Page name: Wolfs United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-19 10:32:36
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 26
D20: 1
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Welcome to Wolfs United!


Here is mostly a place to hang out as a wolf. (naturally) Anyways all are welcome to join, what's more interesting is that I added a twist! ^^ Each wolf has ONE magical power, it is your choice to choose what power but it can only be ONE. And it can be anything! ^^ Except to destroy everything with one blow T_T...

Ok so now that that's covered let's talk a bit about the Wolfs. There are some already made just need you to put your name up for them! ^^ If not you can make your own, try to find a picture that fits you character. We all wanna know what you look like! XD I think that's it If I missed something then I'll get it later! ^^

(These are the links to this one! ^^)

Character Info@Wolfs United
Adoptables@Wolfs United
Banners@Wolfs United
Village@Wolfs United
Training@Wolfs United
Winter Grounds@Wolfs United
Dens@Wolfs United
Pup Den
Hunter Wolfs
Wolf Soldiers
Mating@Wolfs United
Lab@Wolfs United
Crystal Valley@Wolfs United

(This is where you sign up for a position!)
Alpha Male: [Yudan333]- Darsha
Alpha Female: [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Mianah
CO-Alpha Female: [Yudan333]- Yudan

1.[GlassCasket]- Cliff
3.[Cerulean Sins]- Holtz

Soldier Wolfs:
1.[Itami Cross]- Trowa
2.[Raiyr]- Red
3.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Gar'Mak

1.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Sena
2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Metallicus
3.[Yudan333] - Nozomi, Jenet

1.[Yudan333]- Crush
2.[The Bat-Man]- Mangetsu

1.[Yudan333]- Marlean, Jenet, Starbeam
2.[Cerulean Sins]- Blayne

Ok now your asking, 0_0 Wait what about Beta and Omega? Well the thing is this pack works differently. You see the Alpha Male believes that if there is only Alpha and Pack as Ranks then their will be no stragglers in the pack, making a stronger more healthy pack. So now every member of the pack is allowed to be caretakers of the pups! ^^

1. Keep cursing to a minimum, we don't want to hear 'Fuck' ever other sentence...
2. No graphic mating...T_T HERE BUT go to mating den lol or your den!
3. Power-playing to a minimum...(thrusting back and making blood.... T.T no KILLING...)
4. Don't insult...T_T it's rude...if you do you face my Wrath -_-' You don't want to see my wrath!

Rp usual info:
[used to represent g2g or an out of character message]
used for action
"Speaking is normal..."
~what your thinking individually~ or '' instead of ~~


If you really need me contact me here:
or on yahoo messenger

To East Pack >>> Eastern Pack

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2005-11-05 [Raiyr]: Autumn: You actually join a pack Red... how sweet. Plan on betraying this one too? *she asked with venom on the end of her words*/ Red: *growled at Autumn* I never betrayed a pack! *he yelled angrily* And why are you here? *he asked in a lame attempt to come off the other subject*

2005-11-05 [Raiyr]: Autumn: Probably the same reason you are... but with better intentions *she said, smiling slightly. She loved to put her brother under pressure, even if it did mean fighting him*/Red: *furrowed his brow* You don't even take to thought that I have been forgiven? *he asked*/Autumn: Oh! You may have been forgiven by some of the others but not I. No, not I! *she screamed at Red*

2005-11-05 [Raiyr]: Red: *laid his ears back but stood his ground* I never betrayed the last pack. That's the soul truth. I didn't do it... I'm innocent./Autumn: *smiled* Aren't we all? *she nodded to Raven and walked away from the others. She laid down in the snow and watched Red quietly*

2005-11-05 [kagome-180]: Sora:*just watched the others argue*

2005-11-05 [Raiyr]: Red: *glared at his sister and laid down as far away from Autumn as he could, without leaving the pack's sight*/Autumn: *smirked and watched Red lay down*

2005-11-05 [kagome-180]: Sora:*started to walked around aimlessly*

2005-11-05 [Flowers for the Fallen]: Raven:*watched Sora*

2005-11-05 [kagome-180]: Sora:*notices Raven watching her*Umm.....hi.

2005-11-05 [Flowers for the Fallen]: Raven:*raised an eye*

2005-11-05 [kagome-180]: Sora:*looks at the ground*

2005-11-05 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *watched the pack* So you 2 are related... *he looked between them from the tall rock that towered from the ground* / Yudan: *watched quietly not wanted to get involved.

2005-11-06 [Raiyr]: Red: *nodded and said nothing*/ Autumn: *smirked at Darsha then back at her brother*

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked between them trying to understand why they loathed eachother*

2005-11-06 [wolf of lust]: *stays back in the shadows*

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *glared to the shadows and his hairs rised and he bared his fangs* Come forth!

2005-11-06 [Flowers for the Fallen]: Raven:*looked toward the shadows*

2005-11-06 [wolf of lust]: *a black wolf with piercing ice blue eyes walks out and stands in view*

2005-11-06 [Raiyr]: Red: *stood, hair raised and teeth bared*/ Autumn: *watched the wolf but didn't move*

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: *Darsha looked down at her* What is your name... *he opened his mind trying to see into her*

2005-11-06 [Flowers for the Fallen]: Raven:*growled abit,then she got ready to attack*

2005-11-06 [wolf of lust]: My name is Sagen*opens mind*

2005-11-06 [Raiyr]: Red: *growled lowly*

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked at Sagen* Welcome to this pack that I have... would you be willing to be a member? *he senced she was a water user*

2005-11-06 [wolf of lust]: yes i would like to become a member

2005-11-06 [Raiyr]: Red: *relaxed and sat down in the snow*

2005-11-06 [wolf of lust]: *looks at all the other wolves*

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: ((glad you want to join, just add your name up to the list under a rank, please and thanks! ^^)) Darsha: *nods to the new comer* then welcome... *he nods his head* / Yudan: *looked around she saw so many new wolfs and became a bit nervous and shy*

2005-11-06 [wolf of lust]: ((thanks)) *walks to a boulder and lays on it*

2005-11-06 [Flowers for the Fallen]: Raven:*lied in the den*

2005-11-06 [Raiyr]: Red: *watched Sagen, glanced at his sister, then lay back down*

2005-11-06 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *gave a small grin* / Yudan: *was silent and laying away from everyone else*

2005-11-06 [wolf of lust]: *sighs and looks at the sky*

2005-11-07 [kagome-180]: Sora:*watches the others then walks over to Yudan*Hi...

2005-11-07 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *jumps a bit* oO oh hi...

2005-11-07 [wolf of lust]: *howls at the moon*

2005-11-07 [kagome-180]: Sora:Sorry if I scared you.

2005-11-07 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked to Sagen and smiled* / Yudan: *shook her head* It's alright... just that newcomes make me shy and a bit edgy... / Darsha: *looks to Sora and Sagen* Are either of you hungry?

2005-11-07 [kagome-180]: Sora:*stomack growls*....a little...

2005-11-07 [wolf of lust]: *looks at Darsha* yes please

2005-11-07 [kagome-180]: Sora:*blushes from her stomack growling*

2005-11-07 [wolf of lust]: *looks at sora and smiles* hi im sagen

2005-11-07 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *nods* Yudan... could you- *before he could finish he saw her get up and leave* Oo thanks..

2005-11-07 [kagome-180]: Sora:*looks at Sagen*hi...i'm Sora.

2005-11-07 [wolf of lust]: nice to meet you *gets up and walks over to the edeg of trees*

2005-11-07 [kagome-180]: Sora:Where are you going?

2005-11-07 [wolf of lust]: *looks out to the darkness* no where

2005-11-07 [kagome-180]: *stares confused*

2005-11-07 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *returned with a large buck and sat it down and backed away and lays down away from them* / Darsha: *smiles* Thank you. Everyone can help them selves.

2005-11-07 [wolf of lust]: *hesitantly walks towards the food*

2005-11-07 [Flowers for the Fallen]: Raven:*sunk in the shadows and left*

2005-11-08 [kagome-180]: Sora:*looks at the food*Thank you!*starts to eat*

2005-11-08 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *wondering where Raven had gone held his post guarding and watching over his pack*

2005-11-08 [wolf of lust]: *begins to eat*

2005-11-08 [Raiyr]: Red: *watched Sagen eat, his ears laid back slightly*

2005-11-08 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *wasn't near any of the others she rested away and had her head over her paws, resting*

2005-11-08 [wolf of lust]: *finished eating and walks down to the edge of a lake*

2005-11-08 [kagome-180]: Sora;*finshes eating and yawns*

2005-12-04 [Raiyr]: Red: *sat by the same tree he had been from the day before, watching his sister across the clearing.*/ Autumn: *slept on silently, her ear twitching from the uncomfortable feeling of being watched.*

2005-12-05 [kagome-180]: Sora:*got up and walked around. When she saw Red she stopped.*

2005-12-06 [Raiyr]: Red: *looked up at Sora and smirked* Yeah? *he asked curiously, wanting to know why she had stopped*

2005-12-06 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *watched from a distance and was warry of all the new comers.*

2005-12-06 [kagome-180]: Sora:*Sora didn't mean to say this but it just slipped out*I like the color of your fur.*Sora blushed*~I can't beleave I just said that!~

2005-12-06 [Raiyr]: Red: *he laughed slightly* Well thanks. Not often you see a red wolf, eh? *he said smiling slightly*

2005-12-06 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *sighs and looked away laying her head over her paws* / Darsha: *looked around at all the members and grins a bit.

2005-12-07 [kagome-180]: Sora:*she smiled a little embarresed*Your welcome. No not really thats why I like it so much.

2005-12-07 [Raiyr]: Red: *chuckled more and kept silent*

2005-12-07 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *looked away and closed her eyes* / Darsha: *watched*

2005-12-08 [kagome-180]: Sora:*smiled nerveisly and started to walk away,but tripped over a rock*Oww...

2005-12-08 [Raiyr]: Red: *laid back an ear but smiled* Be careful, if I was you.. *he said, still smiling*

2005-12-08 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked to Yudan and growls a bit for her to lighten up. Yudan just lay there quietly not saying a word.

2005-12-08 [Raiyr]: Autumn: *perked her head up a bit when she heard growling but relaxed when it was Darsha. She laid her head back down and watched Red for a moment*

2005-12-09 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:*watches everyone,chewing on a stick*

2005-12-09 [Ghost Girl]: Rem:*pulls Frizzy inbetween my paws and licks her head*

2005-12-09 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:Hey!*closes eyes*Do I have to have a bath now??

2005-12-09 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looks to the new comers and raised a brow* And who are you? / Yudan: *looked their way as well*

2005-12-09 [wolf of lust]: *lays on a boulder*

2005-12-09 [kagome-180]: Sora:Hehe,ok..*stands up again*

2005-12-10 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:*jumps up*Frizzy

2005-12-10 [Ghost Girl]: Rem:*stands slowly*Sorry sir....I didn't notice others were here*picks up Frizzy and retreates*

2005-12-10 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *appears before her* You don't have to leave. *he looked at Frizz and grins a bit* Perhaps you could join my pack? / Yudan: *watched emotionlessly and sighs looking away*

2005-12-10 [kagome-180]: Sora:*walks over to Yudan and sits by her*Hey,what are you doing?

2005-12-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *looked to Sora and tried to look happy* Just resting...

2005-12-11 [kagome-180]: Sora:*looks at Yudan*You may look happy but I know that you are not happy,whats wrong?

2005-12-11 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:*Ears perk up*Really???Wow....This is cool...A pack of wolves who don't want to kill us....

2005-12-11 [Ghost Girl]: Rem:*puts Frizzy down**mutters*:Frizzy...*Looks at Darsha*I wouldn't want to impose on your territory...

2005-12-12 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:Whaaat its truuuue...We've been on the run for mmonthss now*looks up at Darsha and nods as if he asked a questoin*They're big and scary, and they tried to eat us*shudders*

2005-12-12 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked at the pup and grins* We could use a pup for company *he looked to Yudan who was gloomy as ever* Liven up the place that's for sure. You are both welcome to stay. / Yudan: *looked at Sora and sighs a bit* I don't think you would understand...

2005-12-12 [kagome-180]: Sora:Well I won't if you don't ever tell me whats wrong.

2005-12-12 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *sighs a bit and looked down and away* I dunno... just feel like I'm getting weaker... and I'm not that old... / Darsha: *overheard her and appears beside her* Heh all the battles you have fought it's no wonder your bones are weak. Besides your hunting has been rather sloppy lately... *he looked at her deeply with his grey eyes* You know you can slow down I can ask someone else to hunt. In the mean time you should train yourself more... or something... / Yudan: *thought about it*

2005-12-12 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:*runs over to Yudan*Why so gloomy?*goes nose to nose with Yudan*You look strong.I'm sure a couple days of rest will help.Ask Rem she's been travleing none stop for while now.

2005-12-12 [Ghost Girl]: Rem:Frizzy let them talk in privacy*comes over*I'm sorry she still hasn't lernd to keep her nose out of others bussiness

2005-12-13 [kagome-180]: Sora:*looks at Frizzy and smiles*Whats up pup!?

2005-12-13 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *shook her head* It's not a problem...

2005-12-13 [kagome-180]: Sora:*Stood silantly trying to thing of what might be bothering Yudan*

2005-12-13 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *stood and looked to Darsha* I'll return after some training... / Darsha: *grins and nods* May luck be with you sister.

2005-12-13 [kagome-180]: Sora:*watched Yudan leave and though*~So much for being liked~*staires at the sky and smiles*

2005-12-13 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *smiles to Sora* Give her time... she has had it hard lately...

2005-12-13 [kagome-180]: Sora:*looks at Darsha*Ok....

2005-12-14 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked up sencing something wrong though. Yudan was never good alone... He sighs a bit and forced a smile*

2005-12-14 [kagome-180]: Sora:*smiles weakly and mutters*I still feel like she dosen't like me though....

2005-12-14 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:*runs over to Sora*Hey guess what....

2005-12-14 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked to Sora sadly, usually he was the once who was mean and evil he was a loner.... but he had a pack now*

2005-12-14 [kagome-180]: Sora:*smiles and looks at Frizzy*What?

2005-12-16 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:My real name Fizanthakilamino

2005-12-16 [Ghost Girl]: Rem*shuders*I can't belive I let your father name you that*shudders agian*

2005-12-16 [Raiyr]: Autumn: *laughs from the other side of the clearing* It's a cute, but very long name. I think we can all stick to Frizzy. *she said smiling. She walked over to Rem and sat down next to her.* I'm Autumn, by the way *she introduced herself*

2005-12-16 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *watched over them going back to the boulder and laying on it and looking out* Perhaps she shouldn't be alone... *he was talking to himself about Yudan* ((Just an FYI she is in Training@Wolfs United ))

2005-12-16 [kagome-180]: Sora*smiles*Wow,thats a long name.

2005-12-16 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:*smiles and sticks my head up proudly*I found out what it means too.It mean...The Sight of Death has risen again....Kilamino means death has risen again,and Fizantha means The Sight

2005-12-17 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked at Frizzy* Raven posses a power by that name.. the Sight.

2005-12-17 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:*runs over to Darsha*Thats cool*shakes with excitment*Tell me what it meens please*sits down infront of him and gives puppy eyes and whimpers slitly*

2005-12-17 [Ghost Girl]: Rem:*looks at Autumn*I'm Rem.*she looks at Frizzy*Don't you dare say it.

2005-12-17 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *chuckles and put his paw over Frizzys head gently and messed up his fur* You shoul ask Raven upon return...

2005-12-17 [Yudan333]: ((wont be on for 2 weeks, for more info read diary))

2005-12-18 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:((her))*looks over at Rem*Why not.Your full name is pretty...Your no fun anymore

2005-12-18 [kagome-180]: Sora:*watches Frizzy with a smile*

2005-12-18 [Ghost Girl]: Rem:*shakes head*And you duaghter are a pian in my tail

2005-12-20 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy:*walks away looking around*

2005-12-20 [Ghost Girl]: Rem:Don't go to far...

2005-12-20 [kagome-180]: Sora:........

2005-12-23 [Flowers for the Fallen]: Raven: *apperes back after a while*

2005-12-28 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *the young female enters the area, her ears are up, her tail is low, and her tounge is hanging out of her mouth. She is in a not threatening but not agressive stance.* Hey, um.... May I become one of your pack members?

2005-12-28 [Opal]: Isabel: *Ran in circles wildly, then falls over and rolls in the snow and her ears stick up in alert* ..... Maybe?

2005-12-31 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked to Kiche and looked into her as if reading her power he was rather amazed and nods* You may enter Miss Kiche. *he knew her name only due to his power. He seemed all knowing. He then looked to Isabel with a raised brow then smiles shaking his head*

2005-12-31 [DELTA 1]: *blitz lays down in the snow to take a very lite nap* man where is some one to sparr with im getting bored,uhhhhh

2006-01-01 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked in the distance to the snow and bared his fangs* Well well... another wolf come to my pack... nice of you to join....Blitz... *he smirked a bit*

2006-01-01 [DELTA 1]: *blitz stood up and cracked his neck realy loud* yea but i am a very secluded wolf and i dont talk to much but i got to go and if you value your life you better leave this clearing

2006-01-01 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked at Blitz with a raised brow. He wasn't threatened one bit, he feared nothing.* Well this is my land and my pack... I suggest you join of leave with the wrath of us all...

2006-01-01 [Yudan333]: ((Just an FYI you can go to Training@Wolfs United Just post at the bottom as a comment! ^^))

2006-01-01 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *she slowly walks around, and selects a nice place to rest. She lays her head on top of her paws, but she keeps an eye on the new comer and the alpha.* ~Oh god, dont let there be a fight. I'm really not in the mood~

2006-01-01 [Princess Mononoke]: ((Question: Can someone be here and in the training grounds? Or one or the other? ))

2006-01-01 [Yudan333]: ((Well I prefer you left here but You can do both if you please! ^^)) Darsha: *looked to Kiche and read her thoughts and smiles a bit*

2006-01-01 [DELTA 1]: uh yea and were about to besurrounded by illegal hunters armed with fully automatic weapons but ill join you just some where except here *in the distance engines can be heard and the low burst of a machinegun also*

2006-01-01 [kagome-180]: Sora:*fell asleep*.....

2006-01-01 [Princess Mononoke]: ((what do you mean I should leave here? LIke got to the training grounds? Or like leave forever?))Kiche: *jumps to her feet* What do you mean? Your saying we are all going to stay here, and just...... GET KILLED??? So we are all going to lay around, and just wait for them to come??? ~Gosh darn it! How could they be this stupid? first no one wants to do anything, now they are just going to let themselves get killed by hunters?~

2006-01-01 [DELTA 1]: trust me these guys are ex military i should know because i fought along side them but lets move to a different location till they move on

2006-01-01 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *nods agreeingly* What are we waiting for?

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: OK NOW GET YOUR GEAR AND LETS MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: Sora:*Wakes up*.........?

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *while blitz was barking out orders a machinegun starts shooting at him and blitz got hit bad* AHHHHHHH GOD *blitz falls down but gets up and charges at the soldiers*

2006-01-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *stubbornaly takes a seat* I only listen to the alphas. Not noone else. *she lets out a slight growl*

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: Sora:*saw and ran at the soldiers growling*

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *jumps up and bites the gun and looks in the hunters eyes mad* hunter: holoy crap alpha team cease fire its blitz sh** we shot blitz you ok buddy blitz:what the H** are you doing shooting at us illegaly

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *stopped*~WTF???~

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *turned towards the wolf with a strange smirk* this is my old keeper jack jack: yes and i can understand you so feel free to ask questions

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *turns away enbaressed*........

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *blitz wondering why she turned away walked up to her* are you ok

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *lookes at him and nods slowly*

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *come on why dont you talk to him you can trust him*

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *mutters*I'm fine

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *backs away a little bit* yeash sorry

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: for what? you didn't do anything.

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: what ever *some blood falls out of the hole in his side* ahh *a medic comes up to blitz* medic:hey jack he needs to be transported back to camp these wounds cant be fixed up here blitz:huh so im not gonna see any wolves 4 a long time i guess medic:yea your not gonna be able to stay out here so lets go

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *follows the medic*

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: medic: you cant follow us so stay here *picks blitz up and puts him in a truck and speeds off*

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *runs after the truck~I was such a jerk! and now he most likely hates me....I have to say i'm sorry...~

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *jack saw her following the truck* jack:im sorry blitz but i have to at least get one kill *picks up a rifle and aims at the wolf following the truck*

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *keeps following*.......

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *blitz glares evily at jack* NOO!!!!!! *blitz jumps up and bites him tightly on the shoulder and disconnects his shoulder* i dont care if she is just some wolf im not gonna let you do that

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *Sora was by the side of the truck now*~I owe him one~

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *the medic sees her and pulls a pistol out and fires a couple rounds at her* STOP DONT HURT HER

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *one hits her shoulder but still keeps running,"What did I ever do to you!!?" she yelled at the medic

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *blits jumps up and accidently kills the medic* OH CRAP HES THE DRIVER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *the truck almost runs over sora* WTF!?

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *the truck hits a tree and blitz can barely crawl out of the reck with out help*

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *sora lookes for him*

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *blitz gives out a yelp in hope sora will hear him*

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *Sora heard him and helped get him out,"I'm sorry this was all my falt..."

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: no it wasnt dont beet yourself up about it

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: are you ok?

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: yea they sterilized it so ill be back to full strength in a couple days but thanx for following me *licks the side of her face*

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *Sora blushes*Umm....your welcome....

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: thank you i owe you if you werent there i would have died thank you *licks her face again and blushes when he does it*

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *sora blushed even more and started to studder* N-no p-problem...

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *laughs but then looks at her shoulder* your hurt let me see that so just lay down

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *lays down*

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *blitz looks at the wound* i know what you need *blitz go's back to the dead medics body and pulls out an I.M.I

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *Sora loks at it*

2006-01-02 [Princess Mononoke]: *yawns and teleports over to the others.* Shame on you... *laughs* I'm just kidding. Come on, you two need to rest where I can keep an eye on you. *puts her paw on one of there backs, and raps her tail around the other one, and she teleports all three of them back to camp* Now you two rest. *starts cleaning everyones wounds.* ~childish pups. I guess they will learn someday.~ *sighs and continues cleaning the wounds*

2006-01-02 [Princess Mononoke]: now you two relax.

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *Sora didn't know who that was but she seemed nice*

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: ok sora if your wondering what this is it is an instant morfine injector it doesnt hurt at all but this will stop the pain and start the healing *blitz puts it on the wound and uses his tounge to press the button*

2006-01-02 [Princess Mononoke]: *looks up at sora, and smiles* Is there anything else I can do for you?

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *sora watches him*.....

2006-01-02 [Princess Mononoke]: *glances over at Blitz* What about you? Will you be alright?

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *a beep comes from the tube* its done ok but sora it would be better if we camped here so you can heal that leg

2006-01-02 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche barks to get there attetion* I SAID ANYTHING ELSE??? >_<

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: ((*hides*O.o))Sora noded,"Ok...and I'm fine"

2006-01-02 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche stands, and lets out a little snort, showing she was getting agitated* What about you blitz?

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: no you arent any more tension on that leg and it will break

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *nods*blitz,she is talking to you

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: *licks her face*sora,who is talking to me

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *sora points her tail at Kiche* she is.

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: oh yea ill be alright ive been shot before it doesnt hurt as bad as you think but it does the first time so thats why i gave sora the IMI

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: Sora just sat there.

2006-01-02 [Princess Mononoke]: *looks at Blitz* What I'm not important enough to talk to??? *she looks at him, sadness in her eyes, and she runs off into the woods*

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: no i just didnt hear you the ear you were speaking in is partialy deaf so its hard to hear out of that ear im sorry

2006-01-02 [kagome-180]: *Sora looked at blitz* Blitz you should go after her!

2006-01-02 [DELTA 1]: ok *blitz takes off like lightning after her* wait im sorry

2006-01-02 [Princess Mononoke]: *stops and takes a seat in an open area, her back against a tree*

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