7.0 out of 10
Nintendo has finally released the anticipated follow-up to Yoshi's Island -- but unlike the excellent 16-bit platformer, Yoshi's Story won't find its way into the hall of fame of Nintendo classics.
Still, Yoshi's Story is a fun game. At its best, the level design is right up there with the original Mario games and it impresses with innovative control, great graphics and original levels. But at other times, Yoshi is an unchallenging romp through levels that reek of recycled game ideas, derivative layout, and clueless enemies.
For the US release, Nintendo cleaned up the graphics a little and added some superficial elements such as fences and egg-boxes in colors corresponding to your Yoshi of choice (the original only featured green boxes). Also, some of the item locations were changed from the Japanese version, and Nintendo added a few new secrets, such as coins that spell out letters, and a slightly different ending when you only munch on honeydews. Another addition is a save feature in the Story Mode, which lets you pick up the game where you left it off. The additions are well-received, but they don't change our original opinion that Yoshi's Story is an extremely fun rental for a weekend, devoid of challenge.
Of course, it's easy to slam the game for its cloying cuteness and lack of challenge -- but that means leaving out the fact that the game is geared toward kids, who will -- and there is no doubt about it -- absolutely LOVE this title.
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If you absolutely suck at playing games or you're a 2D newcomer (or you're six years old), this game is a must-buy. Everyone else, save your money and rent it for a weekend. Two days is unfortunately enough to see everything the game has to offer.
Yoshi's Story will most definitely sell many many copies based on the reputation of its predecessor. But there will be a lot of unhappy gamers once they discover that Nintendo's mantra seems to have changed to Quality over Quantity of Levels.
Trust us: You'll love it when you rent the game, but don't buy it. You'll finish it in a weekend -- but don't quit playing until you have seen the fourth level on each page...
from Matt Casamassina
I was excited to play Yoshi's Story. After all, I loved Yoshi's Island for Super NES. I was expecting an equally satisfying 2D platformer with lengthy levels and difficulty. Unfortunately, what I got was a short, sickeningly cute platformer that looked great, but didn't have much to offer in terms of gameplay. The opening theme music alone is enough to make some gamers vomit. Not for the faint of heart.

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