# of watchers: 36
| D20: 8 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-06-17 [Fear of the Soul]: XDDDD
2006-06-17 [risky]: oh uh well... i was just in a very good mood yesterday lol...
2006-06-17 [lost in love 09]: yay
2006-06-17 [Fear of the Soul]: hehehhehee
2006-06-17 [risky]: : )
2006-06-17 [Master Of Duct Tape]: Adabhlj: et:qjew%p#$jtq
2006-06-17 [risky]: right...
2006-06-18 [Sweet Surrender]: wow...
2006-06-18 [Froggy526]: i got a mundane to speak l33t ^ ^
2006-06-18 [Just A Lost Pixie]: wtf!!! it's 1337 you dumb butt!!!
2006-06-18 [Froggy526]: ok fine fine! 1337! but u gotta type l33t in Wikipedia to find the entry on it, so i guess it just stuck
2006-06-19 [Fear of the Soul]: ?!?!?!?!?!?WTF MATE?!?!?!?!?!
2006-06-19 [lost in love 09]: hahaha
2006-06-19 [Syn's Desire]: right...
2006-06-19 [Sweet Surrender]: who knew someone could be soo obsessive about a topic...
2006-06-20 [risky]: all of u are stupid fuck fuck fuck a ducks...
2006-06-20 [Sandman666]: skrew a kangerue...
2006-06-20 [Vincent Stryke]: kangaroo??
2006-06-20 [Fear of the Soul]: *dances*
2006-06-20 [Sandman666]: no not a kangaroo... a kangerue... there simaler to kangaroos except u can skrew it...
2006-06-20 [Fear of the Soul]: wtf mate....
2006-06-20 [Sandman666]: exactly...
2006-06-20 [Fear of the Soul]: heh
2006-06-20 [risky]: what a lovley day for an orgy at the zoo!!!
2006-06-20 [Syn's Desire]: zoo! i wanna go!
2006-06-20 [Froggy526]: lol, w00t
2006-06-20 [risky]: oh my gosh i am so mad right now i am fucking failing high school and my mom won't let me take summer school and she won't believe me when i tell her whats wrong... says i'm trying to get attention yea growing up to no future and living on the streets is how i try to get attention... that makes alot of sense you stupid fat bitch...
2006-06-20 [Fear of the Soul]: whoa.....
2006-06-21 [Sweet Surrender]: ...
2006-06-21 [Froggy526]: oh man...that stinks, sorry to hear about that. my parents found out i bombed my geometry final, and theyre also flipping out, but dude...thats harsh
2006-06-21 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah
2006-06-21 [Nytefox]: you kno....my mum is complaining cuz i didnt get strait A's.....this is bullshit
2006-06-21 [Sweet Surrender]: nobody at the bt gets straight A's
2006-06-21 [Froggy526]: Frost, lemme just say this: your mum is a bitch (my mum made me change this comment)
2006-06-21 [Syn's Desire]: yeah!
2006-06-21 [Sandman666]: what was the comment before she made u change it...
2006-06-21 [Syn's Desire]: your mom should just die...
2006-06-21 [Sandman666]: o...
2006-06-22 [Fear of the Soul]: lol fun
2006-06-22 [risky]: well i'll take bitch over deat.. i think...
2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: dude.....and shez been chasing me around the house with a spatula lately.....wtf mate???
2006-06-23 [Sandman666]: wtf...
2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: ?!?!?!?!??!?!?
2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: didnt we go thru this already? my mum = pysco bitch
2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: oooooooookay then.....
2006-06-23 [Froggy526]: 'tis true, sadly (i've had the unfortunate "pleasure" of meeting her myself) p.s. Frost it was those two times we came to school @ the same time
2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: okay then....
2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: a spatuala?
2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah...... omfg.... my mom bought me strawberry milkshake poptarts.... they are so delicious.....
2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: nice...
2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: yes, a spatula.....
2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: nice...
2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: o yesh......o so nice (dies of sarcasm)
2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: don't die...i need you to be ready for a kill soon...\
2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: ...
2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: what?
2006-06-23 [Sandman666]: whos the target...
2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: you'll find out in due time.
2006-06-23 [Sandman666]: awwww... i hate waiting...
2006-06-23 [Sandman666]: poo
2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: deal with it.
2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: ...... *walks away*
2006-06-23 [Nytefox]: you kno, I dont think I can die anytime soon really.....(knocks on wood)
2006-06-23 [Syn's Desire]: you can't...i need you soon.
2006-06-23 [Fear of the Soul]: *sits quietly*
2006-06-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: ummm. happy late birthday alex..... damn you all that are already 17
2006-06-24 [Froggy526]: indeed, i kinda threw a crazy Trosch partay for his b-day :-P
2006-06-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: really? cool.
2006-06-24 [Just A Lost Pixie]: i won't be 17 till november
2006-06-24 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah i was there!!!!!!!!! BOO YA!!!!!!
2006-06-24 [Nytefox]: needed?.....ri
2006-06-24 [risky]: ne one have any old pics of us like of the middleschool BT
2006-06-24 [Froggy526]: that would be cool...sadly i havent any pictures of Frost and i during mid-school, at least any of the two of us together
2006-06-25 [Nytefox]: not my fault....I didnt like cameras, and I hated it there anyways.......
2006-06-25 [risky]: yea i mean the group of me, avivah, alexis, ashley, jon, robbie, adam, samantha, stephanie, elizabeth, ... uh..... i think thats all... uh... drew?? dunno... oh yeah marta sorry lol don't make me go back to cedar point again...
2006-06-25 [risky]:
2006-06-25 [risky]: MUAHAHAHAHAHAH
2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: yes, i knew she meant them, Frost. i just felt as though if we had them, we should've added our own as well.
2006-06-25 [Fear of the Soul]: WHOOOOOOOOOOOO
2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: lol, Meg is excited (must be shooting Scott w/ foam bullets again)
2006-06-25 [risky]: why did i get freaked out when avivah's mom just called me...
2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: heh, good ole Alexis i see in one of those pics. i just saw her a month or two ago. she was really a BT? i didnt know that.
2006-06-25 [risky]: yea she was b4 me i see her all the time on weekends
2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: saw her at some doctor's office, forgot which
2006-06-25 [risky]: wow how exciting lol
2006-06-25 [Froggy526]: oooh yeah, fun fun fun
2006-06-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: erm.. lex was part of the 1st bt.. a long time ago., its hard to even remember that far back. (tear*) i miss lex.
2006-06-26 [risky]: thats why i said way b4 me cause there was elementary bt, middle school bt, first high school bt, and second high school bt
2006-06-26 [Froggy526]: holy shit, there was an elementary bt? lol
2006-06-26 [risky]: yea thats where evryone originally met like avivah, jon sam i think lexy, others... i think
2006-06-26 [Fear of the Soul]: oooooooooooooo
2006-06-26 [Froggy526]: heh, Meg is acting like she has spotted a shiny object (at mention of shiny object, BT collectively stares...all 30 or so of them)
2006-06-26 [risky]: yes and i am somewhere walking by u guys with my frinds saying look at those weird white ppl...
2006-06-26 [Fear of the Soul]: heh.... white people....
2006-06-27 [Warheart]: Don't tell anyone, but secretly, I think all white people look the same.
2006-06-27 [risky]: yes... yes you do
2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-06-27 [Vincent Stryke]: -nods- It's true
2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: XPPPPPPPP
2006-06-27 [risky]: oooooo.. .u know whos really sexy??? adrianna lima... yup yup... and angelina jole... just thought u should know...
2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: okay......
2006-06-27 [lost in love 09]: thts cool i guess
2006-06-27 [risky]: no it's not
2006-06-27 [risky]: you know what i'm gonna do?? make a comic of us... like a dimented little red riding hood muahahhahahaha
2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: AWESOME!!!
2006-06-27 [Vincent Stryke]: That should be....interest
2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: lol!!!
2006-06-27 [risky]: well at this point i don't feel like making ne more, and marta's a parfait... i think
2006-06-27 [Fear of the Soul]: LOL
2006-06-27 [risky]: WHERE IS EVERYONE???!!!
2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: i have no idea....
2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: i'm here...
2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: w00t!!!
2006-06-28 [Froggy526]: i'm here as well, but probably not for very long, thanks to my ADD
2006-06-28 [risky]: yay! ok go lookie at the comic of boredom
2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: lol hahahahahaaa
2006-06-28 [risky]: nooo... where'd v go? damn it i had their attention for about 2 seconds...
2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: i'm still here, just not tlking.
2006-06-28 [risky]: o ok...
2006-06-28 [risky]: well go look at marta being a parfait
2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-06-28 [risky]: am i funny to you? do i amuse you? damnit it dosen't work unless i show u the comic, hold on let me find it
2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: yes, yes you do...
2006-06-28 [risky]:
2006-06-28 [risky]: here's another one...
2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: nice...
2006-06-28 [risky]:
2006-06-28 [risky]:
2006-06-28 [risky]: once you pop, you just can't stop...
2006-06-28 [risky]:
2006-06-28 [Syn's Desire]: i love it!
2006-06-28 [risky]: you haven't even seen the ones with the super heroes in them yet i personally am a fan of ass rape man
2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-06-28 [lost in love 09]: nice...
2006-06-28 [Fear of the Soul]: awesome ness ess
2006-06-29 [Syn's Desire]: ok, so: this friday: Nancy is coming here!!! so all you alls are wanted here at an as-of-yet undecided time to meet her!!! and of course, JamFest!!! if you need anymore details, call me. 248.540.4660
2006-06-29 [Fear of the Soul]: w00t!!!!
2006-06-29 [Syn's Desire]: yep...
2006-06-29 [Just A Lost Pixie]: awwww.... I wanna go to jamfest
2006-06-29 [Syn's Desire]: i wish...
2006-06-29 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah
2006-06-29 [Sandman666]:
2006-06-29 [Syn's Desire]: nice...
2006-06-29 [Warheart]: lollerskates.
2006-06-29 [Fear of the Soul]: thats alot of mg
2006-06-29 [Warheart]: ...but...it's only one gram...
2006-06-30 [Fear of the Soul]: but its alot of mg
2006-06-30 [risky]: nancy? jamfest? i feel so lonley
2006-06-30 [lost in love 09]: lol\
2006-06-30 [risky]: ahhhh!!!
2006-06-30 [Fear of the Soul]: lonely... i am so lonely... i have nobody.... for my own....
2006-06-30 [risky]: AHHHHH!!!
2006-06-30 [Fear of the Soul]: LOL!!!!
2006-06-30 [Sandman666]: yes you do...
2006-06-30 [Nytefox]: meep.....I wanna ticket for Jamfest.....
2006-06-30 [Sandman666]: its $3...
2006-06-30 [Nytefox]: i have that kinda money!.....now to sneak outta the house.....
2006-07-01 [Froggy526]: heh, this pill seems familiar...sou
2006-07-01 [Master Of Duct Tape]: my dad has a t-shirt with that pill thing on it. heh heh
2006-07-01 [risky]: wow lol
2006-07-01 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-07-01 [Nytefox]: Excuse me Trosch......Ha
2006-07-01 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahaha- cat fight!!!!
2006-07-01 [Fear of the Soul]: meow
2006-07-01 [risky]: what is the easiest least paiful way to kill yourself actually fuck it i don't even care if it is painful or just give me a cigarette i haven't smoed in 4 damn months so I can just wait for the lung cancer to kill me...
2006-07-01 [Fear of the Soul]: ..............
2006-07-01 [Master Of Duct Tape]: aww.
2006-07-01 [Syn's Desire]: why you looking for death ways?
2006-07-01 [Froggy526]: yeah, what's wrong?
2006-07-02 [Sweet Surrender]: Wow a lot has happened since I have been in colorado and nebraska!!
2006-07-02 [Syn's Desire]: yeah...but that's mormal.
2006-07-02 [Fear of the Soul]: lol!!!! mormal.....
2006-07-02 [Froggy526]: indeed. and much is happening whilst i am in Massachusetts, but luckily i dont have to miss out on any of it.
2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: O WHERE IN MASS?!!???!?!?
2006-07-03 [Froggy526]: i'm in Williamstown, somewhere near NY
2006-07-03 [Sandman666]: awww...
2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: well... that sucks.... cuz the lobster near boston is scrumptious...
2006-07-03 [Nytefox]: Twightlight Zone MARATHON!!!!!!
2006-07-03 [Sandman666]: yes it can...
2006-07-03 [Vincent Stryke]: Yeah, it can.
2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: ummmmmmmmmmm..
2006-07-03 [Nytefox]: you wanna bet???`
2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-07-03 [Vincent Stryke]: Yeah..I do.
2006-07-03 [Rowan]: i'll bet too
2006-07-03 [Fear of the Soul]: *puts on green visor* okay okay, annie up!!!! the bid is that frost will not be distracted by anything (even sex) for Twilight Zone Marathon.... any takers?
2006-07-04 [Froggy526]: this is gonna be interesting...
2006-07-04 [Fear of the Soul]: place your bet, place your bet!!!!
2006-07-04 [Sweet Surrender]: *Thinks* ...its tempting
2006-07-04 [Sandman666]: i'll bet.... a glue stick and a starburst...
2006-07-04 [Fear of the Soul]: okay, so one bet on the table, any others??
2006-07-04 [lost in love 09]: not i
2006-07-04 [Sweet Surrender]: i'll bet a whole pack of starburst
2006-07-04 [Rowan]: well, dont we have to say what side they are betting for?
2006-07-04 [Sandman666]: shhhhh....
2006-07-05 [Fear of the Soul]: yuppers, place you bet people, place your bets
2006-07-05 [Nytefox]: well, kinda late now, the Marathon is over.....
Number of comments: 11922
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