Name: Logan
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Persoanlity: Cold, Harsh, Sarcastic, however once you get to know him and warm up to him he's just a big ol' teddy bear :D
History: Was experimented on by the Canadian government 15 years ago, they fused unbreakable adamantium metal to his entire skeletol structure and erased all memories of his past life, leaving him a mystery to himself
Mutation: healing powers, enchanced senses, super strength, retractable adamantium claws that come out of the knuckles
Name: James Hetfield :D
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Personality: kind, carring, a bit of an ass :D
History: he is the singer/rythmn guitarist for Metallica but feels those days are behind him now and is trying to start a new chapter in his life
He was raped by his father when he was 8 this event has changed his life and still makes him question himself and his sexuality
Mutation: he can also turn to a wolf at will, he does this frequently to avoid people

<--James' baby :D his 1967 mustang that he's had since he was 16 years old, he's restored it multiple times and takes very good care of it
new info for a little twist :D he is very jealous when Bruce has happy relationships and tries his best to destroy them he once convinced Bruce's ex wife to divorce by making it appear that Bruce had cheated when he hadn't
Also James has serious drug issues but has so far managed to hide it from Rogue
Name: Bruce Dickinson [
he's so loveable :D]
Age: 50 [
tis true I looked it up damn him gettin old on me >,<]
Gender: Male
Personality: he's pretty random and can seem weird but really he's a big ol lovable weirdo at heart ^^ he has a strange fear of cats XD
History: The lead singer of Iron Maiden, he's also a pilot woot :D he wants to start a new chapter in his life and is looking for somewhere to relax and not be hounded
Mutation: He can turn to a wolf at will, he can heal others however doing this takes a huge strain on himself and he needs to rest for several days after doing it, also he age's very slowly so even though he's 50 he only apears to be in his 20's this was one of the key reason's he left Iron Maiden he knew people would notice he wasn't aging

<---Confused Rockstar mode :D note teh epic pants XD

<--pilot mode :D
look it's new :O click it!!!! xD Bruce's closet to see Bruce's epic clothin xD
--------> his puppy dog Rocks :D
James Hefield's Wolvie] (i promise tis my last one :D]
Name: Nina Christianson Dickinson
Age: 16
Personality: she's kind of...different :D but she's very sweet and caring but if she gets pissed off beware she's very loyal to her friends and looks at Bruce like a father
Past Story: She was 5 years old when the plane she was on was attacked by a suicide bomber (bruce was piloting the plane and it hadn't taken off yet) her and bruce were the only survivors Bruce took her in as a daugter and she has gained some of his...personal
ity for want of a better word
Mutation: she can turn into a cute kitty at will and is a neko naturally but Bruce bought her a special collar that hides her true form
<---nina in her true form
<---her kitty form :D she's the only cat that bruce doesn't fear :D
look it's new :O click it!!!! xD Nina's closet :O
[James Hetfield's Wolvie] (whistles innocently)
Name: Maxwell :D
Age: 17
Personality: fun lovin and goofy as hell :D
Past Story: Mew look it up in another RPG too lazy xD
Mutation: He can make anybody do whatever he wants >:D
<img/Look it up damnit!!! xD
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