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The Turrner family tree [Logged in view]
2010-01-11 01:28:57
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The Turrner Family Tree.
(Azura and Remus's children)Roasine--(M)--Armond--(M)--Kelly Aro(D)---(m)---Nori Niol Elina(D).
(Roasine and Armond's children)Maximus and Elizabeth.
(Kelly and Armond's child) Jace---(M)---Mina
(Nori and Aro's children)Greyson and Lyra(Both are died, cause of a house fire.)
(Mina and Jace's children)Wyatt and Alice
What the family look like

Azura Van Alan Turrner, vampire, died in child birth.

Elina Turrner, vampire, died when she wouldn't kill in front of the family so Luther killed her.

Aro Turrner, vampire, he got Remus to kill him after his wife and childrem died.

Nori Bruke Turrner, vampire, died in house fire.

Lyra Turrner, vampire, died in house fire.

Greyson Turrner, vampire, died in house fire.
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