What is a Death Eater?
Well, basically, a Death Eater is the name that was given to Lord Voldemort's servants. Sadly not much information is given about them. They embrace the “Dark Arts” or Black Magick. They are considered “evil” and “murderers”. They tortured, killed, and took control of enemies of their Lord Voldemort and, of course, any Muggles they came across.
Back before the Harry Potter books take place, when The Dark Lord started his "rise to power", he started looking for followers to serve him. Most say they were afraid; others just wanted a bit of his power, whatever their motivation, they worshiped him as a God (or maybe just feared him as one) and in return, they were rewarded for their loyalty.
Each of the Death Eaters had the “Dark Mark” burnt into their arm, a way of distinguishing one another, and when The Dark Lord touched a Death Eaters mark, the others felt it burn and were to appartate instantly at his side. This later because a difficult obstacle for the Death Eaters to over come. When the Dark Lord fell in 1980 and the Death Eaters were being rounded up and put on trial, anyone caught with the Dark mark branded on their body would be instantly sentenced to life in Azkaban Prison. They were "rounded up" by Aurors and sent to Azkaban or killed in the process after the fall of Voldemort. Some of them resisted capture and remained free by saying that they were under the "Imperius Curse". Others, such as the Malfoys, paid officials big money to keep quiet and keep them free. Those who resisted arrest later returned to Voldemort during his second rise not out of loyalty, but fear of his wrath.
Some of the most well-known Death Eaters were pure-blooded and wealthy Wizarding families, feared already for their power and political power over the Wizarding World. Lucius Malfoy is a Death Eater to this day, and, soon, as will be Draco. Crabbe and Goyle(Senior) are also Death Eaters. Many are named in book 4 as Death Eaters. Professor Snape was a long accused Death Eater, and, proved that he was by showing the Dark Mark. Dumbledore believes Snape has fully taken himself over to the “Order’s” side. There were also surprised supporters and those falsely accused and put to death for it. Sirius Black was born into a “Dark Arts” Wizarding family and was falsely accused of being a Death Eater and spent 12 years in Azkaban for it before escaping. Wormtail was thought an innocent man who turned out to be one of Lord Voldemort’s closest spies. But there were others, Professor Quirrell, who taught Harry Defense Against The Dark Arts in his first year, was, thought by most, crazy, but not a Death Eater. In reality though, Quirrell shared his body with the Dark Lord for a short time.
The Dark Mark is an incantation of which only Voldemort and his supporters knew: MORSMORDRE! The mark takes the form of a giant skull with a serpent protruding from its mouth, comprised of emerald stars. You-Know-Who and his followers sent the Dark Mark into the air whenever they killed. The terror it inspired... just picture coming home and finding the Dark Mark hovering over your house, and knowing what you're about to find inside... everyone's worst fear... the very worst...
The house of Choice for Death Eaters is the Slytherin house. Thus giving Slytherin a bad name as the “Dark House” at Hogwarts. Salazar Slytherin, one of the 4 founders of the school of Hogwarts, was deep into dark magic and wished to be more “selective” in choosing the students of the school, wanting only Purebloods. Through the years, the Slytherin house turned out more “bad” Witches and Wizards than any other house. A word commonly used as an insult in the Wizarding world, and often in the Slytherin house is “Mudblood”. This term is used in describing any non-purebloode
d Witch or wizard. One of either “Muggle” parents, or of only ½ magic blood.
(will be updated soon)

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