Page name: TMNT [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-08 16:15:45
Last author: goldie
Owner: Blood_lover17
# of watchers: 8
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D20: 15
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for all thoes turtle lovers out ther just add your name

1. [Blood_lover17]
3. [DRACE] thats crack-a-lackin
5. [Kenny Kumonu]
6. [kyraawr] OMFG :D They own my vaggg.
7. [DeeJay™] - heroes in a half shell? :P
8. [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀] woot woot^^
9. [Looni Commanda] OMG OMG OMG I LOOOOVE MICHAEL ANGELO! ^___^ Hes my favorite *so happy*
11. [HOOKERin]
12. [acidrain5]
13. [goldie]


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2007-04-22 [kyraawr]: OMFG YESSSS YESSSSSSSSSS UGHHHH YESSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me join [: ?

2007-04-22 [DeeJay™]: O.O *watches kira's orgasm*


2007-04-23 [kyraawr]: lmfao. :D

2007-04-23 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **raises eyebrow**

2007-04-25 [LastQuincyGirl]: ha ha, Can I join?

2007-04-25 [LastQuincyGirl]: Thanks ^_^

2007-04-26 [TEDYBER]: hey if you love the turtles then just join

2007-04-27 [HOOKERin]: the glitteryness seems chavy :P

2007-04-27 [LastQuincyGirl]: ha ha!

2007-04-28 [DeeJay™]: chavy = "chav" like
'chav' = C.H.A.V = Council Houses And Violence

2007-04-28 [kyraawr]: yes. discrimination >.< !!!

2007-04-28 [HOOKERin]: Chav - Sub species of human

Commonly thought to be of inferior intellect, the Chavette surprises us with its cunning plan to avoid taking up a professional career and provide itself with free accommodation supplied by tax payers by spawning multi coloured mini chavs at a early stage in life, usually mid teens.
Clearly recognisable by their distinctive tribal Burberry they congregate in town centres and on street corners, Chavs have a reputation of being creative with public property and motor vehicles, building themselves Chaviots out of mechcano sets and strip lighting, and providing us with humorous banta written on toilet walls like ‘Shit’ and ‘Tasha woz ere’ in an attempt to relieve our boredom while urinating.
Their language is a basic form of English thus avoiding any words they cannot spell or pronounce, even to the extent of creating new words only they know the meaning of.
Hunting in large groups Chavs will single out the weakest, smallest prey and attack it without mercy avoiding any personal injury and insuring victory.
Chavs unfortunately don't yet fall into the category of rodent and in effect cannot be bludgeoned to death under the guise of pest control. Darn!-
I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you Chavs for the great contribution you’ve made to this country, you’ve made it what it what it is today – a shit hole.

also see: Burdon on society.

2007-04-28 [HOOKERin]: Chavette 1 - I nikked dis 'ello mag from da doc''s got Jordan and Peter pics innnit!

Chavette 2 - wikked innit....didja get ya tablets sorted for dat smell cumming from ya minge?

stolen from

2007-04-28 [DeeJay™]: classic example - the legend that is: Devvo!

2007-04-28 [HOOKERin]: omg i was rtying to find a picture of him, but i cba finding a code and shizzle

2007-04-28 [DeeJay™]: got him bookmarked :P

2007-04-28 [HOOKERin]: well arent you a fat loser :)

2007-04-28 [DeeJay™]: more creative than usual! 10 outta 10!

2007-05-02 [LastQuincyGirl]: lol

2007-05-02 [DeeJay™]: wow.. i feel priveliged you'd share that with us!

2007-05-02 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: i sense a little hostility

2007-05-03 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: i was being sarcastic

2007-05-03 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: i was so meowsa

2007-05-03 [HOOKERin]: hehe meowsa makes me chuckle
drace do you have a problem with me? because your little smartarse comment came from nowhere

2007-05-03 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: meh.. drace is just... well he's drace he dose shit like that..

2007-05-03 [HOOKERin]: its paedophiley if you ask me

2007-05-03 [HOOKERin]: my computer has been broken until now, so thats why something is only being said about it now.
and i didnt say you sent me it
so you just say random stuff to random children for no reason.
why do i have to watch it?
i was only stating my opinion.
how am i an attention whore? coz i told someone you were snotty to me?

2007-05-03 [DeeJay™]: has my [DRACE]Y-POO thrown another hissy-fit and deleted all his comments? lol

2007-05-03 [DRACE]: considering I was being called a 'paedophile' I reckon you owould have done something similar [DeeJay™]

2007-05-03 [DeeJay™]: hey, whatever's between you and [HOOKERin]'s none of my business, lol

2007-05-04 [HOOKERin]: i didnt say you were a paedophile, i said your actions were paedophiley

2007-05-04 [DRACE]: whatever, considering you told your friend that I sent it to you, fuck you

2007-05-04 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: i loves you [DRACE] <img:kis-gif.gif>

lets all stop fighting now pweese?

2007-05-04 [DeeJay™]: *clips [DRACE] round the back of the head, but points to [HOOKERin]*

2007-05-04 [HOOKERin]: hehe, drace...wrong end of STICK.
now i will stop :)

2007-05-05 [DRACE]: mmhmmm whatever realy i couldn't give a damn

2007-05-07 [DRACE]: <img:>

2007-05-08 [DeeJay™]: oh come on [DRACE]..

2007-05-08 [footer]: ur funny my arse

2007-05-08 [DRACE]: O.o

2007-05-09 [HOOKERin]: spiderman 3 is funny he turns emo in the middle and me an my friends burst out laughing and couldnt stop and some old weirdo that was watching a childs film told us to shut up. GAH

2007-05-09 [LastQuincyGirl]: lol, I wanna see it ^_^

2007-05-09 [DRACE]: you'll proberly find that the old weirdo was your age when spiderman came out in the first comics


2007-05-09 [LastQuincyGirl]: hahaha

2007-05-09 [DRACE]: <img:>

2007-05-09 [LastQuincyGirl]: hahaha, that's a good one.

2007-05-09 [DRACE]: ^-^

2007-05-09 [LastQuincyGirl]: ^__^


2007-05-18 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: just like you^^

2007-05-18 [TEDYBER]: aww thanks

2007-05-18 [TEDYBER]: that makes me happy you saying that^.^

2007-05-18 [TEDYBER]: lol

2007-05-19 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: you know it smexy

2007-05-19 [DRACE]: *sits and watchs everyone*

2007-05-21 [Blood_lover17]: well why are we talking bout spider-man when this is the turtles and all.... i don't have anything wrong with spider-man but if u want spidey please make ur own wiki please and not to put it on my tmnt please because that just ruins it so please make a spider-man one and please i am the owner of this wiki so please if u could nicely move those spider-man talks to a spider-man wiki

2007-05-23 [DRACE]: hmmm and how many times have you even talked on her darlin?

you have to talk more ;_;

2007-05-23 [DRACE]: well I made a wiki for Spiderman, so here it its...: SPIDEY

2007-05-23 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: i havent seen the new turtle movie.. i'm kinda scared to because i know it wont be as good as the originals and i dont wish to be dissappointed

2007-05-23 [HOOKERin]: it dissapointed me
i was proper gutted after i saw it
stick with watching the old ones

2007-05-24 [Blood_lover17]: i know i don't get on my wiki that i own but i really don't like how so people like to put different movies in here with a really good movie and television serious... and thanks [DRACE] for making one.... and i haven't seen the new movie yet either but i want to though also

2007-05-24 [Blood_lover17]: and yes i like the original ones better

2007-05-24 [DRACE]: the new tmnt movie sucks, one of my friends has it already and meh lets just say sticking to the old turtles stuff is a great idea

and no probs

2007-05-25 [Blood_lover17]: yeah well i haven't seen it but i didn't hear good things but i rather stay with the original period

2007-05-26 [DRACE]: mind you I like the cgi they have done in the movie, but it lacks that old turtles charm and why don't we see the old shaggin' waggin' or the old turtles blimp anymore ;_;

2007-05-26 [Blood_lover17]: i really don't know why....

2007-05-27 [DRACE]: mind you its proberly cause that was to '1970'S' for todays way of working -.-

2007-05-29 [Blood_lover17]: i don't know but the turtles are here to stay


2007-05-31 [DRACE]: <img:>

2007-05-31 [TEDYBER]: hey [DRACE] was that the gay spider-man??

2007-05-31 [TEDYBER]: put the turtle on the page

2007-05-31 [Blood_lover17]: i can take of my own damn wiki thank u

2007-05-31 [Blood_lover17]: i can take of my own damn wiki thank u [TEDYBER] and yeah i am a little moody and i love it sometimes

2007-06-01 [DRACE]: well fine I won't help you no more

2007-06-01 [Blood_lover17]: i ain't talkin bout u i was talking to my ex because he seems to trigger my temper sometimes

2007-06-03 [DRACE]: oh kk, I am sorry, meh I'd still end up helpping you and sending you pics anyways -.-

2007-06-04 [Blood_lover17]: well that is very appreciated... thanks and don't worry if i ever get a temper its with him or i am having a bad day..

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: kk ~_~

2007-06-07 [Blood_lover17]: kk so what new do u think u have for my page

2007-06-12 [DRACE]: truth be told, i haven't locked since you went off at me ~_~

2007-06-12 [DRACE]: I'll look now and send you the links of ones you may like

2007-06-21 [Blood_lover17]: ok thank u alot

2007-06-21 [Blood_lover17]: i didn't mean to go off on u i just haven't had a great time lately

2007-06-22 [DRACE]: don't worry about it hun, everyone ends up going off at me hun, I don't mind being a verbal punching bag

2007-06-24 [Blood_lover17]: ok i just didn't mean to do anything to attack u in anyway

2007-06-24 [goldie]: Oh no!! I'm number 13!! So unlucky lol.

2007-06-26 [DRACE]: well it could be worse, you could BE 13 as well ( note: I haven't looked at your house for your age >.< )

2007-06-26 [goldie]: Well suppose. I'm 14. 15 in three months. Wheeeeeeeeeh!!!!!

2007-07-03 [LastQuincyGirl]: Well, I'm 17.

2007-07-03 [goldie]: Go you!! Woo!!

2007-07-11 [DRACE]: I'm 22 ~_~ I turn 23 on the 10th of August ;_; hide me

2007-07-11 [Blood_lover17]: I am 17 and i will be 18 in february and i love the feeling

2007-07-15 [goldie]: Happy Birthday everyone!!

2007-07-18 [Blood_lover17]: thanks

2007-07-21 [DRACE]: mmm ty

2007-07-22 [goldie]: <img:mood10_gif.gif>
Scary little elf thing!!

2007-07-28 [DRACE]: heh I like that one, but I like these 2 mooore... <img:BR-GIF.gif> sly little evil elfy and the ever crazy Goof elfy <img:zabuN-gif.gif> ^_^

2007-08-10 [goldie]: <img:mood17-gif.gif> I like his glasses!<img:k-gif.gif> And he looks like shrek!

2007-10-04 [LastQuincyGirl]: lol

2007-11-05 [DRACE]:


2007-11-05 [goldie]: Woh that's a bit scary!! Makes my eyes go funny!!

2007-12-29 [Blood_lover17]: well some people have different oppions on things..... but yeah sorry i haven't checked in here for a little while but i am back

2008-01-11 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: argle and such

2008-01-11 [DRACE]: I forgot about this wiki >.<

2008-01-11 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: oh thats real nice neil LMAO

2008-01-25 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: Raphael kicks ass.

2008-06-30 [InLoveDontBothe r]: how do i join this wiki?

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