7.7 out of 10
The latest entry in the Sims series, Sims 2 Pets, tries to shake things up by adding lovable animals into the mix. Not a surprising move, really, considering the series has always tried to emulate real life, albeit in its own funny way. Serious fans, or those just up on industry news, may know all about the PC expansion pack to the Sims 2 which added pets. It came out a while ago, but Sims 2 Pets for consoles (Cube, PS2) is a different beast altogether.
As is the norm with the series, you get a slew of options when you decide to start from scratch. You can choose how many people you want in the family and decide each person's gender. From there you cycle threw an obscene amount of customization options, such as body shape, skin tone and clothing preferences. Each section has several choices, so you can make whatever kind of person you want in terms of aesthetics. Afterward, you define two unique attributes, known as Aspiration and Personality. Aspiration is your sim's primary goal in life, and you can pick from among wealth, family, creativity, knowledge and popularity. What you choose has lasting implications -- it decides what you spend your time doing throughout the game.
Then it's off to selecting pets. You add them the same way as human family, only you select a dog or cat, depending on what you want. You can also choose both - just remember every new pet you create will crave attention and gobble up your time. The first step is to select a breed or mix of breeds. Them, just like humans, you can morph a pet's body to suit your tastes. You can also define a pet's personality and sift through dozes of accessories like collars, hats and other such craziness. The process of defining your pets and Sims is one of the game's highlights. Not only is it fun, but the interface is clean and very easy to use, letting newcomers set all the different attributes with relative ease.
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The Sims 2 Pets improves upon its console predecessors in every way imaginable. The formula is definitely getting old, though, so long time fans will have limited interest. As far as newcomers go, there's plenty to see and do. The addition of pets, not to mention enhancements to the interface and overall performance, makes the Sims 2 Pets a worthwhile investment in terms of time and money.

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