# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-01-26 [Lust]: I like my page!
2006-01-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: yes, but advertising there will increase the page's visibility, i have several of my wikis there
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Wanna put this one their?
2006-01-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: maybe later, i have to go. have to get up early for a senior meeting tomorrow
2006-01-26 [Lust]: K k lucks!
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: 1. No luck for me there. 2.I think we that would be cool. 3.See if we can get it featured on Mainstuff for awhile
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: 1. no ideas sorry 2. yeah pictures would be a good idea 3. what big_pimpin said lol
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Aint you people big help!
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: well...at least B-Raz's and I's # 3 are good
2006-01-26 [Lust]: I'll try, but their ant and wikis like taht on mainstuff, but I will try, of course. Any more ideas?
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: all I can think of is like that *Uncle Sam Wants You* Poster....like someone makes something like that then we post it EVERYWHERE *have it say like "The Elfpack Mafia wants YOU!* and use my banner as part of it, the guy with the gun instead of uncle sam
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: YEAH :D or like you could use someone from like the godfather either one would be good
2006-01-26 [Lust]: I hate that, its also an army poster, and I hate the army.
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: well..it was just an idea.....whate
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Heh! Come on more ideas!
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: other then the mainstuff thing all we could really do is post it everywhere thats all i'm thinking
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: ya...thats about it
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Yeah I guess, tall all your friends, that can spell!
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: ok will do :)
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: You can spell, you just have issues typing hun
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Fuck you! I mean people who spell it YOU and ARE and dont use damn slangs! Like gr8 or ... that shit! It annoys the crap ouda me!
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: wait..wha??..i
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: dont fuck me...
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: lol she's sayin that she wants people who use real words
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: thats fine but she said "fuck you" to me...why did you say that hun??
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Because you said I have issues typing!
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: sheesh...I didnt know you were gonna get all up in my grill about it...get all on the defense...I mean shoot, I just noticed you misspell some words...I figured you typed fast and mistyped some words
2006-01-26 [Lust]: I normaly do type to fast, sense i am on fake(no clue why) et, gaia, vampirefreaks, myspace, (sometimes runescape) and talking to people on MSN and yahoo. I keep myself buzy. But I mean to mistype some things, of course.
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: Ok then..thats all you had to say....
2006-01-26 [Lust]: *nods* Its fine
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: aight
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: YAY no more agureing
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: and yes I know I misspelled that I just can't spell tonight lol
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: So does anyone know what a Shinobi actually is?
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: wait I think I do *thinks*
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Noppers...
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: isn't it some type of ninja?
2006-01-26 [Lust]: No clue, ask him. I'm going to bed, al the suden I dont have any energy, nights! *hugs all*
2006-01-26 [B-Raz]: ok nighty night don
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: I know your already gone but night boss....I have no clue what it is, That why I was wondering if anyone did
2006-01-26 [Lust]: whats what is?
2006-01-26 [Kaze]: For the Bar thing from a while back, I could make a 3D render.. so long as no one complained of its quality.
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Sure!
2006-01-26 [Kaze]: <.<;; and ... uhm.... schematics for me..?
2006-01-26 [Lust]: uh.. sure?
2006-01-26 [Kaze]: -__-() *tries again* So.. any Idea's on how it should look?
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: like a bar....sophist
2006-01-26 [Lust]: o.O
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: what?
2006-01-26 [Lust]: exactly!
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: k then
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Should we have an age limit, or maturity limit?
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: I would say....No comment on that one
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Well, we dont want 12 year olds going around sying "I killed you! I'm in the mafia!" Do we?
2006-01-26 [Frosty French Fry]: no...I would say 15 or 16 and be 80% mature
2006-01-26 [Lust]: *nods*
2006-01-26 [Kaze]: o__o sophisticated looking... care to elaborate just.. just a weee bit there..? anyone..?
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Where?
2006-01-26 [Kaze]: uhm.... heh, okay... woodgrain I can do, I'm thinking a deep marble/walnut wood, a single, or possibly double shelf with bottles (the bottles are going to be an exceptional pain..) total length about 6 feet, height and width about 2 feet each leaving about 4 feet worth of walking space.
2006-01-26 [Lyfe and Death]: so how do i join
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Please read the page.
2006-01-26 [Lust]: That sounds great so far!
2006-01-26 [Kaze]: o__o Grawr! *shoots a prostitute* <.<;; ahem.... ennehway... Oh, bah.. I'll just make whatevah I feel like makin. n__n *shakes fist* and everyone'll like it... or.... I'll kick. ... Hard.
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Dont forget, no killing anyone in the family! So be careful where you point that thing!
2006-01-26 [Kaze]: Aii.. v__v *conceals*
2006-01-26 [rage2k5]: im back on if anyone cares.......lo
2006-01-26 [Lust]: yay?
2006-01-26 [rage2k5]: yay? what is that suppose to mean.......
2006-01-26 [Lust]: If I should say Yay or not.. I dont know, terrible day! I broke ep! It wont let me do the name link in my house...!
2006-01-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Sits down in his chair and snickers* smooth
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Yeah yeah, *grubles* Bad day...
2006-01-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: eh, shit happens
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Yeah, litterly!
2006-01-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: trust me, it can always be worse
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Dont say that! Only jinx some one!
2006-01-26 [Lust]: OKAY! Now.. I have an idea! Thanx to the oh great ones outtheir one ep
2006-01-26 [Lust]: We need a contest to put up on their! IDEAS PEOPLE!
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Like who is the best mafia place for the elfpack mafia or something!
2006-01-26 [Fion Faolan]: How about a drinking contest?
2006-01-26 [Lust]: ... has to be poll thing!
2006-01-26 [Fion Faolan]: I vote for Miami
2006-01-26 [bloodmut]: whos the sexiest
2006-01-26 [Fion Faolan]: Lynney would win though.
2006-01-26 [bloodmut]: only out of the women
2006-01-26 [bloodmut]: she can set it up so everyone of the girls can vote on the guys
2006-01-26 [bloodmut]: we all know that the stripper is going to win oh wait thats me
2006-01-26 [Fion Faolan]: Oooh, well that works.
2006-01-26 [Lust]: ...
2006-01-26 [Lust]: No serious, its going to go on main stuff.
2006-01-27 [rage2k5]: what the hell is a gizzard? my friend is eating them and they fucking stink
2006-01-27 [Lust]: Where are some of the top countrys that have mafias?
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: Italy
2006-01-27 [Lust]: OH BETTER! What mafia movie do they like the best?
2006-01-27 [Jentianrysk]: Chzeck republic
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: id say Italian or Russian even though theyre really corrupt
2006-01-27 [rage2k5]: godfather
2006-01-27 [Lust]: I give up... O.o.. *stomps out*
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: Irish mafia.
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: what else
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: The United Kingdom underworld, the Chinese Triads, the Japanese Yakuza, the east asian gangs, africa's warlords, the LA and NY bloods and crips
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: CRIPS my friend, CRIPS....then you got GD and Latin Kings
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: I thought it was crypts? Anyway, don't forget to put MS in the latin gangs...
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: nope..Crips...
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: I've heard this, I never worried much about them, because I've always been in different areas, mainly fighting schools. But I did hear that.
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: ya
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: I only had one bad experience with a gangster in my life.
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: well, I have been friends with all of the ones I know
2006-01-27 [Jentianrysk]: that is why you're the Master Pimp: accepted everywhere.
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: yea but there are more then jus crips and bloods alot more, there jsu the most famous
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: hahaha
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: Theres GD.....shit..a bunch of other ones
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: whay
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: latin kings, cholos, too fucking many to name off
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: wayyy too many
2006-01-27 [Lust]: O.o..
2006-01-27 [Blinded Seraphim]: and lets not forget the newest hackers, the shadowcrew
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: All them gangs, plus the families in Cosa Nostra, but I think we covered them already.
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: ya
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: yea we already did, and dont forget the biker gangs like, hells angels, banditos
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: biker gangs...they are easy to deal with
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: true but it all depends
2006-01-27 [Blinded Seraphim]: yea...depends alright...depe
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: on?
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: i dont need a gun though
2006-01-27 [Blinded Seraphim]: yes, i would imagine the head of demolitions to be a bit more creative
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: yea but get me in a fast enoguh car liek my old one, biker wont stand a chance
2006-01-27 [bloodmut]: you need a driver?
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: naw i drive my own car, thats my second work of choice
2006-01-27 [bloodmut]: my too
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: no one drives my skyline but me
2006-01-27 [Blinded Seraphim]: me, just hand me the sharpest hunk o steel i can get my hands on...
2006-01-27 [bloodmut]: what years the skyline?
2006-01-27 [bloodmut]: i think my mustang might be faster
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: 2003 but had a speacial edition engine, myne was able to get to 300 mph without nos, i got it up to 285 and my front end lifeted up
2006-01-27 [Lust]: Guys will be guys..
2006-01-27 [bloodmut]: nice i got a 68 mustang 427
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: It all depends on whether or not you own a stinger, and if they're in a building...
2006-01-27 [bloodmut]: i am just a driver not a shooter
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: well im a driver but i can throw a granade out the window to
2006-01-27 [bloodmut]: lol just keep your eyes on the road and kill the b******s
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: but i also have semetrix and c4
2006-01-27 [bloodmut]: that would blow a big f***ing hole in them
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: yup
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: Aight...Pyro, you are going under [Fion Faolan] as a Demo Tech....He was here first with the whole Demo thing...I do have permission from the boss to change it..take any complaints up with her
2006-01-27 [Blinded Seraphim]: and questioning boss may not be the wisest course of action
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: No, but I talked to her about it
2006-01-27 [the_puetzj]: Gah! people talk too much on here!...those of us who have a vague sembelance of a life cant keep up with reading it!
2006-01-27 [Blinded Seraphim]: watch your mouth! ill have you know i have a very hectic life complete with my own business!
2006-01-27 [the_puetzj]: thats cool i just dont get on as often
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: That'd blow a big hole in the ground, to hell with the people.
2006-01-27 [rage2k5]: someone kill my boss at dell please ill pay good i swear
2006-01-27 [the_puetzj]: hey matt did you ever find anything on getting me that glock i got some business to take care of this week * lites cigar*
2006-01-27 [Big Brother]: yay! i'm the new head bodyguard!!!
2006-01-27 [Blinded Seraphim]: oh good lord...
2006-01-27 [Big Brother]: oh, you know you love me [Blinded Seraphim]
2006-01-27 [Blinded Seraphim]: hmm...
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: Yay for battlefield!
2006-01-27 [the_puetzj]: hmmm
2006-01-27 [Lust]: One fuckin happy family =)
2006-01-27 [the_puetzj]: thats right boss
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: Truth.
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: Here you go Mr. Puetz...a G18 *hands it to you* Enjoy
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: Oooo, high cap. We could have used him at the airport..
2006-01-27 [the_puetzj]: alright thank you matt i now i am good to go i gotta head across town and muscle a guy tomorrow oes the boss 1.75 mil....f***in idiots
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: Kick his ass Pu.
2006-01-27 [the_puetzj]: oh i plan to idiots that do that shit deserve it.....besides the boss seems to like money
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: any1 want sum explosives
2006-01-27 [the_puetzj]: shoulda called me if you needed help with a job
2006-01-27 [Lust]: Me? Money? Never..... GIMME!
2006-01-27 [Frosty French Fry]: Well theres your cash boss..why hadnt you said anything earlier about it
2006-01-27 [the_puetzj]: hey wait a second do i at least get to kick his ass first?
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: Well, that's your job man, to kick his ass. And anyway that shit at the airport wasn't a big deal... really.
2006-01-27 [Fion Faolan]: We're kinda good right now Pyro. I'll let you know though, next op we have.
2006-01-27 [Lyfe and Death]: ok
2006-01-27 [Blinded Seraphim]: hello everyone, any business to attend to?
2006-01-27 [Kaze]: Soon, I'm gonna upload video of my shooting skills. =D
2006-01-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: Interesting
2006-01-28 [Lust]: What was added to the page?
2006-01-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: I added a firearms expert under my list
2006-01-28 [Frosty French Fry]: I added another assassin
2006-01-28 [Lust]: Oh okay, I was like... "What I miss?" But n/m another long day..
2006-01-28 [Lust]: Dont forget to ask them to be active, and the baner, AND the link to the mafia.
2006-01-28 [Frosty French Fry]: yep
2006-01-28 [Lust]: nope?
2006-01-28 [B-Raz]: so is today a slow day?
2006-01-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: yup...
2006-01-28 [B-Raz]: yeah it sounds like it lol
2006-01-28 [Lust]: Blah
2006-01-28 [B-Raz]: uh oh she's angry
2006-01-28 [Lust]: Sush you!
2006-01-28 [B-Raz]: *looks down and walks away*
2006-01-28 [the_puetzj]: *walks in and hands the boss a quarter mil* here you go this is all i could get today guess were gonna have to have another little chat next week too *grins evily*
2006-01-28 [Lust]: *takes it* Ohh goody, chat?
2006-01-28 [the_puetzj]: well whatever you want to call it....*looks inocently up at the ceiling*
2006-01-28 [Lust]: Huh?
2006-01-29 [Lust]: ?
2006-01-29 [Jentianrysk]: when do I get to kill people? *throws a tantrum*
2006-01-29 [Lust]: Um... *stairs*
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