Page name: What The Hell?!?!?! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-12 18:45:05
Last author: wolvie
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 12
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BigT66 gives Wolvie some tissues
Wolvie says thank you and keeps watching then laughs when Hugh Jackman shoots the bastard
BigT66 smiles and says go Hugh Jackman
Wolvie agrees then cries at the end when Hugh Jackman gets killed by the bastard
BigT66 huggles Wolvie when Hugh Jackman gets killed
Wolvie keeps crying and hugs BigT66 back saying he was so young and handsome
BigT66 starts to cry and agrees with Wolvie
Wolvie hugs BigT66 harder and sobs over the death of Hugh Jackman in the prestige
BigT66 wipes his eyes with a tissue and curses Christian Bale
Wolvie sobs harder and nods
BigT66 changes the channel to X-Men: The Last Stand
Wolvie watches and smiles saying yay he lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigT66 smiles and sits in his faverite recliner
Wolvie watches the movie and does not blink just like peanut
BigT66 smiles and asks Wolvie if she wants popcorn
Wolvie smiles and says yes thank you
BigT66 goes and makes popcorn and brings it to Wolvie
Wolvie says thank you then laughs like a loon when cyclops the bastard gets killed in the movie
BigT66 cheers and presses the instant replay button on the remote and watches cyclops die again
Wolvie also cheers and laughs harder
BigT66 lets the movie play from the death of cyclops
Wolvie smiles and watches the movie happily
BigT66 watches the movie too
Wolvie watches then starts crying when Hugh Jackman starts crying at the end
BigT66 cries too and says y did jean have to die
Wolvie cries harder and hugs BigT66
BigT66 cries and hugs Wolvie
Wolvie cries more and says why did she have to make him cry
BigT66 says he doesnt know...he curses the cruel world that makes peeple cry
Wolvie agrees and cries harder
BigT66 holds Wolvie and comforts her
Wolvie settles down a little and thanks BigT66 for being there for her
BigT66 says he's happy to be there for her cuz he lubbers her
Wolvie smiles and informs BigT66 that she lubbers him two
BigT66 smiles and asks if he can move in cuz his parents r kickin him out
Wolvie looks sad and tells him that she would let him but her dad wouldn't like that
BigT66 uses his cute sad eyes and says please..just for a day or two
Wolvie looks sadly at him and shakes her head no
BigT66 cries but says ok
Wolvie cries to and hugs BigT66
BigT66 hugs Wolvie and says he'll have to live on the streets
Wolvie hugs back and tells him that he can sleep in her brothers old truck
BigT66 smiles and says that will work for a bit
Wolvie cries for BigT66
BigT66 kisses Wolvies tears away and says he will be fine
Wolvie hugs BigT66 and says she feels bad
BigT66 says that Wolvie doesnt need to feel bad
Wolvie says that she cant help it
BigT66 huggles Wolvie and says he will be fine
Wolvie hugs BigT66 back and keeps crying for him
BigT66 holds Wolvie and lets her cry
Wolvie keeps crying for BigT66
BigT66 cries too and kisses Wolvies forhead
Wolvie cries harder and kisses BigT66's cheek
BigT66 starts crying again
Wolvie keeps crying and holds BigT66
BigT66 holds Wolvie tightly
Wolvie holds BigT66 back

Wolvie has to sneeze!!!

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