These are all my pets/ppls pets @ my house.
this is my cat Gummy. <red>R.I.P.</red> <green>12/25/06</green>

again, Gummy. <green>R.I.P.</green> <red>12/25/06</red>
This is Tinkerbell (yes, named after the pixie on Peter Pan)
again Tinkerbell...
This is Tonka...(tuff-tonka)

again Mr. T!!!
It's Taz!!!
This is Susie-Q!!!
It's Taz & Susie-Q...
This is *Max* (the german shepard mix) & Buttons( obviously the cat)
*Nino* (meremma/italia
n sheep dog)

this is *Dapples*..he's a dalmation...

this is *Princess* idk what the hell she is...

this is *Buddy*...again...idk what he is..

this is*Chloe* she is a poodle..

**this means 1 / more not my pets..**
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