Page name: Wolfs United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-19 10:32:36
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 26
D20: 1
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Welcome to Wolfs United!


Here is mostly a place to hang out as a wolf. (naturally) Anyways all are welcome to join, what's more interesting is that I added a twist! ^^ Each wolf has ONE magical power, it is your choice to choose what power but it can only be ONE. And it can be anything! ^^ Except to destroy everything with one blow T_T...

Ok so now that that's covered let's talk a bit about the Wolfs. There are some already made just need you to put your name up for them! ^^ If not you can make your own, try to find a picture that fits you character. We all wanna know what you look like! XD I think that's it If I missed something then I'll get it later! ^^

(These are the links to this one! ^^)

Character Info@Wolfs United
Adoptables@Wolfs United
Banners@Wolfs United
Village@Wolfs United
Training@Wolfs United
Winter Grounds@Wolfs United
Dens@Wolfs United
Pup Den
Hunter Wolfs
Wolf Soldiers
Mating@Wolfs United
Lab@Wolfs United
Crystal Valley@Wolfs United

(This is where you sign up for a position!)
Alpha Male: [Yudan333]- Darsha
Alpha Female: [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Mianah
CO-Alpha Female: [Yudan333]- Yudan

1.[GlassCasket]- Cliff
3.[Cerulean Sins]- Holtz

Soldier Wolfs:
1.[Itami Cross]- Trowa
2.[Raiyr]- Red
3.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Gar'Mak

1.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Sena
2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Metallicus
3.[Yudan333] - Nozomi, Jenet

1.[Yudan333]- Crush
2.[The Bat-Man]- Mangetsu

1.[Yudan333]- Marlean, Jenet, Starbeam
2.[Cerulean Sins]- Blayne

Ok now your asking, 0_0 Wait what about Beta and Omega? Well the thing is this pack works differently. You see the Alpha Male believes that if there is only Alpha and Pack as Ranks then their will be no stragglers in the pack, making a stronger more healthy pack. So now every member of the pack is allowed to be caretakers of the pups! ^^

1. Keep cursing to a minimum, we don't want to hear 'Fuck' ever other sentence...
2. No graphic mating...T_T HERE BUT go to mating den lol or your den!
3. Power-playing to a minimum...(thrusting back and making blood.... T.T no KILLING...)
4. Don't insult...T_T it's rude...if you do you face my Wrath -_-' You don't want to see my wrath!

Rp usual info:
[used to represent g2g or an out of character message]
used for action
"Speaking is normal..."
~what your thinking individually~ or '' instead of ~~


If you really need me contact me here:
or on yahoo messenger

To East Pack >>> Eastern Pack

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2006-04-01 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy shook her head."You sound like the raven..."Then she turned and started to walk away.

2006-04-01 [Clive Scorch]: "You lost only your mother to the humans, I lost everything to them, but do not hate them," Felil sighed and called after her.

2006-04-01 [The Witch's Cat]: "That's your problem isn't it?"she yelled over her shoulder

2006-04-01 [Clive Scorch]: "You are weak, and you will die in your hatred's grasp, " Felil turned away and went to lay back down in the sun. "I wonder what happened to that woman who tried to help me...," he said aloud.

2006-04-01 [The Witch's Cat]: "Good, I don't want to live any more,"she mutterd to herself.

2006-04-01 [Clive Scorch]: "Then come here and I shall end you child, your pain is too great to let you spread it to others," Felil stood back up and faced her. She felt as if his eyes were carving into her flesh straight to her heart.

2006-04-01 [The Witch's Cat]: "Back off!!"she snarled.Frizzy turned around.Her eyes were black from there normal yellowgreen color.She mett his glare untilshe could only see it,not feel it.

2006-04-01 [Clive Scorch]: Felil laughed at her and used his fierce dominance power to humble her. He walked over to her and showed his jagged teeth, "I can end you if you wish it so badly."

2006-04-01 [The Witch's Cat]: "I'd rather be human than have you even touch me fool."There was a male wolfs voice behind Frizzy's own."Felil, that isn't her speaking..."the raven said coming closer,"Its her father."

2006-04-01 [kagome-180]: Sora heard something and ran in the direction of Felil and Frizzy.

2006-04-02 [Clive Scorch]: "Fool am I? Am I the one going to let my hatred kill me? All of you lupus are moronic prideful creatures, it is no wonder that the Garou rule over you," Felil paced around her smiling. "Now tell me what it is you are going to try to do to me?"

2006-04-02 [The Witch's Cat]: "Nothing yet."Frizzy growled,the male voice drowning out her own."Felil.Leave her alone."The raven craoked staying in the saftey of the tree.

2006-04-02 [Clive Scorch]: "In the end, your dead, just like me," Felil pressed his paw harshly on the top of her snout slamming it into the ground. "You should really think about your health before you challenge a creature far stronger than yourself, pup."

2006-04-02 [The Witch's Cat]: "Go bite your own ass so I don't have to mut."A males voice rang in Felil's head"And leave my pup alone."Frizzy looked back up at Feili, her eyes back to normal.

2006-04-02 [Clive Scorch]: Felil howled at the voice in a challenge, "Are you afraid to loose to me dog, or is it that you have better sense than to challenge me?" He wagged his tail in joy at the thought of a potential challenge.

2006-04-02 [The Witch's Cat]: "I can't chalange you boy because I'm no where close to you.Leave my kid alone and I'll come in two days..."The voice now rang threw the woods.Frizzy shudderd at the sound of her fathers voice.She tried to pull her snout from under Felil's paw.

2006-04-02 [Clive Scorch]: Felil's escence seemed to radiate into the sky in a faint feiry mist, twirling about madly in a delightful dance. "Two days then, I will be waiting," Felil removed his paw from her snout and looked down at her. "Now child, I will make you hate your own kind."

2006-04-02 [The Witch's Cat]: "Why?"Frizzy asked wriggling her snout.She looked up at him, her eyes full of curiosity.She didn't seam to care about what had just happend.

2006-04-04 [Clive Scorch]: "So maybe you will open your blinded eyes and see that the world entire, not just the humans are out to get you," Felil spoke from having experience on this painful subject.

2006-04-04 [The Witch's Cat]: 'What happend?"Frizzy asked

2006-04-04 [Clive Scorch]: Felil snorted an angry snort and sighed. "You need not concern yourself with such things of my past."

2006-04-04 [The Witch's Cat]: "Alright."Frizzy shruged and stood.

2006-04-05 [Clive Scorch]: "Just know that we all beg for anyway to be sedated. It's all about escaping this hole to be. I'm already dead to this world, so nothing material matters, just as it will to all." Felil walked away sniffing the ground curiously.

2006-04-12 [kagome-180]: Sora was only a few feet away from Felil. She didn't hear much of what they where talking about so she didn't concern herself with it.

2006-04-13 [Clive Scorch]: Felil walked to Sora still sniffing and bumped into her. "Oh, pardon me." He then looked up at her slightly confused looking.

2006-04-13 [kagome-180]: Sora blushed,which sh didn't do very often,"It's ok. What are you looking for?" she asked

2006-04-13 [Clive Scorch]: "You don't smell that?" His nose fell back to the ground. "Please tell me you can smell it to?"

2006-04-13 [kagome-180]: Sore noded,"Yes I do,but i don't know what it is."

2006-04-13 [Clive Scorch]: He kept walking down to the nearby river sniffing madly at the ground. "Follow if you wish love."

2006-04-13 [kagome-180]: Sora followed while thinking,'did he just call me love?'

2006-04-13 [Clive Scorch]: He followed the scent down the river a good distance before his hackles began to stand on end.

2006-04-13 [kagome-180]: Sora looked around,"Somethings not right here...."

2006-04-13 [DELTA 1]: blitz got up "I cant stay here too many bad memorys" blitz started to run and never stopped

2006-04-13 [DELTA 1]: while blitz was running some one shot him in the leg and he plunged into the ground and slid a couple feet "WHO THE FUCK JUST SHOT ME" blitz said trying to get up, blitz started to be over whelmed by something and started to cough up blood uncontrolably "n-n-n-nerve gas" blitz said blood/drool flowiung out of his mouth, blitz is miles away from everybody so they CANT HEAR OR SEE him so they CANT DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-14 [Clive Scorch]: Felil walked to the edge of the river and stared into it as if to look at his reflection. He sat there and waited for Sora to come and look in as well.

2006-04-15 [DELTA 1]: man: "well well blitz or should i say iron wolf", blitz: "w-who said that show your self", katagaria: "im right here" *a katagaria jumped out of a tree and ran up to him, he has short black hair and is whereing a red berret and has on camo, katagaria:"you dont even recognize your old partner when you were working for the umbrella corporation", blitz: "id like to forget that why are you here",katagaria: "watch it im the one interrogating here not you" blitz:"oh but still why are you here tucker" tucker:"your recommisioned in umbrellas S.T.A.R.S. program" blitz:"ill never go back there not since the racoon city incident" tucker:"blitz if you were to save those children you wouldnt come back"

2006-04-15 [kagome-180]: Sora walked up to Felil and looked into the water as well

2006-04-15 [DELTA 1]: blitz: "still i could have saved them MY LIFE DOESNT AMOUNT TO HOW MUCH THEY WERE" tucker: "that mabe so but you were one of the umbrella corporations high council"

2006-04-16 [kagome-180]: Sora just stared at her reflection

2006-04-16 [Clive Scorch]: Felil cast no reflection in the water's surface, rather, maggots filled the space where his face would be. Felil growled and dashed the water with a forceful paw. As he turned around a strange creature came lumbering out of the woods behind them.

2006-04-16 [DELTA 1]: blitz: "that was a long time ago" tucker: "blitz either i bring you back peacefully forcefully or i have to kill you" blitz:"ha you couldnt win i can still beat you in a fight and you know you wouldnt even walk away from here alive" tucker: "im sorry blitz" tucker shot him in the stomach blitz: "ahhhhh ok now your dead" blitz pulled out his pistol and shot tucker in the lungs tucker: falls to his knees "huh i wont be the last that are coming for you" with the last energy tucker picked up his rifle and fired a burst of five rounds into blitzs already bleeding torso blitz:"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" blitz was in so much pain he howled for sora and her only to hear

2006-04-17 [kagome-180]: Sora looked at Felil then heard Blitz calling for her,"I'm sorry I must go! I'll come back later!" with that she ran in the direction of Blitz

2006-04-17 [DELTA 1]: blitz crawled to the middle of the field a huge chunk missing out of his gut

2006-04-18 [Clive Scorch]: Felil stared at the awkward beast as it stared back at him.

2006-04-19 [kagome-180]: Sora finaly got to Blitz,"Holy s**t what happend?" she asked as she started to heal him.

2006-04-20 [DELTA 1]: "i told you there back" blitz winced as she healed him

2006-04-20 [kagome-180]: "Whos back?" she was still healing him

2006-04-21 [Clive Scorch]: The large bear looking creature stood up straight on its hind legs. At full height it was 9'1" and muscle bound as if it were human with a wolf's face.

2006-04-21 [DELTA 1]: "the lycan army and umbrella corp are together and they got a taskforce of lycan/human hybrids on my tail" blitz put his hand over hers and winced

2006-04-22 [Clive Scorch]: The werewolf Crinos stood there staring emotionlessly at Felil for a second then in a deep growling voice he said," Come fallen brother, the false Garou come here to kill all of these weaklings." He held out his massive paw and only stared. Felil tilted his head confused, "You must be mistaken. Besides, I'm already dead." Within the blink of an eye the werewolf had smashed his claws into the ground just in front of Felil. Felil staggered backwards at the tremendous power and for a moment he was surprised.

2006-04-22 [kagome-180]: Sora was done healing Blitz,"Your kidding!? Oh no! Felil!! Blitz we have to help him! Something was there when I left him! I fear it might be a lycan."

2006-04-22 [DELTA 1]: blitz shot up and shot towards felils direction "they probably mistook him for me" blitz pulled out a pistol with silver bullets

2006-04-22 [kagome-180]: Sora ran next to him,"Blitz! Put that away!! Felil dosen't like humans at all!! And he really dosn't like the ones with guns!"

2006-04-22 [Sir William]: "if he wants to exist another day hell have to live witth it because the hybrids only weakness is a silver bullet" blitz ran faster than her

2006-04-22 [kagome-180]: Sora sighed and and ran while thinking to herself

2006-04-22 [Sir William]: blitz heard her sigh and dropped the gun nearly hitting her when it hit the ground "these things are so freakin hard to kill"

2006-04-22 [kagome-180]: Sora moved out of the way,"Hey! Watch it!"

2006-04-22 [Sir William]: "what ever" blitz jeted twenty feet infront of her so she couldnt catch up with him

2006-04-22 [kagome-180]: "Idiot." Sora said as she kept running

2006-04-22 [Sir William]: "who the hell brought the lycans back is one thing i wanna know"

2006-04-22 [kagome-180]: Sora could still hear him,"........."

2006-04-22 [Sir William]: "just how the only person besides myself that knows how to bring them back has been dead for over 500 years its been 756 years since me and micheal locked them away"

2006-04-22 [kagome-180]: "you really need to stop talking to your self. People will wonder."

2006-04-22 [Sir William]: "i only do it when im worried"

2006-04-22 [kagome-180]: "Right." Sora ran past him

2006-04-22 [Sir William]: blitz kept running

2006-04-23 [Clive Scorch]: Felil smiled at the assailant, and showed his jagged teeth. "You really are one of them aren't you? A Gaian werewolf come to save a dead soul of a fallen brother?" The werewolf stood up and drew out a silver Klaive that was the same size as Felil's entire body. He then spoke up and said, "I'm not as pathetic as the other werewolves that your friends fight, I am carnage manifest on the battlefeild. If you will not come I will kill you so that you can not turn against Mother Gaia."

2006-04-24 [kagome-180]: Sora finaly saw Felil,"Felil!" she ran up beside him,"Whats going one here?"

2006-04-24 [Clive Scorch]: "I've come to gather a fallen spirit that it may once again serve Gaia, pup. Now stand aside or you will fear my wrath," as the werewolf spoke his silver tribal necklaces rattled lightly. Felil just paced around the werewolf scoping out weaknesses, but saw none. "Interesting, in every situation, in every stance you never drop your guard. Very impressive for a Garou as young as you."

2006-04-25 [kagome-180]: "I will stay and help if nesisary." Sora said looking at the werewolf

2006-04-25 [Clive Scorch]: "No, for a werewolf of his tribe all that matters is honor, I will return the favor," Felil got ready to pounce with his hackles standing on end and growling loudly. The werewolf licked the blade of his silver klaive, cutting his tongue but doing no real damage. "This should prove fun, because I can't kill you unless you begin to fall," The werewolf held the giant klaive as if it were a ninja sword.

2006-04-26 [kagome-180]: Sora watched closely,"........"

2006-04-26 [Clive Scorch]: "I cannot beat you in this faux body werewolf, not physically anyways..." Felil's eyes began to shine a dark red as his form began to shift violently in and out of reality. The werewolf just stood there enjoying every moment waiting to see his opponent's full power, "Come on dog, hurry this up."

2006-04-27 [kagome-180]: Sora growled at the werewolf

2006-04-27 [Raiyr]: ((Wait... What's Lykin...? Werewolf? WE CAN HAVE WEREWOLF CHARACTERS???? o.o))

2006-04-27 [kagome-180]: ((i don't know but it sounds kool!^-^))

2006-04-27 [Sir William]: blitz jumped out behind it "state yourself are you a member of the lycan army" blitz said glowing dark iron gray

2006-04-27 [kagome-180]: Sora looked at Blitz then back at the werewolf

2006-04-27 [Sir William]: blitz turned also into a 9,1 were wolf "I hate you creatures event though im one"

2006-04-27 [kagome-180]: Sora growled at both werewolves eventhough one was her friend she hated all werewolves,"They killed my family....I will never like ANY of them." she thought to herself

2006-04-27 [Sir William]: blitz lunged at the other one with fangs and claws bared like sabres getting ready to slice human flesh

2006-04-27 [kagome-180]: She growled even louder

2006-04-27 [Sir William]: blitz then turned into wolf form to make him fly faster through the air and put a gash on the werewolves back

2006-04-27 [kagome-180]: She truned and walked away still growling.

2006-04-28 [Clive Scorch]: The werewolf merely laughed manically and seemed to blur for an instant. A massive wave of rage filled air making all near the werewolf feel intimidated. "Feel the Might of GAIA!" Four of him seemed to appear on all sides of Blitz each landing a massive blow with balled fists. Then three of the images faded and the one remaining spun round and stared at Felil again. Felil's body began rotting, filling the air with a stench of decay.

2006-04-28 [kagome-180]: Sora thought she was going to be sick,"uh...that smell...."

2006-04-30 [DELTA 1]: blitz laughed "im not any wolf im the iron wolf"

2006-04-30 [Clive Scorch]: Felil completely dissolved and in his place stood a 20 ft. tall werewolf, that had a definate air of pride and strength about him. His fur was well kempt and his eyes were almost a blindingly bright blue. His muscles were lean and he looked almost Native American judging by his tribal necklaces. ALL (even you Blitz) who saw this incarnation of Felil's old soul were humbled by it's dominating gaze. The werewolf fell to his knees, his will broken and he began slinking away into the darkness of the forest.

2006-04-30 [~goodbye~]: Fire Keeper watched them crouched down under an evergreen tree.

2006-04-30 [Sir William]: blitz also fell he never wants to feel humble he said the day he did would be the day he died

2006-04-30 [~goodbye~]: Fire keeper walked over to blitz, adn sat down next to him. Watched as Felil slunk away, not feeling humbled at all.

2006-04-30 [Yudan333]: Yudan came from the shadows feeling a new pressence. She looked to Fire Keeper and stared with her deep grey eyes emotionlessly. It was a new pack member that had not been accepted but she supposed they could stay. She stayed in the shadows, her white coat seemed dull in the shadows on her back were large black wings. On her left shoulder a large scar in the shape of a gothic cross. She was silent and stayed back not trusting the stranger.

2006-04-30 [Clive Scorch]: "Why are you running brother? You see my former self and cower before my visage! Had it not been for the vile humans and vampires that slew my family to the last in their sleep, I would the leader of our tribe! Not that imposter!" Arcs of rage began to spring from the ground around him like fire. Everyone in the area began feeling the utmost hatred for humans and vampires, wanting nothing more than to kill them all. "Now I am reduced to a rotting lupus corpse for all eternity. Such is the damnation of a garou who failed his pack..." Almost suddenly everyone felt horrible sorrow sweep over them, and they felt Felil's pain as if it were their's. They had lost everything, even thier strength.

2006-04-30 [Yudan333]: Yudan felt the feeling sweep over her but her power increased and her eyes glowed a pure white her great power made her immune. She growls lightly at Felil, "You better knock it off before I end you... I will make you suffer..." She got infront of Felil as if ready to fight him. [ok fixed it XD *feels stupid]

2006-04-30 [kagome-180]: Sora came back she had a cold look on her face,"......."

2006-04-30 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to Sora and saw the cold look and became a bit uneasy. With felil making others emotions change she could very well be out numbered.

2006-04-30 [kagome-180]: Sora looked at Yudan then looked back at Felil

2006-04-30 [Clive Scorch]: Felil began to shift back into reality and his former slef began to flicker away. "My guilt keeps me damned..." A massive gust of wind erupted from where the twenty foot tall garou began to fade. After a moment, the Garou faded completely and Felil had fully materialised. He laid on the ground coughing up coagulated blood and maggots, in dire pain.

2006-04-30 [Yudan333]: Yudan hurries to Felil and placed her nose to his muzzle healing him internally anyway she could. He also gave him some of her energy for strength.

2006-05-01 [Clive Scorch]: "Get...(huffs for air) away..." Felil tried to sit up but only managed to shift his direction a little before he collapsed again and blood squirted out of his old gunshot wounds.

2006-05-01 [Yudan333]: Yudan shook her head, "Your hurt.. you need help..." She looked to the bullet wound and placed her jaws over it. She licks it gently then allowed her magic to pull the bullet into her mouth and heal the wound. She spat out the bullet and licks her lips. She nuzzled Felil gently as if to comfort him, "I'm not leaving you..."

2006-05-01 [Clive Scorch]: (Felil has MANY old bullet wounds, seventeen on just his upper torso, plus you would've pulled maggots into your mouth by doing that. *Laughs.*) Felil's breath sped up and got lighter as his eyes grew dim.

2006-05-01 [Yudan333]: (she spit it out LOL she can turn maggots to blood with her power...Oo she can do anything with her power...) yudan saw Felil fading. She quickly pressed her body close to his and offered her energy. It was as though they switched physical pain. Felil's body would be untouched and unharmed. yudan on the other hand suffered only minor physical pain and her energy low.

2006-05-01 [Sir William]: blitz ran away looking so sick feeling so sick he wanted to throw up

2006-05-01 [kagome-180]: Sora walked over to them,"Can I do anything to help?" she asked

2006-05-02 [Clive Scorch]: Felil's eyes were grey, but his breathing and bleeding had stopped or returned to normal.

2006-05-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan felt slighlty ill and slowly rolled over onto her side away from Felil. She coughs heavily and then growls lighlty. He was letting the effects of Felils pain recide in her. But it was slowly being healed. She struggled slighlty but soon relaxed as her power did it's job.

2006-05-02 [Clive Scorch]: (You would've also taken some of his decay, because his decay represents his pain. So with the little amount that you took you should only lose patches of fur or whatever.) Felil's legs twitched as if he were having a dream, but his eyes were wide open.

2006-05-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan lay there as if a bit tramatized. Her power was fighting all the disease and other illnesses of Felil. She began to shake a bit as she lay there.

2006-05-02 [Sir William]: blitz was in the darkness coughing and angrily said "if that mother F****** does that again ill kill him" blitz said and started to walk toward the boundaries of darshas territory and then said "i can never feel that way again thats why im a night rider" blitz walked over the boundaries into another wolfs territory and then started to run away into the darkness

2006-05-04 [kagome-180]: Since no one answered Sora she thought that they had things under control,".....better go find Blitz befor he falls in a hole..."Whith that she went off to find him.

2006-05-04 [Sir William]: blitz was about 12 miles out of yudans territory and into new hostile territory "hmmm i need to rest" blitz fell asleep right next to a small creek

2006-05-05 [Clive Scorch]: Felil dreamed dark dreams, very dark indeed. Old demons come to front in his mind, and his body reacted with violent twitches.

2006-05-05 [Yudan333]: Yudan limps to Felil and nudged him hard enough to wake him, "Felil enough... your dreams are haunting you..."

2006-05-05 [Clive Scorch]: Felil woke with a start and howled in pain as the pull from his power drained his body.

2006-05-05 [Sir William]: blitz stumbled when he got up "uhhhhhh" , A lycan apeared infront of him, blitz: "just great" blitz pulled out a big handgun at the lycan and shot it 5 times with bullets filled with silver sulfate , the lycan howled,blitz kept on running now about 30 miles out of darshas territory

2006-05-05 [kagome-180]: a few minuts later sora was where the lycan was,"ok then." then kept running after Blitz.

2006-06-09 [Princess Mononoke]: (yay I'm back!) San bumped into Blitz. It sent her to the ground. "Ow." she said, rubbing her head. Mono growled, he didn't recognize Blitz. He picked up his scent. He smiled. "Blitz." he said, smiling at him.

2006-06-09 [Sir William]: blitz freaked out thinking he was a lycan and jumped into the air and fired 2 warning shots right passed him "get away lycan"

2006-06-12 [Princess Mononoke]: San's eyes went huge. She jumped onto Mono's back. "Blitz... Wait... Lycan? whats that?" she said, sitting on her brothers back. Mono didn't move.

2006-06-13 [Sir William]: blitz's eyes were big and he was shivering he had a silver blade in his back and wont let them come near him "stay back ill fire so stat back" blitz was looking at them bleeding badly

2006-06-16 [Clive Scorch]: Felil's flesh began rotting rapidly and his eyes rolled back into his head.

2006-06-16 [kagome-180]: Sora just got there,"gosh you run far." she saw others were there too,"Why hello,who are you?" she asked.

2006-06-17 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper jumped down out of the trees and looked at everyone.

2006-06-19 [kagome-180]: Sora looked at the newcomer,"and you are?"

2006-06-19 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper looked at Sora, "Just a new person, who is very much a wolf."

2006-06-19 [kagome-180]: "Ok then..." Sora looked at the wolf,"well my names Sora." she said it kinda of bluntly.

2006-06-19 [Sir William]: blitz felt his cold wolf blood running over his shoulder onto the ground and the immense pane "AHHHH"

2006-06-19 [kagome-180]: Sora walked up to Blitz,"You really do wine to much,you know that?"

2006-06-19 [Sir William]: "im fucking alergic to silver it does nothing but burns"

2006-06-19 [kagome-180]: "keh! Well you still wine to much." Sora snorted

2006-06-19 [Sir William]: blitz looked at her "what the fuck was that"

2006-06-19 [kagome-180]: "what was what?" she asked a bit annoyed

2006-06-19 [Sir William]: "you just fucking snorted" laughs a bit

2006-06-19 [Raiyr]: ((Blitz has a dirty mouth... *goes to find some soap*))

2006-06-19 [kagome-180]: Sora glared daggers at him,"So fuking what!?"

2006-06-19 [Sir William]: ((yea well alot of people/wolf/things have dirty mouths)) "its just funny

2006-06-19 [kagome-180]: ((ok?))Sora turned around and waked away,"....ass..."

2006-06-19 [Raiyr]: ((...Okay... So it was a lame joke... *leaves*))

2006-06-19 [Sir William]: blitz rubbed up against a tree to get the blade out "ahhh thats better"

2006-06-19 [kagome-180]: ((huh?)) Sora just kept waking away

2006-06-20 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper watched them silently.

2006-06-21 [kagome-180]: Sora felt like someone was watching so she looked around

2006-06-21 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper met Sora's gaze evenly.

2006-06-21 [kagome-180]: "Who are you?" she asked growling slightly

2006-06-21 [~goodbye~]: FIrekeeper flet the snarl rise and said calmly, "I am Firekeeper."

2006-06-21 [Sir William]: blitz ran by looking at them and thought (hmmm he better watch what he says)

2006-06-21 [~goodbye~]: Firekeepers eyes blazed as Blitz ran by, and she watched him go.

2006-06-21 [kagome-180]: Sora's growl went away,"I'm Sora....why are you watching me?" she a little uneasy

2006-06-21 [~goodbye~]: FIrekeeper smiles a little, "Nice to meet you Sora, im not watching you imparticuallrly, but just watching everyone..."....jumps up into a willow tree and sits on a branch.

2006-06-21 [kagome-180]: "I see....are that interesting?" she smiled a little

2006-06-21 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper just nodded and smiled a little more.

2006-06-22 [kagome-180]: "ok then..." Sora didn't know what to say

2006-06-22 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper stared out threw the tree branches, and leaves and looked at her surrounding, before climbing higher in the tree.

2006-06-22 [kagome-180]: She just watched her climb higher,she must like climb. she thought

2006-06-22 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper got as high as she could go and pulled apart some branches and looked out over the land.

2006-06-22 [kagome-180]: "........"

2006-06-22 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper swung down and dropped the last 20 ft...

2006-06-22 [kagome-180]: Sora just watched

2006-06-22 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper crouched there.

2006-06-22 [kagome-180]: Sora turned around and started to walk away.

2006-06-23 [Clive Scorch]: Felil stood on his skeletal legs and staggered over to the waters edge. He yelped as he fell landing hard on his side right next to the river side.

2006-06-23 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper heard the thud, and looked around and started joggin in FElil's direction, to see if he is ok.

2006-06-25 [Clive Scorch]: Maggots began spewing forth out of Felil's mouth as he struggled to the water's edge. He managed to place his snout in the water and began to drink very small mouthfulls.

2006-06-25 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper watched him, from the other side of the lake.

2006-06-25 [kagome-180]: Sora was muttering to herself about how some people where just plain stupid.

2006-06-26 [Sir William]: blitz came to a ridge and layed down looking out over the slope at the greentree tops and gave a sigh of relief "i havent relaxed like this in such a long time"

2006-06-26 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper turned and looked at Sora, then Blitz, then turned and ran deep into the forest.

2006-06-26 [Yudan333]: Yudan was ran into and fell over and back. She was still recovering from previous inguries. She looked up and saw Firekeeper and lowers her ears lightly. "Your the new member arn't you..." She just layed there not evern trying to attempt to get up.

2006-06-26 [kagome-180]: Sora decided to take a nap.

2006-06-27 [Sir William]: ((HOLD UP BLITZ IS LIKE THREE MILES AWAY WHAT ARE YOU TALKIN ABOUT)) blitz looked out over te beauty called nature

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper nodded, and offered her hand to Yudan, "my name is Firekeeper."

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: Yudan shook her head and looked to her paws then back to Firekeeper, "So... tell me about yourself... must be something big seeing as your running..."

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper smirked a little, "Well im of mixed blood, with no family...they all got killed. You?"

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: Yudan smiles a bit, "Same... more or less... "

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper nodded, and looked past Yudan, deeper into the forest.

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: Yudan watched Firekeeper and tilted her head, "What is it?"

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper shook her head, "Oh its nothing, this forest reminds me of where i grew up, and i was alone for most of my child hood, so i explored the forest a lot."

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: Yudan nods lighlty, "I see..." Yudan shook her head and looked to her, "So is your power fire? I presume it would be because the name though that may be a common misleading matter."

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeper looked down at Yudan, "Well its one of my many powers*

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: Yudan smiles, "Ahh I see... but your main element is fire yes?"

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper smirked a little, "Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, along with different types of dark and light energies."

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: Yudan stared, "I see... well you sure are a mix..." yudan wasn't one to complain she could use any element because she was mainly light. And Darsha her brother controled all darkness. So it seemed ying and yang.

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper nodded, "Someone once told me that my parents, were draconic, but i am cursed with a vampire's hunger, and a werewolf's savage train of thought. I try to stay away from those who wouldn't bea ble to handle either of them at any given moment."

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: "Well those are quite interesting tales of your parents miss..." She smiles a bit.

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper nodded, "yeah, and i have yet to figure out all of my powers." She watches Yudan.

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: yudan flicks her ears and smiles, "Well good luck with that then." She stood up and shook her pure white coat.

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper nodded, "thank you, your coat is beautiful, thats what color mine is on the full moon."

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: She smiles then she tilted her head, "Wait are you a lykan as well?"

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper nodded.

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: Yudan shook her head lighlty, she was suprised such creatures were now coming. Ones with may elements and uncharted powers. Could this mean that chaos whas breaking through to this pack? She looked a tad worried.

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper sensed her unease, "its ok, i can control my powers, the curses i deal with without hurting anyone, i have lived with it most of my life, now if you will excuse me, i have some blood to draw."

2006-06-27 [Yudan333]: Yudan sighs lightly and bows her muzzle, "Very well... take care miss..."

2006-06-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper bowed her head, then stepped around her, and continued running, in a fast jog.

2006-07-02 [Clive Scorch]: Felil's body finally healed itself back up, and he was made whole again. He stood up and looked around hoping no one had paid much attention to him and his freakish skinlessness a few moments ago.

2006-07-04 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper continued running towards the center of the forest.

2006-10-15 [Sir William]: blitz came out next to yudan "hey hony" blitz licked her muzzle and grinned

2006-11-28 [Yudan333]: (wow quiet here >,>) Yudan moves a bit and flicks her tail in his face gently smiling to him, "Don't call me that please, You know I like to just go by my name."

2006-11-28 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy was chasing after a squirle, not paying attention to anything else.She caught it in her jaws and attempted to stop, but instead she ran into a tree.She shook her head."I need to work on that..."She looked down at the squirle,"Now what do I do with it?"

2006-11-28 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper jumped up into a huge oaak tree and sat there, resting against the trunk.

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