Page name: Wolvie is playing with Sarah [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-09-12 19:29:19
Last author: InLoveDontBothe r
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 12
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Wolvie says its otay she is two
BigT66 huggles Wolvie and says we can be loners together
Wolvie says otay and cries for she wishes that Jo Jo was here
BigT66 cries also cuz he misses JoJo too
Wolvie cries for BigT66 left and now she is all alone
BigT66 announces he has returned with a big elaborate entrance
Wolvie says YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and announces that Jo Jo has also returned
BigT66 smiles and says the elaborate entrance brought JoJo in
Wolvie smiles and says tis possible
BigT66 smiles and says anything is possible
Wolvie smiles and says true
BigT66 smiles and asks Wolvie how her day was
Wolvie shrugs and says ok and that she is uploading pics to put up yay
BigT66 smiles and wishes Wolvie luck with the uploadage
Wolvie smiles and says thanks and asks if she should put captions on the pics or be lazy and screw it
BigT66 thinks and then says captions would be cooler
Wolvie says damnit two late
BigT66 shrugs and says oh well...then points out that the wiki is getting too big again
Wolvie says she is aware and was just about to fix it gosh calm down jerk lol jk
BigT66 smiles cuz Wolvie fixed the problem but cries for she calledh im a jerk
Wolvie says sorry for calling BigT66 a jerk and informs him that Sarah is a freaking cute puppy
BigT66 accepts the apoplogy and agrees about sarahs cuteness
Wolvie says yay and informs BigT66 that she is going to steal Sarah shhhhh
BigT66 says good plan but he informs Wolvie that he has already stolen sarah and replaced her with a clone
Wolvie cries and says you lie!
BigT66 smiles and says yes..i lie
Wolvie says yay i was scared
BigT66 says sorry for scaring Wolvie
Wolvie says its otay and i gots to take Sarah out d'oh!
BigT66 smiles and says cool..then informs Wolvie that he must leave for a while
Wolvie says sadness then takes Sarah out to go piddle
BigT66 huggle Wolvie and says he ish back but ish all alone
Wolvie says that now she ish back and all alone
BigT66 says that Wolvie is never alone
wolvie says yay and would like BigT66 that she is adding more to FreakingHillarious
BigT66 says ok and looks forward to seeing it when it is complete
Wolvie says it shall never be complete
BigT66 says it shall continue growing until it is the biggest coolest wiki ion the world!!
Wolvie smiles and says right you are!
BigT66 smiles and says I ish usually right
Wolvie smiles back and says Right.....
BigT66 says ok..sumtimes
Wolvie nods then hands BigT66 a cookie
BigT66 smiles and says thanx...then goes all cookie monster and inhales the cookie
Wolvie laughs
BigT66 turns into cookie monster and goes on an epic hunt for cookies
Wolvie watches in awe
BigT66 robs a cookie factory and comes home with truck loads of cookies
Wolvie waits patietly for BigT66 to come back
BigT66 dumps all the cookies in the backyard and starts eating
Wolvie cries for her back hurts
BigT66 stops eating cookies and gives Wolvie a back massage
Wolvie says thanks and smiles
BigT66 says ur welcome and continues massaging Wolvie
Wolvie falls asleep
BigT66 stops massaging Wolvie and goes and eats more cookies
Wolvie keeps sleeping
BigT66 eats all the cookies...the holds stomach and groans
Wolvie starts having nightmares and moans
BigT66 accidentally throws up all over Wolvie
Wolvie cries for she is covered in vomit
BigT66 picks Wolvie up and takes her to the shower and cleans the vomit off her
Wolvie sleeps through the whole episode
BigT66 sees that Wolvies clothes still smell like vomit so he changes her...just to be a joker he changes her into a skirt,tank top, and hooker boots...puts make up and perfume on her too

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