# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: lol yeah see i'm nice so she doesn't do that to me lol
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: *pokes b* o.O but i do that!!
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: lol yeah but thats ok :D *pokes back*
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Im nice to but I just don't want to be mean. have no reason to ^_^
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: chickens!!*tac
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: AHHHHHHHHHH *rolls around* lol
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: *pins* ha! i win!
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: *Counts to three* TExas wins *holds up her arm*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: yeah! see? that's why i'm gonna be a wrestler,...cu
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: dang and I wanted the belt
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Im gonna be a wrestler..I bet everyone and take there belts.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: ha!! you cant have mine!! :P
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: *takes your belt* mine know
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: HEY thats not fair *attacks king*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: hey!! *watches b fight king while eating popcorn*
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: *runs away*
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: *runs after king and tackles him* got ya
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: **pokes you in the eye and runs away*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: ok,...enough* trips king and gets back everyone's belts then runs over to b* you ok hun?
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: ow *gets mad and rushes king grabs by the neck and tosses*
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: WTF!?!
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: whoa,...
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: OUCH *gets up and tackles you*
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: *pushes you off with my feet*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: *jumps between guys* I SAID ENOUGH!!!
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: GRRR bring it. lol
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: .....
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Cell phone plans.. SO MANY!
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: *looks at king and cocks eyebrow* you dont want none of this!
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: *stands up* i'm sorry king I didn't mean to flip out
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: lmfaoo...it's ok *hands out a hand for a hand shake* you faught well little one. Good job.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: see? we can all get along!!
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: *shakes hand* I gots a anger problem lol
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: ... >.<
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: So do it but it was fun
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: w/e
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: sooo,...cookie anyone?
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: me
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: sure i'llhave one :D
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: *takes them all and runs away*
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: ...
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: OMG IT'S GIR!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: gir rules!!!
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: yes yes he does :D
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: i know sorry cant spell today gir followers
2006-02-10 [Lust]: O.O
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Gir kicksass and so does FOAMY
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: foamy rules too!!
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: yes I LOVE foamy lol
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: FOAMY ><
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: woo >.< go foamy!!
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: YAY
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: join The foamy minons
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: I LOVE THAT SAYING!!!!!!! :D lol
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: .< that friggin rawks!!
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: lmaf yep
2006-02-10 [Lust]: o.o
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: wicked
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: :D
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: AAHHHHH!!!! run!!!
2006-02-10 [Lust]: why
2006-02-10 [Lyfe and Death]: hey hows it goin
2006-02-10 [Draconius]: *walks in wearing sunglasses and trench coat* Are you guys looking for an Assassin or Weapons expert that is good with Swords and knives
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: i dunno, are we? look at available postions!!
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Your already on the list. I figured it fit you best Dennis.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: well howdy do denis! i'm tex, *extends hand* nice to meet ya!
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Be carful, he will wanna see you nakkid.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: lol, boss!!
2006-02-10 [Lust]: What? Its true. He couldnt see my pussy, he made a big deal about it, and he has a gf. And no he never saw it! Only Glen has so far! =P
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: lol, i know boss,...they all want me at one point,...excep
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Its gay, so in the end I blocked him, and ended out relation... I've had it with it all, fuckin drama. If he smartins up maybe we will talk again.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: maybe,...but until then you've got me boss lady
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Heh!
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: lol, you know you love it,...
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Uh huh ! *humps*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: *big texas smile* so did you see me angel and braz did the police station mission last night?
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Yeah, one of you have to put up what ones you completed.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: we got the first two done, that's it so far, we might get farther tonight,....
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Thats good!
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: yeah, and i did it in fishnets and high heels!! :D
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Ohhh! Smexay!
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: lol, i guess so,...so what's up boss? i'm fightin with that dickhead that called me ugly,...
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: You don't look ugly at all.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: i kno,...but, hes an ex
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Ohh whats happaning!? She is beautiful <3
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: *walks in* Hello all.....bye all..*walks out*
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: I know..Wouldn't know why an ex would do that. Crazy.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: eh,..[The Waco Kid] called me ugly,...so i'm fightin with him now,...
2006-02-10 [Lust]: That was a quick visit Matt... O.o.. He is a fag
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: I dunno him..Why does his age say 96?
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: who's? mykal? cuz he's a fag,...
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Hah!
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: hi bye
2006-02-11 [Lust]: o.O
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: That was random Evil. O_o
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: i know
2006-02-11 [Lust]: O.o
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: fuck!?!
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Cows!
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: 101010001
2006-02-11 [Lust]: NUMBERS!
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: 10101100001101
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: chickenz!!!!!
2006-02-11 [Frosty French Fry]: Dont know if I will be back anytime soon..if at all..bye
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: matt! goddamnit,...
2006-02-11 [Frosty French Fry]: WHAT!?
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: what the fuck dude? you're gonna just leave? just like that?
2006-02-11 [Frosty French Fry]: if you wanna talk then get on yahoo........n
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: awe, people are leaving?
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: no, they aint wolf,...just a lil misunderstandi
2006-02-11 [Frosty French Fry]: I wouldnt be so sure of that
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: it's a misunderstandi
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: well, witch is it? i;m confused...
2006-02-11 [Frosty French Fry]: dont be......its not hard....95% chance I aint comin back for awhile....im havin some problems that I need to get straight
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: he'll be back,...i know he will,...
2006-02-11 [zoloftzantac]: *walks thru on his way to the bar" Hey there Angel *tryin' to look like he isn't stalking her*
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: awe, well i hope you get what ever it is fixed
2006-02-11 [Lust]: ...
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: ....
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Yeah.
2006-02-11 [zoloftzantac]: huh?
2006-02-11 [Lust]: What?
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: who?
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Where..
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: when?
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Why..?
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: how?
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Who, what, where, why, when, how.. Cow..
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: meow
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: cow in win!!! purrr
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: gir
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Roar... Porn.
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: ...
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: where?
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: ;P (just kiding)
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: ...
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: *titlts head in a cusious manner* ~...~ ?
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Erm?
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: huh?...
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Yup?
2006-02-11 [Soft as Bone]: ok...
2006-02-11 [Draconius]: *pulls up chair and sits in it leaning back against the wall*
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: *walks in and grbs chair tight making it shake but not quite fall over* mornin!!
2006-02-11 [Lust]: *Tackles her*
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: *falls to floor with lynn* well howdy lynney!!
2006-02-11 [Lust]: O.O ello
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: so what's everyone up to?
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Lemme see....... Nuttin.
2006-02-11 [W!ld KAT]: oohhh,...fun fun,...
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Indeed
2006-02-11 [Sweet Surrender]: *walks in, looks down* oh there you are...how long have you two been down there.
2006-02-11 [Lust]: o.O?
2006-02-11 [Draconius]: *pulls down hat and pretends to be sleeping*
2006-02-11 [Lust]: ..
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: YOOOO ME MATES..What's a kicken and a cracken? lol
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Food..?
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: Good answere and you have won a life time of food and stuff. Don't wanna starve now do we? Yea. lol
2006-02-11 [Lust]: O.O... FOOD!
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: Yes Lynn....FOOD *tosses some chesse at yea*
2006-02-11 [Lust]: *tosses it back* smells funny
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: Hmm. AH HAA*tosses some chicken nugets at yea*
2006-02-11 [Lust]: O.o Ketchup?
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: *rolls a bottle to yea* there yea go.. Enjoy
2006-02-11 [Lust]: *eats* Yum yum yum! Lynney getting fat!!
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: hehehe
2006-02-11 [Lust]: O.O... Food... <3
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: *gives you more nugets* hehee
2006-02-11 [Lust]: This is all going to my ass, you know that right? *keeps eating*
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: That means your ass is getting bigger?
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Huge.. Well hips at least.. and thys! Ew... Then it will go to my tummy, and Eww...
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: ...
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Yes'm?
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: ...
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Umm..?
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: what the fuck..You aint gonna say anything, then go away.
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: ... no i will not
2006-02-11 [Eyes of the Reaper]: O.o' ...odd person, that one...
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: not odd, weird
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: THen say something other then fucken dots. It's pissing me off. Im alread y in a bad mood as it is. Quit being dumb and actually say something.
2006-02-11 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Are weird and odd not the same thing just different words?
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: they are the same meaning but different word.
2006-02-11 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *nods* Thank you for proving my point, [The Fantastic Elk]. :)
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: w/e
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: Anytime [Eyes of the Reaper]...Can you actually say the word other abbreviate it? Makes more sense.
2006-02-11 [Lust]: Guys, fuck off. This is a family, we are all welcome here. No one is going anywhere.
2006-02-11 [Blinded Seraphim]: Is there something wrong boss?
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: Well, sorry. [The Darkness of your soul] is just pissing me off cause all she/he is doing is "......" and im already in a bad mood as it is..SORRY.
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: it faster to abbreviate it
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: I dont care...It makes more sense if you actually type it out..Gawd..*wa
2006-02-11 [Love like Winter.]: Ummm? right!
2006-02-11 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *goes outside to sit next to [The Fantastic Elk]* Hey... relax... it's ok. :)
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: Oh-well *throws a rock*
2006-02-11 [Love like Winter.]: o,O okay, moody people *wonders out*
2006-02-11 [The Darkness of your soul]: whatever
2006-02-11 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *hugs [The Fantastic Elk] quickly before heading back inside out of the rain*
2006-02-11 [The Fantastic Elk]: *lays in a puddle*
2006-02-11 [Lust]: GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
2006-02-11 [Love like Winter.]: *wonders back* You wanted me back Lynney?
2006-02-11 [Lust]: yeah, stay. Talk enjoy.
2006-02-11 [Frosty French Fry]: *walks in*....*looks around*...I prolly aint welcomed here right now...
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