the wall* Who the fuck do you think you are?!
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *crouches by Erin and pats her back comfortingly* Calm down now...
2006-02-15 [the_puetzj]: im "Ahab the Arab"
2006-02-15 [Love like Winter.]: I've had a bad day.. I do not need to get raped >.<
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: Fuck that shit....*cocks a gun and points it at Mr. Puetz* GET OUT NOW!
2006-02-15 [the_puetzj]: i think he just likes playing with his cocker
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *stands up and faces Puetz, the look of a demon in his eye* GET OUT.
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: GET OUT RIGHT FUCKIN NOW!
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: how strange for someone to make jokes while looking down the barrel of a gun.
2006-02-15 [the_puetzj]: like i am ever here anyway
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *left hand twitches*
2006-02-15 [the_puetzj]: you might wanna have that looked at
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: GET...OUT.
2006-02-15 [Love like Winter.]: *sits in the corner and sighs* It dosn't matter... No need for guns..
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: wut about swords those are always fun?
2006-02-15 [the_puetzj]: thats alright i shouldnt be here anyways
2006-02-15 [Love like Winter.]: Heh... You knew what I ment..
2006-02-15 [the_puetzj]: ehh i need to be making supper and cleaning my truck and doing the dishes so im leaving anyway
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: :( no swords... *dissapointmen
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *growls and spins back around to look at Erin* He didn't hurt you...did he?
2006-02-15 [Kaze]: *flails*
2006-02-15 [the_puetzj]: i deleted the comment anyway had just been around coffee and was feeling especially random
2006-02-15 [Love like Winter.]: I'm fine, really.. *gets up and walks to the bar*
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: does anyone have xbox live =|
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: I'll have it soon...
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: wut games u gots?
2006-02-15 [Kaze]: I could either of gotten a broadband connection, or a modchip and harddrive upgrade for my Xbox. I made my choice, and I stand by it. =D
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: I'll only have it on 360... My name is Shadow Flare... But it might be taken, so I might have to put some numbers on the end
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: o so u probably will be playing doa and perfect dark :| i only have a regular box for now... guerilla sage playing it up on halo 2, battlefield 2, and lockdown (ocassionly)
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: So far I only have what me and my stepbro got for Christmas: Need For Speed Most Wanted (breaking through police blockades is fuuuun lol), Madden NFL 2K6(i don't actually play that), and Call Of Duty 2 (RUSSIANS RULE!!!)... But yes, I am going to get DOA and PDZ... and hopefully download Halo 2 and Battlefront 2...
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: battlefront 2 is good halo 2 is only fun on live... but i think i play battlefield 2 more than halo 2 now... sooo much fun C4ing tanks :D
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: more fun blowing up turrets with detpacks as an engineer on BF2... especially when there's someone in them... muahahahahaaa
2006-02-15 [Kaze]: I use my Xbox now more as a VCR than anything else. I stream video files from my PC to my TV n__n
2006-02-15 [Love like Winter.]: *is all alone at the bar, so come back and walk up to Matt and hugs him*
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: *hugs*...Feeli
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: i want a mod chip.... that would be nice... once i get a 360 im gonna get a mod chip for my regular box that willb e greatness
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *hangs his head* How come no one ever randomly hugs me... -_-
2006-02-15 [Kaze]: Because your name's too long.
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: *hugs holy rain*
2006-02-15 [Kaze]: hmm... I guess that works <.<;;; </reject>
2006-02-15 [Kaze]: I'm going to stop being mean, and run away now <.<;; *zooms*
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: thanks Nich... and if anyone would take the time to look at my house, they'd know i have a much shorter name...
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: "WARNING! I believe I have undiagnosed spontaneous A.D.D. If you're stupid, that means I'll kinda forget what I'm doing sometimes. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!"
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: Is that So?
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Quite. But you missed the name.
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: Dante?
2006-02-15 [Deadly Pacifist]: lol dante.... do u live on a peak?
2006-02-15 [Soft as Bone]: do you have an inferno?
2006-02-15 [Love like Winter.]: No one was in the bar.. I needa drinking buddy >.<
2006-02-15 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...? I got some vodka...
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: I cant see anything cept this page right now
2006-02-15 [Soft as Bone]: why?...is that bad?
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: cause I wasnt a member anymore....but lynney left me in charge
2006-02-15 [Soft as Bone]: ah, i see
2006-02-15 [Frosty French Fry]: I dont really know why she did, but I will do my best
2006-02-16 [Soft as Bone]: she prabably trust you to run everything
2006-02-16 [the_puetzj]: im sorry
2006-02-16 [bloodmut]: save our boss http://www.elf
2006-02-16 [Soft as Bone]: since i am relitively new to this site, i;m not sure how these things work, but i have been asked by several different people to have the mafia 'help with' [Cheyenne Lee]. she is cauring problems with the said persons, and other people as well. those who have asked for the mafia;s help are wondering if there is anything the mafia can do
2006-02-16 [Frosty French Fry]: Shes 13....call her an immature fucktard and move on...just block her...
2006-02-16 [Soft as Bone]: i;m not the one with the problem, i was simply asked to question if the mafia could help. if not there will be dissapointment
2006-02-16 [Frosty French Fry]: I realise that.....Well the only way I can think of how the Mafia could help is to have a brave someone make a fake house and bombard her message box with spam all at once
2006-02-16 [Soft as Bone]: ha ha, that would be funny!
2006-02-16 [Frosty French Fry]: yes it would...But im not gonna be the one that gets possibly banned and if it somehow got linked back to the Family then we would all be screwed and I dont want to Disappoint Lynney again
2006-02-16 [Blinded Seraphim]: I may have a solution...
2006-02-16 [Frosty French Fry]: Speak
2006-02-16 [Soft as Bone]: (yeah, i don;t want to get any of us in trouble-and Lynney out of it)
2006-02-17 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *smirks*
2006-02-17 [Frosty French Fry]: Yep...
2006-02-17 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I am.
2006-02-17 [Soft as Bone]: if i can be of service, but i can;t be on too much later (so i might not be the best choice *pout*)
2006-02-17 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: nope
2006-02-17 [Soft as Bone]: i;m really not sure what this intail though (first time-kinda thing)
2006-02-17 [Frosty French Fry]: Details by message here
2006-02-17 [Blinded Seraphim]: you know im up for it
2006-02-17 [Frosty French Fry]: yep, well I have someone thinkin on it, and you know you are already in on it
2006-02-17 [Blinded Seraphim]: *grins* yea i know
2006-02-17 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *gets a just-woke-up look on his face* What's that about a dangerous mission?
2006-02-17 [Frosty French Fry]: I will talk to you in private about it....maybe
2006-02-17 [Voice of the Voiceless]: oo let mee in on it.... if wouldnt care, ima dangerous person
2006-02-17 [Kaze]: Message me if I might be needed.
2006-02-17 [Frosty French Fry]: Will do
2006-02-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: but the thing is ed...what we plan to do could get someone banned...
2006-02-18 [Frosty French Fry]: NO MORE SPEAKING OF THE MISSION!
2006-02-18 [Frosty French Fry]: NOT HERE!
2006-02-18 [Frosty French Fry]: Message me if you want to talk about it
2006-02-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: of course...i apologise
2006-02-18 [Frosty French Fry]: No problem, I forgot to mention about that
2006-02-18 [W!ld KAT]: gooooood moooornin vietnam!!
2006-02-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: HELLLLOOOOOOOO AMERICA
2006-02-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: anyone home?
2006-02-18 [Frosty French Fry]: Vietnam?!?! America??!....
2006-02-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: we are in japan
2006-02-18 [Deadly Pacifist]: and the cows are coming 0_0
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: I'm in N.Ireland... The cows are friendly over here.
2006-02-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: i hate cows, but i like milf*
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: I LOVE COWS! *runs into a field and hugs one*
2006-02-18 [Frosty French Fry]: I love....HAMBUR
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: *stares at Matt in utter shock*
2006-02-18 [Frosty French Fry]: what now
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: *points at PETA wristband and storms off*
2006-02-18 [Frosty French Fry]: oh............
2006-02-18 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ...I'm part of PETA but I do happen to love hamburgers... <.< >.>
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: ... How does that work out? :S
2006-02-18 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I only joined because one of vegan friends asked me to. XD
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: Ah, I see... I'm vegi ^_^
2006-02-18 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: i could never survive as a vegetarian... chicken FUELS me...
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: *sigh*...
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: I had Quorn Chicken pieces today (fake meat). It really fills you up, gives you plenty of protien, has little fat %... and tastes great.
2006-02-18 [Frosty French Fry]: Ya..so anyways..lets get rid of this convo
2006-02-18 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: blech... fake meat never tastes the same... don't get me wrong, i think it's cool you're a vegi and all, i'm just saying i'd probably die if i tried
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: I've been vegi for over a year and I'm healthier than I've ever been in my life..
2006-02-18 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: cool ^.^
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: and I lost over 20 pounds... I'd be stick thin if it wern't for all the chocolate and cake that I can't seem to stop myself from eating :S
2006-02-18 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: hahaha... well you look great
2006-02-18 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I tried but I gave in to temptation and now I can't give up meat no matter how hard I try. But honestly, vegis and vegans are amazing people... *nods* Jacquelyn set me straight on everything and made my life such a better exsistance by showing me her love for animals... Kind of an odd thing, but true.
2006-02-18 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: i love animals too... but some are born and raised just to be meat... which i find kind of sad, but that's how God sustains us and all...
2006-02-18 [Love like Winter.]: *bows* I used to love chicken and lamb as a kid but the thought of eating meat is gross to me now... I couldn't put it in my mouh let alone chew it and eat it :S.. Funny what a year can do.
2006-02-18 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: isn't it, though? i bet seeing me eat would make you barf... ^.^;;
2006-02-18 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *nods*
2006-02-19 [aarron]: yoll r so gay u queers trying to be the mafia yoll just bunch of lil kids
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *scoffs* Little kids could spell better than you.
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: Not really, I'm fine with seeing other's eat meat... but the thought of eating it myself is repulsive *is mature enough to ignore stupid comment*
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *thinks maturity is slightly overrated* ^.^
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: LOL!
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: But that's just a 15-year-old smartass dumbass kid's humble opinion... ^.^
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: Random Emotions
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: how can you be a smartass and a dumbass? :P
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: because i'm an idiot academically but i'm a genius practically...
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: I feel like that most days...
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Personally, I think it's the best kind of intelligence.
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: Dosn't feel like it... Especially when you've got important exams coming up :(
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Academic skill lets the world know your name... Practical skill lets a few people know the real you. ^.^
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: I supose..
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *pats her back* You'll do fine.
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: >.<
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: What happens when "fine" just isn't good enough?
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Then you'll do better. You gotta psyche yourself up, Erin. Make it simple.
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: .... >.<
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Hey, don't get all bummed out. That's gonna make you do worse. Just remember, you can doooo it. If you can convince yourself it's not hard, then it won't be. Trust me.
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: ... Your very optimistic..
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Maybe you're just a little too pessimistic. I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, just to convince yourself it will be. That's what makes it easier
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: I'm pessimistic to the very core... Its not a healthy attitude. I can't help it though >.<
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Hey, that's what makes you you. And maybe you'd be better off not taking my advice, I can't say for sure. Personally, I find that pessimism improves my chances... Or perhaps it's just humility... I don't know where to draw the line on that one...
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: *sigh* I'm an escapist... I like to push things to the back of my mind really..
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Is that the "I'll do it later" attitude or the "I don't wanna talk about it" attitude? Just curious.
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: Well, I procastionate.
2006-02-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...AWESOME!!! *jumps up and down* You gotta teach me some!!!
2006-02-19 [Love like Winter.]: http://japanes
2006-02-20 [Deadly Pacifist]: hello
2006-02-20 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: cool, thanks Erin
2006-02-20 [itweetinHEELS]: hello ^^
2006-02-20 [Deadly Pacifist]: im sry we are fresh out of prostitutes, would you like a rein check?
2006-02-20 [Kaze]: *raises hand* I'm here.
2006-02-20 [Deadly Pacifist]: are u sure? cuz i have 5 rein checks :|
2006-02-20 [Kaze]: O__O That sounds like a challenge.
2006-02-20 [Deadly Pacifist]: o does it now :D
2006-02-20 [Kaze]: o__o I'm afraid now. *dons prostitution gear*
2006-02-20 [Deadly Pacifist]: *eats a orange*.... u best be afraid =| im crazy and an avacado
2006-02-20 [Kaze]: Oh yea?! Well I eat avocados for BreakFast..! o__o! .....well not really... they're not very tasty at any specific point in the day... so.. so that's beside the point.. other than that.. er... ...!!!
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: OOO YEAH... well i eat prostitues for lunch *pulls out a leg with fishnets on it and starts to chew on the toe*
2006-02-21 [Blinded Seraphim]: thats just nasty
2006-02-21 [Frosty French Fry]: umm...ya
2006-02-21 [B-Raz]: *slaps the leg out of Assassin's hand* stop that you don't know where thats been
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: PHR34KS!!!!! lol
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: howdy yall
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: hey Texas, what's up?
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: not a whole helluva lot,...just stoppin by to say hullo!
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: :( i lost my leg :(
2006-02-21 [Frosty French Fry]: *picks the leg up and pitches it out the window*
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: *growls and pulls out a twinkie* u guys are lucky i brought some twinkies
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: hey assasin... that's horrible *pulls out a small metal case* do you need anything for the pain? I got vikes, darvs, some happy mixes, and some motrin, if you wanna be a wuss lol
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: ahhh!! *tackles nick* i love twinkies!! ;)
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: im good i got a twinkie HEEEYYYYY Katy *hands her a twinkie*
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: yay!!!!
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: anyone else want a twinkie since i cant have my hooker leg *Grrr*
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: O.o okay then lol... *pops a darv* I wish I still had some morphine... it really works when you feel like crap
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: sure why not? I AM supposed to take this with food lmao
2006-02-21 [Frosty French Fry]: ALL HAIL DON MATT!....lol..
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: haha!!! you laughed your ass off!! *throws ass out window woth leg*
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: *throws Lauryll a twinkie* matt wanna a twinkie *waves it around*
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: YAY! my fat ass is GONE! *looks behind her* DAMMIT... it's still there *cries*
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: i'm sorry hun! i'd take it if i could!! *yearns for more ass*
2006-02-21 [Frosty French Fry]: ugh...the last thing my fat ass needs is a twinkie......b
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: oh trust me, you don't want MINE... LMFAO (I wish lol)
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: *looks around*..... did anyone hear that?
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: are you kiddin? i'd take your ass anyday of the week hun,...
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: no... trust me... I am like a size 18... NO one wants my ass... vthough I AM almost a 16... I could almost button them at the store I went to haha and Big_Pimpin, twinkies are AWESOMKE! lol
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: Assasin... hear what?
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: i think.....*sni
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: HAHAHA
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: lol, told ya!!
Number of comments: 6244
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