Page name: Trainer Dome Rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-03 01:08:39
Last author: Paz
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Here are the rules and there are lots:

Getting Started:
To get started you first have to start an account. To start an account you have to leave a comment or message me with a request. Then I will create your wiki for you, all set with a password. I have to know the password so I can make changes on the wiki as I see fit. You must use the template I have provided for you and fill it in accuratly or get it erased. No complaining if you do. Not my fault, it's yours. Accounts created seperately will not be allowed, I have to create them.

Once you've got an account page then you can pick your pokemon. Leave a comment or message me with your choice and I will message you with the pic. and stats needed. All stats. Beginner pokemon will have the same moves as other ones like it. Attacks get more diverse as the pokemon is different. Your pokemon will gain levels by winning battles, tournaments, contests, eating rare candies, etc. The evolving level tells when a pokemon is going to evolve. Only 6 Pokemon allowed in your party. No more than that. If you wish to release a pokemon you can put it in the Pokemon Pound. 10 pokemon allowed in your PC. So you can have a grand total of 16 pokemon.

The more battles you get the more stuff you get. Just remeber that. Don't be shy and never come back. Accounts expire if you don't return to at least do something. Once you have an account and pokemon, I'll provide a Potion, Berry, and 5 pokeballs. Also you'll get money from time to time. Things cost money. Then your all set.

Catching Wild Pokemon:
This went into some thought but I've finally come down to a way to catch wild pokemon. Rare pokemon will rarely be seen on the Wild Pokemon Area, but don't get your hopes up. Such pokemon are rewarded. To go to the catching field you must have pokeballs to catch the pokemon. No pokeballs, no pokemon.... plain and simple. You can go to the wild field to train of course. 

To catch a pokemon. There will be almost everyday a line-up of several different wild pokemon that can be caught. Rare pokemon and Hard-to-catch ones will be thrown in there as well for a twist. There will only be a select amount of that species of pokemon. To capture one you have to sign your name under it. (only a certain number allowed) Then just sit back and wait. If it's a very low lwvel pokemon such as a Hoot-Hoot then you've caught it. Higher levels I will be the one to battle you ^-^. Their stats will be rolled out fairly and it's on! Learn how to battle below. Rare Pokemon will sometimes flee. They will only fight those with Hyper and Master Balls. 

There are several different wild pokemon areas for you check at all with specific pokemon in it. Such as Volcano Mt. has fire pokemon and Tundra Zone has Ice pokemon. Rainbow Valley is a rare pokemon location. Sometimes a rare pokemon will pass through another area but are mostly here at the Rainbow Valley.

Once you have a new pokemon you can add it to your trainer page and start training it.

Ah here we go. Battling will be quite simple actually. If you wish to challenge someone, notify them of the challenge and when. Then both challengers will sign up their names in the Battle Arena. Along with the name of your best pokemon and when your going to have it. Only do this with the other consent. Then both players go to the challengers trainer page and battle it out as so:

The challenger goes first
Present your pokemon
Name the attack your using and the damage
Count weakness and Resistence
Subtract the damage off the Opponents HP
Next person goes and does the same.

This continues until you faint ALL of the opponents pokemon. So if they have six pokemon you have to kill all six. If you wish to make a pokemon swap them tell the other player your doing so and present the pokemon. Either way you must present each pokemon you use. If you return a pokemon in your turn that counts as your turn and it's your opponents turn to go. 

You can use such items as potion, berries, etc. During the battle as long as you say it is so. Weakness counts as +10 damage count and resistence counts as -10 damage count. I won't yell at those who are confused until I get an example up here.

Also watch your opponents to make sure that they aren't cheating in anyway. Keep track of your attacks and potions that both of you use. If you catch someone cheating, report it to the Poke Police and the cheater will be suspended or kicked off. CHEATING IS FORBIDDEN!! If you have the desire to cheat, this isn't the place for you and so wipe your bullshit somewhere else. Anyone caught will be punished, mark my words.

Gaining Levels and Evolving:
To gain levels you have to battle people or get rare candies which will appear in the pokemon catching areas. Each time you win a battle the pokemon gains a level. Say you beat up a Linoone with your Altaria, then your Altaria growsa level. As your pokemons level increases the harder it is to get EXP points which contribute to gaining levels. Once your pokemon reaches level 100, it stops growing levels but is harder to beat. Also you can win levels in contests and tournaments.

Evolving. Once your pokemon hits the evolving level that is stated the it evolves. Notify me when this happens and I will send you the evolved pokemon with it's stats. Just place them in your Trainer data page. Then you have a new pokemon. If your pokemon uses a stone you must either purchase the needed stone or find it in way-ward areas by claiming it. When you have the stone you need, message me and I'll check. If you are truthful then I will evolve your pokemon. If you lie, I say no to you. Trading pokemon see Trading Rules.

Once your pokemon is evolved and all stats are in place make sure you erase the old pokemon and stats. If you don't I will. 

During the course of your 'journey' you'll need items to boost levels and heal your pokemon. After a battle is finished all your pokemon automatically heal so there is no PokeCentre to heal at. More convinent if you ask me. But during the course of the battle you can heal your pokemon with potions and antidotes, etc. Just annonce when your using it and add on the point count on your HP. The opponent will watch you and make sure that you don't cheat. 

Along with healing items you can buy pokeballs. Every pokeball is different and can catch certain types and levels of pokemon. In the PokeItems wiki it tells what the ball is better for. Masterballs are very rare and will rarely be sold in a store. Look for it around the areas. 

Some symbols will stand for the same thing. Like a super potion stands for a normal potion as well. And a Max. Potion stands for a Full Restore, and Hyper Potion as well as the Max. Potion. So don't be confused, it will name your purchase at the bottom of the picture along with the amount you have.

Sometimes the store is out of stock for an item or I haven't found a picture to put up for it. Don't be overly alarmed when this happens. Items come back in stock and I will continue my quest for pictures later when there is time. The only items that are hard to get back in stock are Masterballs, Ultra balls, Full Restores, and Berries. Stones as well. When stones are sold they are at a VERY high price so take what you want.

This is quite simple. When trading a pokemon all you have to do is exchange the pokemon through the mail. Stats and all. Make sure you record the pokemons original stats so you can check and see if the person had re-rolled them in their favour. Make the trades fair and clean. Don't beg someone to trade a pokemon you want when they want to keep it. They'll tell you if they agree to the trade or not. Proclaim the trade in the trainers comment box on their main trainer data page.

Poke Pound
Quite simply put, the poke Pound. If you have 16 pokemon already and you catch or see a different pokemon you want to have, you'll have to give up one of your pokemon. Just take out everything (stats too along with picture) and place it on the main page. Someone who wants it will claim it and I'll mail them the pokemon they wish to have, weekly. Don't overly spam this place with every pokemon you don't want. Refunds are not possible. Once the pokemon is claimed by someone else it is theirs and you can no longer own it. So choose wisely.

Gym Challenges
Gym Callenges are up for thosw ho seek a challenge. Gym leaders can't have their pokemon gain levels when they battle and win. Each gym has to be a different difficulty level so keep your pokemon at a certain level. Gym leaders can have other pokemon they don't use in the gym that they can train to higher level. Ex. The Thunder Gym is the easiest gym which means that the pokemon there are at a lower level than the Dragonic Gym which has very high level pokemon.

You can apply for the position of Gym leader in the gym of your choice but try to fill in the earlier gym's first. I take the first three people who ask per gym. The stronger one is leader and the other two are trainers. To get to the leader you have to defeat BOTH gym trainers. To move up in rank in the gym, the leader will have to have quit,, been fired, wanted to step down or is beaten by you twice in a challenge. When you apply for a position at a gym make sure have at least 3 of the correct type of pokemon to use at the gym and at the level that is most accurate. (When you apply I'll tell you the level you need).

If you beat the gym leader you will recieve the badge that goes along with the gym. Collect all eight and face the elite four.

Elite Four
This is 4 people selected by me from either the gym leaders or the trainers who are good enough to be in the elite four. There are no specific pokemon groups here like in the games. The elite four can use any pokemon they wish when fighting. If you are lucky enough to get this job you'll recieve 2 rare pokemon to help you. Don't be bummed if you don't get choosen, a member could quit, be kicked off, step down or just be really horrible at their job. These positions can't be taken by winning battles, srry.

There are 5 elite four in all. The Elite Four (which is 4 people I select) and the Champion which is me. Yes, I have a lot of rare pokemon at VERY high levels. Tough it up, I'm supposed to be powerful. Don't expect to even get past the elite four for awhile. Unless you are lucky enough to get a lot of rare pokemon. 

To challenge the elite four, you need all eight gym badges and some good pokemon. Then you'll face the elite four in order, not nessesarily on the same day but to get to me you have to defeat them all. If you lose to one of them you have to go back to the beginning and start over (Ex. Say your on the third member and you lose, you have to go back to the first one when you re-challenge). 

The elite four are the ones who run everything in this wiki so be nice to them.

Ah yes, contests. These are little side things that you can compete in to win things like pokemon, and items. They aren't challenges but things like a treasure hunt or a level contest. Maybe even a pokemon catching contest. Depends on what I wish to do. Types of contest are decided by the elite four. Also arranged by them. So be nice or no contests for you. These are really just simple contests to help level up and get stuff. ^-^

This is where the fun really is. Tournaments take place at the Battle Arena every so often. Up-Coming tournaments will be posted on a tournament wiki. When a tournament is going on no outside battles can be done through the battle arena which means, NO BATTLES! Tournaments are monthly and the prizes are HUGE! One rare contest called them Ultimate Master Cup, will appear once in a while. The prize could be a Max. Rare pokemon of your choice! So sometimes it would be good to compete in things. The same rules apply here as in battling. Participants will sign up and the Elite Four and Me will arange it up for you. They winners of thses tournaments get prizes and a cup. Runners up get stuff too. So keep watch for tournamebts coming your way.

Prize Pokemon
These are pokemon that can never be caught in the wild and/or rare pokemon that you can win in contests and tournaments. They have numbers and using a randomizer I will give you one of the pokemon. Only winners of the Ultimate Master Cup can choose what they want as their prize pokemon and item. You can also get prize items like master balls and stones (moon stone) for winning prizes. Or a fossil which you can create a pokemon out of by taking it to me when you want it to be created into a pokemon. Don't ask for any of these pokemon ever unless you win something that I know about. They aren't free for you convinenence.

Rare Pokemon
The rare pokemon are the hard to find, hard to catch pokemon groups. They shoew up occasionally in different catching zones but more often in Rainbow Valley. That haven for rares. If by chance you get one of these and you don't have a hyper, ultra or master ball, the pokemon atomatically flees. Hyper and Ultra balls, you get to battle moi or the one of the elite four members as the pokemon you wish to fight. If you win, you get the pokemon. If you have a masterball then you attomatically get the pokemon.

((If I find other sunjects to address I will))

<----- Pokemon Trainer Dome

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