Page name: The Backtable Group [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-12 04:22:09
Last author: risky
Owner: withWater
# of watchers: 36
D20: 8
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Being wild & pagan
Getting people to stare
Wearing in your face clothing
Being crazy
Taping things to the walls
[*Almost*] getting kicked out of the commons
Watching Monty Python & Moulin Rouge
Spontaneously reciting various lines from Online cartoons
Being into bondage and kinkiness in general
Having Dane(crazy guy who can jump over cars, and is not perverted [how is this possible?!?!?], did I mention he's our self-titled slave?)
Drinking Dane's BAWLS...
Having awesome music taste
Duct tape
lighting giant mushrooms on fire while everyone huddles around for warmth...mmmm...toasted giant mushroom
Punk/folk/goth/anime/stoners/everyother fucking group
Having alcohol *cough* [*I mean coffee*]
Blowing fire!
Skaning to skatastic music
Waging war against the school administration
Sneaking out at night
Plotting WORLD DOMINATION! (Froggy Edit: And plotting the BT party for the day the world ends!)
Riding in cars with boys
And girls too!



BT Members

BT Other Pics

The Backtable's Banners

BT Quotes

BT Quotes 2
BT Quotes 3
BT Quotes 4
BT Quotes 5
BT Quotes 6
BT Quotes 7
BT Quotes 8
BT Quotes 9
BT Quotes 10
BT Quotes 11
BT Quotes 12
BT Quotes 13

BT News

BT News '06

bt news '06 (2)

BT News '05

BT Prom 2006

BT Protection Banners

BT Names and Titles

BT Dictionary

The Never Ending BT Story

Little Yellow Guy

Lil' Hood

cyanide and happiness

Marta's Going Away Party

Spirit Week '06


Random BT Pics


This is Shannyn...

This is Avivah...

OK... Maybe this is Avivah...

...and this... is... SCARY...

This one can be uh... Marta!

sam's photobucket

funny videos and pictures

Henry and Giovanni (German III movie)

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2006-06-17 [Fear of the Soul]: XDDDD

2006-06-17 [risky]: oh uh well... i was just in a very good mood yesterday lol...

2006-06-17 [lost in love 09]: yay

2006-06-17 [Fear of the Soul]: hehehhehee

2006-06-17 [risky]: : )

2006-06-17 [Master Of Duct Tape]: Adabhlj: et:qjew%p#$jtq#$tjq #e:krjg :lakjd asdglhja:l#$ EEEEEEEEEEEEEE.   EEEEEEP. hyper.. XD  XD   XD  \m/

2006-06-17 [risky]: right...

2006-06-18 [Sweet Surrender]: wow...

2006-06-18 [Froggy526]: i got a mundane to speak l33t ^ ^

2006-06-18 [Just A Lost Pixie]: wtf!!! it's 1337 you dumb butt!!!

2006-06-18 [Froggy526]: ok fine fine! 1337! but u gotta type l33t in Wikipedia to find the entry on it, so i guess it just stuck

2006-06-19 [Fear of the Soul]: ?!?!?!?!?!?WTF MATE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

2006-06-19 [lost in love 09]: hahaha

2006-06-19 [Syn's Desire]: right...

2006-06-19 [Sweet Surrender]: who knew someone could be soo obsessive about a topic...

2006-06-20 [risky]: all of u are stupid fuck fuck fuck a ducks...

2006-06-20 [Sandman666]: skrew a kangerue...

2006-06-20 [Vincent Stryke]: kangaroo??

2006-06-20 [Fear of the Soul]: *dances*

2006-06-20 [Sandman666]: no not a kangaroo... a kangerue... there simaler to kangaroos except u can skrew it...

2006-06-20 [Fear of the Soul]: wtf mate....

2006-06-20 [Sandman666]: exactly...

2006-06-20 [Fear of the Soul]: heh

2006-06-20 [risky]: what a lovley day for an orgy at the zoo!!!

2006-06-20 [Syn's Desire]: zoo! i wanna go!

2006-06-20 [Froggy526]: lol, w00t

2006-06-20 [risky]: oh my gosh i am so mad right now i am fucking failing high school and my mom won't let me take summer school and she won't believe me when i tell her whats wrong... says i'm trying to get attention yea growing up to no future and living on the streets is how i try to get attention... that makes alot of sense you stupid fat bitch...

2006-06-20 [Fear of the Soul]: whoa.....

2006-06-21 [Sweet Surrender]: ...

2006-06-21 [Froggy526]: oh man...that stinks, sorry to hear about that. my parents found out i bombed my geometry final, and theyre also flipping out, but dude...thats harsh

2006-06-21 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah

2006-06-21 [Nytefox]: you mum is complaining cuz i didnt get strait A's.....this is bullshit

2006-06-21 [Sweet Surrender]: nobody at the bt gets straight A's

2006-06-21 [Froggy526]: Frost, lemme just say this: your mum is a bitch (my mum made me change this comment)

2006-06-21 [Syn's Desire]: yeah!

2006-06-21 [Sandman666]: what was the comment before she made u change it...

2006-06-21 [Syn's Desire]: your mom should just die...

2006-06-21 [Sandman666]: o...

2006-06-22 [Fear of the Soul]: lol fun

2006-06-22 [risky]: well i'll take bitch over deat.. i think...

2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: dude.....and shez been chasing me around the house with a spatula mate???

2006-06-23 [Sandman666]: wtf...

2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: ?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: didnt we go thru this already? my mum = pysco bitch

2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: oooooooookay then.....

2006-06-23 [Froggy526]: 'tis true, sadly (i've had the unfortunate "pleasure" of meeting her myself)  p.s. Frost it was those two times we came to school @ the same time

2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: okay then....

2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: a spatuala?

2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah...... omfg.... my mom bought me strawberry milkshake poptarts.... they are so delicious...... i ate them all already.... XDDDDD

2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: nice...

2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: yes, a spatula.....

2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: nice...

2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: o yesh......o so nice (dies of sarcasm)

2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: don't die...i need you to be ready for a kill soon...\

2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: ...

2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: what?

2006-06-23 [Sandman666]: whos the target...

2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: you'll find out in due time.

2006-06-23 [Sandman666]: awwww... i hate waiting...

2006-06-23 [Sandman666]: poo

2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: deal with it.

2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: ...... *walks away*

2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: you kno, I dont think I can die anytime soon really.....(knocks on wood)

2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: you can't...i need you soon.

2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: *sits quietly*

2006-06-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: ummm. happy late birthday alex.....  damn you all that are already 17

2006-06-24 [Froggy526]: indeed, i kinda threw a crazy Trosch partay for his b-day :-P

2006-06-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: really?  cool.

2006-06-24 [Just A Lost Pixie]: i won't be 17 till november

2006-06-24 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah i was there!!!!!!!!! BOO YA!!!!!!

2006-06-24 [Nytefox]: needed?.....right.....sure....I totally believe that! (dies of sarcasm AGAIN)

2006-06-24 [risky]: ne one have any old pics of us like of the middleschool BT

2006-06-24 [Froggy526]: that would be cool...sadly i havent any pictures of Frost and i during mid-school, at least any of the two of us together

2006-06-25 [Nytefox]: not my fault....I didnt like cameras, and I hated it there anyways.......on top of which, I think she talks about them (points out original BT ppl)

2006-06-25 [risky]: yea i mean the group of me, avivah, alexis, ashley, jon, robbie, adam, samantha, stephanie, elizabeth, ... uh..... i think thats all... uh... drew?? dunno... oh yeah marta sorry lol don't make me go back to cedar point again...

2006-06-25 [risky]: <img:> <img:> <img:>


2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: yes, i knew she meant them, Frost. i just felt as though if we had them, we should've added our own as well.

2006-06-25 [Fear of the Soul]: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: lol, Meg is excited (must be shooting Scott w/ foam bullets again)

2006-06-25 [risky]: why did i get freaked out when avivah's mom just called me...

2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: heh, good ole Alexis i see in one of those pics. i just saw her a month or two ago. she was really a BT? i didnt know that.

2006-06-25 [risky]: yea she was b4 me i see her all the time on weekends

2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: saw her at some doctor's office, forgot which

2006-06-25 [risky]: wow how exciting lol

2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: oooh yeah, fun fun fun

2006-06-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: erm.. lex was part of the 1st bt.. a long time ago., its hard to even remember that far back. (tear*) i miss lex.

2006-06-26 [risky]: thats why i said way b4 me cause there was elementary bt, middle school bt, first high school bt, and second high school bt

2006-06-26 [Froggy526]: holy shit, there was an elementary bt? lol

2006-06-26 [risky]: yea thats where evryone originally met like avivah, jon sam i think lexy, others... i think

2006-06-26 [Fear of the Soul]: ooooooooooooooooooooooo

2006-06-26 [Froggy526]: heh, Meg is acting like she has spotted a shiny object (at mention of shiny object, BT collectively stares...all 30 or so of them)

2006-06-26 [risky]: yes and i am somewhere walking by u guys with my frinds saying look at those weird white ppl...

2006-06-26 [Fear of the Soul]: heh.... white people....

2006-06-27 [Warheart]: Don't tell anyone, but secretly, I think all white people look the same.

2006-06-27 [risky]: yes... yes you do

2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-06-27 [Vincent Stryke]: -nods- It's true

2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: XPPPPPPPP

2006-06-27 [risky]: oooooo.. .u know whos really sexy??? adrianna lima... yup yup... and angelina jole... just thought u should know...

2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: okay......

2006-06-27 [lost in love 09]: thts cool i guess

2006-06-27 [risky]: no it's not

2006-06-27 [risky]: you know what i'm gonna do?? make a comic of us... like a dimented little red riding hood muahahhahahahahaha!!!

2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: AWESOME!!!

2006-06-27 [Vincent Stryke]: That should be....interesting...

2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: lol!!!

2006-06-27 [risky]: well at this point i don't feel like making ne more, and marta's a parfait... i think

2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: LOL

2006-06-27 [risky]: WHERE IS EVERYONE???!!!

2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: i have no idea....

2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: i'm here...

2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: w00t!!!

2006-06-28 [Froggy526]: i'm here as well, but probably not for very long, thanks to my ADD

2006-06-28 [risky]: yay! ok go lookie at the comic of boredom

2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: lol hahahahahaaa

2006-06-28 [risky]: nooo... where'd v go? damn it i had their attention for about 2 seconds...

2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: i'm still here, just not tlking.

2006-06-28 [risky]: o ok...

2006-06-28 [risky]: well go look at marta being a parfait

2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-06-28 [risky]: am i funny to you? do i amuse you? damnit it dosen't work unless i show u the comic, hold on let me find it

2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: yes, yes you do...

2006-06-28 [risky]: <img:>

2006-06-28 [risky]: here's another one...

2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: nice...

2006-06-28 [risky]: <img:>

2006-06-28 [risky]: <img:>

2006-06-28 [risky]: once you pop, you just can't stop...

2006-06-28 [risky]: <img:>

2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: i love it!

2006-06-28 [risky]: you haven't even seen the ones with the super heroes in them yet i personally am a fan of ass rape man

2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-06-28 [lost in love 09]: nice...

2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: awesome ness ess

2006-06-29 [Syn's Desire]: ok, so: this friday: Nancy is coming here!!! so all you alls are wanted here at an as-of-yet undecided time to meet her!!! and of course, JamFest!!! if you need anymore details, call me. 248.540.4660

2006-06-29 [Fear of the Soul]: w00t!!!!

2006-06-29 [Syn's Desire]: yep...

2006-06-29 [Just A Lost Pixie]: awwww.... I wanna go to jamfest

2006-06-29 [Syn's Desire]: i wish...

2006-06-29 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah

2006-06-29 [Sandman666]: <img:>

2006-06-29 [Syn's Desire]: nice...

2006-06-29 [Warheart]: lollerskates.

2006-06-29 [Fear of the Soul]: thats alot of mg

2006-06-29 [Warheart]:'s only one gram...

2006-06-30 [Fear of the Soul]: but its alot of mg

2006-06-30 [risky]: nancy? jamfest? i feel so lonley

2006-06-30 [lost in love 09]: lol\

2006-06-30 [risky]: ahhhh!!!

2006-06-30 [Fear of the Soul]: lonely... i am so lonely... i have nobody.... for my own....

2006-06-30 [risky]: AHHHHH!!!

2006-06-30 [Fear of the Soul]: LOL!!!!

2006-06-30 [Sandman666]: yes you do...

2006-06-30 [Nytefox]: meep.....I wanna ticket for Jamfest.....

2006-06-30 [Sandman666]: its $3...

2006-06-30 [Nytefox]: i have that kinda money! to sneak outta the house.....

2006-07-01 [Froggy526]: heh, this pill seems familiar...sounds like a certain soda i invented this past January...Alex, may i?

2006-07-01 [Master Of Duct Tape]: my dad has a t-shirt with that pill thing on it. heh heh

2006-07-01 [risky]: wow lol

2006-07-01 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-07-01 [Nytefox]: Excuse me Trosch......Happiness in a Jar was SO my idea

2006-07-01 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahaha- cat fight!!!!

2006-07-01 [Fear of the Soul]: meow

2006-07-01 [risky]: what is the easiest least paiful way to kill yourself actually fuck it i don't even care if it is painful or just give me a cigarette i haven't smoed in 4 damn months so I can just wait for the lung cancer to kill me...

2006-07-01 [Fear of the Soul]: .....................?

2006-07-01 [Master Of Duct Tape]: aww.

2006-07-01 [Syn's Desire]: why you looking for death ways?

2006-07-01 [Froggy526]: yeah, what's wrong?

2006-07-02 [Sweet Surrender]: Wow a lot has happened since I have been in colorado and nebraska!!

2006-07-02 [Syn's Desire]: yeah...but that's mormal.

2006-07-02 [Fear of the Soul]: lol!!!! mormal.....

2006-07-02 [Froggy526]: indeed. and much is happening whilst i am in Massachusetts, but luckily i dont have to miss out on any of it.

2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: O WHERE IN MASS?!!???!?!?!?!??!! ARE YOU NEAR DARTMOUTH??!?!?!?!

2006-07-03 [Froggy526]: i'm in Williamstown, somewhere near NY

2006-07-03 [Sandman666]: awww...

2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: well... that sucks.... cuz the lobster near boston is scrumptious..... as so is the clam choudah!!!!!! are you getting the accent yet? that happends to me whenever i go there with my dad

2006-07-03 [Nytefox]: Twightlight Zone MARATHON!!!!!!! (((even sex cannot distract me from the Twightlight Zone)))

2006-07-03 [Sandman666]: yes it can...

2006-07-03 [Vincent Stryke]: Yeah, it can.

2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: ummmmmmmmmmm............

2006-07-03 [Nytefox]: you wanna bet???`

2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-07-03 [Vincent Stryke]: Yeah..I do.

2006-07-03 [Rowan]: i'll bet too

2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: *puts on green visor* okay okay, annie up!!!! the bid is that frost will not be distracted by anything (even sex) for Twilight Zone Marathon.... any takers?

2006-07-04 [Froggy526]: this is gonna be interesting...even i dont know if she'll be able to pull it off

2006-07-04 [Fear of the Soul]: place your bet, place your bet!!!!

2006-07-04 [Sweet Surrender]: *Thinks* ...its tempting

2006-07-04 [Sandman666]: i'll bet.... a glue stick and a starburst...

2006-07-04 [Fear of the Soul]: okay, so one bet on the table, any others??

2006-07-04 [lost in love 09]: not i

2006-07-04 [Sweet Surrender]: i'll bet a whole pack of starburst

2006-07-04 [Rowan]: well, dont we have to say what side they are betting for?

2006-07-04 [Vincent Stryke]: Yeah, you kinda do.

2006-07-04 [Sandman666]: shhhhh....

2006-07-05 [Fear of the Soul]: yuppers, place you bet people, place your bets

2006-07-05 [Nytefox]: well, kinda late now, the Marathon is over.....

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