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What Love Truely Is [Logged in view]
2005-10-17 16:09:58
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What Love Truely Is
A Brief intro. My name is Ashley Moses.My screen name is [deathly ~*~ beautiful].I was bored one night and couldnt sleep and picked up a pencil and a piece of paper and started wrighting.This is what I wrote.It has to do with love,an emotion that is very complex and confusing,yet wonderful thing.If you can relate let me know.

I need you here and think about you always.With out you I would die,if you left me I would cry.You mean everything to me,that is something I hope you can see.When I said I love you I meant that without you I am lostMy life is meaningless with out you,and if you were never here I would shed so many tears.I fear everyday that I will lose you.I think about you all the time.You are constasntly on my mind.I want to be with you forever no matter what.I would cry for you,I would die for you,I would lie for you.If someone hurt you I would beat them to death and rip out they're heart because they made you cry.I would do anything for you.When I said I love you I meant that no one could replace you or even come close.When I said I love you I ment that you are mine and always will be,with out you I would die.

Love is an amazing thing.It can cause you to go to extremes.Never underestimate the power love holds.If you love someone you will know.They will make you feel so special and no matter how sad or depressed you are they will be able to make you smile.Love is such a wonderful thing.When you are in the presence of that person you are allured by them and you would murder someone if they caused them to cry,for them you would willingly die.Just to see them smile...They would mean the world and more to youWithout them you would be lost and not know what to do.If you love some one you will find yourself thinking about them all the time and smile when you hear some one mention their name.Whne you love someone you would wait forever just to be with them and you would smile upon their every kiss.You would laugh at thier quirks because their many flaws only make you love them even more.Each day your love grows stronger and makes thier love last even longer.Love is a blessing and is not to be taken lightly.It is a powerful word that is full of emotion and meaning.

-Wendsday July 20,2005 10:50pm
By:Ashley Moses
deathly ~*~ beautiful]

A few thoughts to add.I was thinking one night and I realized this.So many people just through the word love around like it is nothing.And often many times we think that we mean it when we say it.But the truth is we often fall in love with the idea of being in love rather than actually loving that person.We never realize it untill we lose them or we brake up or in some cases we live with them and end up marrying and divorcing them.Love doesnt fade away nor dissappear.You can try to hide your love for someone but it will always surface.Love is immortal,undyi
ng,and neverending.Love is such a special word and when people use it so loosely it looses its a special feeling when you actually mean it.Be carefull with the word,though it may be a word ,it is not only a powerful feeling we cant see but it is a very big part of the meaning to life.Unfortunately not many know what TRUE love is only what they think it is.When you feel it then you will know.Many have past away and died not knowing or ever feeling TRUE love.It is a sad thing.Becareful,you may say it and not mean it,but the other person might take you seriously and think you mean it..and then they will be hurt deep inside,and sometimes even the smallest wounds never heal.Keep that in mind.

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