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Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss (Badge Credits) The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss (Badge Credits) Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice |
2005-02-12 [Whim]: 18 year old women should have boobs. You're just freakishly thin.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: no, i'm not...i'm actually borderline over weight, with a high % body fat...and i *still* have no boobs...freaki
2005-02-12 [Whim]: and yet somehow you still manage to be freakishly thin.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: how am i freakishly thin whim? please, tell me? is it my fat rolls, my flab...my pudgy chub that is fun to poke?
2005-02-12 [Whim]: I think it's the anorexia.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: you have no right to call me anorexic, or even thin, since i am niether! you are so insensitive it's disgusting!
2005-02-12 [Whim]: But...you are anorexic and thin. Why else would I call you freakishly thin?
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: because you are an insensitive jerk who is out to make me cry...i am NOT thin...if i were, my mother wouldn't have me on another diet...if i were thin i could wear a swimsuit, if i were thin, i could wear lowerise jeans...but i can't...becaus
2005-02-12 [Whim]: oh yeah. Calling you not fat is the most offensive thing I could say. But you are aware that they make plus size swimsuits and jeans, right?
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: calling a fat person skinny is insulting whim...and have you seen the plus size swimwear? looks like stuff my grandma would wear...and i have jeans, but i can't wear the cute sexy little lowrise jeans like everyone else because all you would see are fat rolls
2005-02-12 [Whim]: how is calling a fat person skinny insulting? And why do you have to dress like everyone else?
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: because it's like you are making fun of them whim....and i don't want to dress like everyone else, i just happen to think those lowrider jeans are super cute, and i always wanted to feel sexy in a cute pair of bluejeans....b
2005-02-12 [Whim]: ok, that makes no sense whatsoever. You're one of those crazy girls who ask their boyfriends questions that have no right answers, aren't you? And why care about apparance? It's just clothes. Don't act so shallow.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: how did that make no sence? i *can't* wear the sexy jeans, so i'm stuck with the baggy ones...and i *am* shallow when it comes to clothing...i like clothing, and fashion...i design it...but i can never wear any of it...and whim, sometimes you want to feel sexy, dress a little sexy for your BF or something, and when you can't it is really depressing
2005-02-12 [Whim]: I don't. If a person isn't happy with what they have, what's the point?
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: what is there to be happy about whim? 'oh, i'm sooo happy that i'm fat, and flat, and have nothing atractive to offer anyone physically!'..
2005-02-12 [Whim]: if you weren't so damn shallow, you'd realize that there's a lot more important things to offer a person than appearance.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: but ultimately, it isn't my *dazzling* personality that will ever get me noticed by a boy, or make my BF excited on V-day...being a fun person will always only get you so far...in the end, people like me will always be brushed aside just because we are unatractive
2005-02-12 [Whim]: because you think like that. As long as you think that way, then yes, you will only be noticed for your looks.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: it isn't my thoughts Whim, it's just a fact of life...the supermodel will get more notice than me if were are bother walking down the same street...the pretty girl at the bar will get the phonenumbers, the atractive girl will be asked to the dance...no one extends a hand to me to bother getting to know me to see i have more to offer than appearance because they just see me and go "eww," and walk away
2005-02-12 [Whim]: and it's your shallow attitude that causes you to fail to realize that it's quality--not quantity. Supermodels don't keep boyfriends long. Pretty girls in bars get drunk and end up with the drunk at the end of the bar. The attractive girl often goes after the attractive guy--not knowing that the guy is a complete jerk.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: i would be happy with *a* guy at the moement...even though mine ignores me completely, i would still be happy to be with him in person...but in the end whim, the chubby, frizzy haired girl ends up alone because a guy would rather short time it was a few really atractive woman, than stick it out with one fugly one......
2005-02-12 [Whim]: shows how much you know. The only people who die alone are the ones who give up. Will you die alone because you're ugly? No. You'll die alone because you THINK you're ugly.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: i have to go...my dad is kicking me off the computer...*si
2005-02-12 [Whim]: you will die alone if you don't try. If you remain in this mindset, you will either die alone or end up with someone who will use you. You can hate me all you want and claim how wrong I am, but as long as you think the way you do, I am almost 100% certain you will not die happy.
2005-02-12 [*_*]: hey what the hell gezz uy to cut it ouit omg what the f geez my god why wold u say something like that are u nutse man gezz
2005-02-12 [Whim]: are you getting involved in something that doesn't concern you again, Q? I didn't even really insult her that much tonight.
2005-02-12 [*_*]: no i know but telling soe one any one thay well die alone is fucking worng and u know it ok why the u say shit like that its soo worng gezz well u ever lurn to like some one for wh o thay are geezz ..............
2005-02-12 [Whim]: She's the one who said that ugly people die alone. You should be supporting me in my point. It effects you too...lol.
2005-02-12 [Evocobra]: [Whim]'s right anyway [*_*] and if you think about it from a psycological aspect, he's actually trying to help her here. by using what he see's as her biggest fear, being alone, he's trying to alter the negative perspection [RabidSphinx] has on the world, which, if she does change, has more of a likley chance of being happier
2005-02-12 [Sunrose]: I agree, but since this has been going on for long and we all have been trying and I haven't seen any effect, I have given up already. [Whim] has more patience than I do heh..
2005-02-12 [Evocobra]: oh yeah, i know what you mean, attention seeking to the extreme?
2005-02-12 [Whim]: it's not so extreme really. I could probably pick out 5 or 6 whiney goths much like her and get the same results.
2005-02-12 [De'ladrei]: *agrees*
2005-02-12 [Sunrose]: No what bugs me is the way attention is sought. Not that it is sought. Hell I like attention, but I do not ask for it in this manner...
2005-02-12 [De'ladrei]: everyone likes attention to an extent, that is human nature. but to some it becomes a kind of drug, and their ways of seeking it can get worse and worse untill it gets them nothing but very annoyed people and a smack in the mouth i find
2005-02-12 [Whim]: that's why you give them negative attention...he
2005-02-12 [De'ladrei]: or not at all which is often worse for them
2005-02-12 [Whim]: but less fun for me...hehe.
2005-02-12 [De'ladrei]: lol fair enough.
2005-02-12 [birdsong]: I think you did a really good job Whim at least you gave her something to think about. I really think the "no attention" is worth a try...I know that this is not 'quite' the same~but i worked with kids for years...and had to deal with alot of behavior patterns.When the Negative Attention thing really got going, i would ignore the "Key complaints"~ but really reward any
2005-02-12 [birdsong]: other behaviors....i
2005-02-12 [De'ladrei]: if i child throws a tantrum to get what they want, and mummy and daddy run about silly to mae them happy again, te child will automatically think " aha this is how i get attention, this is how i get what i want" and will continue to do so for many years if not their life. i know adults who threaten to throw tantrums if they do not get their way. but where as if i child is straight out ignored for behaving badly, i find that after a while they stop. they cant keep on screaming, cuz eventually they will run out of breath. and they learn the only way to get attention is by being good and so on. ignoring somone is very powerful, it takes the control away from them
2005-02-12 [owly]: exactly. The little girl I take care of likes to scream when I'm not doing what she wants when she wants it & it only took a couple days of "I'm not talking to you until you stop screaming," & then turning away, to get her to stop.
2005-02-12 [birdsong]: Exactly! I think RD is "Stuck" in that chilhood place... I imagine she would be Very happy to be 'Released'.
2005-02-12 [owly]: hrm. perhaps. I do the ignoring bit w/ her b/c I don't care for ceaseless whining... but as she doesn't care about my opinion it doesn't really affect her.
2005-02-12 [birdsong]: Yea, I know what you mean...I do the same thing....but as you say, with little effect.
2005-02-12 [Whim]: Hurray for heartless analytical bastards!
2005-02-12 [Solitiaum]: *quirks a brow*
2005-02-12 [birdsong]: heartless ~ i think not....
2005-02-12 [Whim]: stop being so serious. It's funny. Laugh at it.
2005-02-12 [Solitiaum]: *pokes whim darling in the forehead and laughs*
2005-02-12 [Whim]: yeah, something like that
2005-02-12 [Solitiaum]: *smerch!*
2005-02-12 [birdsong]: Okay then...it is funny...I'll mellow out~
2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: It's a little degrading to speak of someone 'stuck in a childhood place'. We all still behave like kids sometimes, one a bit different than the other. Which is a natural thing imo. I don't think this is a 'childhood' thing. Yes attentionseeki
2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: you are giving the negative attention. And I believe negative attention often only does more damage. But like was said: wanting attention is something human and the way it is asked for doesn't have to be caused by being stuck in a 'childhood' but by having personal problems such as low selfesteem causing for instance anorexia and an inferiority complex. One can be introverted or extraverted about it. But I think we can agree that being extraverted about it also gives a lot of positive attention (since people will constantly compliment the person). Once a person finds the result as such, the behaviour is actually rewarded with those compliments.
2005-02-13 [*_*]: ok who is this all about ??
2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: Stay out of it [*_*] if you don't even know anything about it. Your comments never make sense anyway.
2005-02-13 [birdsong]: SunroseIn my opinion, it is not "degrading"in the least to use the terms that i did...Perhaps if You bothered to ask what was meant by it, you would not be so quick to speak out negativly about my thoughts.If you had been here, you'd have seen that i Never said that Raine was behaving like a kid,I did say that when a person repeats negative behavior at the expence of their own happiness and growth ~ it can be indicative that a trauma happened at some point...one that stopped the individuals growth in THAT PARTICULAR AREA. It usually needs to be resolved before the individual can continue to develop in a healthy way.Now Please think back,and think if I have been "degrading" to anyone
2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: Yes I still think the same. No matter what meaning you give it: the wording sounds degrading to me. My opinion is not meant to offend anyone, not [RabidSphinx] AND not you. If someone would say to me I am 'stuck in my childhood' I would feel as if someone looks upon me as if I am acting like a child in general. Your explanation does say differently (though what you claim to have said was not said until you posted this explanation). You act as if I judged you and offended your person, which I did not. I gave my opinion about what you said. Wether or not you meant it that way: you made it sound degrading to me. There are other ways you could've said it. Like you did in your explanation...
2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: ...and that's that. Furthermore my whole posting was not just about what you said, it was about what everyone said. I only commented on your posting in 5 short sentences out of the 16 (uncluding very long ones) I wrote.
2005-02-13 [*_*]: u all need help
2005-02-13 [RabidSphinx]: *walk in, reads, blinks* wow...okay...i feel shitty now...i'm not depressed for attention...*s
2005-02-13 [Solitiaum]: o_O;; *hugs raine drop* I dont think you're depressed for attention...
2005-02-13 [RabidSphinx]: *tear drop* thanks...i just sort'a realized you are the only one......
2005-02-13 [Solitiaum]: I'd like to think I know you better than to steriotype you into that wannabe goth category... *glares*
2005-02-13 [RabidSphinx]: thank you......i like how [Whim] thinks i'm "whinny" because i'm a "goth"...i guess "preppy" bright colour wearing people can't whine too...*sighs* i am really about to just give up...but that sounds like more whinning doesn't it? *drops head* i don't think i can win...
2005-02-13 [Whim]: I think it's funny that out of everything I said, you point out how I used a stereotype instead of taking the time to find the value in anything I said.
2005-02-13 [Whim]: Regardless of that, I think in the interest of fairness, half of Elfpack needs to stop psycho-analyzi
2005-02-13 [owly]: speaking of which. why is this discussion going on here? isn't this for council business? & shouldn't be presenting a united front or something?
2005-02-13 [Whim]: It's been confirmed before that the rules of the council page are pretty loose. Discussions like this are allowed, however, I'm thinking it's a bit much for everyone on the page to be attacking one person.
2005-02-13 [owly]: 'loose' is one thing. but in-council snarkiness, in a public place...
2005-02-13 [Whim]: well it's hardly an "in-council" situation. It just happens to be on the council page.
2005-02-13 [owly]: I meant 'in-council' as in council members arguing about council members... but I realize I'm just continuing it... so I'm going to stop now. goodnight.
2005-02-13 [Whim]: I know how you meant it and it's slightly wrong since we aren't arguing as council members. We're arguing as Elfpack members. I have been arguing with Rainedrop since long before she was a council member. It's no "in-council" unless it's about council business. Otherwise, it's just an elfpack arguement.
2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: Uhmm [Whim]..don't you think you have overstepped yourself if we start it that way? This whole discussion wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you replying to everything [RabidSphinx] says (the way you do: "picking on her right out in the open on the councilpage" and several other pages). You have been mostly the one doing the wannabe-shrink
2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: [RabidSphinx]: I did not see anyone say you are depressed for attention. What I personally mean is the way you tell people you are depressed and you already know what I think about that. Aside from that I appreciate you muchly :)
2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: Also [Whim] said he could 'pick out 5 or 6 whiney goths ', not saying all goths are whiney or that you are whiney because you are goth and not saying preps are not.
2005-02-13 [Whim]: Agreed, but I haven't intentionally brought about a group of people to attack a single person. My point is that really only couple of people should be attacking eachother at one time. It's one thing for a person to come in and start, maybe even two, but for another 3 or 4 people to come in and start attacking while the one person remains only one person is harsh and unfair. Especially when it causes an overwhelming force while that one person is away. It's impossible for her to defend herself when so many people are discussing her problems.
2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: Maybe so, but then you shouldn't bring it up on a public page: many people can read it and will respond. So you are partially responsible for that. May I also point out that in my opinion I defended how was spoken of/about her.
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: her her her...wow...i feel odd now...i think i'm going away....every time i check in there are more and more comments about me, meaning there is lots of talk about behind my back, and that is so not cool...i need to hide now
2005-02-14 [Whim]: Well, Sunrose, I wasn't really saying you were going against anyone. Honestly, you tend to not take sides and most of your comments hit everyone in the room. I was mainly speaking of those who followed behind my comments in such a way to form some sort of support group in my favor. And you're right, that's what happens on a public page and I'm fully aware of it, however, I reserve my right to ask people to back off a bit. Will it do any good? Perhaps not. But at least people know my stance on the issue.
2005-02-14 [Whim]: And Rainedrop, in all fairness, it's not behind your back when it's out in the open like this where anyone, especially you, can read it as you wish. Perhaps you should defend yourself if you don't agree with all this.
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: you all sound like my shrink...and none of you are helping
2005-02-14 [Whim]: That's the spirit.
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: drop dead whim...you are one of the reasons i have to see that jerk-ass docter
2005-02-14 [Whim]: that's either really sad or really impressive or possibly both that I have that kind of influence over your life.
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: her says you (among others) are a serious stresser in my life, and your constant "helping" is making me very hard to work with....
2005-02-14 [Whim]: and yet you come back for more
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: you want me to leave? i *am* a member of this site, *and* on the council now...why would i not come back? but you feeling the need to call me a loser everytime i show up, sometimes without even saying anything, is NOT helpful...
2005-02-14 [Whim]: I don't call you a loser everytime you show up. And I don't want you to leave. You're the one implying that being here is bad for you.
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: no, you "helping" me is bad for me...because of you, i'm more insecure than ever...
2005-02-14 [Whim]: hmmm...you think your therapist will start paying me for helping their business?
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: no..because you are very counterproduct
2005-02-14 [Whim]: yeah, but if you're cured or something, you'd like stop going, right?
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: no...there is no "cure" and i think i'm in it for the long run...........
2005-02-14 [Whim]: medication is just a quick fix used to brainwash patients that just does more harm in the long run anyway.
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: they want to put me on them because i'm a "danger to myself and possibly those around me"...i showed them just how dangerous i could be by wrestling out of the grip of 2 nurses and biting one of them hard enough to make him bleed....
2005-02-14 [Whim]: well, of course. Anyone can be dangerous when strangers are attacking them.
2005-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: they still want to put me on anti-depressen
2005-02-14 [Whim]: Doctors half-ass everything these days. Every other person gets anti-depressen
2005-02-14 [Sunrose]: [Whim]: hitting people is my specialty ;-) (thanks Dela for the banner! :P). And point taken. But seeing the latter comments I am still getting tired of these bitchfights between the two of you and I know many others do too (no matter what side they choose). [RabidSphinx]: if you don't want to be treated like a patient by other Elfpack-wannab
2005-02-14 [De'ladrei]: .....banner...
2005-02-14 [Sunrose]: *loves the banner* ^^
2005-02-14 [Orestez]: Why thank you *blushes*
2005-02-14 [Sunrose]: LOL! yes, the councilbanner is awesome too...but..I was talking about a banner Dela made me :)
2005-02-14 [Orestez]: oh...*hides*
2005-02-14 [Sunrose]: *glomps*
2005-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: fine...whateve
2005-02-15 [De'ladrei]: hehe all of orestezs banners anre grovtastic *huggels*
2005-02-15 [Sunrose]: I agree! ^^
2005-02-15 [De'ladrei]: shame he wont be able to read this for a few days lol
2005-02-15 [Sunrose]: ohw :/
2005-02-15 [De'ladrei]: he is goinghome from Iraq :D
2005-02-15 [Sunrose]: oooh goood! :D
2005-02-15 [De'ladrei]: yuppers!! but meh i dont get to talk to him till he gets home :(
2005-02-15 [dominoe]: hey can u submit icons?
2005-02-15 [De'ladrei]: to where and like what?
2005-02-15 [dominoe]: the icons thats next to your name
2005-02-15 [De'ladrei]: hm they might be submitable under elfpack graphics....bu
2005-02-15 [dominoe]: can u send me the address for it please
2005-02-15 [De'ladrei]: elfpack graphics talk to someone there in charge they might be able to help more
2005-02-15 [dominoe]: okay thanks
2005-02-15 [De'ladrei]: you are welcome
2005-02-15 [dominoe]: thanxs again
2005-02-16 [Anvikit]: *points* not fair!! Howcome Raine gets cat ears XP
2005-02-16 [Sunrose]: aaahw! well she has a picture of it! ^^
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: my cat ears look more like devil horns....
2005-02-16 [Sunrose]: devil horns are usually red actually :)
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: they can be....but they look too curved and pointy to be kitty ears so they look more like horns...*shrug
2005-02-16 [Solitiaum]: i got a hat wiv kitty ears for christmas from my step daughter! ^_________^
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: awesome! hahaha...i got, um, nothing for x-mas...infact
2005-02-16 [Solitiaum]: awww... i wish i could send ya somethin...
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: that's alright...i'll live...i don't *need* posetions...it
2005-02-16 [Whim]: there's always birthdays
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: i sent him birthday gifts too...
2005-02-16 [Whim]: yeah...Kt sent me candy and calanders for my birthday. So I'm sending her me...muahahah.
2005-02-16 [Solitiaum]: hehe...
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: lol! cool...i will be 19 soon...woot!
2005-02-16 [Whim]: maybe you'll get a person too
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: a person? sorry, you lost me... :/
2005-02-16 [Whim]: well, I got stuff for my birthday from Kt and so now she's getting a person for birthday. So maybe the same will happen for you.
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: oh...okay...so
2005-02-16 [Whim]: exactly. I mean, he's probably planning it as we speak or something.
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: that would be nice...but knowing him, he isn't...he won't even spend a few buck and go out of his way to buy a phonecard to call me...(^_^")...but maybe he will surprise me...he has internet again...i'm sure he will message me any moment. but also, it's 52 days until mine and sunrose's birthday! woot
2005-02-16 [Whim]: well, I'm sure he'll make a hand made birthday card with a sharpie and send it to you at the very least. But hey, happy birthday to all. ^_^
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: woot! i was thinking about sending him a valentine made of glitter glue and macaronie...ha
2005-02-16 [Whim]: Yeah, I aimed to send a valentine's day package, but I got lazy, so I'll just group it all in a bag and send it with myself...hehe.
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha...i haven't sent my gift yet...*hangs head* i'm a bad GF...
2005-02-16 [Whim]: I can't send mine till March 2nd.
2005-02-16 [Whim]: So yay! I'm only a bad good friend...lol.
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: i hoped to have mine sent last thursday so my valentine would get it by valentine's day...(>.<) oh-well, his cookies are already stale...hahaha
2005-02-16 [Whim]: yeah, cookies do that...hehe.
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: i wrote him a letter with it and was like, "i bet the cookies are stale by the time you get these, so i guess i should tell you that they were made with love, and very yummy...oh yeah, and sucks to be you! (^_-)"...i sent him some other nonparishable things too, so he won't be too heart broken...lol
2005-02-16 [Whim]: yeah, so maybe he'll at least call to complain about the cookies...lol.
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: you're right! i should do that more often! send him shitty gifts just so he will call! lol...sad that he would call to complain, but not to say that he loves me...*sighs* he annoys me sometimes
2005-02-16 [Whim]: well, you know how guys are. Lazy, private, jerky. Yep. That's guys.
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...that sounds like my boy...but he sent me a letter monday...so i should get it today or tomorrow...so i can't wait for that! *bounces up and down*
2005-02-16 [Whim]: surely it will be the best letter ever
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: i hope so...he supposedly just begs for my forgiveness in it...(i was talking to his twin on the phone for V-day because he wasn't allowed on the phone) he thinks i'm still mad at him...so i feel bad
2005-02-16 [Solitiaum]: *giggles at all the bouncing*
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: *bounces* i love him...i hope he will come online to message me
2005-02-16 [Solitiaum]: *giggles harder... snorts... laughs outright*
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: *pouts* don't make fun of me...*bounces more* i need to get another phonecard so i can call him again, but i have no money! *falls out of chair* (x_x)
2005-02-16 [Solitiaum]: @_@ im gonna msg you with a sprint card number...
2005-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha...it's alright...i need to get my lazy ass a job...i'm a bad GF if i won't get a job to pay for a card to call my bf...though i wish eli would buy a card to call since he already *has* a job...(x_x)
2005-02-16 [Solitiaum]: no, literaly, i did... o.o;
2005-02-16 [Whim]: You know, it's way less expensive, more efficient, and more convenient for at least one of the two people in the relationship to invest in a cell phone since long distance charges don't apply and nights and weekends are free.
2005-02-16 [Whim]: Two people could talk for 10 hours in one night or maybe longer if they so chose.
2005-02-16 [Solitiaum]: yeah, thats true... me and my hunny are on the verizon share plan with in ^_^
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: know that whim! *bounces* but i'm not allowed to get a cell phone, and eli got in trouble, she he is likly to never get one because of his mom...i have been trying forever, and now that i have dropped out of HS and i'm getting a job, after i help pay the taxes and pay to have 2 of my cats fixed, my mother said i can get a cell phone if i pay for it myself...so, in a few months, i should beable to get a phone with a longdistance plan...(^_^)
2005-02-17 [Whim]: all cell phones have long distance plans.
2005-02-17 [Whim]: And yay for the job. But just so you know, the average job search these days takes 3 months...or so they say.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: i know...*bangs head on dest* but the sooner i start, the sooner i have a job right?
2005-02-17 [Whim]: yep, most likely. So you'll probably have to apply for EVERY possible job and end up taking a crappy one.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: isn't that the way of life...it doesn't help that my county is dying out...Buffalo is a dead city, and there is a 40% unemployment rate, or maybe higher
2005-02-17 [Whim]: no, that's the way you usually have to start out. While you have a crappy job, you start watching out for better jobs that you can move on to so you're not stuck doing what you hate all your life. And 40% just means that there's 60% working which means 60% has managed to covince people that they're better than that 40%, which is way easier than you think.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: lol...well, i am trying my best even though i am scared shitless
2005-02-17 [Whim]: there's nothing to it. You just have to show them that you really do want to work for them. They notice that before they notice skill, education, or personality. The only thing that they see before enthusiasm is appearance.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: shit...i'm screwed them...(x_x)
2005-02-17 [Whim]: by apperance, I don't mean you have to look pretty. You just have to look presentable. Basically conform to their standard of proper. And you can fake enthusiasm.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: i understood what you meant, but my problem is, i don't conform well, or at least not entirly...and i suck at faking enthusiasm
2005-02-17 [Whim]: well, as far as conforming goes, you just wear normal clothes. For one day a week (assuming you spend one day a week searching until you have a job) you can wear bright clothes that "normal" people wear. And as for enthusiasm, that's way easier to fake than you realize. When you talk to someone, just do that eye contact, handshake stuff that everyone tells you to do and approach them like you're ready to work that day. Short of cussing someone out, you can't really screw that up.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: i have no "bright coloured" or "normal" clothes...and i have a problem with cussing people oput...i have this bored drawl i talk in that apparently makes me sound either bored or arrogent... :/
2005-02-17 [Whim]: invest or borrow normal clothes. And you're not gonna cuss them out unless they give a reason, right?
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: um...well, reason for me, or reason for a normal person? :/
2005-02-17 [Whim]: if they say "thank you, we'll let ya know" will you freak out, cause that's the worst they'll say.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: i think i would nod, walk out, and burst in to tears in all honesty
2005-02-17 [Whim]: exactly. So it's not gonna cost you a chance at a job. Plus you'll eventually get used to the rejection and stop crying about it after a few places turn you down politely...heh
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: thanks whim...*rolls eyes* but i am stead fast...i *will* get a job...i *can* do it....
2005-02-17 [Whim]: well, very few people get accepted to the first job they apply to...except me of course...hehe.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: don't rain on my parade whim...see me be optomistic? see me not give up? don't shatter my little self confidence i have...Eli is being supportive...w
2005-02-17 [Whim]: how am I raining on your parade? I thought I was being supportive.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: i think you are overly honest...(>.<)...
2005-02-17 [Whim]: well, if you know what to expect, you might know what to do. If everyone were to tell you "everything will be alright" and "it'll all work out" or "you're the best" then how does that help really when you find out you're not the best and it doesn't always work out right?
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: true...but i stil have enough selfdoubt of my own, on my own
2005-02-17 [Whim]: it's not about selfdoubt. It's about knowing what to expect. I'm not trying to make you think you're shitty or anything like that. I'm trying to explain how a job search goes. If anything, I'm encouraging you to have less selfdoubt when bad news does come.
2005-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: well, i will do my best...and that is all i can do
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