Page name: The Noc Wolf [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-11-30 18:07:36
Last author: Wolf56
Owner: Wolf56
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The Noc Wolf


[Sita: ]
[Tsarr: ]


[Lera: ]



[Putnar: ]



The Noc Wolf is a wolf pack that lives in the norhtern lands of north america and southern canada. The wolfs live in a vast area of land that have not been touched by human hands in over three centuries. Thanks to the wolfs that live in these parts. Not very many creatures know of this place accept the ones that live in it. The land is full of wildlife that is equaly balance thanks to the predator's that live the parts. Althought there is still a wonderful amount of wildlife to keep up with the amount of loses.
     The land that the wolfs run on is in a set of mountians. There are a few rivers that run down the sides of the mountians. There is a large forest area that covers a vast part of the mountian sides and the floor of the land. Within the forest is a vast amount of creatures of all sizes and shapes.

The Drappa and Dragga are the Alpha's, the leaders of the Pack.
The Sita and Tsarr are the seconds, stepping in for the Alpha's when need be.
The Slavka and Kosov are the thirds of the pack, higher up on the "chain".
The Lera and Varg are challengers to the Alpha's, looking for a time to take over.
The Balkar is the protector of the pack, a peacemaker.
The Tsinga is the wisewoman/man, usually older, not necessarily a wolf.
The Putnar is the Protector of the Alpha's, the Enforcer of sorts.
The Sikla is the omega, the lowest in the pack, normally because they're submissive.
The Kerl is a rouge wolf, may come around the pack now and then or not yet accepted in.

Noc Wolf: Wolven Behavior

Wolves of Noc: Not Yet With A Position


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2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halino nuzzled him.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus wagged his tail and layed his head on her back

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor wagged her tail as she smiled.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus smiled licking her fur on her head

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled more as she wagged her tail more.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus licked her head more

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor leaned her head to him as she wags her tail more.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus put his chin on her head, ~How you felling now that you got food in ya?~

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~I feel better, thanks.~

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nodded and nuzzled her more, ~Maybe you had eatten something last night.~

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~Maybe~ she nuzzled him back.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nodded and yawned closing his eys

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled at him.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus yawned and fell to sleep bu her

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor closed her eyes then a couple of mintues later she fell asleep.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus sleept

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor sleeps.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus woke up in the morning

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor still asleep.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus got up and streached

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor still sleeps.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus shook out his fur and looked at her

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor still sleeps.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nugged her

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor growled softly as she sleeps.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus chukled

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor sleeps.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus licked her muzzle

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor woke up slowly.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus sat down and wagged his tail looking at her

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled up at him.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angleus wagged his tail, ~how you feel?~

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~I feel fine.~

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nodded and licked her mussle

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor licked his muzzle back.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus wagged his tail

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled as she wagged her tail.

2010-01-12 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda didn't move

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor stood up and smiled at Angelus.

2010-01-12 [Wolf56]: Kron looked back at the happy couple of wolves in the den as they slept. Kron then turned his attention back to Keeda and said softly ~ Keeda why do you keep feeling down all the time. You seem to be trying to prove something to everyone. Like your trying to make up for when I got hurt. ~

2010-01-12 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I am tring to keep focused~

2010-01-12 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda mildly confused and says ~ And why would you try to stay focused for. ~

2010-01-12 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Incase anything comes on this land that we are unsure about~

2010-01-12 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda and said ~ Keeda now that I'm healed that is my job to keep this pack safe from anything not your's. ~

2010-01-12 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I am the Drappa of this pack it is a job we share~

2010-01-12 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at the ground and says quietly ~ Keeda I don't like the fact that you try to act like your the biggest wolf here. Compared to me Keeda you still look like a pup. But I know that you have the heart of a true wolf in you. You show a far greater skill then the other wolves here. But at times you act without thought. And that can cause the death of one the pack member's. You just have to learn to control yourself at times is all that you truely need to learn. I don't mean to come off as upset with you becuase I'm not. I'm much happier knowing that your still here with the rest of the pack then trying to run from me. But you have to learn to know when to attack adn when to back off from something. ~

2010-01-12 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda widened her eyes ~So I can bring death to the pack again?~

2010-01-12 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda sfotly and said ~ Keeda you haven't brought death to this pack at all. You just need to learn to control yourself a little is all. Now will you please stop worring so much about your past. Please for me? ~

2010-01-12 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda fell to th floor remembering her past and the pain from it

2010-01-12 [Wolf56]: Kron dropped to the ground licking Keeda's face softly trying to calm her down and stop her shaking and siad ~ Keeda whats wrong? Is there anything I can do to help? Keeda please? ~

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor looked out the den and saw Keeda on the ground,~Keeda?!~ she ran out the den and to her.

2010-01-12 [Wolf56]: Kron looked up quickly at Halinor and said ~ She fell to the ground out of no where and I don't know whats wrong with her. ~

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nods,~Keeda wake up!~she thought.

2010-01-13 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda tried to stady herself but was unable to stop shaking ~ I'm sorry, I have to~ Keeda jumped to her feet and ran away from the den and pack

2010-01-13 [WASHACKED]: Angelus walked out seeing Keeda run away he frowned

2010-01-13 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda shouted ~ Don't worry Angel I will be back I just have to do somthing~

2010-01-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~Keeda!~She yelled at her.

2010-01-13 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda continued to run

2010-01-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor frowned then she looked at Angelus then she looked at where Keeda ran off.

2010-01-13 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda ran up to the moutain were Kron took her

2010-01-13 [WASHACKED]: Angelus forwned at Halinor, ~She said she whould come back, she wouldn't lie~

2010-01-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded,~I know but it dosen't stop me from worring about her.~

2010-01-13 [Wolf56]: Kron watched as Keeda ran off into the mountains. After watching her run off in the direction of his favorite spot Kron know where Keeda was going and looked at Halinor and said ~ Halinor I know where Keeda is going. I'll follow her but I won't let her see me. I'll make sure that she is safe. I promise. ~ Kron then toke off to his spot at a slow trot.

2010-01-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded as she frowned.

2010-01-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda got to the spot of the moutain and fell to the ground

2010-01-14 [Wolf56]: As Kron made his way to his spot on the moutain he could easily smell Keeda sent trail. Telling Kron that Keeda had clearly taken the fastest path to the mountains. Kron slowly made his way up the mountain making sure as not to make any noise at all by stepping lightly on the ground.

2010-01-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda didnt move

2010-01-14 [Wolf56]: Kron came up behind Keeda Hiding in the bushes to try and hide his sliver fur coat. Kron layed down waiting while Keeda didn't move. Kron know that something had upset Keeda dearly and didn't want to upset her anymore. So Kron waited while the sun was slowly fading behind the moutains giving way to the stars over head.

2010-01-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Kron I know your there~

2010-01-14 [Wolf56]: Kron stayed where he was and said lightly ~ I know that Keeda. But I don't to hurt you anymore then I already have today. I keep breaking my promise to you and I don;'t know how to stop doing it. I feel as if my heart is being torn in two all the time. From tring to keep you safe and fighting all the time when you asked me not to. Its so hard and sometimes I feel as if I'm not meant to be with you because I can't keep my promise to you. No matter how hard I try to. ~

2010-01-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~It was wrong of me to ask that promise of you~

2010-01-14 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda through the bushes and says lightly ~ No it wasn't. I just have to try harder is all Keeda. I'm just not doing a very good job as Dragga at the moment is all. I keep mkaing mistakes which have almost gotten some the pack member's killed mainly you Keeda. I won't live without you by any means. ~

2010-01-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~You are a great leader just I am too sensative~

2010-01-14 [Wolf56]: Kron looked down at the ground knowing that Keeda was wrong in her saying. Kron then looked back at Keeda lightly and moved beside her and layed down softly and looked at the stars over head. Thinking about how he and his mother used to do the same thing when he had found her before she had deaded.

2010-01-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda nuzzles up to Kron

2010-01-14 [Wolf56]: Kron leans against Keeda lightly and slowly starts to fall asleep.

2010-01-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda licks his muzzle go back to the den if your tried

2010-01-14 [Wolf56]: Kron looks up at Keeda ans says lightly ~ Now why would I do that when I can sleep here Keeda. Its just as comfortable with you here. No matter where it is that I sleep I'm more comfortable with you beside me. ~

2010-01-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Then I shall go back to the den with you, unless you just want to stay here?~

2010-01-14 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at the stars and said ~ I'd rather stay here under the stars seeing its not going to rain tonight. ~

2010-01-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda closed her eyes ~Ok then Kron~

2010-01-15 [Wolf56]: Kron layed back down softly and fell asleep with Keeda at his side breathing deeply in his sleep.

2010-01-15 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda watched over Kron as he slept

2010-01-15 [Wolf56]: Kron dreampted that that night he was with his mother once again as pup chasing after her. Playing around like a pup for once.

2010-01-15 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked up to the stairs

2010-01-15 [Wolf56]: Kron awoke feeling sorry that his mother had passed. Kron then turned to Keeda and said soflty and with all his passion for her ~ Keeda will you have pups with me? It would help me and you in more ways then one. And it would also be a good thing for the pack as well. ~ Kron then turned his head away from her waiting her answer. Kron know that he truely wanted to have purely for himself and Keeda. But he would include the in with his family.

2010-01-15 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Kron suprised ~So thats what I couldn't figure out~

2010-01-15 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda slowly and said ~ What are you talking about Keeda? ~

2010-01-15 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~there was somthing on your mind and I couldnt hear it~

2010-01-15 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda mildly surprised and said ~ Keeda i've been practicely screaming it in my head for the past three days none stop. I'm surprised that you couldn't hear that at all. ~

2010-01-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor sighed soflty as she paceing around theden, worried about Keeda but she was also worried about herself too. She has been feeling ill for the past couple of days. She didn't want Angelus to be worried about her...but she didn't know what was wrong with her.

2010-01-15 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looks at the ground

2010-01-15 [Wolf56]: Kron licks Keeda muzzle gently and said ~ Are you going to answer my question or about the pups or no Keeda? ~

2010-01-15 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I will~

2010-01-15 [Wolf56]: Kron beamed with pride at the idea of being a father to one of his own pups for once. Instead of taking care of other pack members pups.

2010-01-15 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda licked Krons muzzle

2010-01-16 [Wolf56]: Kron licked Keeda's muzzle in return and said ~ Do you want to go tell the pack the news right now or do you want to wait a little while? ~

2010-01-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~You choose do you want to tell them?~

2010-01-16 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda sodtly and says ~ Keeda it's not just my choose to tell them. We both have to agree on it ok. This is somthing that involves both of us not just one of us. ~

2010-01-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I'd like to stay under the stars for a while with you~

2010-01-16 [Wolf56]: Kron smiled a wolfish grin and said ~ I'd like that to Keeda. I'd rather be here with you any day then be anywhere else without you. ~

2010-01-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda smiled weakly

2010-01-16 [Dead_Man_Walking]: -sits in the cave up in the mountains-

2010-01-16 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keed softly and layed down beside Keeda listening to her breathing softly.

2010-01-16 [Dead_Man_Walking]: -sighs-

2010-01-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda licked Krons nuzzle ~How many?~

2010-01-16 [Dead_Man_Walking]: -goes down the mountain-

2010-01-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda hears a wolf walking on the mountain ~Kron I promise I'll be back don't follow me~ Keeda ran down the mountain to the wolf she named supie

2010-01-16 [Dead_Man_Walking]: -gets down and walks a little-

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron watched as Keeda ran off for a little bit. Kron would listen this one time. But Kron know that he would become even more protective then he already was. When the pups would be born Kron know that he wouldn't let anything happen to them ever.

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda got a few meters away from Kron and stopped to turn back to him and walked to his side again

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda as she came back and said ~ Why'd you come back that soon Keeda. You can go. I'm not going to follow you. ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda layed next to Kron ~My place is here~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron stared at Keeda softly and said ~ Keeda if your going to go see your friend then go see him. I'll be fine until you get back. ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda snuggled into krons side ~Nope I'm staying here~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron licked Keeda's ears lightly and said ~ If you want we could both go and see him. So that we aren't away from one another. ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda rested her head on Krons frount paws and closed her eyes ~I wanna stay here with you~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron layed his head gently on Keeda's shoulder's and sighed quietly and said ~ Keeda the pack is proably wondering where we are right now. Halinor does worry about you a lot. I think that we may want to get back before to long. But at the moment I'm content with you here by my side. ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I promised I'd be back. Angelus will calm her~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron looks a the stars and says lightly ~ Keeda I know that Angel can calm her down for now. But she needs you to be safe for both of us. ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Ok~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron licked the back of Keeda's head lightly and said ~ I think its time we went back to the den. ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda sighed and stood up

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron stood up slowly and shook the stiffness from his muscles and licked Keeda's muzzle lightly and said ~ Keeda I'm trying to push hard or anything I'm just worried that Halinor may come and try to find and get lost in the woods somewhere. And then I'll have to leave and find her myself. Thats all. ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~It's ok~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron licks Keeda's head again lightly and says ~ Well then I guess we better be off then. ~ Kron starts walking slowly toward the den with Keeda at his side.

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda walked down the moutain with Kron

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron watched Keeda as they walke back to the den. After a short while Kron could smell the other wolves of the pcak near by and barked loud enough for the others to hear him. To let them know that they where back.

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda jumped at the sound of Krons bark

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ I'm sorry Keeda. I didn't mean to scare you. You seem to have to something on your mind. Was is it? ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Kron ~It's fine don't worry~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and moved in front of her stopping her and said ~ Keeda please tell me what it is. If something is bothering you. You don't ahev to hide from me. ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~It's just thoughts thats all~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda strongly and said ~ Keeda its hard to try and understand you at times. And just this little thing can make a big difference in making it easier to understand you. So please tell me. I won't ask again anytime soon. I promise. ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda licked Krons muzzle ~Somtimes I'm glad you can't read my mind~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron sighed and said ~ Your still not going to tell me are you Keeda? ~

2010-01-18 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Some other time~

2010-01-18 [Wolf56]: Kron drops his head and turns around to head toward the den.

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda felt bad because she didn't tell Kron but she couldn't worry him

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron walked throw the bushes hidding himself and Keeda.

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda followed Kron

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron could hear Keeda foloowing him and wlaked into the den and layed down in the far back where it was darkest. Kron could tell that something was bothering Keeda and he know that she would deal with it hopefully. Kron's mind was a mess of thoughts mainly about being a father to his pups. But next to having Keeda upset the pups didn't matter as much to him as much as Keeda meant to him.

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda layed next to Kron ~Your still wondering what was on my mind~

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron looked up at Keeda and said ~ Yes. But if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to. I can live without knowing this little bit. It won't kill me not to know. So its up to you. ~

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at the ground ~I'm scared of having the pups~

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron stared at Keeda and said ~ I can understand that your scared about having pups. But you'll be well cared for if you have them. And no one is going to harm them ever in their lives. I can promise that Keeda. ~

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~But what if I'd a bad mother?~

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron licked Keeda's head lightly and said ~ Keeda I couldn't imagine a better mother then you ever. You care to much for others. When you should care about yourself. You would never make a bad mother to any pups. ~

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked up at Kron

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron stared back with his knowledge of this showing in his eyes strongly.

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda sighed

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron licked Keeda's head again lightly and said ~ Keeda I know why you have these fears. I had to go through them several times before when the others in other pack thought I would make a better parent then they could and they wouldn't take no for an answer. So I raised tehm as best as I could with what I had to give to them. There were times when I went without food for several days so that the pups would have a full belly. And I still don't reget the way I brought them up. They have become fine youg wolves some where else. ~

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda cuddles up to Kron

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron leans against Keeda's side lightly and hums lightly in his throat.

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda licked Krons muzzle

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron looked up as he could hear the others outside moving around and said ~ Keeda do you want to go out and tell the others now or do you want to wait a little longer? ~

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Kron ~do you want to?~

2010-01-19 [Wolf56]: Kron stared at Keeda and said ~ Not unless you don't want to. ~

2010-01-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I don't mind as long as I'm with you~

2010-01-21 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda said softly ~ Then lets go tell everyone else. ~

2010-01-21 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stood up

2010-01-22 [Wolf56]: Kron stood up slowly and shock himself to loosen his stiff muscles and said ~ You ready to tell them. ~

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor sat in the den with Angelus.

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda noded

2010-01-22 [Wolf56]: Kron walked outside of the den with Keeda at his side and said ~ Everyone listen up for a moment. ~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stayed by Krons side

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor looked up at him,~Yes?~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Kron

2010-01-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Halinor and Angel and said ~ Keeda and I have made up our minds that we are going to pups soon. So everyone is going to have many things to do to prepare for this coming litter. ~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at the ground by Krons paws

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~Pups? I'm so happy for you both~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Halinor confused

2010-01-22 [Wolf56]: Kron stared at Keeda and said ~ Why do you look confused right now Keeda. ~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda shakes her head ~I'm hearing things again~

2010-01-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda and says ~ What kind of things Keeda? ~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Peoples thoughts but they are mixed up cos I heard Halinors and she was really angry about it but she really happy about it ~

2010-01-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda and says lightly in her ear ~ Why would Halinor be angery with this news. And could you tell what the humans where saying in their minds or no. ~

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor frowned in confueion,~I'm not anrgy about it but I'm happy for you both.~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda layed down and put her paws on her head ~ I must have a cold and in awnser to your question Kron yes Quite clearly~

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor frowned a little.

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda closed her eyes ~I'm sorry Halinor~

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~It's fine Keeda.~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda removed her paws from her face and opened her eyes

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled at her.

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda smiles back

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~So happy for you Keeda~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda smiles weakly ~I'm kinda scared to be honist~

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled~I understand, Keeda. I can help you, if you like. Cause I know what it's like to be a mother.~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Halinor ~You do?~

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~I was a mother once. In my old pack.#

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Ohhh I thought you ment pups of your own~

2010-01-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and then Halinor and said softly ~ You understand that once she has the pups Halinor there is little that I will leave her side for. The pups and Keeda will be of my only true concern. And I will be far more aggresive then I have been in the past. The fight with the humans will seem like I was under control of everything compared to when the pups come. I don't mean to come off as mean or anything. I'm just stating the truth thats all. ~

2010-01-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~Just asking if she wanted help, but okay then.~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked up at Kron and smiled

2010-01-22 [Wolf56]: Kron smiled a wolfish grin back at Keeda and then looked at Halinor and said ~ I trust you Halinor more then you know. And I trust your judgement at times like this. I only want you to know ahead of time that I'll be more protect of Keeda and the pups. Then I already am at the moment. I know that you mean well. But try to keep Angel in a good mood around when the pups come. I only want you and angel to be prepared for what may come. I have been a father to pups that where not mine and it has pained me that I could not tell them that I wasn't their real father. When I toke the pups in their parents made me promise that I would rise the pups myself and that I wouldn't tell them who their real parents where. And I have come to deal with these promises. I haven't told any of the pups that I wasn't their real parents. And I don't reget my decision by any means. I only wish that you will help Keeda through this situtation with the best of your ablities. ~

2010-01-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at the ground and closed her eyes

2010-01-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded.

2010-01-23 [Wolf56]: Kron layed down next to Keeda and licked her head lightly and said softly ~ Keeda is something wrong that I should be worried about. ~

2010-01-23 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda turned her head to look at Kron ~No I'm just abit sleepy and this cold is messed my head up abit too~

2010-01-23 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda and says softly ~ Then you better get in the den and sleep the cold off hopefully. Me and Halinor will go on a permitter search to see if there are humans near by or not. Go rest please. ~

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