# of watchers: 36
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2007-03-23 [Nytefox]: Face it: alternative schools are for either the unfortunate ones such as Meg, or the kids who really have no hope or direction and really arnt going to head to any college any time soon.
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: Lincon alternitive is fairly good. i know a lot of people who've gone there and it was the best thign to happen to them.
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: they dont have any electives.... except gym....
2007-03-23 [Nytefox]: it's Birmingham District. As bad as the school disctric claims to be, they're still making more money than Hillel ever did... and that was a JEW SCHOOL. Kids in my grade were inhereting huge stocks and Hometics supply company and the Fischer building.
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: wow.....sucks for you. shit assed end to this year of school for you. but you'll be back at berkly next year and it'll be good.,
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: if i have perfect grades.... and a good review from a therapist... mom hasn't even signed me up for one yet....
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: Talk to Alica in west bloomfield. she's the one that j used to see. she's not horrid as most are.
2007-03-23 [Nytefox]: Mine's pretty cool too... she's the only that so far thinks that my mum needs more therapy than me... and that I dont even need it at all...
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: tell my mom that... she's thinking of having tommy's be mine too
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: wow....that would suck....
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah.... moral of this convo... my life sucks right now.. but it'll all work out in the end.... what comes, will come... I just hope I'm ready for it
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: i suppose. you coming tofestival tomorrow?
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: i cant..... berkley's going to be there... technically its a bhs event... and I'm not allowed at those.....
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: it's an open event held at aschool outside of BHS schools. you cna go.
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: mom already said i cant......
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: oh. that's a differant story.
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah.... today... sucked... alot...
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: why?
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: helping ashley cope with the dumpage thing.... mom snapping and throwing a bowl and having it shatter... me cleaning it and getting a cut... finding out my new school has no choir... it has nothing and is nothing... a feeling of being alone is over whelming me and i cant help it... and now i can't even go to festival...
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: Oh....that sucks. But you have our love and support....you
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: Yuppers, I can always count on help when I need it, thanks you guys..
2007-03-24 [Syn's Desire]: it's nothing....
2007-03-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: you know what? nothing is better than the sound of sleeping children when you're babysitting. (yay for peace and quiet)
2007-03-25 [Fear of the Soul]: yay... *dances*
2007-03-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: for all of you in need of very slight amusement http://health.
2007-03-25 [Syn's Desire]: HEH, i just stopped the most random dream ever.....
2007-03-25 [risky]: tell me!!
2007-03-25 [Syn's Desire]: it's a long story but you were in it and minnie and nick and Chris amos....and rabiits tat were my size and talking and Fay folk....yeha catch me later and ill tell you more. i gtg to work now....
2007-03-25 [risky]: woooooooooo you were in mine too and ur dad was the limo driver and abby zeitvogal (sp) was in it wearing a tutu... and some black guy i don't know who it was and there was a broken hotel elevator and a penthouse and a dinosaur
2007-03-25 [Syn's Desire]: wow.....we'll swap dream tales at the armed man today, k?
2007-03-25 [risky]: awww...
2007-03-25 [Syn's Desire]: what?
2007-03-25 [risky]: nothing...
2007-03-25 [Syn's Desire]: bull, but whatever. i'm not going to pick a bone about it...
2007-03-26 [Fear of the Soul]: Hi!!!!
2007-03-26 [Syn's Desire]: yo....
2007-03-26 [Fear of the Soul]: Guys, Ashley is missing, she didn't go to school, and left a suicide note on her myspace.... if you guys hear anything from her or about her, please give me a call and I will call her parents. thank you.
2007-03-26 [risky]: which ashley?
2007-03-26 [Fear of the Soul]: Ashley Roark.... we found her... she was with some friends skipping school, she didn't want to see Will... but he told a teacher she was cutting herself and that she wrote a suicidal note on myspace....... the teacher called her parents and and now she's going to be in Havenwick for 2 weeks or more...
2007-03-26 [risky]: oh ok don't care
2007-03-26 [Fear of the Soul]: oh.... okay then.... well thanks for reading I guess....
2007-03-26 [risky]: lol sorry i don't know her so it's like... oh... ok
2007-03-27 [Fear of the Soul]: she was at the frolic
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: I'd have more sympathy for her if she had listened to us all tell her for months that Will is bad for her. Luck to her though, Maybe she needed to hit the bottom. Still, my thoughts to her in support should she need it, my strength to her as well.
2007-03-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nods* azera does have a point there babe...
2007-03-27 [Fear of the Soul]: I know, she didn't listen to anyone... maybe this'll be good for her... get a clear mind...
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: i hardly may i emphasize HARDLY know her but as much as i do know id say that it could do her some good to get away from it all and try to sort some things out.
2007-03-27 [risky]: OHHHHHHHHHHH!!
2007-03-27 [Rowan]: yea, the one in the picture above.
2007-03-27 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: nice....Shanny
2007-03-27 [risky]: wha hunh?
2007-03-27 [Fear of the Soul]: shwa??
2007-03-27 [risky]: shiggity shiggity shwa?
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: YEha, note me. i got a question for you that may help if it's ok with you....
2007-03-27 [Fear of the Soul]: right-o then
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: wait wait which ashely? gah. iv messed everythign up today. whom are we talking about?
2007-03-27 [risky]: ...
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: Rorak.
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: so not the one with shortish black hair id asume? cuz i think thats the only ashley that i know that all of you would talk about...
2007-03-27 [risky]:
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: yes the one with the shortish black hair.
2007-03-27 [Fear of the Soul]: she has a screen name on here I believe... she has short blak hair yes, but she goes to bhs
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: ooooo then yeah. i stand by my remark that it could do her some good to sort things out.
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: as do i.
2007-03-27 [Fear of the Soul]: still loving the smiley...
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: i guess well see if shes productive with the time spent there in awhile...
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: Yeah i guess.
2007-03-27 [Fear of the Soul]: I'm visiting her tomorrow... 'round 7
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: k.
2007-03-27 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: you two are good friends i presume?
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: you could say that....
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: mmm yeah. im sorry but hses got a serious stick up her butt. iv seen her around and said hello and she jsut wants nothing to do with me in the slightest. im liek what the fuck did i ever do to you but try to be nice...
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: She does that.
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: agh. i dont get it. why push ppl away.i can understand doing that to like zach but i mean. yeah i know i can be as annoying as fuck but like. why push someone away like that?
2007-03-27 [Syn's Desire]: She has people issues....it's annoying as all hell.
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: apparently so.
2007-03-27 [erinnn OMG]: im so tired of people and their drama.
2007-03-28 [Rowan]: i agree. but i deal.
2007-03-28 [Syn's Desire]: as does every one. well, everyone that don't commit suicide or get locked up that is.
2007-03-28 [Fear of the Soul]: .....right... so How is everyone doing tonight?
2007-03-28 [Syn's Desire]: Wild....Savvag
2007-03-28 [erinnn OMG]: tired. annoyed. wishing for something that i need... that probably will not happen. yourself?
2007-03-28 [Rowan]: all of the above.
2007-03-28 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: same as erin, only bored as hell too
2007-03-28 [erinnn OMG]: ah yes. boredom is one thing iv forgotten lol
2007-03-28 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: so ha
2007-03-28 [erinnn OMG]: get nailpolish and randomly paint things lol or fire. that cures everything.
2007-03-28 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: um....nailpoli
2007-03-28 [erinnn OMG]: well i dont know! maybe u had some black for a holoween costume or something sheesh idk lol
2007-03-28 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs* i'm through my goth phase thank you!
2007-03-28 [Fear of the Soul]: XDDD, niiice one, I'm listening to Phantom.
2007-03-28 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: sounds like fun
2007-03-28 [Fear of the Soul]: oh so relaxing...
2007-03-28 [withWater]: i'm talking to pete, so content. but off, pissy, aggrivated, ready to strike, falling over my own emotions, stressed, lost...
2007-03-28 [Fear of the Soul]: awww.... listen to moulin rouge....
2007-03-28 [withWater]: will not help. but thanks for the idea
2007-03-28 [Fear of the Soul]: alrighty, hope everything turn out okay!
2007-03-28 [risky]: so are we gonna have a hot lesbian BT party since marta's back or not? cause i wanna see some action god damnit!!
2007-03-28 [withWater]: fuck yes!
(action is good for the soul)
2007-03-28 [risky]: hell yea it is soooo... when?? lol
2007-03-28 [Fear of the Soul]: Yeah!! and where?
2007-03-28 [risky]: YEA!!
2007-03-28 [withWater]: WE NEED TO KNOW!!
2007-03-28 [risky]: YEA!!
2007-03-28 [risky]: Um... who are we talking to exactly?
2007-03-28 [withWater]: YEAH!
oh... wait. i'm not supposed to be agreeing am i?
2007-03-28 [risky]: i don't know anymore...
2007-03-29 [Fear of the Soul]: wheeeee
2007-03-29 [risky]: ...
2007-03-29 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: ok....
2007-03-29 [Fear of the Soul]: sorry... outburst... XD
2007-03-29 [risky]: ok...
2007-03-29 [Syn's Desire]: this from the chick how bitched for two weeks at least because i tackled her and bit her?!
2007-03-29 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: lol...shit happens
2007-03-29 [Fear of the Soul]: XDDD
2007-03-29 [withWater]: hahaha
2007-03-29 [risky]: shut up...
2007-03-29 [Syn's Desire]: Make me.....
2007-03-29 [Fear of the Soul]: oooOOOooo...
2007-03-29 [Syn's Desire]: *stands ground*
2007-03-30 [Fear of the Soul]: *eats popcorn*
2007-03-31 [withWater]: *grins* ooooohh girly sex... i mean... fight... i mean... goddamn it i wanna bang
2007-03-31 [Fear of the Soul]: BOOM!
2007-03-31 [risky]: hm... sex fight... but quick question is there anybody whose parents would let them take a road trip to new york with one weeks notice?
2007-03-31 [withWater]: um. no because i will be at school.
2007-03-31 [risky]: awww
2007-03-31 [Fear of the Soul]: one week notice.... definitely not... would have to know where we would be staying, don't have any money, if there was an adult... and all that jazz...
2007-03-31 [risky]: whats the point of going if there was an adult? we're not 2 years old lol but we need like 3 more ppl 2 go gahhh this sucks
2007-03-31 [Fear of the Soul]: I'm sorry....
2007-03-31 [Syn's Desire]: hell no the rent's wouldn't go for it!
2007-03-31 [risky]: haha i figured that would be the case with you
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: WHy oyu going anyways?
2007-04-01 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah!
2007-04-01 [Rowan]: been to NYC. plus i'm broke.
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: same. twice.
2007-04-01 [Fear of the Soul]: haven't been there at all...
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: wow...it's fun.
2007-04-01 [Rowan]: my favorite part was being in the New Yorker hotel and going into the courtyard and jumping up the 10 ft wall to look down the side of the place and take pictures.
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: cool!!
2007-04-01 [risky]: yea if we actually pull this off were probably gonna stay in the same hotel as the choir did
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: that would be cool.
2007-04-01 [risky]: oh my god bow to my genious!!! we should all go to occ at least for next year n live together n drink n get n have fuckfests all the time!!! *dead*
dont acknowledge anything i just said...
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: This was already a thought. i'm going there. bear's already there. you going? i think it's a marvy idea.
2007-04-01 [risky]: yea im starting in may i figured i might as well go for a year n raise my gpa and maybe i can get into UofM next year
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: cool. we all gotta get jobs though....
2007-04-01 [risky]: yea i kno and cars would help... what campus r u going to? im think about royal oak
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: Orchard ridge. yeha. but cars implies job with money to pay for it.
2007-04-01 [risky]: hm...
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: and idk bout you, but i don't have a job that pays me right now.
2007-04-01 [risky]: no im still applying for shit but i dont really know if i would want to live in a house/apartmen
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: right now i havn't applied yet. i'm being a lazy person.......
2007-04-01 [risky]: well you might want to consider that
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: yeha yeha. i know. i'm kinda waiting to make sure i walk this year.
2007-04-01 [risky]: at least you have the hope of walking
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: yeha. long as i keep my shit togaht this quarter.
2007-04-01 [risky]: QUICK!!! Who wants to play truth or dare????!!!
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: Depends....who else is playing?
2007-04-01 [risky]: apparently nobody lol who else is on?
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: you me and drew and nick.
2007-04-01 [risky]: drew never uses the wiki tho n nick who?
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: erickson guy. and now i'm out to chop shit up in my backyard. call me if you need/want me. i'll be back later.
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: But now i'm back!!!!!
2007-04-01 [risky]: wow...
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: heh. not much to do outside....
2007-04-01 [risky]: i need a really good design and quote to put on my shirt for my
english project help me out
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: What kinda look/ style?
2007-04-01 [risky]: idk
2007-04-01 [Syn's Desire]: tha's a really broad scale to look at....
2007-04-01 [risky]: lol sry
2007-04-02 [Rowan]: are you talking about something original? or like just SOMETHING?
2007-04-02 [Fear of the Soul]: Hey everyone...
2007-04-02 [Syn's Desire]: yo.
2007-04-02 [Fear of the Soul]: whats up?
2007-04-02 [Syn's Desire]: nothign. headed to g-ma's to have passover.
2007-04-02 [Fear of the Soul]: wheeeeee
2007-04-02 [Syn's Desire]: lol....not fun at all...
2007-04-03 [withWater]: ah passover! i love food. my mom made really good food. and apple cake. yay apple cake.
2007-04-03 [Fear of the Soul]: yay!!!
2007-04-03 [Syn's Desire]: yeha good ass food!
funny thing? I have a BDSM version of the haggadah....
2007-04-03 [risky]: i think everyone should go to martas house....
2007-04-03 [withWater]: haha BDSM haggada. lol i need to read.
also i agree. as long as it is 7 people or less.
2007-04-03 [Syn's Desire]: I wish i could go there....if i get a chance, i'll get a copy to you so you can read it, it'sreally funny.
2007-04-03 [risky]: well me n v are already in cause we were first and i guess petes a given... hmmm maybe u can help with v's makeover lol
2007-04-03 [Syn's Desire]: lol, i'm heading back to my grandmothers house tonight....
2007-04-03 [risky]: well i didnt mean this week obviously
2007-04-03 [withWater]: sounds like it
2007-04-03 [Syn's Desire]: oh. ok.
2007-04-03 [withWater]: woah... i don't remember typeing that. well i am not home again till may 28th
2007-04-03 [risky]: when do u leave?
2007-04-03 [Syn's Desire]: Yeha?
2007-04-03 [withWater]: on monday... so the 8th.
2007-04-03 [Syn's Desire]: oh....k. that bites....
2007-04-03 [risky]: aww i feel left out every1 sees u but me :(
2007-04-03 [withWater]: aw... hey, don't you have a car though? and why doesn't everyone just appear here one day?
2007-04-03 [risky]: no i dont well i kinda do just not a licence
2007-04-03 [Syn's Desire]: I don't have a car. and i haven't seen her in a while....
2007-04-03 [withWater]: haha. i can officaly get min now... but it involves takeing the test...
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