# of watchers: 19
| D20: 6 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2011-08-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Simen "Blood bank?"
2011-08-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka smiled a little,"Well damn.." She looked at her stomach, "Mommy didn't say that."
2011-08-07 [wolvie]: Remus nods gently putting Kyo down
The vet, "He'll be ok where did you find him?"
2011-08-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Simen chuckled and looked to Deka.
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckled "blood banks dont exist"
Raven "just outside my house"
2011-08-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Simen "Hospital?"
2011-08-07 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo looked at Remus and than to Logan and Rogue and shifted to his normal self in tatered way too small cloths
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "I couldnt in all good conscience"
Rogue "oh kyo we need to get you some clothes to wear"
2011-08-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka smiled a little, "Well... Maybe we can go to the movie later?"
2011-08-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "That might be better." Simen.
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "dont let me ruin your fun" he smiled.
2011-08-07 [wolvie]: Logan jumps, "He really is a kid.." he says slowly
The vet nods, "Well I'm afraid you can't have him back"
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue went and got kyo some clothes "here"
Raven frowned "why? i didnt abuse him"
2011-08-07 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo looked down at the he looked up when Rogue gave him the cloths and gave a small smile
2011-08-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka waved a hand, "Trust me... My ankles are the size of watermelons... It would probably be best if I went and put them up.."
2011-08-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Simen chuckled.
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "poor deka"
Rogue smiled "cool ability by the way max"
2011-08-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka smiled a little,"Want to trade? You take the pregnancy and swollen ankles and I'll take the thirst for blood..." She giggled.
2011-08-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Simen chuckled. "I'd switch if I could."
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckled "hmmm sure"
2011-08-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka smiled,"Now just how to figure out how to switch..." She giggled.
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "at least after birht that'll go away"
2011-08-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Simen began to mutter stange words, just to see their reaction.
2011-08-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka smiled a little, "Yes... And then comes everything else... I'm looking forward to it.." She looked at Simen and rolled her eyes.
2011-08-07 [wolvie]: Remus smiles softly, "I'm proud of ya Kyo"
logan nods, "Coolest ability I've ever seen"
The vet, "he's a wild animal sir"
2011-08-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Simen chuckled.
2011-08-07 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo blushed and smiled, "Thank you." He glanced at Remus and smiled
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckled nodding.
rogue smiled nodding "welcome"
Raven "so? ive known plenty of people who have had wolves as pets"
2011-08-07 [wolvie]: Remus smiles back, "Told you you'd be ok"
Logan smiles softly, "Lets get ya some food kyo"
The vet, "Not in this state it's illegal" he says calmly
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled back
Raven "cant we work out something say thats he's only half wolf and the other half german shepard thats not illegal and i dont want something happening to him clearly he's not from the wild so he wouldnt even last a day"
2011-08-07 [wolvie]: [rawr :D tis paused till i return from camping tuesday :D so everyone may comment once more ^^]
The vet frowns thinking about it, "Well...wolves are very dangerous animals you know that right?"
2011-08-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [woo yay :D has fun :D]
Raven "he came up to me so he cant be that dangerous"
2011-08-07 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo nodded, "I'll just go get dressed first." He walked to the house and to the bathroom he changed rolling up the sleves and pant legs a bit than walked out.
2011-08-09 [wolvie]: The vet, "That's true but it's still pretty risky"
Logan smiles, "Awe kyo you look adorable"
2011-08-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven smiled "trust me i can handle it"
rogue smiled "awe cute"
2011-08-10 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo blushed, "shut up." He mubbled
2011-08-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: rogue giggled.
2011-08-10 [wolvie]: The vet frowns, "Well...fine..
Logan smiles, "you are two"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven smiled "thank you"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: the vet nods handing Raven a leash reluctently
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven "you dont have to worry"
Rogue smiled back "me and logan cant be wrong"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: The vet sighs, "I hope not"
Logan nods, "yep your cuter then cute"
Remus smiles a little checking the time, "Well I gotta go guys"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "see ya later remus"
Raven "I promise you wont"
2011-08-11 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo looked at Remus, "Awwwe you do can you stay a little longer? And eat with us?"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Remus glances at the clock, "Well...I guess I could"
The vet nods leashing bruce then hands Raven the leash
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven took bruce home.
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Bruce looks around and whimpers nervously
2011-08-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [o.o So lost....]
2011-08-11 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo smiled, "Yay! wait is it ok Logan? Or does this make you my new dad since you technically adopted me?""
2011-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I belive theyr'e just arriving]
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [i think so]
Raven petted bruce "Its ok boy but i gotta go i'll be right back gotta go pick up Nina"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: [i have no clue about your guys xD]
Logan chuckles a little, "errr I'm not sure but yeah it's ok"
Remus, "But I can't stay that long Kyo ok?"
Bruce tilts his head when he says nina
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "yay"
Raven left then returned with Nina "now dont freak out but i rescued a wolf ok?"
2011-08-11 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo nodded, "Why not?"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Remus, "i just can't" he says it was a full moon and he knew staying out late would be bad
Nina, "You what?"
Bruce starts wagging his tail franticaly barking excidedly
2011-08-11 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned, "Oh ok.... does this have to do why you smell like a wolf?"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Remus winces, "N-n-n-no"
2011-08-11 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned, "I'm sorry Remus...."
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Remus, "for what?"
2011-08-11 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo, "I shouldnt have asked."
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Remus just shrugs getting up, "Well I gotta go k bye" he heads home quickly
Logan, "That guys not playing with a full deck"
2011-08-11 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned and looked at Logan, "What?"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "dont say that logan thats mean"
Raven chuckled petting Bruce "down boy lets not scare her i got us a dog"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan, "Sorry" he says, "But its true the mans kinda weird" he smiles softly at Kyo, "nothing buddy"
Bruce wags his tail and licks nina's hands
Nina backs away a little, "He's big"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "we're all weird logan"
Raven nodded "yea but he's a good boy he wont hurt ya"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan, "Pffffft your not weird, I'm not that weird, and Kyo's normal none of us are missing cards in the deck"
Nina nods, "you sure?"
Bruce sits down wagging his tail
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "logan quit being an ass"
Raven smiled "yea im sure"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan, "What I'm not being an ass I'm being honest"
Nina smiles back, "Ok"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "No you're being a jerk to someone who's never done anything to you"
Raven smiled softly "so it'll be ok"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan, "quit being so sensitive the guys not even here"
Nina nods a little
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "im not being sensitive im just not being an ass like you"
Raven petted Bruce.
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan rolls his eyes, "I'm not an ass"
Bruce wags his tail trying to stay calm
2011-08-11 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned, "I like him and I think we all are weird I spent most of my life as a dog Logan you just willingly let people and animals in your home and rogue you fallowed the creepy guy in to his home."
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs, "I'm a trusting kinda guy"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "he's not creepy though and yes logan you're acting like an ass right now"
Raven smiled "he likes you"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan rolls his eyes, "I'm not being an ass" he snips at her
Bruce wags his tail madly
Nina giggles a little, "he's kinda cute"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "yea you are logan" she snipped back.
Raven chuckled "so what do you want for your snack today?"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan rolls his eyes, "Shut up" he says going to the fridge to get a beer
Nina smiles, "Ummm pie"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "what the hell is your problem?"
Raven smiled "pie?"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan, "What the hell is yours?" he asks sniping at her
Nina giggles, "yeah pie"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "im not the one who's being an ass to someone who wasnt doing anything"
Raven chuckled "how about something healthy?"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan rolls his eyes, "Fuck you" he says starting to get pissier
Nina, "I like pie"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "forget it i was clearly wrong about you bye" she snipped storming out the door.
Raven smiled "but thats a dessert food nina"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Logan looks over and rolls his eyes, "Whatever" he mutters
Nina smiles, "And a snack"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sniffled then headed over to Remus' knocking on his door.
Raven smiled back "you're not gonna give up are you?"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Remus has himself locked in the basement and is pacing back and forth then starts to scream in agony as his body starts to change
Nina giggles, "Nope"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue frowned hearing the scream she walked in and headed to the sound "remus!" she tried to unlock the door "you ok?"
Raven chuckled "damn"
2011-08-11 [wolvie]: Remus howls and screams as he changes into his wolf form then he snarls and barks at the door loudly
Nina smiles, "You said a bad word"
2011-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue went and got a little knife and unlocked the door.
Raven smiled back "true i did" he got out his wallet and handed her a five dollar bill
2011-08-11 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned watching them fight with wide eyes and whimpered slightly when Rogue left and looked at logan
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Logan sighs runnning a hand through his hair, "Fuck.."
Remus growls going to the door quickly
Nina looks at it confused
2011-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue opened the door "remus?"
Raven smiled "what? oh yea never mind then it was something i did with my parents every time they said a bad word they would give me some money"
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Remus snarls and instantly lunges sinking his teeth into her arm
Nina then smiles, "Really?"
2011-08-12 [LinkTurrner]: Max sat down on the couch looking at Logan with a frown
2011-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue screamed as she tried to pull away.
Raven smiled back "yep i saved up for toys and junk"
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Logan frowns, "I-" he stops hearing rogue, "Was that rogue?"
Remus snarls his tail flicking madly as he tastes the blood biting down harder
Nina smiles, "I want monies"
2011-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue screamed louder "help!"
Raven handed her the five smiling "here's your first monies"
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Logan frowns, "Stay here Kyo" he rushes over to Remus' pushing his claws out, "Rogue use your power!" he shouts at her as he tries to kick at the wolf
Remus snarls in pain when logan kicks him but keeps his grip on rogue's arm trying to pull her down so he can get at her throat
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back, "yay!"
2011-08-12 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned, "As if." He ran behind logan and frowned seeing he turned to his dog form and growled at Remus
2011-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "I cant! he's all fur there's no damn skin!"
Raven smiled "and you'll get a lot"
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Logan growls kicking at Remus again, "Try he's not letting go"
Remus snarls pulling rogue harder ignoring both Logan's kicks and Kyo's growls
Nina smiles, "I will?"
2011-08-12 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo blinked smelling Remus coming from the wolf and pawed at Remus's side whimpering, "Remus stop your hurting her." He said in dog? xD
2011-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue put a hand on his muzzle using her power or at least trying then pulled her hand away.
Raven smiled back "i tend to say words i shouldnt a lot"
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Remus instantly loosens his jaws as her power starts working he winces his jaws relaxing completly.
Logan quickly grabs Kyo moving him aside before kicking Remus harder wincing a little as the wolf's teeth tear rogue's flesh a little
Nina giggles, "Oh"
2011-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue screamed again.
Raven chuckled "yea i know"
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Logan shakes grabbing remus forcing his mouth open even though the wolf is basically limp now he throws him hard into the basement slamming the door then looks at Rogue, "God Rogue you need a doctor"
Remus yelps softly
Nina smiles then looks at bruce, "Whats the doggies name?"
2011-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue frowned holding her arm close to her shaking.
Raven "I dont know lets see if it has a collar or something"
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Logan sets Kyo down, "change back Kyo please" he says offering his hand to Rogue, "We gotta get you somewhere safe" he looks around, "Where the hell is remus? did that fucking animal hurt him two?"
Bruce backs away quickly lowering his ears
Nina nods, "Ok"
2011-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue took his hand "I hope he's ok..."
Raven knelt down "come here boy we wont hurt you" he smiled.
2011-08-12 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo changed back, "Thatr is Remus, he smells just like him it has to be him."
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Logan looks at Kyo, "What do you mean? that can't be him that was a monster" he starts leaving with Rogue
Bruce shakes a little, he had a collar on that had his full name and was scared how would raven reaact?
2011-08-12 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned watching them leave, "It was! He smelled just like him! My nose hasn't been wrong once he might be like a werewolf or something."
2011-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue frowned "He might need help..."
Raven smiled "come here it'll be ok"
2011-08-12 [wolvie]: Logan frowns, "Rogue we can't help him when he's like that he'd just rip us apart come on Kyo please we gotta get rogue help"
Bruce whimpers and stays still
2011-08-13 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned, "OK but than I'm coming back here to check on Remus after we get her to the hospital."
2011-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nodded "ok"
Raven slowly moved over to him.
2011-08-13 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "In the morning we'll all check on him ok?"
Bruce shakes a little
2011-08-13 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned and nodded looking back at the door.
2011-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nodded then passed out.
Raven checked his collar "wow someone musta been a fan of your dad"
2011-08-13 [wolvie]: Logan frowns managing to catch her, "Poor kid" he frowns, "Kyo I promise it'll be ok but you have to trust me"
Bruce lowers his ears shaking
Nina tilts her head, "Why?"
2011-08-13 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo nodded, "OK."
2011-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven "its got his name and a bunch of other stuff on his tag"
2011-08-13 [wolvie]: Nina frowns, "Oh" she looks kinda sad anytime her dad was mentioned she'd get upset
Logan nods getting rogue to a doctor
2011-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven picked up Nina "its ok sweetie"
Rogue stirred a little.
2011-08-13 [wolvie]: Nina puts her arms around him, "I don't like that name"
Bruce lowers his ears
Logan stands by her worriedly
2011-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven "nina you dont mean that you love your dad you know it"
The doctors worked on helping Rogue.
2011-08-13 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "I know" she sniffles
Logan, "She'll be ok?"
2011-08-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven lightly patted her back "im sure your dad is out there looking over you right now making sure you're safe"
one of the doctors "right now its touch and go she's lost a lot of blood"
2011-08-13 [wolvie]: Nina nods a little, "Can we name the dog something else though?"
Logan frowns, "But it was just a bite how much blood can you loose from a bite?"
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven "sure kiddo"
The doctor "it was a pretty viscious bite seemed like it was by a wolf then her arm was torn did you try and pull her away? or did she struggle to get away? she probably did more damage strugglign"
2011-08-14 [wolvie]: Nina nods hugging him
Logan winces, "poor kid..."
2011-08-14 [LinkTurrner]: Kyo frowned from where he was besides Logan
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven "so what do you want to name him?"
The doctor "but she seems like she'll be ok"
2011-08-14 [wolvie]: Nina thinks, "i'm not sure something cute"
Logan puts his hand over hers, "She better be"
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven "how about foo foo cuddly poops?"
the doctor smiled "So i need you to go wait in the waiting room we gotta get her into surgery"
2011-08-14 [wolvie]: nina giggles, "that's too silly"
Logan frowns, "No I'm not leaving her'
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven "fluffy?"
The doctor "im sorry but you cant be in the operating room she's in good hands dont worry"
2011-08-14 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "Ok"
Logan frowns, "I don't want to leave her" he frowns more, "We fought...i feel responsible for h er injuires
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven smiled back "fluffy it is then"
The doctor "it wont be long ok but sir i do need to you wait in the waiting room"
2011-08-14 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "Ok"
Logan sighs picking up kyo reluctently going
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven smiled "lets get him fed"
A while later a doctor walks into the living room "logan?"
2011-08-14 [wolvie]: Nina smiles and nods, "What does he eat?"
Bruce looks indignat at the name 'fluffy'
Logan gets up, "Yes?" [epic living room xD]
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [mai bad xD]
Raven "i guess we could make him some hamburger for now til we can get some dog foods"
The doctor smiled "she's awake"
2011-08-14 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "I has dog foods" she goes up to her room and comes back with chocolate
Logan, "is she ok?"
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven smiled "sweetie doggies cant have chocolate its not good for them"
The doctor nodded "she'll be fine"
2011-08-14 [wolvie]: Nina, "Awe but i love choolate"
Logan sighs in relief, "Thank god"
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven smiled "its ok for you to eat"
The doctor "you can see her now"
2011-08-14 [wolvie]: Nina, "Then why not for fluffy?"
Logan nods, "Where is she?"
2011-08-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven "its just not good for dogs"
the doctor "room 204"
2011-08-15 [wolvie]: Nina, "Oh"
Logan nods taking kyo with him as he goes to room
2011-08-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven smiled "its ok though im glad you wanna help"
Rogue looked over she had her bed raised so she could be sitting up she smiled.
2011-08-15 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back and nods hugging him
Bruce watches trying to smile
Logan smiles back a little, "Are you ok rogue?"
2011-08-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven hugged her back "so what do you want for dinner tonight?"
Rogue nodded "as well as i can be"
2011-08-15 [wolvie]: Nina thinks, "Pie" she giggles
Logan sits down, "I'm sorry"
2011-08-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven chuckled "k actual dinner food"
Rogue "Its ok"
2011-08-15 [wolvie]: Nina, "those pies that you bake in the oven?"
Logan smiles a little, "i feel bad"
2011-08-15 [LinkTurrner]: Max had waited outside of her room giving them space
2011-08-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Raven smiled "I was thinking something with chicken"
Rogue "It wasnt your fault"
2011-08-15 [wolvie]: Logan frowns, "if I wouldn't of made you leave it wouldn't of happened"
Nina smiles, "Awe why not those little pies ummmm meat pies i think there called"
2011-08-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "I shouldnt have gotten so mad at you"
Raven smiled "Oh those ones i could find out how to make those"
2011-08-15 [wolvie]: Logan, "i shouldn't have either I feel horrible"
NIna smiles and nods, "Yeah"
2011-08-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: rogue "I forgive you"
Raven smiled back "ok then you got any homework you need help with?"
2011-08-15 [wolvie]: Logan squeezes her hand softly, "I'm still sorry"
Nina smiles, "no fluffy eated my homework" she quickly lies
2011-08-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "dont be"
Raven smiled "You just met fluffy so how'd he eat it?"
2011-08-24 [wolvie]: Logan smiles a little, "Get some rest Rogue when can you come home?"
Nina smiles, "he's magic?"
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "hopefully soon"
Raven smiled "oh is he?"
2011-08-24 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Can I ask the doctor?"
Nina giggles, "yeah"
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: rogue smiled "if it wouldnt be too much"
Raven smiled "well awesome"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Piss >.< Shall we just say that they went home and all that jazz? And I'm thinking about restarting Deka with her being at the hospital..]
2011-08-24 [wolvie]: [wounds fine to me ^^]
Logan smiles and nods, "No problem" he leaves the room walking over to a doctor, "Excuse me ma'am?"
Nina giggles and nods
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [sounds good ^^]
the nurse smiles "yes sir?"
Raven chuckled "silly girl"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Sweet :D]
Deka crunched on some ice chips.. Turned out the pain she'd been feeling for a while now had been labor... By her calculations, about three days. She sighed a little. Her c-section was scheduled to happen in about an hour, and she was on major pins and needles after the 'risks of the surgery' talk..
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt poked his head into her room "how ya doin?"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka looked up. "Oh... You know..." She went back to crunching the ice. Empty plastic cups had spilled out over the tray and onto the floor next to her... About twenty cups, all in the past twenty minutes.
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nodded "need anything else?"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka shook her head a little,"Wait, a million dollars." She smiled a little, trying to hide that she was nervous.
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled walking over to her "dont worry"
2011-08-24 [wolvie]: Logan, "I was wondering when can Rogue come home?"
Nina smiles, "Am not"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka smiled a little,"Can't help it... Sorry... Are you doing alright? You don't have to stay you know."
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "I know i dont have to but i want to"
The nurse looked at rogue's file "well she had some pretty serious injuries the doctor says she'll be doing fine within a few weeks "I'd give her a week here then if you can promise that she wont do anything to reopen the wound she can go home"
Raven smiled back "its ok so am i other than the girl part" he chuckled.
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka smiled a little, "You can stay in here if you want, they wont be back around here until just before they wheal me in..." She bit her lip, "They said the babies are too big for natural birth, but they didn't look that big on the screen.."
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "do you want them to?"
2011-08-24 [wolvie]: Logan frowns, "A week? there's no chance at getting back earlier?"
Nina giggles, "Lies?"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Want them to what?" Deka asked
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "oh never mind heard ya wrong well they know what they're talking about" he smiled "so really dont worry"
The nurse "well do you know how to change bandages and clean the wound properly?"
Raven smiled "Never"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka sighed a little,"Yeah, I guess so..." She smiled a little,"So.... What's the waiting room like? I know when I came in it was full of interesting characters..."
2011-08-24 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Yeah I do"
Nina yawns a little
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "loud yet quiet you have a lot of guys freaking out about their wives giving birth while the kids they already have scream and run around"
The nurse smiled "then she go today"
Raven smiled "bed missy"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka laughed a little and nodded,"So much the same.... The old guy still handing out chocolate cigars out there?"
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "yea i had like five of those"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka laughed again and shook her head a little,"Lucky.
2011-08-24 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back, "oh really? thank you"
Nina smiles, "Carry me?"
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "It'll be over soon"
The nurse smiled "welcome"
Raven picked up Nina "sure sweetie"
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka nodded a little,"And then I'll have two babies to care for plus a cut on my abdomen...."
2011-08-24 [wolvie]: Logan smiles and goes to Rogue's room< "Rogue?"
nina smiles cuddling to him
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "you'll still be cute"
Rogue "yea logan?"
Raven smiled getting nina to bed.
2011-08-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Deka blushed a little then rolled her eyes,"Uh huh...I'm not cute now.." She smiled a little.
2011-08-24 [wolvie]: Logan smiles, "Wanna go home?"
Nina smiles back sleepily falling asleep
2011-08-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "you so are dont argue with me"
Rogue smiled back "yes"
Raven smiled as he headed back downstairs getting on his laptop "and now to keep looking" he picked up his phone when it rang "find anything yet? really? he has to still be alive...no one just disappears from a plane crash"
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