Page name: The Noc Wolf [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-11-30 18:07:36
Last author: Wolf56
Owner: Wolf56
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The Noc Wolf


[Sita: ]
[Tsarr: ]


[Lera: ]



[Putnar: ]



The Noc Wolf is a wolf pack that lives in the norhtern lands of north america and southern canada. The wolfs live in a vast area of land that have not been touched by human hands in over three centuries. Thanks to the wolfs that live in these parts. Not very many creatures know of this place accept the ones that live in it. The land is full of wildlife that is equaly balance thanks to the predator's that live the parts. Althought there is still a wonderful amount of wildlife to keep up with the amount of loses.
     The land that the wolfs run on is in a set of mountians. There are a few rivers that run down the sides of the mountians. There is a large forest area that covers a vast part of the mountian sides and the floor of the land. Within the forest is a vast amount of creatures of all sizes and shapes.

The Drappa and Dragga are the Alpha's, the leaders of the Pack.
The Sita and Tsarr are the seconds, stepping in for the Alpha's when need be.
The Slavka and Kosov are the thirds of the pack, higher up on the "chain".
The Lera and Varg are challengers to the Alpha's, looking for a time to take over.
The Balkar is the protector of the pack, a peacemaker.
The Tsinga is the wisewoman/man, usually older, not necessarily a wolf.
The Putnar is the Protector of the Alpha's, the Enforcer of sorts.
The Sikla is the omega, the lowest in the pack, normally because they're submissive.
The Kerl is a rouge wolf, may come around the pack now and then or not yet accepted in.

Noc Wolf: Wolven Behavior

Wolves of Noc: Not Yet With A Position


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2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looks Keeda in the eye's and says ~ And why aren't they your's Keeda? Tell me that. ~

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Because I dont deseve them, you cant clame what ever land you land on, the earth is not a dead thing you can clame, I know each mountain, rock and forset has a life has a reason and a name~

2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda softly and says ~ Keeda that's not what I meant. I meant that as long as you live on these lands that you have to right to defend what is yours. That is all nothing more. ~

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I have nothing Kron Only you~

2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda softly and says ~ If I'm all that you need and want then stay here and try to make the most of it with me. ~

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Ok~

2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron steps out of Keeda's way and starts walking slowly back to the den.

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda follows Kron with a heavy heart

2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron walks beside Keeda glancing at her every so often and said ~ Keeda is something bothering you? you seem a little eout of it at the moment. ~

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda Looked up at Kron ~sorry what did you say, I wasnt listening proparly~

2009-12-23 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda and says ~ Is something bothering you Keeda? You seem to be out of it at the moment. ~

2009-12-23 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I'm fine thanks~

2009-12-23 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda and says ~ Keeda I know that something is bothering what is it please? ~

2009-12-23 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Nothing is wrong I'm probably just a little sleepy~

2009-12-23 [Wolf56]: Kron conutines to look at Keeda but doesn't push the subject any farther.

2009-12-23 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda closes her eyes ~Kron I'm fine I just need some sleep~

2009-12-23 [Wolf56]: Kron looks forward and says ~ Then we should get back to the den then so that we can sleep for a while. ~

2009-12-24 [Dead_Man_Walking]: -stays in the mountains-

2009-12-24 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked up to the mountains

2009-12-24 [Dead_Man_Walking]: -rest my head on a rock-

2009-12-24 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Korn I'll be back soon I just wanna check on somthing~ Keeda runs up into the mountains to the den of the wolf with no name

2009-12-24 [Dead_Man_Walking]: -lifts my head up- How are you?

2009-12-24 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda smiles ~You remember me~

2009-12-24 [Dead_Man_Walking]: Keeda. Right? -gets up-

2009-12-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor walked around the woods.

2009-12-24 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda smiles ~ Yes and you are supie~

2009-12-24 [Dead_Man_Walking]: Supie? -smiles-

2009-12-24 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Yes I gave you a name~

2009-12-28 [Wolf56]: Kron followed after Keeda staying hidden in the bushes so as not to intrepret her little talk with the no named wolf.

2009-12-28 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keedas ears prick up as she sences Kron close ~sorry Supie I'll have to go I'll be back soon~

2009-12-29 [Wolf56]: Kron steps out of the bushes and walks up to Keeda and says ~ Keeda who's your friend here? ~

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Kron this is Supie~

2009-12-29 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Supie and smiles a wolfish grin at him and says ~ And how are you today Supie? Supie thats a rather odd name. I haven't run across any other wolves with that name before. Where did you get it from? If you don't mind me asking? ~

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda frownd at Kron ~He got it from me~

2009-12-29 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ Well how am I going to know things like that Keeda? I didn't get here until you were about to leave. ~

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Yeah I'm sure, oh well I'll cya later Supie~

2009-12-29 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda and says ~ Keeda why the rush I just got here and I would like to get to know Supie a little better. ~

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda walks down the mountain

2009-12-29 [Wolf56]: Kron lloks at Supie one last time and says ~ You are welcome into our pack if you wish. But the only thing that I ask is that you don't start any trouble with the pack. Or else you will be punished for it. ~ Kron then turns and follows after Keeda quickly and walks beside her quielty over the hard ground of the mountains.

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor runs back to the den.

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda turns to Kron at the bottom of the mountain ~wow cant you even trust me to be own my own for a few mins?~

2009-12-29 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda quickly and turns his head away just as quickly and runs into the woods off to his right quickly.

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor runs a bit slower.

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda walks away towards the clearing

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor walks back to the den.

2009-12-29 [Wolf56]: Kron runs to his favorite spot to think over his last few hours.

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor walked back to the den until she heard a sound, she looked around a bit worried.

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Don't worry Hal it's just me~

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded slowly.

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Hal please go to the den and look after the others and if Kron asks you havnt sceen or heard me ok?~

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~Okay Keeda.~

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Thankyou ~ Keeda runs to the clearing

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nods as she walks back to the den.

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda aproaches the clearing and sees a strange creature there

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hainor walks back to the den but she stops when she smells humans close by.

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at the strage creature

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor jumped back when she heard a human fired a gun her way,~This is not good.~ he said to herself as she howls in a warning way.

2009-12-29 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keedas ears pricked up

2009-12-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor ran away and taking the humans away from the den and the others,~I'm so gonna get in troble for this~ she whispered to herself.

2009-12-30 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda peered out of the cover of the trees

2009-12-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor could hear all the humans hunters following her.

2009-12-30 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda heard haliors fast foot prints on the soil

2009-12-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halino heard one of the humans shot at her but it missed her.

2009-12-30 [Wolf56]: Kron heard the shot from the humans and bolted toward the sound of gun shots firing away. As Kron ran he howled for all the other wolves in the area to take up fighting instincts in case something happened. Kron blasted through the bushes right next to Halinor and looked back over his shoulder to see humans with dogs chasing them. Kron then said to Halinor ~ Run into the mountians and make sure that no is hurt Halinor. Go now. I'll lead them away from here and lose them i the mountains. Now go. ~

2009-12-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor ketp running~Go back to Keeda, now Kron. I know what I'm doing.~ She could hear the humans coming. ~I'm going to led them through the other side of the woods and onto human gound.~

2009-12-30 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Halinor as they were running and said ~ No Halinor. I'm alpha here and what I say goes. Now go make sure that everyone is safe thats an order. ~ Kron then shoved Halinor into the bushes away from the humans ans their guns. And contuined to run deeeper into the mountains withe dogs on his tail. Kron know the land better then anyone else here and would use that to his advantange.

2009-12-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor growled softly as she got shoved into the bushes. She got up and ran to the mountians.

2009-12-30 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda saw Kron run past with the strange creatures following close behinde so see went closer to see the new creatures better

2010-01-01 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda ran fast to be beside Kron ~Kron what's going on?~

2010-01-01 [Wolf56]: [Ok dude (Cryis The Virus) This is a wolf pack not a fucking lion den shit dude. You have to be far more realistic then that so I'm deleting your post so don't flip out on me.]

2010-01-01 [Wolf56]: Kron looked up at Keeda and almost fell over a log. Kron recovered quickly and yelled at quickly ~ Keeda go. Get out of here now. The human's are back and they want to kill us. Now get out of here and hide in the mountain's quickly. I'm going to lead them away from here for as long as I can. I'll meet up with you later Keeda. Now go. ~

2010-01-01 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda didnt move from his side

2010-01-01 [Wolf56]: Kron looked back at Keeda shoced her into the bushes to keep her from harms way for as long as he could.

2010-01-01 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda waited in the bushes until one of the tall pink creatures to come close and she drove on to it

2010-01-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor howled for Angelus to join her at the mountians as she ran.

2010-01-03 [WASHACKED]: Angelus heard Halinor and started running

2010-01-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor stoped when she was high up the mountain and she howle again.

2010-01-03 [WASHACKED]: Angelusran more going faster soon he saw he up a head as he came up the moutin and slpwed a bit howling back

2010-01-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled when she heard Angelus.

2010-01-04 [Wolf56]: [Ok dude I'm starting to lose my patience with you Cryis. Either follow the rules that I have set or leave the page dude. Your not thinking and acting like a wolf here on the page at all.]

2010-01-04 [Wolf56]: Kron stopped and spun around as he heard the humans screaming in pain. As kron turned around he saw Keeda attacking the humans. All that Kron know was that he had to get to Keeda quickly or else she was going to die. Kron ran at Keeda with all his strengh and speed. Jumping at the closest human. Kron sank his teeth into the human soft flesh causing the human to scream out and pain. Kron quickly let go and watched the human run off as quickly as his wounded leg would let him. Kron then turned around just in time to see one of the humans pointing a gun at Keeda. Kron had no time but to act. Kron leaped into the way of the gun to save Keeda and was shot. Kron didn't feel any pain at the moment because of all the adrenaline in his system at the moment. Kron leaped at the human with the gun and bit his hand off stopping him from using the gun again. The other humans watched this and ran off to save their own lives. Only the human with one hand staied behind. He looked Kron straight in the eye and ran off after the other humans. Kron quickly walked over to Keeda to make sure that she was ok and said ~ Keeda are you? You haven't been hurt? ~

2010-01-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda fell to the ground

2010-01-04 [Wolf56]: Kron moves closer to Keeda quickly looking her over and finds no wounds. Kron then says ~ Keeda whats wrong please tell me? ~ Kron then howls for Halinor and Angel to come to him. After Kron is done howling his side erputes into pain and falls to the ground in great pain.

2010-01-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor heard Kron call and she ran down the moutin and she saw Angelus and she stopped,~Kron howled come on.~ she ran.

2010-01-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda jumps up and see's Krons wound ~Oh Korn your hurt let me help~ Keeda licks Krons wound clean

2010-01-04 [Wolf56]: Kron whimpers in pain as Keeda's tunge touches his wounded side. Kron grunts out in pain as he breaths to deeply and laies still waiting for Halinor to come back with Angel.

2010-01-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor ran with Angelus.

2010-01-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda kept cleaning in and cryed because she didnt like hurting him

2010-01-04 [Wolf56]: Kron quickly passed out shortly and awoke to find Keeda licking his wound's clean as best she could. Kron could no longer feel his side very much. So Keeda's licking didn't bother him anymore.

2010-01-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda still cried over Kron

2010-01-04 [Wolf56]: Kron waited patiently for Halinor and Angel to get to where they were. Kron then said to Keeda ~ Keeda howl again so that they know where we are just to be safe please. ~

2010-01-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Kron with a heavy heart and howled as long as she could

2010-01-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor ran up to Kron and Keeda with Angelus by her side.

2010-01-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked up and Halinor crying ~ This is all my fault~

2010-01-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor ran to them,~No it's not, Keeda~

2010-01-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda contiuse to cry ~Yes it is and now look at whats happened to Kron~

2010-01-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~He'll get better Keeda~

2010-01-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~What if he dosnt?~

2010-01-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor bow her head~Then he will die, sorry but it's the true~

2010-01-05 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda layed next to Kron and cried ~I'm so sorry Kron this is all my fault just promise me you wont go promise me~

2010-01-05 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ Keeda I can't promise you that. But I can promise that I will try my hardest to get better. But in the mean time. Angel your going to have to take my place until I heal fully. ~

2010-01-05 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Kron if you leave me I cant carry on you mean more to me then life you are my life~Keeda cryed

2010-01-05 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda softly and said ~ I won't leave you Keeda. It's just going to take some time for me to heal is all. None of the things from the gun are in me. They went in and came out the other side. I'll heal but it's just going to take some time is all. ~

2010-01-05 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Kron with sorrow and pian in her eyes

2010-01-05 [Wolf56]: Kron stared back looking into Keeda's eye's softly trying to make her feel better.

2010-01-05 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda nuzzled Kron trying not to cry again

2010-01-05 [Wolf56]: Kron licked Keeda muzzle lightly and said ~ Keeda will you move for a second. I'm going to try and get up. Since my side doesn't hurt anymore. ~

2010-01-05 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda moved out of the way so Kron could stand

2010-01-05 [Wolf56]: Kron rolloed onto his belly lightly trying his best not move his side very much which didn't help much. Kron got to his belly and layed there for a few minutes waiting on his side to calm down so that he could move again.

2010-01-05 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda watched with worry

2010-01-05 [Wolf56]: After another few minutes passed by Kron's side no longer bother him anymore. Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ Keeda get beside so that if I start to fall you can catch me before I hit the ground. ~

2010-01-05 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda quickly did as Kron asked

2010-01-05 [Wolf56]: Kron watched as Keeda quickly moved to his side and said ~ Keeda your going to have to slow down some. Ok? ~ Kron moved his paws around from under him and started to stand up slowly trying not to hurt his side even more.

2010-01-06 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda nodded her head and waited by Krons side

2010-01-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor wait and watched.

2010-01-07 [Wolf56]: Kron got to his full height and stood there waiting on his side to stop hurting from getting up. Kron stood there watching everyone around him.Kron know that he was in a weaken state and that if someone challenged him right now he wouldn't be able to fight back at all.

2010-01-07 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Kron no one here is going to challange you andif they are I'm not going to let them touch you~

2010-01-08 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ Keeda my will to protect you is strong then any pain that I've gone through in my life. If someone attacks you I'll step in the way and take the blow. I won't see you hurt by any means. ~ Kron then to Halinor and said ~ Will you go and see if any of the humans are still around or no. I don't have the strengh to fight off anymore humans at the moment. ~

2010-01-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halior nodded,~Yes Kron.~ she looked at Angelus,~I won't be long.~ she licked his muzzle then she ran off.

2010-01-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Krons wound in pain of her own

2010-01-08 [Wolf56]: Kron saw Keeda looking at his wounds and said ~ Keeda its ok. I can get through this. It's just going to take some time is all. So stop worring about me. ~

2010-01-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: It's my fault thoe

2010-01-08 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda softly and says ~ Keeda its not your fault. Its my fault I should have been paying more attention to the land closely. If I had watched what was going I could have told everyone to hide in the den. ~

2010-01-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~It's all because of me~

2010-01-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hailnor followed the scent of the humans.

2010-01-08 [Wolf56]: Kron looked out over the woods around him and said softly ~ No its not your fault Keeda. I'm the one who is chosen to protect this land from anything unfriendly at all. So its my fault that all this happened. ~

2010-01-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda just looked down in defeat

2010-01-08 [Wolf56]: Kron walked over to Keeda slowly and licked her muzzle gently trying to comfort her.

2010-01-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked up at Kron with sorrow in her eyes

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron stared back gently trying to comfort Keeda.

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: After a short while Keeda looked back down at the ground

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor saw the huamns by their cars, she saw them get in them and drive away.

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron licked Keeda's face gently to get her attention and said ~ Keeda its alright I'll be ok. You don't have to punish yourself for something that wasn't your fault. ~

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor ran back to Angelus and the others.

2010-01-09 [WASHACKED]: Angelus saw Halinor and wagged hs tailnuzzling to her

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled and she nuzzled him back then she looked at Kron,~The humans are gone.~

2010-01-09 [WASHACKED]: Angelus layed his head on her back

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled.

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked over at Halinor and said ~ Tahnk you for following them to find out that. ~ Kron then looked over at Angel leaning against Halinor gently and said ~ Angel I need you and Halinor to take over my place and protect the pack until I can do it myself again. ~

2010-01-09 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nodded

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~Of course we will, Kron. And your welcome~

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Halinor and Angel and then Keeda and said ~ I guess we might as well get back to the den so that I can heal some tonite. ~

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded,~You need some help getting back?"

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Halinor and said ~ More then likely I'll need help getting back if I fall over. ~

2010-01-09 [WASHACKED]: Angelus ~We'll walk beside you so you fall on us.~

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded as she walked to the left side of Kron.

2010-01-09 [WASHACKED]: Angelus got on his other side

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda followed behinde them still looking at the floor

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked over his shoulder at Keeda and said ~ Keeda its alright. I'll heal up ok. You can stop blaming yourself for this. It was my fault not yours. ~ Kron then looks forward and starts to walk slowly toward the den.

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda follows silently the only sound she makes is her paws against the ground

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor walked back to the den as she and Angelus supported Kron.

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda followed behinde

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron got inside the den and laied down tryig not to hurt his very much. When Kron was laying on the ground He called Keeda over to him and said ~ Keeda come lay beside me please. ~

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda didnt look up from the ground and went and layed down at Krons side

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron licked Keeda muzzle gently trying to get her attention.

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor walked to the other sie of the den with Angelus. They layed down with each other and nuzzled .

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda glaces at Kron

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda with a deep passion in his eye's and said ~ Keeda well you please stop worring about me. I'll be fine in a few weeks ok. This isn't going to kill me at all. I'll live through this. ~

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Krons side ~ It's my fault~

2010-01-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor licked Angelus's muzzled loveingly.

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron put his muzzle under Keeda head and said ~ Keeda it was my fault that I wasn't paying attention to what was going on in the land. ~

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~why did they want to hurt us~

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda gently and said ~ Because theyn think that its a spot or something to kill our kind and hang them up on walls and other things. ~

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Kron confused ~ Thats just evil~

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked around the den at the other wolves gathered around him and said ~ Yes it is. Thats why I hate them more then anything. My last pack was growing quickly and they came in adn killed almost half the pack before I got one of them and killed him in front of the others and they ran off like they did this again. But last time I wasn't hit by anything. ~

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Then how do you know your gunna be ok?~

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda gently and says ~ Because I know that I'll be ok Keeda. Why would the gods put us thgether and then take us away from either so quickly when we're meant to be togetherfor the rest of our lives. ~

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Because the gods hate the devil~

2010-01-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda strongly and said ~ Keeda your not the devil by any means.~

2010-01-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda closed her eyes and rested her head on the ground

2010-01-11 [Wolf56]: Kron licked the top of her head gently and layed down to rest out the night.

2010-01-11 [Wolf56]: [ Ok everyone I'm going to speed thigns up a bit by a few weeks alright. I'm doiong this for several reason's mainly to give time for hurt one's to heal up completely. And a few other things as well.] Four Weeks Later

2010-01-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor was sitting outside the den and she looked up at the sky.

2010-01-11 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stood outside the den making sure nothing was around to attack

2010-01-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor was thinking how luck she was to have her mate.

2010-01-11 [Wolf56]: Kron awoke yawing loudly. Kron stood up shaking his fur coat to warm himself and flex his stiff muscles. In the past few weeks Kron's side had healed over completely. And for that Kron was greatful to the god's. Kron walked outside the den slowly still yawning loudly as he went. As Kron got outside he saw Halinor and Keeda sitting outside the den keeping watch. Kron walked over to keeda's side and licked her muzzle gently and said ~ Keeda you can stop keeping watch. The same goes to you Halinor. I'm fully healed so you two don't have to keep watch over me anymore. ~

2010-01-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nods,~Okay.~ she walked back into the den and to Angelus.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus saw Halinor and wagged his tail nuzzling to her when she walked in

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled, her tail wagging and she nuzzled him back.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus licked her muzzle his tail wagging more

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor licked his muzzle back.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus, ~How are you, didn;t you say earlie you felt a bit unwell?~

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~I'm feeling a bit bettter.~

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nodded, ~OK that's good well for the little part you looked really sick this morning.~

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~I'm fine, Angelus.~

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nodded, ~Sorry just worried.~

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~I know.~ she licked his muzzle.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nizzled her wagging his tail

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nuzzled him back as her tail wags.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus, ~I caught you a rabit earlier want it?~

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~Sure, I haven't eatten all day.~

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nodded and went and got it

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor waited.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus came back and put it in frount of her

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~Thanks~ she smiled at him then she eat.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus layed by her

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor eat more.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus closed his eyes

2010-01-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor finished eating and she licked her muzzle then she layed next to Angelus.

2010-01-12 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nuzzled to her

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