# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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Friendly: | 0 |
2006-02-10 [Voice of the Voiceless]: * lays there on the ground with swirls in his eyes anime style* @.@
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Hmm, fuckers.
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Damn fuckers..>< lol
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Uh huh!
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: So, hows the hell everyone doing?
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Lynney grumpy, as always
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: :( Whys that hun?
2006-02-10 [Soft as Bone]: pretty good, and yourself?
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Cuz of jack ass's! Some one almost put me back into a bad phase of sadness, and then some lil whore in stalkers annoyed me
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Fuck them fuckers to hell..Noone makes me lynney all sadness and stuff..Im good today..
2006-02-10 [Soft as Bone]: well stalkers are often of annoyance, but pay no mind to them. if people are trying to annoying, it;s like them shouting out 'either beat me up or ignore me PLEASE'...only sometimes is it ever amusing
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Its good 2 are good ^-^ And yeah... He was harsh though, enough for Glen to take instant action.
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Just laugh at them comments..make
2006-02-10 [Lust]: I egnored it and let him take care of it.
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Yea..another way to handle thiings like that..
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Coppy and pasted
2006-02-10 [Lust]: He wanted to see me naked and stuff and glen told me to say this so I did “This speaks volumes about your self esteem...or lack there of. I'm not the one jacking off all day to internet porn, get a girlfriend. (If you can, HAH!)"
2006-02-10 [Lust]: This was the reply of the fucker, which ended with Glen getting ride of him, and me taking down all my pics"Ha. You don't know a damn thing about me. You need to stop assuming that every guy that sends you messages you don't want to hear is some loser with no life or girlfriend. Ever consider that someone may be browsing and notice that you're just a freaky skank then decides to say some shit? If I were you I'd expect that... Yeah, lets talk about self esteem. I'm sorry, but I don't have such a shitty self image that I need to post pictures of myself with handcuffs and bondage gear to get attention. By the way, the scars on your arm are quite fashionable."
2006-02-10 [Soft as Bone]: um, some people like that kinda of thing, so how is he to judge?
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: that guys a fucken fruit loop..he can go to hell
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: ...
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Username:[BananaJama] I hope he is banned for good.
2006-02-10 [Lust]: But he isnt yet.. *sighs*
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: me too
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Same here my friends
2006-02-10 [Lust]: *cuddles up on the couch*
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Aww *cuddles lynney*
2006-02-10 [Lust]: *cuddles everyone who wants it*
2006-02-10 [Soft as Bone]: *jumps on the cuddles wagon!!*
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: insest rape
2006-02-10 [Soft as Bone]: huh?
2006-02-10 [Lust]: O.O *cuddles bak* Least its a good rape
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: random comment
2006-02-10 [Lust]: o.O
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: i just pulled it outta my ass
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: OMG that didnt sound right
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: omg...sounds hawt but wrong..
2006-02-10 [Soft as Bone]: hmm...no, but oh, well. if you think about it from a very dirty mind (like mine) than everything sounds very wrong (and it;s bad when you can;t control it-esspecially durring class)
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: uh....is any one else disturbed here????????? *
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Ohh.. boy...
2006-02-10 [Soft as Bone]: *scratches head in confused manner* what;s going on???
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: no one knows
2006-02-10 [Lust]: O.o..
2006-02-10 [skullhead]: hum
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: *waves arms in front of self* im not here you didnt see me *backs out door*
2006-02-10 [Soft as Bone]: well i gotta run(/fly-he he) see ya all tomorrow. byes
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: peace
2006-02-10 [skullhead]: *that was fast*
2006-02-10 [Lust]: FLY!!!!!!!!! O.O
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: i think i caught the randomness disease
2006-02-10 [Lust]: O.o... Fly?
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: Boner?
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: ...
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: fly's taste good
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: ...
2006-02-10 [Lust]: o.O...
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: You know what tastes really good? Cotton Candy...and I dont mean the stuff at the fair
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: ...yep
2006-02-10 [Lust]: o.O.. The stuff at the fair, I want for a ring! O.O
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: Do yall know what I meant by Cotton Candy?
2006-02-10 [Lust]: CUM!
2006-02-10 [Lust]: ... no?
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: umm...NO
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Okay Umm.... CLOUDS!
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: NO!
2006-02-10 [Lust]: ... Frogs?
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: those would be Amphibians *looks smart*
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: dogs??
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: gahh..just nvm
2006-02-10 [Lust]: o.O.. I WANNA KNOW!
2006-02-10 [Lust]: I KNOW!! Pussy!
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: CAUSE I JUST TOLD YOU!!!
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Nu uh >.>
2006-02-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: ......
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: boingy boingy boingy boingy boingy boingy bonigy boingy
2006-02-10 [Lust]: o.O Stop jerkin off =P
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: no no i am just bouncin around from boredom that would be more like..........
2006-02-10 [Lust]: ..............
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: would probably have to agree with that besides this isnt the place
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Closet!
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: yes that probably would be the place if someone felt so inclined but as i dont.....were we actually talking about something?
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Walk in bathroom?
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: arent most bathrooms of the walk in variety
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: lmfao...I know...
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: hmm matt wondered what i was last time i checked i thought i was a person but if anyone else has a different opinion let me know
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: You could be a walk in bathroom, perhaps?
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: right......
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: hello all! my ass is killin me,...
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: that is fascinating news maybe you should sue it
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: WHOA, I never knew an ass can kill. Suspicoius things going on in this world.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: yeah buddy! so whats everyone up to this fine evenin?
2006-02-10 [Lust]: o.O... *rubs her ass*
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: hey... would you all like some... CooKIES?!
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: GENITAL HERPES!
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: lol I love these convos lol
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: arent they great
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: thanks lynn ;) i want a cookie!!! we all know you have them putz, dont inform us, and i do too b!!
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: STD's
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: there is a long story behind that
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: lol this is the only place where it's not a odd thing for someone to randomly rub someone elses butt lol
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: B RAZ FOOOL how u playing?
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: huh? lol
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: LOl how u doing?
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: oh it is still mighty odd but so is a lot of other stuff
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: What story? comon..tell us
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: i like chickenz!!!! and i love lynn and b and nick!!
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: oh I is fine :P lol
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: noone luvs me *tears*
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: chicken is good....but yeah ask matt it is really his story
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: :P lol i like cookies :D they are good for ur arteries
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: i'm confuzzzled,..
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: so are sausages or wait no that is the oppisite
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: convos only go one when 1 or more people are talking... convos are fun by urself.. u dont have to wait for the other person to talk
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: i know! taht's my fav kind!!
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: its not fun when u start to argue in 1 person convos though... people put u in white jackets.. then u gotta pull jackie chan and jump thru a 2 inch opening
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: i know,...but it's fun!!
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: no what is bad is when you get into fistfights in one person convo's
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: omg or a gun fight.. that would be very bad in a one person convo.. uw ould be all like bam to the foot bam to the hand bam bam all over the land... shitson wild and stuff.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: yeah,...so,...
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: that is a fight no one would walk away from all members would die :( so sad *tear*
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: indeed...omg it would be bad 2 to get intoa sword fight with an octopus... think about it
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: DUDE!!!!!...TH
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: lol,...a octopus holdin a sword,...*laug
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: wow........um.
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: Hey Hey Hey Guess what Guess what Guess what
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: what? what? what????
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: what?
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: I have been thinking of getting my nipples removed *nods*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: oh yeah? it'd take about two sizes off your bra size,....
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: Big Pimpin are u spending gs?
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: DUDE..MALE NIPPLES ARE USELESS.......
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: oh hey that would be pretty cool i have been trying to figure out how to do that
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: they are useless, but fun to pinch,...
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: Im spendin mad gs
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: ummmm yeah i have always thought so
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: big pimpin spending gs big pimping blah blah balh... jay z song :P
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: is pimpin easy?
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: ya..I got that..took me a minute though..im a little BZZZ tonight
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: This aint a game and Pimpin aint easy
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: HEELLLLZ yeah... omg who likes sakeMMMMM *drinks sake*
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: really its not a game oh shit *looks scared*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: hahaha!! i see boobs!!
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: i like to look at such things *nods*
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: boobie grab DENIED
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: aww, come on, not denied! my turn,..*grabs nick's boob*
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: *leaves the room*
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: *blank stare*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: wait!!!! guess what?
2006-02-10 [Lust]: ..........
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: ?.?.?.?.
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: duuuuudde!! come back! i gotsta tell ya somethin!!
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: your back boss look you've missed all the fun
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: wut?
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: who come back?
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: dude!! *grabs [the_puetzj]'s nipple*
2006-02-10 [Lust]: This is my mafia I creating.. Oi!
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Yea..yours..
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: ahhhhh those defintely need to go now they've been poisened......
2006-02-10 [Deadly Pacifist]: hello ai shiteriu
2006-02-10 [Lust]: Oh well, I love it! And all my Pets.. Erm.. Family!
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: aww, we love you too boss!!
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: I hate that word....I like yall
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: no pets might be more acurate with the way we have been tonight
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: what about ME M8TES? Sounds better ><
2006-02-10 [Lust]: o.O.. Yes, pets.. Horny lil wild pets.. O.o
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: im not horny.....
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: wait whos horny?
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Me..like always ><
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: ha! yall r crazy!!
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: lol i'm so glad i'm staying out of this lol
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: yall got horns?!?
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: yes i know im crazy but hey its fun
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: i do! i do!
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: Im always horny..dammit
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: sounds like you have a problem!!
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: you do what????? im so confused....or should the question be who?
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: I know..I cannt help it..*tear*
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: yes I agree lol
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: wait still confused agree with what?
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: ah!! *confusion* i'm so lost,...*hugs b* help!
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: I need help!
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: lol well I was agreeing that king had a problem lol
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: lmfao...I know..
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: lol, me too, but the other dude confuzzled me *snuggles to b*
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: am I the other dude? Oh-well. How is everyone
2006-02-10 [Frosty French Fry]: *looks at the floor, shakes head, walks out*
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: no she means puetzj *hugs angel*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: no, yo're king, it's the other other dude,...
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: alright..
2006-02-10 [B-Raz]: see I was right lol
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: i am the confuser yes *punches air with victory*
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: *twists puetzj's nipple hard*
2006-02-10 [the_puetzj]: ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: not nice to confuse the not smart one,....
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: no,...he's just mean,...
2006-02-10 [The Fantastic Elk]: lol...
2006-02-10 [W!ld KAT]: *big texas smile*
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