Page name: Wolfs United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-19 10:32:36
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 26
D20: 1
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Welcome to Wolfs United!


Here is mostly a place to hang out as a wolf. (naturally) Anyways all are welcome to join, what's more interesting is that I added a twist! ^^ Each wolf has ONE magical power, it is your choice to choose what power but it can only be ONE. And it can be anything! ^^ Except to destroy everything with one blow T_T...

Ok so now that that's covered let's talk a bit about the Wolfs. There are some already made just need you to put your name up for them! ^^ If not you can make your own, try to find a picture that fits you character. We all wanna know what you look like! XD I think that's it If I missed something then I'll get it later! ^^

(These are the links to this one! ^^)

Character Info@Wolfs United
Adoptables@Wolfs United
Banners@Wolfs United
Village@Wolfs United
Training@Wolfs United
Winter Grounds@Wolfs United
Dens@Wolfs United
Pup Den
Hunter Wolfs
Wolf Soldiers
Mating@Wolfs United
Lab@Wolfs United
Crystal Valley@Wolfs United

(This is where you sign up for a position!)
Alpha Male: [Yudan333]- Darsha
Alpha Female: [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Mianah
CO-Alpha Female: [Yudan333]- Yudan

1.[GlassCasket]- Cliff
3.[Cerulean Sins]- Holtz

Soldier Wolfs:
1.[Itami Cross]- Trowa
2.[Raiyr]- Red
3.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Gar'Mak

1.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Sena
2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Metallicus
3.[Yudan333] - Nozomi, Jenet

1.[Yudan333]- Crush
2.[The Bat-Man]- Mangetsu

1.[Yudan333]- Marlean, Jenet, Starbeam
2.[Cerulean Sins]- Blayne

Ok now your asking, 0_0 Wait what about Beta and Omega? Well the thing is this pack works differently. You see the Alpha Male believes that if there is only Alpha and Pack as Ranks then their will be no stragglers in the pack, making a stronger more healthy pack. So now every member of the pack is allowed to be caretakers of the pups! ^^

1. Keep cursing to a minimum, we don't want to hear 'Fuck' ever other sentence...
2. No graphic mating...T_T HERE BUT go to mating den lol or your den!
3. Power-playing to a minimum...(thrusting back and making blood.... T.T no KILLING...)
4. Don't insult...T_T it's rude...if you do you face my Wrath -_-' You don't want to see my wrath!

Rp usual info:
[used to represent g2g or an out of character message]
used for action
"Speaking is normal..."
~what your thinking individually~ or '' instead of ~~


If you really need me contact me here:
or on yahoo messenger

To East Pack >>> Eastern Pack

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono looked to Crush. "Hey."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono followed san closely.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: (i g2g! I'll be back on later.)

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "She'll be fine Mono. I would have killed her already if I was going to." She looked to San. 'You know what? Yudan has a pup katagari about your age."

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush sighs and nods, "fine..." He was being quiet feeling if he spoke he'd interupt.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira got back to the pack grounds and told San and Mono to wait until morning to talk to Yudan or Darsha. They could sleep in her area tonight. She took Crush by the hand and brought him to a tree where medicinal plants were growing. She took off his shirt not waiting for him to boject and mushed the plants and stuck them on his wound.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He grabs her hand and pushed the plants away, "oww! WTFreak!" >< he held his side. "I can self heal... that shit burns!

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "I know it does." She went back and put it back on his wound. 'But it won't kill you and it won't leave a scar if you do it this way." She held it there not looking up at him.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He felt a different feeling the plants cause the metal in his body to harden. He winced, "please take it away..." He didn't tell her of his power and it was starting to destroy him. His blood began to ooze a silver color.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She took the plants away sensing a difference in him. " the matter?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: "My body's differant than yours..." He leans against a tree leaning his head back, The wound oozed a silver liquid. "i didn't tell you yet... but I am a metal user... I can caontrol steel and metal... my blood is infused with it... and certain chemicals can harden the steels and then I'd be like a statue..." He put his hand near the wound and forced more of the steel blood out.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She looked away. "I'm sorry..." She dropped the plants and felt really bad.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush looked to her gently, "heh not the first time a woman tried to kill me not knowing..." He wipes the blood with his shirt and sighs lightly. "It'll heal soon... dont worry about it... And you shouldn't be sorry I probably deserved it..."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She turned slapping him in the head. "Knock it off before I maime you."

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush's face reddened from her hit, then it turned back to its light pale. He turns and looked at her, "Forgive me..." he lowers his head a bit. He supposed he deserved that too.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "It's alright.I shouldn't have hit you in the head. But now I know how to piss you off." She laughed and patted his shoulder helping him sit down. She strangly felt tired.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked at her, "I'm not pissed..." He wondered why she helped him sit, he wasn't really feeing pain at all. He was now wondering why she was so kind.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She leaned against the tree and closed her eyes listening to the night creatures. "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to be one of them? With no ties...not memories?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked over to her, "What do you mean.." This obviousally meant no.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She sighed. "If you don't want to talk about it that's fine with me." She smiled to herself and looked at the stars. She wished she could be one of thsoe. They didn't have memories either. She slowly got up. 'If you don't need me I think I am going to go to bed." She stumbled.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He grabs her pant leg, looking up at her deeply, "please..." he pats the ground beside him.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She cought herself and looked at his face. She sat next to him. "What is it?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He sighs a bit and looked to the ground then his eyes shifted then he looked to her, "Stay with me..." He gently wrapped her arm around her. "you can sleep... or you can talk... I just... feel like i need your company... if you dont mind..."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She looked shocked and was completely speachless. "I...uh...I-" She couldn't speak. She just looked at him. A shocking confession from someone whom she thought was tough as nails. She stopped oogling and layed her head in his lap looking up at the stars. 'Well then talk, or sleep. Which ever." She finally managed to say.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked to her in his lap, he ran his hand gently through her hair. He spoke softly, "have you ever had a dream... of something that you wanted out of life..."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She instinctivly put her face into the palm of his hand. "I wanted no memories of the past...I dreamed of....." that one hurt to much to say...

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush looked at her and nods, "I have a similar problem... I dont sleep anymore.. i force myself to stay awake... if i do sleep i dream..." He sighs and ran his hand over her face gently.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Instinct took over and she licked his palm in a submissive sort of way, even though she was in no way submissive. "I wish...I could go back in time what the took from me..." She placed a hand over her womb and a tear spilled down her face

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He sadly wiped her tear away and ran his hand over her face gently, "If i could help i would..."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She turned away and sighed. 'So many things happened back there....when they captured me..." She looked at him and smiled. "And why would you help me? You don't even know me."

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked at her, "I may not know you... but do you always need a reason to help someone..." He gently smiled for once.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She looked away, "I don't know." And he didn't just want to help her and she knew that...

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: "... i think you just know... you just havn't realized it yet..." He sighs lightly.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: 'What do I know and haven't realized yet?" She looked at him dead in the eyes.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked to her emotionlessly, then sighs lightly, "I am here to help and if you need it just ask it of me and i will do what i can..."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She reached up and brushed her fingers over his eyes. 'Don't hide your emotions. It is not becoming of a male Katagari such as yourself."

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked at her deeply not knowing what to say, "Katira..." He closed his eyes and sighs a bit then opens them to look at her. He felt the feeling in his heart, it stopped completly as he looked at her.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She just watched him and smiled. 'Why is it that whenever someone is sent to kill me...we always become friends?" She laughed. 'And remind me to beat Yudan stupid in the morning okay?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He looked at her, "and why would you do that?" He rose a brow. [g2g sorry]

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "I told her I would kill you if you followed me...and well you found me bathing no less." She smiled at him and then nuzzled his thigh getting ready to sleep.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He gently ran his hand over her back to comfort her, "Sleep well..."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San and Mono changed back to wolf form. Tantsia and Zemon were walking in the forest and found them. "Who are you and what are you doing on this land" she growled at Mono.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono walked foward. "I am Mono, and this is San. We are here wishing to join your pack."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia eyed the male wearily. Zemon and San were already playing.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia took a seat. "it looks like they get along."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira just fell asleep deeply. She lost all sense of herself until she sensed that San and Mono were haing some small problems. She got up quietly trying not to disturb Crush and walked over to see what was going on. "San, Mono are you both alright/"

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono sighed. "Yea were fine." San looked at her smiling. "I met Zemon." she said giggling.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia looked at Katira. "Does Darsha know there here?" she asked.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Really now?" She smiled and pat the girl on the head. "Come on, I think its time to go get something to eat." She took them over to meet the rest of the pack. 'Just ask Yudan and she will feed you. Tell her I am looking after you both okay?" She looked to Mono. "I need to speak with you for a minute." She walked back towrds the woods and said, "Don't worry she will be fine."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: ((...hello?))

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono followed. San looked at Yudan. "Hello."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira took Mono into the woods. 'Does she still have her immortality?" She sat against a tree looking up at him.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono sighs. "i'm not sure."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "We should find out. If she hasn't they will come for her."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono nodds.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "So how did you come across her?"

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: "I found her... At an auction."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "At a what?" Katira looked up.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: "You know, a place where they auction off things. They were going to auction her off to the highest bidder. I bought her."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "...That is horrible. I never thought our once great people would be reduced to that." She looked away. "And I know what an auction is...I was just supprised."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono nodded. "She's lucky I got to her before someone else did. No one knew what she was. I could smell the difference from her and the other children. So she was the one I got."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: " many were there...?" She looked disgusted. She thought is she heard anymore she was going to go have some Lykin heads...

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: "Dont worry, She was the only one there. She was about 6 months old. All the babies were."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She made a disgusted sound. "How old are you?" ((You cant be older then 600...Me and Yudan decided that.))

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: (How old to Katagarias live? Like whats child, teen, adult?)

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan was silent not really up for talking. Crush watched all the comotion.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: (9They can only live to be about 1500 years child is newborn till about....300, and teen is from 3 to 450 and adult is anything over 451))

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono sighed. "I lost count after 450."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Ahh. Well, that is what I wanted to know. If you wish you can go back to her. I have to go back to my charge before he finds out I am missing." She got up patting him on the shoulder and kissing his forehead. "Go eat." She went back to where Crush was sitting and got back into her position.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono nodded and ran back to San. He bowed to Yudan.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira just layed there in Crush's lap. She felt comfortable but...why was she feeling like this? It just...wasnt right...

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan just nods her head lightly. Crush looked to Katira, "Have fun...." He had seen her leave, he hadn't even fallen asleep.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono looked at Yudan. "May me and San join your pack?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to them then thinks, it was really darsha's position to accept newcomers. But she was second in lead and had a good eye for newcomers. She lowers her head in a yes and then lays her head over her paws she looked away silently rather depressed sorta way.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: She looked at Crush. "What? You weren't even sleeping?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush shook his head, "I dont sleep..." He did sleep but not fully only staying concious and aware of what happened around him.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Oh...I'm sorry..." she sat up and looked at him.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono smiled. "Thank you." He trotted back into the woods. San came over to Yudan.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San sat next to Yudan. "I can feel depression, the feeling of want. But fear." she said, staring at the sky.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan was quiet and didn't look to her. Crush shook his head, "Dont be..."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San looked at her. "I'm sorry.... for everything you went through, and I can tell you one thing, The future is brighter."

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira was sorry. 'Really, I'm sorry." She got up and lended hm a hand. "I think it's time I go see Yudan, would you like to come back with me?" She smiled kind of hoping he would say yes.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush pushed himself up not taking her hand, "Sure..." Yudan looked away from San not really listening to her.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono came back with Tantsia. They were talking. Zemon followed.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked away from him the doing something completely not her, she pushed him against the tree and kissed his lips softly and then walked away to talk to Yudan.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush blinks in suprise, he stood there dumbfound then quietly follows.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San, feeling she was being ignored walked away. She dissapeared into the woods. She turned human and called Mono. Mono came over to her. "Come Mono, lets go hunting." San jumped on Monos back.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: Katira was a little stunned by her action as well and just walked up to Yudan folding her arms over her chest. "I think you have some explaining to do Yudan..."

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan blinks a bit and looked to her feet then Crush's, "Explaining?"

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Yes. Please. come take a walk with me." She changed into her wolf form and started walking. She sensed something was wrong wiih Yudan and was going to bring it up.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan pulls herself to her feet and follow, she looked back at Crush a bit then continues. Her head slightly hurt.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia looked at Crush.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: 'What is the matter first off Yudan?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush looked down and over to Tantsia, "What?" He ran his head over his shoulder.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: She looked at her, "The matter? I'm just not really in the greatest of moods persay..."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia shook her head and layed her head on her paws, facing away from Crush.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Why not?" She stopped and sat looking at her and just licked her nose. "Come on cheer up."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: (Where's Darsha?)

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: ((Dont know.))

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan blinks a bit, "Um....." She sat there dumbfound. (he's on official buisness, besides I'm kinda busy and me playing 3 characters at once makes it kinda hard))

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: ((Tell me about it... I was playing 6.))

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Come on..cheer up. And what is the matter to make you so...out of it? Oh and I owe you a big one...for lettiung him follow me.' Tackles her playfully. "I asked you not to and you let him go! Grarg." Katira nibbled playfully at her. trying to mimic being, 'mad'

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: She didn't bother to stop her, she just wasn't in the mood, she growls lightly and turns fast pushing her off. She had her hairs raised, she growls fiercly. Crush watched carefully, "rabies?" He watched Yudan's mood swing.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Yudan just answer me what the hell is the matter with you?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan's eyes darken, "Are you sure Crush was out to kill you... or was it me..." Yudahn lashed out to bite her throat. Darsha appeared and grips Yudan's neck hard in his jaws, "I should have known..." He held her in his jaws tightly. Her white fur turning a bit red from blood. Crush watched, "Why... why harm her.." Darsha held his grip, "This happened because of a depression... a war within her soul... her heart... she's being killed from the inside..." He bit a pressure point and Yudan went motionless. He lays her down gently and licks her neck. She twitched a bit.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Katira changed shape and picked Yudans head up in her lap. "You should have listened to me Darsha..." A tear spilled from her cheek. 'Now I fear she is lost and there is nothing we can do about it."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Sans eyes grew big. Tantsia gasped. Zemon froze. Mono looked at the others.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: ((You know some people really annoy me....especially people who preach about religion!))

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan's eyes burst open she head butts Katira away and bit at Darsha's muzzle. He growls and became ingulfed in dark flames, he frees his jaw from hers and bit at her neck. Yudan chokes and turns her head bitting his shoulder. Blood began to hit the ground. Yudan was in worse shape. Darsha growls, "Yudan I can't leave you like this.... I'm sorry I have to do this..." He snaps her neck. Yudan went motionless. Darsha lay her down gently. Crush glared, "How could you?! Your so cruel!"

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: ((Random.))

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Shes not dead yet Crush..." Katira got up and walked away leaving darsha to his business. She grabben Crush's hand and walked awaya. "If you need me for me."

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San fainted. Mono held his head low. Zemon did so also. Tantsia sighed.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush didn't understand, but looked to Katira, "Whats going on..."     Darsha put a paw over Yudan's forehead, black wings rose from his back, they were bat like, he chanted dark words and Yudan's body glowed. her blood disappearing.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "I don't know but I know shes not dead and he has finally come to the realization that is he doesn't claim her and take away her inner pain she will never be like she used to and he will have to slay her so she does not harm those around her." She took him back to the pond and she sat on the side of it. She patted the ground. "Sit with me please?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: He nods and sat down beside her then looked over to her, he wondered why she had brough him here alone. Darsha sadly sighs, "Memories be gone... be a new only knowing pack... not having the emotion until it's built over time..." Yudan whimpers and cries, letting out a booming howl of pain. The trees and grass all around died. Darsha was a bit amazed at her power... no it wasn't power... it was her pain. He licks her gently.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: katira felt in her heart a true pain and she clutched at her chest. It was Yudan. She couldn't breathe and she held herself up. "Darsha...claim her...." She fell back still holding her chest. "Goddess she went through so much..."

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush put his hand over Katira's, "You feel her pain...." He looked at her deeply.   Darsha nuzzles her gently. Yudan whimpers and got up and stumbled. Darsha caught her and looked at her deeply. Yudan's eyes were a deep black, filled with sadness. Darsha touched her nose with his, he looked deep into her eyes. Yudan's eyes were still sad. Darsha sighs deeply really not wanting to do what he was about to do for her.

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: "Yea...its like....horrible..." She looked at Crush and smiled. 'I'll be long as Darsha claims her as his mate...she will be too. He knows deep inside that he loves her and wants to be with her...and I know the fates have changed their siblingry into soulmates. The Fates are sick like that..." She tried sitting up but fell back with the force of Yudan's pain.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia sighed. She was glad san wasnt up, for the pain would have killed her. She sat back and prayed that Yudan would be alright.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Crush held her hand gently, "Just lay... relax..." He didn't know why she could feel Yudan's pain.  Darsha nuzzles Yudan then their bodies change from both Wolf to Human form. Yudan looked at her bare body and then to him, she was a bit confused, Darsha grabs her and pulls her into his arms kissing her deeply. Yudan's eyes widened, he was a human, he would have never... . Yudan's heart stopped. Then it started up like a car, it roared, her chest eased, and she wraps her arms around him and kisses him back. Tears ran from her cheeks. ((;_; *grabs tissues* So sweet... *takes a bite of popcorn))

2006-02-02 [eyes of frost]: ((Lol. I have to go for a little bit I have to go get my sister will be back on in a little bit. )) "Thank goddess he claiming her...." She fainted.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: ((*crys* Bravo! ONe of the best chick flicks ever!!! *steals some of Yudans popcorn and takes a sip of soda, trying not to let the tears get in the way*))

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: ((ok)) Crush gently took her into his arms and held her gently. Darsha removes his lips from hers and looked into her eyes deeply. She tackles him pinning him down and kisses him again. Darsha smiles and kisses her.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia picks up Zemon and leaves. Mono watches, tears running down his face.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Darsha returns to his wolfshape and let Yudan do the same then he nuzzled her gently. Yudan smiles and did the same she looked back to Mono wondering why he was crying.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono layed down. He rested his head on San. San woke up and looked at Mono. "Whats wrong?"

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan listens looking to Mono carefully.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono sighs and looks away. "Your to young San." he said. He stopped crying.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan furrowed her brow a bit and wondered what was up with Mono. She though for a moment, 'could it be he liked me...' She looked back to crush and Katira then to Darsha and back to San and Mono

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono sat up and walked off into the forest. "I wish to be alone." he said as he went.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San sat back. She changed human and sat up in a tree. She knew exactly what was wrong with him. It was her power that told her.

2006-02-02 [Yudan333]: Yudan lowers her ears and followed Mono even though he wanted to be alone.

2006-02-02 [Princess Mononoke]: San was so close to crying. Monos emotions had got to her. Mono was up in a tree, human form. He was laying on a branch, pulling the petals off a flower.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: Yudan caught up to Mono and looked over to him, "What's wrong Mono..." [Sorry starting dinner bbl]

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: Katira woke slowly to find herself in Crush's arms and she looked around. "What...wait...he claimed her! Gah! Thank heavens!" Her head hurt alot and she just looked up at Crush. His eyes we closed but she didn't think he was sleeping.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He opens an eye and then both seeing her awake, "Sleep well?"

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: "My head hurts..."

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He kissed her head gently, "Did that help any?"

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: "A little." She smiled. "Yudan is just fine." She tried sitting up and fell back. She was weak. "Oh this is just yummy..."

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He rose a brow, "Yummy?" He put his hand on her back and helped her sit up.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: "I am to weak to go and feed...." She sighed and looked at him. "And I can't feed from you...your blood isn't normal and...that is intimate seeing as how it isn't hurtful..." She blushes and looks away. 'Another one of those things they made me learn when they captured taught me how to make my feeding orgasmic instead of painful."

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He looked at her, "Well I can go and bring you back the blood if you need it." He looked at her.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She was still blushing as she looked at him. 'I should be fine...really." Secretly she wished she could have taken his blood. It would have put himin his place about following her to the pond the last evening.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: "You... could have my own...but it has a lot of iron in it... so I'm sure it tastes horrid..." He leans his neck back incase she did want to have a bit.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She blushed a bit. 'Oh I couldn't...its not right of me to. I just met you and..." She did and she wanted to soooo bad but...ack! He was...a guy...and...and...she only just met him...and...well, she was into the whole BDSM thing and had never done anything without being ordered to but she would never tell h im that.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He just relaxed laying back, his neck exposed, he closed his eyes as a gently wind blew over the area, the water rippled and his hair blew infront of his eyes a bit.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: Damn he was sexy...she did something she really shouldn't have and kissed that beautiful neck of his...and then she licked it and started to get up...she really shouldn't have done that.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He looked to her deeply then watched her as she got up. He pulled himself up and looked to her.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She stumbled and fell on her ass. "Oh this is just frigging yummy! Ah!" She hit the dirt. She couldn't even stand up without falling over. Oh well. It was worth it.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He sighs and reached down, he put his arm around his neck then put one arm under her knees sna another below her back. He picked her up bridal style. "If you need help I can easily help... your as light as a feather..." He looked at her deeply with his brown eyes.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She shivered when he looked at her and she almost looked away. "I am not and you know it..." She looked at her little pooch of a belly.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He shook his head a bit, "Well you are in my arms..." She was light to him he had lifted a lot more than her weight in training and found her easy to carry.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She smiled and asked to be set down. "I'm sorry...I don't like to feed from...well...I think you get it." She blushed and looked at him.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He nods and gently set her down, he had his arm around her waist to support her if she stumbled.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She did indeed stumble right onto his lips. That was horrible. The Fates were being mean to her and she hated them.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He relaxed, he put his arms around her to hold her up. He gently pulls his lips away, "You alright?" His eyes looked deep into hers.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: "...Fine." Her eyes were a little passionate and her voice turned extreamly soft and low tone. "Damn you Fates."

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He looked into her eyes and smiled a bit. "Now...tell me where you want to go And I will guide you."

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: "You.." She didnt mean to say it. She mentally slapped herelf in the head and before she knew it she really was slapping herself in the head. "Doe!"

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He looked over at her and rose a brow, "REally now..." He seemed to grin a bit.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: "I mean...I...uh...erm..." Okay now she was babbeling...this was great...just freakin Yummy! "YUDAN! HELP ME!!!!" But she couldn't hear. She was out like a light and it was evening now. She looked ar Crush. "What do you want?"

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He looked at her, "I just want you to be happy..." He looked around as if keeping his guard up.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: Now that his attention was off her she couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up on her tippietoes and bit into his neck hard. She used her power and made it not hurt. Now...if only he would sink into a sitting position so she didn't have to use energy to stand.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He relaxed and slowly kneels down and tilts his head to the side for her. He seemed to relax as if this were a breeze.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: Her power built up and she forced it into him. She wasn't going to let it hurt...and for giving her his blood she would give him a great orgasm...hopefully...goddess she was so out of practice!

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He tightens his fist a bit as if starting to feel strain. He felt the deepst feeling growing within the depths of his pants. ((>> woot? lol sorry couldn't help myself >:D))

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: ((lmao. >:D)) She shoved more power into him taking his blood just a little at a time.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He closed his eyes and a chill ran his spine, he felt a bead of sweat roll from his temple. He opens his mouth as if trying to brethe

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She put the full blow of her power into him just as she removed her fangs and licked the wounds closed. "Sorry...I had to..." She kissed the spot still spilling her power into him.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He gasps and then sighs deeply he shuddered, "What power you have... do not be sorry... you needed it..." He sat back and looked at his pants and leans over a bit. "So... was it as horrid as i said..." he meant to taste.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: " wasn't actually. It was quite nice." She was sorry about the orgasm thing. 'i'm sorry...really...I shouldn't have done that..." She moved away slowly. She as asshamed and embarrassed that she would do something like that...

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her deeply, "No... I thank you... It was one of the most... " He tried to find the right word "..amazing things... that has ever happened to me... I should be thanking you..." He took her hand and kissed it gently.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She blushed. "Your welcome I guess..." She smiled. She was tired...she felt like a cat sleeping like this.

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He looked to her hand and ran his hand over it gently. He rubs his side, the wound was fully healed. He looked to the water then back to her, "You need anything else?"

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She didn't like it when he asked her what she needed. "What do you need? Not me."

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He looked at her and laughs a bit, "Some dry pants..." He blushed a bit.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: "I dont have any until we go back to town. But there is a pond full of water...and we are part wolf..."

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: He nods, "Good point..." He removed the black shirt then stood and removed his pants and walks over and steps into the water, he sighs in relief and gets to chest deep water.

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She smiled and just wached him. He was cute she had to admit. [have to go sorries! night huggles!]

2006-02-03 [Yudan333]: [no problem! Laters!] He looked back to her and wondered if she'd rest or join him.    Yudan caught up to Mono and looked over to him, "What is the matter Mono..." She looked at him caringly.

2006-02-03 [DELTA 1]: blitz was sitting inside the old chopper he crashed and found his M-4 S.O.P.M.O.D.

2006-02-03 [DELTA 1]: blitz gets out of the old chopper and runs toward katira

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked at blitz/ 'Didn't I tell you that I wanted to be left alone?"

2006-02-03 [DELTA 1]: sorry i didnt know whats wrong

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: "Nothing. Yudan and Darsha are together and I want time alone. So, please go find Yudan...I think she wanted to talk to you anyways." She rolled over and went to sleep.

2006-02-03 [DELTA 1]: bitz went up to her if you want to talk come and get me at any time kk

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: 'Alright Blitz, thank you, really. The same is to you." SHe smiled and waved him off.

2006-02-03 [DELTA 1]: blitz rubs her cheek alright/ blitz picks up the rifle and walks in the forest ever vigilant of what might happen

2006-02-03 [eyes of frost]: She smiled. He was so nice.

2006-02-03 [DELTA 1]: blitz walks threw the forest with the rifle loaded/ theres something here/ a black shadow appeared like a flash of lightning

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz says "HALT OR ILL HAVE TO EXTERMINATE WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE"/ when blitz said a little abandoned pup appeared? blitz knelt down/ the pup said are you my father/ blitz looked at hm no and why are you out here all alone/ i cant find mt family ive been searchiong for years but can you help me/ sure come on ill carry you

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: Katira just tossed and turned. She couldn't get to sleep. So she got up and hopped into the pond with Crush.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz picked the pup up an carried him to find katira/ pup: where are we going mr/ blitz: im taking you to see someone that might be your new mom/ i never had a mom

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: Katira dove under the water and looked Crush. She came to the surface taking off her wet clothes and setting them on the side of the pond. She just floated around a little bit enjoying the water.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: pup: well if shes my new mom can you be my new dad/ ummmm sur

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz came out to the pond and saw katira *he closes his eyes and covers the pups eyes*/ errrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm       katira what are you doing

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She looked back. "I am bathing. I don't care if you see me. Jeeze. I am not that good looking." She got out of the pond and looked at the pup. "So what do we have here?"

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz blushing said "you sure about that cause your very attractive atleast to me that is and this is ummm"/pup: im blaze and youre what he calls katira

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: "Not what he call who he calls. And yes I am. Nice to meet you Blaze." She pat the pups head. "And no I'm not. Uncover your eyes. You see me naked in my wolf form why not this one?"

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: the pup looked shy blaze: yes but your just skin in wolf form you dont see anything/ blitz shoved the pup in to katiras arm and swung the rifle into his hand and aimed at the forest blitz "GO GET DRESSED AND GO

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